. */ include_once 'phing/Task.php'; /** * Base class for Subversion tasks * * @author Michiel Rook * @author Andrew Eddie * @version $Id: SvnBaseTask.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ * @package phing.tasks.ext.svn * @see VersionControl_SVN * @since 2.2.0 */ abstract class SvnBaseTask extends Task { private $workingCopy = ""; private $repositoryUrl = ""; private $svnPath = "/usr/bin/svn"; private $svn = NULL; private $mode = ""; private $svnArgs = array(); private $svnSwitches = array(); private $toDir = ""; /** * Initialize Task. * This method includes any necessary SVN libraries and triggers * appropriate error if they cannot be found. This is not done in header * because we may want this class to be loaded w/o triggering an error. */ function init() { include_once 'VersionControl/SVN.php'; if (!class_exists('VersionControl_SVN')) { throw new Exception("The SVN tasks depend on PEAR VersionControl_SVN package being installed."); } } /** * Sets the path to the workingcopy */ function setWorkingCopy($workingCopy) { $this->workingCopy = $workingCopy; } /** * Returns the path to the workingcopy */ function getWorkingCopy() { return $this->workingCopy; } /** * Sets the path/URI to the repository */ function setRepositoryUrl($repositoryUrl) { $this->repositoryUrl = $repositoryUrl; } /** * Returns the path/URI to the repository */ function getRepositoryUrl() { return $this->repositoryUrl; } /** * Sets the path to the SVN executable */ function setSvnPath($svnPath) { $this->svnPath = $svnPath; } /** * Returns the path to the SVN executable */ function getSvnPath() { return $this->svnPath; } // // Args // /** * Sets the path to export/checkout to */ function setToDir($toDir) { $this->toDir = $toDir; } /** * Returns the path to export/checkout to */ function getToDir() { return $this->toDir; } // // Switches // /** * Sets the force switch */ function setForce($value) { $this->svnSwitches['force'] = $value; } /** * Returns the force switch */ function getForce() { return isset( $this->svnSwitches['force'] ) ? $this->svnSwitches['force'] : ''; } /** * Sets the username of the user to export */ function setUsername($value) { $this->svnSwitches['username'] = $value; } /** * Returns the username */ function getUsername() { return isset( $this->svnSwitches['username'] ) ? $this->svnSwitches['username'] : ''; } /** * Sets the password of the user to export */ function setPassword($value) { $this->svnSwitches['password'] = $value; } /** * Returns the password */ function getPassword() { return isset( $this->svnSwitches['password'] ) ? $this->svnSwitches['password'] : ''; } /** * Sets the no-auth-cache switch */ function setNoCache($value) { $this->svnSwitches['no-auth-cache'] = $value; } /** * Returns the no-auth-cache switch */ function getNoCache() { return isset( $this->svnSwitches['no-auth-cache'] ) ? $this->svnSwitches['no-auth-cache'] : ''; } /** * Sets the non-recursive switch */ function setRecursive($value) { $this->svnSwitches['non-recursive'] = is_bool($value) ? !$value : TRUE; } /** * Returns the non-recursive switch */ function getRecursive() { return isset( $this->svnSwitches['non-recursive'] ) ? $this->svnSwitches['non-recursive'] : ''; } /** * Sets the ignore-externals switch */ function setIgnoreExternals($value) { $this->svnSwitches['ignore-externals'] = $value; } /** * Returns the ignore-externals switch */ function getIgnoreExternals() { return isset( $this->svnSwitches['ignore-externals'] ) ? $this->svnSwitches['ignore-externals'] : ''; } /** * Creates a VersionControl_SVN class based on $mode * * @param string The SVN mode to use (info, export, checkout, ...) * @throws BuildException */ protected function setup($mode) { $this->mode = $mode; // Set up runtime options. Will be passed to all // subclasses. $options = array('fetchmode' => VERSIONCONTROL_SVN_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, 'svn_path' => escapeshellarg($this->getSvnPath())); // Pass array of subcommands we need to factory $this->svn = VersionControl_SVN::factory($mode, $options); $this->svn->use_escapeshellcmd = false; if (!empty($this->repositoryUrl)) { $this->svnArgs = array($this->repositoryUrl); } else if (!empty($this->workingCopy)) { if (is_dir($this->workingCopy)) { if (in_array(".svn", scandir($this->workingCopy))) { $this->svnArgs = array(escapeshellarg($this->workingCopy)); } else { throw new BuildException("'".$this->workingCopy."' doesn't seem to be a working copy"); } } else if ($mode=='info' ) { if (is_file($this->workingCopy)) { $this->svnArgs = array(escapeshellarg($this->workingCopy)); } else { throw new BuildException("'".$this->workingCopy."' is not a directory nor a file"); } } else { throw new BuildException("'".$this->workingCopy."' is not a directory"); } } } /** * Executes the constructed VersionControl_SVN instance * * @param array Additional arguments to pass to SVN. * @param array Switches to pass to SVN. * @return string Output generated by SVN. */ protected function run($args = array(), $switches = array()) { $svnstack = PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('VersionControl_SVN'); $tempArgs = $this->svnArgs; $tempArgs = array_merge($tempArgs, $args); $tempSwitches = $this->svnSwitches; $tempSwitches = array_merge($tempSwitches, $switches); if ($output = $this->svn->run($tempArgs, $tempSwitches)) { return $output; } else { if (count($errs = $svnstack->getErrors())) { $err = current($errs); throw new BuildException("Failed to run the 'svn " . $this->mode . "' command: " . $err['params']['errstr']); } } } }