<?php $ui_fmask = array( /* ===================== list of system preferences which can be adjusted */ 'systemPrefs' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', 'constant' => 'systemPrefs' ), array( 'element' => 'basics', 'type' => 'header', 'label' => 'Basic Settings', ), array( 'element' => 'stationMaxfilesize', 'isPref' => TRUE, 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Maximum File Size for Upload', 'required' => TRUE, 'default' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize') ), array( 'rule' => 'nopunctuation', 'element' => 'maxfilesize', ), array( 'element' => 'stationFrequency', 'isPref' => TRUE, 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Frequency', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'element' => 'stationName', 'isPref' => TRUE, 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Staion Name', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'element' => 'stationLogoPath', 'isPref' => TRUE, 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Station Logo path', 'default' => 'img/logo.jpg', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'rule' => 'regex', 'element' => 'stationLogoPath', 'format' => '/^img\/[a-z0-9.-_]*$/', 'rulemsg' => 'Path seems invalid' ), array( 'element' => 'stationURL', 'isPref' => TRUE, 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Station URL', 'default' => 'http://' ), array( 'rule' => 'regex', 'element' => 'stationURL', 'format' => UI_REGEX_URL, 'rulemsg' => 'URL seems not to be valid' ), array( 'element' => UI_SCRATCHPAD_MAXLENGTH_KEY, 'isPref' => TRUE, 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Maximun length of ScratchPad', 'options' => array( '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10'=>'10' ) ), array( 'element' => 'upload', 'type' => 'header', 'label' => 'Upload' ), array( 'element' => 'stationlogo', 'type' => 'file', 'label' => 'Station Logo', 'requiredmsg'=> 'please select Logo file' ), array( 'element' =>'Submit', 'type' =>'submit', 'label' =>'Submit' ) ), 'chgPasswd' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', 'default' => 'chgPasswd' ), array( 'element' => 'uid', 'type' => 'hidden', ), array( 'element' => 'oldpass', 'type' => 'password', 'label' => 'Old Password', 'required' => TRUE, ), array( 'element' => 'pass', 'type' => 'password', 'label' => 'New Password', 'required' => TRUE, ), array( 'element' => 'pass2', 'type' => 'password', 'label' => 'Retype Password', 'required' => TRUE, ), array( 'rule' => 'compare', 'element' => array('pass','pass2'), 'rulemsg' => 'The Passwords do not match' ), array( 'element' =>'Submit', 'type' =>'submit', 'label' =>'Submit' ) ), 'addUser' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', 'constant' => 'addUser' ), array( 'element' => 'login', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Username', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'element' =>'pass', 'type' =>'password', 'label' =>'Users Password', 'required' =>TRUE ), array( 'element' =>'pass2', 'type' =>'password', 'label' =>'Repeat Password', 'required' =>TRUE ), array( 'rule' =>'compare', 'element' =>array('pass','pass2'), 'rulemsg' =>'The Passwords do not match' ), array( 'element' =>'Submit', 'type' =>'submit', 'label' =>'Submit' ) ), 'addGroup' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', 'constant' => 'addGroup' ), array( 'element' => 'login', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Group Name', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'element' =>'Submit', 'type' =>'submit', 'label' =>'Submit' ) ), 'login' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', 'constant' => 'login' ), array( 'element' => 'login', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Username', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'element' => 'pass', 'type' => 'password', 'label' => 'Password', 'required' => TRUE ), array( 'element' => 'Submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Submit' ), array( 'element' => 'cancel', 'type' => 'button', 'label' => 'Cancel', 'attributes'=> array('onClick' => 'window.close()') ) ), 'uploadFileM' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'id', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'mediafile', 'type' => 'file', 'label' => 'Mediafile', 'required' => TRUE, 'requiredmsg'=> 'please select Media file' ), array( 'element' => 'mdatafile', 'type' => 'file', 'label' => 'Metadata', 'required' => TRUE, 'requiredmsg'=> 'please select Metadata file' ), array( 'element' => 'Submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Submit' ) ), 'uploadFile' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'id', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'mediafile', 'type' => 'file', 'label' => 'Mediafile', 'required' => TRUE, 'requiredmsg'=> 'please select Media file' ), array( 'element' => 'Submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Submit' ) ), 'addWebstream' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', ), array( 'element' => 'id', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Name', 'required' => TRUE, 'rule' => 'alphanumeric', 'rulemsg' => 'Name must be alphanumeric' ), array( 'element' => 'url', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'http://', 'label' => 'Stream URL', 'required' => TRUE, 'requiredmsg'=> 'URL is missing', 'rule' => 'regex', 'format' => UI_REGEX_URL, 'rulemsg' => 'URL seems invalid', ), array( 'element' => 'duration', 'type' => 'date', 'label' => 'Duration', 'options' => array( 'format' => 'His', ) ), array( 'element' => 'Submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Submit' ) ), 'searchform' => array( array( 'element' => 'act', 'type' => 'hidden', 'constant' => 'search' ), array( 'element' => 'id', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'counter', 'type' => 'hidden' ), array( 'element' => 'max_rows', 'type' => 'hidden', 'constant' => UI_SEARCH_MAX_ROWS ), array( 'element' => 'operator', 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Operator', 'options' => array( 'or' => 'Or', 'and' => 'And', ) ), array( 'element' => 'filetype', 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Filetype', 'options' => array( 'File' => '*', 'audioclip' => 'Audioclip', 'webstream' => 'Webstream', 'playlist' => 'Playlist' ) ), array( 'element' => 'clear', 'type' => 'button', 'label' => 'Clear', 'attributes' => array('onClick' => "this.form.reset(); hpopup('".UI_HANDLER."?act=search&clear=1', 'SF')"), 'groupit' => TRUE, ), array( 'element' => 'addrow', 'type' => 'button', 'label' => 'One more Row', 'attributes' => array('onClick' => 'SearchForm_addRow()'), 'groupit' => TRUE, ), array( 'element' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Submit', 'groupit' => TRUE, ), array('group' => array('clear', 'addrow', 'submit') ), ), 'relations' => array( 'standard' => array( 'partial' => 'partial', 'full' => 'full', 'prefix' => 'prefix', '=' => '=' , '<' => '<', '<=' => '<=', '>' => '>', '>=' => '>=' ), 1 => array( 'partial' => 'partial', 'full' => 'full', 'prefix' => 'prefix', '=' => '=' ), ), 'languages' => array( array( 'element' => 'langid', 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Language', 'options' => array( 'en' => 'English', 'cz' => 'Czech', 'de' => 'German', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', ) ) ) );