_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext'); $ajaxContext->addActionContext('add-items', 'json') ->addActionContext('move-items', 'json') ->addActionContext('delete-items', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-fade', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-cue', 'json') ->addActionContext('new', 'json') ->addActionContext('edit', 'json') ->addActionContext('delete', 'json') ->addActionContext('play', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-playlist-fades', 'json') ->addActionContext('get-playlist-fades', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-playlist-name', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-playlist-description', 'json') ->addActionContext('playlist-preview', 'json') ->addActionContext('get-playlist', 'json') ->addActionContext('save', 'json') ->addActionContext('smart-block-generate', 'json') ->addActionContext('smart-block-shuffle', 'json') ->addActionContext('get-block-info', 'json') ->initContext(); } private function getPlaylist($p_type) { $obj = null; $objInfo = Application_Model_Library::getObjInfo($p_type); $obj_sess = new Zend_Session_Namespace( UI_PLAYLISTCONTROLLER_OBJ_SESSNAME); if (isset($obj_sess->id)) { $obj = new $objInfo['className']($obj_sess->id); $modified = $this->_getParam('modified', null); if ($obj->getLastModified("U") !== $modified) { $this->createFullResponse($obj); throw new PlaylistOutDatedException("You are viewing an older version of {$obj->getName()}"); } } return $obj; } private function createUpdateResponse($obj) { $formatter = new LengthFormatter($obj->getLength()); $this->view->length = $formatter->format(); $this->view->obj = $obj; $this->view->contents = $obj->getContents(); $this->view->html = $this->view->render('playlist/update.phtml'); $this->view->name = $obj->getName(); $this->view->description = $obj->getDescription(); $this->view->modified = $obj->getLastModified("U"); unset($this->view->obj); } private function createFullResponse($obj = null, $isJson = false, $formIsValid = false) { $isBlock = false; $viewPath = 'playlist/playlist.phtml'; if ($obj instanceof Application_Model_Block) { $isBlock = true; $viewPath = 'playlist/smart-block.phtml'; } if (isset($obj)) { $formatter = new LengthFormatter($obj->getLength()); $this->view->length = $formatter->format(); if ($isBlock) { $form = new Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria(); $form->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $form->startForm($obj->getId(), $formIsValid); $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->obj = $obj; $this->view->id = $obj->getId(); if ($isJson) { return $this->view->render($viewPath); } else { $this->view->html = $this->view->render($viewPath); } } else { $this->view->obj = $obj; $this->view->id = $obj->getId(); $this->view->html = $this->view->render($viewPath); unset($this->view->obj); } } else { if ($isJson) { return $this->view->render($viewPath); } else { $this->view->html = $this->view->render($viewPath); } } } private function playlistOutdated($e) { $this->view->error = $e->getMessage(); } private function blockDynamic($obj) { $this->view->error = "You cannot add tracks to dynamic blocks."; $this->createFullResponse($obj); } private function playlistNotFound($p_type, $p_isJson = false) { $p_type = ucfirst($p_type); $this->view->error = "{$p_type} not found"; Logging::info("{$p_type} not found"); Application_Model_Library::changePlaylist(null, $p_type); if (!$p_isJson) { $this->createFullResponse(null); } else { die(json_encode(array("error"=>$this->view->error, "result"=>1, "html"=>$this->createFullResponse(null, $p_isJson)))); } } private function playlistNoPermission($p_type) { $this->view->error = "You don't have permission to delete selected {$p_type}(s)."; $this->changePlaylist(null, $p_type); $this->createFullResponse(null); } private function playlistUnknownError($e) { $this->view->error = "Something went wrong."; Logging::info($e->getMessage()); } private function wrongTypeToBlock($obj) { $this->view->error = "You can only add tracks to smart block."; $this->createFullResponse($obj); } private function wrongTypeToPlaylist($obj) { $this->view->error = "You can only add tracks, smart blocks, and webstreams to playlists."; $this->createFullResponse($obj); } public function newAction() { //$pl_sess = $this->pl_sess; $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); $objInfo = Application_Model_Library::getObjInfo($type); $name = 'Untitled Playlist'; if ($type == 'block') { $name = 'Untitled Smart Block'; } $obj = new $objInfo['className'](); $obj->setName($name); $obj->setMetadata('dc:creator', $userInfo->id); Application_Model_Library::changePlaylist($obj->getId(), $type); $this->createFullResponse($obj); } public function editAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id', null); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); $objInfo = Application_Model_Library::getObjInfo($type); Logging::info("editing {$type} {$id}"); if (!is_null($id)) { Application_Model_Library::changePlaylist($id, $type); } try { $obj = new $objInfo['className']($id); $this->createFullResponse($obj); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function deleteAction() { $ids = $this->_getParam('ids'); $ids = (!is_array($ids)) ? array($ids) : $ids; $type = $this->_getParam('type'); $obj = null; $objInfo = Application_Model_Library::getObjInfo($type); $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $obj_sess = new Zend_Session_Namespace( UI_PLAYLISTCONTROLLER_OBJ_SESSNAME); try { Logging::info("Currently active {$type} {$obj_sess->id}"); if (in_array($obj_sess->id, $ids)) { Logging::info("Deleting currently active {$type}"); Application_Model_Library::changePlaylist(null, $type); } else { Logging::info("Not deleting currently active {$type}"); $obj = new $objInfo['className']($obj_sess->id); } if (strcmp($objInfo['className'], 'Application_Model_Playlist')==0) { Application_Model_Playlist::deletePlaylists($ids, $userInfo->id); } else { Application_Model_Block::deleteBlocks($ids, $userInfo->id); } $this->createFullResponse($obj); } catch (PlaylistNoPermissionException $e) { $this->playlistNoPermission($type); } catch (BlockNoPermissionException $e) { $this->playlistNoPermission($type); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function addItemsAction() { $ids = $this->_getParam('aItems', array()); $ids = (!is_array($ids)) ? array($ids) : $ids; $afterItem = $this->_getParam('afterItem', null); $addType = $this->_getParam('type', 'after'); // this is the obj type of destination $obj_type = $this->_getParam('obj_type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($obj_type); if ($obj_type == 'playlist') { foreach ($ids as $id) { if (is_array($id) && isset($id[1])) { if ($id[1] == 'playlist') { throw new WrongTypeToPlaylistException; } } } $obj->addAudioClips($ids, $afterItem, $addType); } elseif ($obj->isStatic()) { // if the dest is a block object //check if any items are playlists foreach ($ids as $id) { if (is_array($id) && isset($id[1])) { if ($id[1] != 'audioclip') { throw new WrongTypeToBlockException; } } } $obj->addAudioClips($ids, $afterItem, $addType); } else { throw new BlockDynamicException; } $this->createUpdateResponse($obj); } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($obj_type); } catch (WrongTypeToBlockException $e) { $this->wrongTypeToBlock($obj); } catch (WrongTypeToPlaylistException $e) { $this->wrongTypeToPlaylist($obj); } catch (BlockDynamicException $e) { $this->blockDynamic($obj); } catch (BlockNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($obj_type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function moveItemsAction() { $ids = $this->_getParam('ids'); $ids = (!is_array($ids)) ? array($ids) : $ids; $afterItem = $this->_getParam('afterItem', null); $type = $this->_getParam('obj_type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $obj->moveAudioClips($ids, $afterItem); $this->createUpdateResponse($obj); } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function deleteItemsAction() { $ids = $this->_getParam('ids'); $ids = (!is_array($ids)) ? array($ids) : $ids; $modified = $this->_getParam('modified'); $type = $this->_getParam('obj_type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $obj->delAudioClips($ids); $this->createUpdateResponse($obj); } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function setCueAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $cueIn = $this->_getParam('cueIn', null); $cueOut = $this->_getParam('cueOut', null); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $response = $obj->changeClipLength($id, $cueIn, $cueOut); if (!isset($response["error"])) { $this->view->response = $response; $this->createUpdateResponse($obj); } else { $this->view->cue_error = $response["error"]; } } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function setFadeAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $fadeIn = $this->_getParam('fadeIn', null); $fadeOut = $this->_getParam('fadeOut', null); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $response = $obj->changeFadeInfo($id, $fadeIn, $fadeOut); if (!isset($response["error"])) { $this->createUpdateResponse($obj); $this->view->response = $response; } else { $this->view->fade_error = $response["error"]; } } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function getPlaylistFadesAction() { $type = $this->_getParam('type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $fades = $obj->getFadeInfo(0); $this->view->fadeIn = $fades[0]; $fades = $obj->getFadeInfo($obj->getSize()-1); $this->view->fadeOut = $fades[1]; } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } /** * The playlist fades are stored in the elements themselves. * The fade in is set to the first elements fade in and * the fade out is set to the last elements fade out. **/ public function setPlaylistFadesAction() { $fadeIn = $this->_getParam('fadeIn', null); $fadeOut = $this->_getParam('fadeOut', null); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $obj->setfades($fadeIn, $fadeOut); $this->view->modified = $obj->getLastModified("U"); } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function setPlaylistNameDescAction() { $name = $this->_getParam('name', 'Unknown Playlist'); $description = $this->_getParam('description', ""); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); try { $obj = $this->getPlaylist($type); $obj->setName(trim($name)); $obj->setDescription($description); $this->view->description = $description; $this->view->playlistName = $name; $this->view->modified = $obj->getLastModified("U"); } catch (PlaylistOutDatedException $e) { $this->playlistOutdated($e); } catch (PlaylistNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound($type, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function saveAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $params = $request->getPost(); $result = array(); if ($params['type'] == 'block') { try { $bl = new Application_Model_Block($params['obj_id']); } catch (BlockNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound('block', true); } $form = new Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria(); $form->startForm($params['obj_id']); if ($form->isValid($params)) { $this->setPlaylistNameDescAction(); $bl->saveSmartBlockCriteria($params['data']); $result['html'] = $this->createFullResponse($bl, true, true); $result['result'] = 0; } else { $this->view->obj = $bl; $this->view->id = $bl->getId(); $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->unsavedName = $params['name']; $this->view->unsavedDesc = $params['description']; $viewPath = 'playlist/smart-block.phtml'; $result['html'] = $this->view->render($viewPath); $result['result'] = 1; } } else if ($params['type'] == 'playlist') { $this->setPlaylistNameDescAction(); } $result["modified"] = $this->view->modified; die(json_encode($result)); } public function smartBlockGenerateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $params = $request->getPost(); //make sure block exists try { $bl = new Application_Model_Block($params['obj_id']); $form = new Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria(); $form->startForm($params['obj_id']); if ($form->isValid($params)) { $result = $bl->generateSmartBlock($params['data']); die(json_encode(array("result"=>0, "html"=>$this->createFullResponse($bl, true, true)))); } else { $this->view->obj = $bl; $this->view->id = $bl->getId(); $this->view->form = $form; $viewPath = 'playlist/smart-block.phtml'; $result['html'] = $this->view->render($viewPath); $result['result'] = 1; die(json_encode($result)); } } catch (BlockNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound('block', true); } catch (Exception $e) { //Logging::info($e); $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function smartBlockShuffleAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $params = $request->getPost(); try { $bl = new Application_Model_Block($params['obj_id']); $result = $bl->shuffleSmartBlock(); if ($result['result'] == 0) { die(json_encode(array("result"=>0, "html"=>$this->createFullResponse($bl, true)))); } else { die(json_encode($result)); } } catch (BlockNotFoundException $e) { $this->playlistNotFound('block', true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->playlistUnknownError($e); } } public function getBlockInfoAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $params = $request->getPost(); $bl = new Application_Model_Block($params['id']); if ($bl->isStatic()) { $out = $bl->getContents(); $out['isStatic'] = true; } else { $out = $bl->getCriteria(); $out['isStatic'] = false; } die(json_encode($out)); } } class WrongTypeToBlockException extends Exception {} class WrongTypeToPlaylistException extends Exception {} class BlockDynamicException extends Exception {}