ATTENTION: It appears you are using PostgreSQL and you have identifier-quoting turned on.
It is suggested that you disable identifier quoting when using PostgreSQL -- especially if you
have case-sensitive columns in your database.
To disable identifier quoting, add the following property to your (or specify
it using -D on commandline):
You can ignore this warning if you understand the issues related to case-sensitivity and Propel's
DDL-only implementation of identifier quoting.
ATTENTION: It appears you are using the mysqli driver.
This driver is no longer supported by Propel because Propel now uses PDO for database connections.
Please use mysqli driver instead.
Use 'mysql' instead of 'mysqli' for your propel.database property.
Output file: ${propel.runtime.phpconf.file}
XMLFile: ${propel.conf.dir}/${propel.runtime.conf.file}