var AIRTIME = (function(AIRTIME) { var mod; if (AIRTIME.history === undefined) { AIRTIME.history = {}; } mod = AIRTIME.history; var $historyContentDiv; var oTableTools = { "sSwfPath": baseUrl+"js/datatables/plugin/TableTools-2.1.5/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf", "aButtons": [ { "sExtends": "copy", "fnComplete": function(nButton, oConfig, oFlash, text) { var lines = text.split('\n').length, len = this.s.dt.nTFoot === null ? lines-1 : lines-2, plural = (len==1) ? "" : "s"; alert(sprintf($.i18n._('Copied %s row%s to the clipboard'), len, plural)); } }, { "sExtends": "csv", "fnClick": setFlashFileName }, { "sExtends": "pdf", "fnClick": setFlashFileName }, { "sExtends": "print", "sInfo" : sprintf($.i18n._("%sPrint view%sPlease use your browser's print function to print this table. Press escape when finished."), "
") } ] }; var lengthMenu = [[10, 25, 50, 100, 500, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, 500, $.i18n._("All")]]; var sDom = 'l<"dt-process-rel"r><"H"T><"dataTables_scrolling"t><"F"ip>'; function getFileName(ext){ var filename = $("#his_date_start").val()+"_"+$("#his_time_start").val()+"m--"+$("#his_date_end").val()+"_"+$("#his_time_end").val()+"m"; filename = filename.replace(/:/g,"h"); if (ext == "pdf"){ filename = filename+".pdf"; } else { filename = filename+".csv"; } return filename; } function setFlashFileName( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { var filename = getFileName(oConfig.sExtends); oFlash.setFileName( filename ); if (oConfig.sExtends == "pdf") { this.fnSetText( oFlash, //"title:"+ this.fnGetTitle(oConfig) +"\n"+ "title: Testing the Title Out\n"+ "message:"+ oConfig.sPdfMessage +"\n"+ "colWidth:"+ this.fnCalcColRatios(oConfig) +"\n"+ "orientation:"+ oConfig.sPdfOrientation +"\n"+ "size:"+ oConfig.sPdfSize +"\n"+ "--/TableToolsOpts--\n" + this.fnGetTableData(oConfig)); } else { this.fnSetText(oFlash, this.fnGetTableData(oConfig)); } } /* This callback can be used for all history tables */ function fnServerData( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { if (fnServerData.hasOwnProperty("start")) { aoData.push( { name: "start", value: fnServerData.start} ); } if (fnServerData.hasOwnProperty("end")) { aoData.push( { name: "end", value: fnServerData.end} ); } aoData.push( { name: "format", value: "json"} ); $.ajax( { "dataType": 'json', "type": "GET", "url": sSource, "data": aoData, "success": fnCallback } ); } function aggregateHistoryTable() { var oTable, $historyTableDiv = $historyContentDiv.find("#history_table_aggregate"), fnRowCallback; fnRowCallback = function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) { var editUrl = baseUrl+"Playouthistory/edit-file-item/format/json/id/"+aData.file_id; nRow.setAttribute('url-edit', editUrl); }; var columns = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('datatables-historyfile-aoColumns')); oTable = $historyTableDiv.dataTable( { "aoColumns": columns, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "sAjaxSource": baseUrl+"playouthistory/file-history-feed", "sAjaxDataProp": "history", "fnServerData": fnServerData, "fnRowCallback": fnRowCallback, "oLanguage": datatables_dict, "aLengthMenu": lengthMenu, "iDisplayLength": 50, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bJQueryUI": true, "bAutoWidth": true, "sDom": sDom, "oTableTools": oTableTools }); oTable.fnSetFilteringDelay(350); return oTable; } function itemHistoryTable() { var oTable, $historyTableDiv = $historyContentDiv.find("#history_table_list"), fnRowCallback; var columns = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('datatables-historyitem-aoColumns')); fnRowCallback = function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) { var editUrl = baseUrl+"playouthistory/edit-list-item/format/json/id/"+aData.history_id, deleteUrl = baseUrl+"playouthistory/delete-list-item/format/json/id/"+aData.history_id; nRow.setAttribute('url-edit', editUrl); nRow.setAttribute('url-delete', deleteUrl); }; oTable = $historyTableDiv.dataTable( { "aoColumns": columns, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "sAjaxSource": baseUrl+"playouthistory/item-history-feed", "sAjaxDataProp": "history", "fnServerData": fnServerData, "fnRowCallback": fnRowCallback, "oLanguage": datatables_dict, "aLengthMenu": lengthMenu, "iDisplayLength": 50, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bJQueryUI": true, "bAutoWidth": true, "sDom": sDom, "oTableTools": oTableTools }); oTable.fnSetFilteringDelay(350); return oTable; } mod.onReady = function() { var viewport = AIRTIME.utilities.findViewportDimensions(), widgetHeight = viewport.height - 185, screenWidth = Math.floor(viewport.width - 