require_once 'phing/Task.php';
* ZendCodeAnalyzerTask analyze PHP source code using the ZendCodeAnalyzer included in Zend Studio 5.1
* Available warnings:
* zend-error - %s(line %d): %s
* oneline-comment - One-line comment ends with tag.
* bool-assign - Assignment seen where boolean expression is expected. Did you mean '==' instead of '='?
* bool-print - Print statement used when boolean expression is expected.
* bool-array - Array used when boolean expression is expected.
* bool-object - Object used when boolean expression is expected.
* call-time-ref - Call-time reference is deprecated. Define function as accepting parameter by reference instead.
* if-if-else - In if-if-else construction else relates to the closest if. Use braces to make the code clearer.
* define-params - define() requires two or three parameters.
* define-const - First parameter for define() should be string. Maybe you forgot quotes?
* break-var - Break/continue with variable is dangerous - break level can be out of scope.
* break-depth - Break/continue with depth more than current nesting level.
* var-once - Variable '%s' encountered only once. May be a typo?
* var-arg-unused - Function argument '%s' is never used.
* var-global-unused - Global variable '%s' is defined but never used.
* var-use-before-def - Variable '%s' is used before it was assigned.
* var-use-before-def-global - Global variable '%s' is used without being assigned. You are probably relying on register_globals feature of PHP. Note that this feature is off by default.
* var-no-global - PHP global variable '%s' is used as local. Maybe you wanted to define '%s' as global?
* var-value-unused - Value assigned to variable '%s' is never used
* var-ref-notmodified - Function parameter '%s' is passed by reference but never modified. Consider passing by value.
* return-empty-val - Function '%s' has both empty return and return with value.
* return-empty-used - Function '%s' has empty return but return value is used.
* return-noref - Function '%s' returns reference but the value is not assigned by reference. Maybe you meant '=&' instead of '='?
* return-end-used - Control reaches the end of function '%s'(file %s, line %d) but return value is used.
* sprintf-miss-args - Missing arguments for sprintf: format reqires %d arguments but %d are supplied.
* sprintf-extra-args - Extra arguments for sprintf: format reqires %d arguments but %d are supplied.
* unreach-code - Unreachable code in function '%s'.
* include-var - include/require with user-accessible variable can be dangerous. Consider using constant instead.
* non-object - Variable '%s' used as object, but has different type.
* bad-escape - Bad escape sequence: \%c, did you mean \\%c?
* empty-cond - Condition without a body
* expr-unused - Expression result is never used
* @author Knut Urdalen
* @version $Id: ZendCodeAnalyzerTask.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $
* @package phing.tasks.ext
class ZendCodeAnalyzerTask extends Task
protected $analyzerPath = ""; // Path to ZendCodeAnalyzer binary
protected $file = ""; // the source file (from xml attribute)
protected $filesets = array(); // all fileset objects assigned to this task
protected $counter = 0;
protected $disable = array();
protected $enable = array();
private $haltonwarning = false;
* File to be analyzed
* @param PhingFile $file
public function setFile(PhingFile $file) {
$this->file = $file;
* Path to ZendCodeAnalyzer binary
* @param string $analyzerPath
public function setAnalyzerPath($analyzerPath) {
$this->analyzerPath = $analyzerPath;
* Disable warning levels. Seperate warning levels with ','
* @param string $disable
public function setDisable($disable) {
$this->disable = explode(",", $disable);
* Enable warning levels. Seperate warning levels with ','
* @param string $enable
public function setEnable($enable) {
$this->enable = explode(",", $enable);
* Sets the haltonwarning flag
* @param boolean $value
function setHaltonwarning($value)
$this->haltonwarning = $value;
* Nested creator, creates a FileSet for this task
* @return FileSet The created fileset object
function createFileSet() {
$num = array_push($this->filesets, new FileSet());
return $this->filesets[$num-1];
* Analyze against PhingFile or a FileSet
public function main() {
if(!isset($this->analyzerPath)) {
throw new BuildException("Missing attribute 'analyzerPath'");
if(!isset($this->file) and count($this->filesets) == 0) {
throw new BuildException("Missing either a nested fileset or attribute 'file' set");
if($this->file instanceof PhingFile) {
} else { // process filesets
$project = $this->getProject();
foreach($this->filesets as $fs) {
$ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($project);
$files = $ds->getIncludedFiles();
$dir = $fs->getDir($this->project)->getPath();
foreach($files as $file) {
$this->log("Number of findings: ".$this->counter, Project::MSG_INFO);
* Analyze file
* @param string $file
* @return void
protected function analyze($file) {
if(file_exists($file)) {
if(is_readable($file)) {
// Construct shell command
$cmd = $this->analyzerPath." ";
foreach($this->enable as $enable) { // Enable warning levels
$cmd .= " --enable $enable ";
foreach($this->disable as $disable) { // Disable warning levels
$cmd .= " --disable $disable ";
$cmd .= "$file 2>&1";
// Execute command
$result = shell_exec($cmd);
$result = explode("\n", $result);
for($i=2, $size=count($result); $i<($size-1); $i++) {
$this->log($result[$i], Project::MSG_WARN);
$total = count($result) - 3;
if ($total > 0 && $this->haltonwarning) {
throw new BuildException('zendcodeanalyzer detected ' . $total . ' warning' . ($total > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' in ' . $file);
throw new BuildException('Permission denied: '.$file);
} else {
throw new BuildException('File not found: '.$file);