. */ require_once 'phing/tasks/system/MatchingTask.php'; include_once 'phing/util/SourceFileScanner.php'; include_once 'phing/mappers/MergeMapper.php'; include_once 'phing/util/StringHelper.php'; /** * Creates a tar archive using PEAR Archive_Tar. * * @author Hans Lellelid (Phing) * @author Stefano Mazzocchi (Ant) * @author Stefan Bodewig (Ant) * @author Magesh Umasankar * @version $Id: TarTask.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ * @package phing.tasks.ext */ class TarTask extends MatchingTask { const TAR_NAMELEN = 100; const WARN = "warn"; const FAIL = "fail"; const OMIT = "omit"; private $tarFile; private $baseDir; private $includeEmpty = true; // Whether to include empty dirs in the TAR private $longFileMode = "warn"; private $filesets = array(); private $fileSetFiles = array(); /** * Indicates whether the user has been warned about long files already. */ private $longWarningGiven = false; /** * Compression mode. Available options "gzip", "bzip2", "none" (null). */ private $compression = null; /** * File path prefix in the tar archive * * @var string */ private $prefix = null; /** * Ensures that PEAR lib exists. */ public function init() { include_once 'Archive/Tar.php'; if (!class_exists('Archive_Tar')) { throw new BuildException("You must have installed the PEAR Archive_Tar class in order to use TarTask."); } } /** * Add a new fileset * @return FileSet */ public function createTarFileSet() { $this->fileset = new TarFileSet(); $this->filesets[] = $this->fileset; return $this->fileset; } /** * Add a new fileset. Alias to createTarFileSet() for backwards compatibility. * @return FileSet * @see createTarFileSet() */ public function createFileSet() { $this->fileset = new TarFileSet(); $this->filesets[] = $this->fileset; return $this->fileset; } /** * Set is the name/location of where to create the tar file. * @param PhingFile $destFile The output of the tar */ public function setDestFile(PhingFile $destFile) { $this->tarFile = $destFile; } /** * This is the base directory to look in for things to tar. * @param PhingFile $baseDir */ public function setBasedir(PhingFile $baseDir) { $this->baseDir = $baseDir; } /** * Set the include empty dirs flag. * @param boolean Flag if empty dirs should be tarred too * @return void * @access public */ function setIncludeEmptyDirs($bool) { $this->includeEmpty = (boolean) $bool; } /** * Set how to handle long files, those with a path>100 chars. * Optional, default=warn. *

* Allowable values are *

  • truncate - paths are truncated to the maximum length *
  • fail - paths greater than the maximim cause a build exception *
  • warn - paths greater than the maximum cause a warning and GNU is used *
  • gnu - GNU extensions are used for any paths greater than the maximum. *
  • omit - paths greater than the maximum are omitted from the archive *
*/ public function setLongfile($mode) { $this->longFileMode = $mode; } /** * Set compression method. * Allowable values are *
  • none - no compression *
  • gzip - Gzip compression *
  • bzip2 - Bzip2 compression *
*/ public function setCompression($mode) { switch($mode) { case "gzip": $this->compression = "gz"; break; case "bzip2": $this->compression = "bz2"; break; case "none": $this->compression = null; break; default: $this->log("Ignoring unknown compression mode: ".$mode, Project::MSG_WARN); $this->compression = null; } } /** * Sets the file path prefix for file in the tar file. * * @param string $prefix Prefix * * @return void */ public function setPrefix($prefix) { $this->prefix = $prefix; } /** * do the work * @throws BuildException */ public function main() { if ($this->tarFile === null) { throw new BuildException("tarfile attribute must be set!", $this->getLocation()); } if ($this->tarFile->exists() && $this->tarFile->isDirectory()) { throw new BuildException("tarfile is a directory!", $this->getLocation()); } if ($this->tarFile->exists() && !$this->tarFile->canWrite()) { throw new BuildException("Can not write to the specified tarfile!", $this->getLocation()); } // shouldn't need to clone, since the entries in filesets // themselves won't be modified -- only elements will be added $savedFileSets = $this->filesets; try { if ($this->baseDir !== null) { if (!$this->baseDir->exists()) { throw new BuildException("basedir does not exist!", $this->getLocation()); } if (empty($this->filesets)) { // if there weren't any explicit filesets specivied, then // create a default, all-inclusive fileset using the specified basedir. $mainFileSet = new TarFileSet($this->fileset); $mainFileSet->setDir($this->baseDir); $this->filesets[] = $mainFileSet; } } if (empty($this->filesets)) { throw new BuildException("You must supply either a basedir " . "attribute or some nested filesets.", $this->getLocation()); } // check if tar is out of date with respect to each fileset if($this->tarFile->exists()) { $upToDate = true; foreach($this->filesets as $fs) { $files = $fs->getFiles($this->project, $this->includeEmpty); if (!