. */ require_once 'phing/tasks/ext/ExtractBaseTask.php'; /** * Extracts one or several tar archives using PEAR Archive_Tar * * @author Joakim Bodin * @version $Id: UntarTask.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ * @package phing.tasks.ext * @since 2.2.0 */ class UntarTask extends ExtractBaseTask { /** * Ensures that PEAR lib exists. */ public function init() { include_once 'Archive/Tar.php'; if (!class_exists('Archive_Tar')) { throw new BuildException("You must have installed the PEAR Archive_Tar class in order to use UntarTask."); } } protected function extractArchive(PhingFile $tarfile) { $this->log("Extracting tar file: " . $tarfile->__toString() . ' to ' . $this->todir->__toString(), Project::MSG_INFO); try { $tar = $this->initTar($tarfile); if(!$tar->extractModify($this->todir->getAbsolutePath(), $this->removepath)) { throw new BuildException('Failed to extract tar file: ' . $tarfile->getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (IOException $ioe) { $msg = "Could not extract tar file: " . $ioe->getMessage(); throw new BuildException($msg, $ioe, $this->getLocation()); } } protected function listArchiveContent(PhingFile $tarfile) { $tar = $this->initTar($tarfile); return $tar->listContent(); } /** * Init a Archive_Tar class with correct compression for the given file. * * @param PhingFile $tarfile * @return Archive_Tar the tar class instance */ private function initTar(PhingFile $tarfile) { $compression = null; $tarfileName = $tarfile->getName(); $mode = strtolower(substr($tarfileName, strrpos($tarfileName, '.'))); $compressions = array( 'gz' => array('.gz', '.tgz',), 'bz2' => array('.bz2',), ); foreach ($compressions as $algo => $ext) { if (array_search($mode, $ext) !== false) { $compression = $algo; break; } } return new Archive_Tar($tarfile->getAbsolutePath(), $compression); } }