. */ /** * Wrapper class for PHP stream that supports read operations. * * @package phing.system.io */ class InputStream { /** * @var resource The attached PHP stream. */ protected $stream; /** * @var int Position of stream cursor. */ protected $currentPosition = 0; /** * @var int Marked position of stream cursor. */ protected $mark = 0; /** * Construct a new InputStream. * @param resource $stream Configured PHP stream for writing. */ public function __construct($stream) { if (!is_resource($stream)) { throw new IOException("Passed argument is not a valid stream."); } $this->stream = $stream; } /** * Skip over $n bytes. * @param int $n */ public function skip($n) { $start = $this->currentPosition; $ret = @fseek($this->stream, $n, SEEK_CUR); if ( $ret === -1 ) return -1; $this->currentPosition = ftell($this->stream); if ( $start > $this->currentPosition ) $skipped = $start - $this->currentPosition; else $skipped = $this->currentPosition - $start; return $skipped; } /** * Read data from stream until $len chars or EOF. * @param int $len Num chars to read. If not specified this stream will read until EOF. * @return string chars read or -1 if eof. */ public function read($len = null) { if ($this->eof()) { return -1; } if ($len === null) { // we want to keep reading until we get an eof $out = ""; while(!$this->eof()) { $out .= fread($this->stream, 8192); $this->currentPosition = ftell($this->stream); } } else { $out = fread($this->stream, $len); // adding 1 seems to ensure that next call to read() will return EOF (-1) $this->currentPosition = ftell($this->stream); } return $out; } /** * Marks the current position in this input stream. * @throws IOException - if the underlying stream doesn't support this method. */ public function mark() { if (!$this->markSupported()) { throw new IOException(get_class($this) . " does not support mark() and reset() methods."); } $this->mark = $this->currentPosition; } /** * Whether the input stream supports mark and reset methods. * @return boolean */ public function markSupported() { return false; } /** * Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream. * @throws IOException - if the underlying stream doesn't support this method. */ function reset() { if (!$this->markSupported()) { throw new IOException(get_class($this) . " does not support mark() and reset() methods."); } // goes back to last mark, by default this would be 0 (i.e. rewind file). fseek($this->stream, SEEK_SET, $this->mark); $this->mark = 0; } /** * Closes stream. * @throws IOException if stream cannot be closed (note that calling close() on an already-closed stream will not raise an exception) */ public function close() { if ($this->stream === null) { return; } if (false === @fclose($this->stream)) { // FAILED. $msg = "Cannot fclose " . $this->file->__toString() . " $php_errormsg"; throw new IOException($msg); } $this->stream = null; } /** * Whether eof has been reached with stream. * @return boolean */ public function eof() { return feof($this->stream); } /** * Reads a entire until EOF and places contents in passed-in variable. Stream is closed after read. * * @param string &$rBuffer String variable where read contents will be put. * @return TRUE on success. * @author Charlie Killian, charlie@tizac.com * @throws IOException - if there is an error reading from stream. * @deprecated - Instead, use the read() method or a BufferedReader. */ public function readInto(&$rBuffer) { $rBuffer = $this->read(); $this->close(); } /** * Returns string representation of attached stream. * @return string */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->stream; } }