110), oBaseDatePickerSettings, oBaseTimePickerSettings, oTableAgg, oTableItem, dateStartId = "#his_date_start", timeStartId = "#his_time_start", dateEndId = "#his_date_end", timeEndId = "#his_time_end", $hisDialogEl; $historyContentDiv = $("#history_content"); function removeHistoryDialog() { $hisDialogEl.dialog("destroy"); $hisDialogEl.remove(); } function makeHistoryDialog(html) { $hisDialogEl = $(html); $hisDialogEl.dialog({ title: $.i18n._("Edit History Record"), modal: true, open: function( event, ui ) { $hisDialogEl.find('.date').datetimepicker({ "pick12HourFormat": false }); }, close: function() { removeHistoryDialog(); } }); } /* * Icon hover states for search. */ $historyContentDiv.on("mouseenter", ".his-timerange .ui-button", function(ev) { $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); }); $historyContentDiv.on("mouseleave", ".his-timerange .ui-button", function(ev) { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }); $historyContentDiv .height(widgetHeight) .width(screenWidth); oBaseDatePickerSettings = { dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', //i18n_months, i18n_days_short are in common.js monthNames: i18n_months, dayNamesMin: i18n_days_short, onSelect: function(sDate, oDatePicker) { $(this).datepicker( "setDate", sDate ); } }; oBaseTimePickerSettings = { showPeriodLabels: false, showCloseButton: true, closeButtonText: $.i18n._("Done"), showLeadingZero: false, defaultTime: '0:00', hourText: $.i18n._("Hour"), minuteText: $.i18n._("Minute") }; oTableItem = itemHistoryTable(); oTableAgg = aggregateHistoryTable(); $historyContentDiv.find(dateStartId).datepicker(oBaseDatePickerSettings); $historyContentDiv.find(timeStartId).timepicker(oBaseTimePickerSettings); $historyContentDiv.find(dateEndId).datepicker(oBaseDatePickerSettings); $historyContentDiv.find(timeEndId).timepicker(oBaseTimePickerSettings); // 'open' an information row when a row is clicked on //for create/edit/delete function openRow(oTable, tr) { var links = ['url-edit', 'url-delete'], i, len, attr, name, $link, $div; $div = $("
"); for (i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++) { attr = links[i]; if (tr.hasAttribute(attr)) { name = attr.split("-")[1]; $link = $("", { "href": tr.getAttribute(attr), "text": $.i18n._(name), "class": "his_"+name }); $div.append($link); } } if (oTable.fnIsOpen(tr)) { oTable.fnClose(tr); } else { oTable.fnOpen(tr, $div, "his_update"); } } $historyContentDiv.on("click", "#history_table_list tr", function(ev) { openRow(oTableItem, this); }); $historyContentDiv.on("click", "#history_table_aggregate tr", function(ev) { openRow(oTableAgg, this); }); $("#his_create").click(function(e) { var url = baseUrl+"playouthistory/edit-list-item/format/json" ; e.preventDefault(); $.get(url, function(json) { makeHistoryDialog(json.dialog); }, "json"); }); $historyContentDiv.on("click", "a.his_edit", function(e) { var url =; e.preventDefault(); $.get(url, function(json) { makeHistoryDialog(json.dialog); }, "json"); }); $historyContentDiv.on("click", "a.his_delete", function(e) { var url =, doDelete; e.preventDefault(); doDelete = confirm($.i18n._("Delete this history record?")); if (doDelete) { $.post(url, function(json) { oTableAgg.fnDraw(); oTableItem.fnDraw(); }, "json"); } }); $('body').on("click", ".his_file_cancel, .his_item_cancel", function(e) { removeHistoryDialog(); }); $('body').on("click", ".his_file_save", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this).parents("form"); var data = $form.serializeArray(); var url = baseUrl+"Playouthistory/update-file-item/format/json"; $.post(url, data, function(json) { //TODO put errors on form. if (json.error !== undefined) { //makeHistoryDialog(json.dialog); } else { removeHistoryDialog(); oTableAgg.fnDraw(); } }, "json"); }); $('body').on("click", ".his_item_save", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this).parents("form"), data = $form.serializeArray(), id = data[0].value, createUrl = baseUrl+"Playouthistory/create-list-item/format/json", updateUrl = baseUrl+"Playouthistory/update-list-item/format/json", url; url = (id === "") ? createUrl : updateUrl; $.post(url, data, function(json) { //TODO put errors on form. if (json.error !== undefined) { } else { removeHistoryDialog(); oTableItem.fnDraw(); } }, "json"); }); $historyContentDiv.find("#his_submit").click(function(ev){ var fn, oRange; oRange = AIRTIME.utilities.fnGetScheduleRange(dateStartId, timeStartId, dateEndId, timeEndId); fn = fnServerData; fn.start = oRange.start; fn.end = oRange.end; oTableAgg.fnDraw(); oTableItem.fnDraw(); }); $historyContentDiv.find("#his-tabs").tabs(); }; return AIRTIME; }(AIRTIME || {})); $(document).ready(AIRTIME.history.onReady);