$this->archiveIsUpToDate($files, $fs->getDir($this->project))) { $upToDate = false; } for ($i=0, $fcount=count($files); $i < $fcount; $i++) { if ($this->tarFile->equals(new PhingFile($fs->getDir($this->project), $files[$i]))) { throw new BuildException("A tar file cannot include itself", $this->getLocation()); } } } if ($upToDate) { $this->log("Nothing to do: " . $this->tarFile->__toString() . " is up to date.", Project::MSG_INFO); return; } } $this->log("Building tar: " . $this->tarFile->__toString(), Project::MSG_INFO); $tar = new Archive_Tar($this->tarFile->getAbsolutePath(), $this->compression); // print errors $tar->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); foreach($this->filesets as $fs) { $files = $fs->getFiles($this->project, $this->includeEmpty); if (count($files) > 1 && strlen($fs->getFullpath()) > 0) { throw new BuildException("fullpath attribute may only " . "be specified for " . "filesets that specify a " . "single file."); } $fsBasedir = $fs->getDir($this->project); $filesToTar = array(); for ($i=0, $fcount=count($files); $i < $fcount; $i++) { $f = new PhingFile($fsBasedir, $files[$i]); $filesToTar[] = $f->getAbsolutePath(); $this->log("Adding file " . $f->getPath() . " to archive.", Project::MSG_VERBOSE); } $tar->addModify($filesToTar, $this->prefix, $fsBasedir->getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (IOException $ioe) { $msg = "Problem creating TAR: " . $ioe->getMessage(); $this->filesets = $savedFileSets; throw new BuildException($msg, $ioe, $this->getLocation()); } $this->filesets = $savedFileSets; } /** * @param array $files array of filenames * @param PhingFile $dir * @return boolean */ protected function archiveIsUpToDate($files, $dir) { $sfs = new SourceFileScanner($this); $mm = new MergeMapper(); $mm->setTo($this->tarFile->getAbsolutePath()); return count($sfs->restrict($files, $dir, null, $mm)) == 0; } } /** * This is a FileSet with the option to specify permissions. * * Permissions are currently not implemented by PEAR Archive_Tar, * but hopefully they will be in the future. * */ class TarFileSet extends FileSet { private $files = null; private $mode = 0100644; private $userName = ""; private $groupName = ""; private $prefix = ""; private $fullpath = ""; private $preserveLeadingSlashes = false; /** * Get a list of files and directories specified in the fileset. * @return array a list of file and directory names, relative to * the baseDir for the project. */ public function getFiles(Project $p, $includeEmpty = true) { if ($this->files === null) { $ds = $this->getDirectoryScanner($p); $this->files = $ds->getIncludedFiles(); if ($includeEmpty) { // first any empty directories that will not be implicitly added by any of the files $implicitDirs = array(); foreach($this->files as $file) { $implicitDirs[] = dirname($file); } $incDirs = $ds->getIncludedDirectories(); // we'll need to add to that list of implicit dirs any directories // that contain other *directories* (and not files), since otherwise // we get duplicate directories in the resulting tar foreach($incDirs as $dir) { foreach($incDirs as $dircheck) { if (!empty($dir) && $dir == dirname($dircheck)) { $implicitDirs[] = $dir; } } } $implicitDirs = array_unique($implicitDirs); // Now add any empty dirs (dirs not covered by the implicit dirs) // to the files array. foreach($incDirs as $dir) { // we cannot simply use array_diff() since we want to disregard empty/. dirs if ($dir != "" && $dir != "." && !in_array($dir, $implicitDirs)) { // it's an empty dir, so we'll add it. $this->files[] = $dir; } } } // if $includeEmpty } // if ($this->files===null) return $this->files; } /** * A 3 digit octal string, specify the user, group and * other modes in the standard Unix fashion; * optional, default=0644 * @param string $octalString */ public function setMode($octalString) { $octal = (int) $octalString; $this->mode = 0100000 | $octal; } public function getMode() { return $this->mode; } /** * The username for the tar entry * This is not the same as the UID, which is * not currently set by the task. */ public function setUserName($userName) { $this->userName = $userName; } public function getUserName() { return $this->userName; } /** * The groupname for the tar entry; optional, default="" * This is not the same as the GID, which is * not currently set by the task. */ public function setGroup($groupName) { $this->groupName = $groupName; } public function getGroup() { return $this->groupName; } /** * If the prefix attribute is set, all files in the fileset * are prefixed with that path in the archive. * optional. */ public function setPrefix($prefix) { $this->prefix = $prefix; } public function getPrefix() { return $this->prefix; } /** * If the fullpath attribute is set, the file in the fileset * is written with that path in the archive. The prefix attribute, * if specified, is ignored. It is an error to have more than one file specified in * such a fileset. */ public function setFullpath($fullpath) { $this->fullpath = $fullpath; } public function getFullpath() { return $this->fullpath; } /** * Flag to indicates whether leading `/'s should * be preserved in the file names. * Optional, default is false. * @return void */ public function setPreserveLeadingSlashes($b) { $this->preserveLeadingSlashes = (boolean) $b; } public function getPreserveLeadingSlashes() { return $this->preserveLeadingSlashes; } }