. */ /** * Wrapper class for PHP stream that supports write operations. * * @package phing.system.io */ class OutputStream { /** * @var resource The configured PHP stream. */ protected $stream; /** * Construct a new OutputStream. * @param resource $stream Configured PHP stream for writing. */ public function __construct($stream) { if (!is_resource($stream)) { throw new IOException("Passed argument is not a valid stream."); } $this->stream = $stream; } /** * Closes attached stream, flushing output first. * @throws IOException if cannot close stream (note that attempting to close an already closed stream will not raise an IOException) * @return void */ public function close() { if ($this->stream === null) { return; } $this->flush(); if (false === @fclose($this->stream)) { $msg = "Cannot close " . $this->getResource() . ": $php_errormsg"; throw new IOException($msg); } $this->stream = null; } /** * Flushes stream. * * @throws IOException if unable to flush data (e.g. stream is not open). */ public function flush() { if (false === @fflush($this->stream)) { throw new IOException("Could not flush stream: " . $php_errormsg); } } /** * Writes data to stream. * * @param string $buf Binary/character data to write. * @param int $off (Optional) offset. * @param int $len (Optional) number of bytes/chars to write. * @return void * @throws IOException - if there is an error writing to stream */ public function write($buf, $off = null, $len = null) { if ( $off === null && $len === null ) { $to_write = $buf; } elseif ($off !== null && $len === null) { $to_write = substr($buf, $off); } elseif ($off === null && $len !== null) { $to_write = substr($buf, 0, $len); } else { $to_write = substr($buf, $off, $len); } $result = @fwrite($this->stream, $to_write); if ( $result === false ) { throw new IOException("Error writing to stream."); } } /** * Returns a string representation of the attached PHP stream. * @return string */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->stream; } }