var dTable; var checkedCount = 0; var checkedPLCount = 0; //used by jjmenu function getId() { var tr_id = $(this.triggerElement).parent().attr("id"); tr_id = tr_id.split("_"); return tr_id[1]; } function getType() { var tr_id = $(this.triggerElement).parent().attr("id"); tr_id = tr_id.split("_"); return tr_id[0]; } //end functions used by jjmenu function deleteItem(type, id) { var tr_id, tr, dt; tr_id = type+"_"+id; tr = $("#"+tr_id); dt = $("#library_display").dataTable(); dt.fnDeleteRow( tr ); } function deleteAudioClip(json) { if(json.message) { alert(json.message); return; } if (json.ids != undefined) { for (var i = json.ids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { deleteItem("au", json.ids[i]); } } else if ( != undefined) { deleteItem("au",; } location.reload(true); } function confirmDeleteGroup() { if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?')){ groupDelete(); } } //callbacks called by jjmenu function confirmDeleteAudioClip(params){ if(confirm('The file will be deleted from disk, are you sure you want to delete?')){ var url = '/Library/delete' + params; $.ajax({ url: url, success: deleteAudioClip }); } } //callbacks called by jjmenu function confirmDeletePlaylist(params){ if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')){ var url = '/Playlist/delete' + params; $.ajax({ url: url, success: deletePlaylist }); } } function openFileOnSoundCloud(link){ } function checkImportStatus(){ $.getJSON('/Preference/is-import-in-progress', function(data){ var div = $('#import_status'); if(data == true){ div.css('visibility', 'visible'); }else{ div.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } }) } function deletePlaylist(json) { if(json.message) { alert(json.message); return; } if (json.ids != undefined) { for (var i = json.ids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { deleteItem("pl", json.ids[i]); } } else if ( != undefined) { deleteItem("pl",; } window.location.reload(); } //end callbacks called by jjmenu function addLibraryItemEvents() { $('#library_display tr[id ^= "au"]') .draggable({ helper: 'clone', cursor: 'pointer' }); $('#library_display tbody tr td').not('[class=library_checkbox]') .jjmenu("click", [{get:"/Library/context-menu/format/json/id/#id#/type/#type#"}], {id: getId, type: getType}, {xposition: "mouse", yposition: "mouse"}); } function dtRowCallback( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) { var id, type, once; type = aData["ftype"].substring(0,2); id = aData["id"]; if(type == "au") { $('td.library_type', nRow).html( '<img src="css/images/icon_audioclip.png">' ); } else if(type == "pl") { $('td.library_type', nRow).html( '<img src="css/images/icon_playlist.png">' ); } $(nRow).attr("id", type+'_'+id); // insert id on lenth field $('td.library_length', nRow).attr("id", "length"); return nRow; } function dtDrawCallback() { addLibraryItemEvents(); addMetadataQtip(); saveNumEntriesSetting(); setupGroupActions(); } function addProgressIcon(id) { if($("#au_"+id).find("td.library_title").find("span").length > 0){ $("#au_"+id).find("td.library_title").find("span").removeClass(); $("span[id="+id+"]").addClass("small-icon progress"); }else{ $("#au_"+id).find("td.library_title").append('<span id="'+id+'" class="small-icon progress"></span>') } } function checkSCUploadStatus(){ var url = '/Library/get-upload-to-soundcloud-status/format/json'; $("span[class*=progress]").each(function(){ var id = $(this).attr("id"); $.post(url, {format: "json", id: id, type:"file"}, function(json){ if(json.sc_id > 0){ $("span[id="+id+"]").removeClass("progress").addClass("soundcloud"); }else if(json.sc_id == "-3"){ $("span[id="+id+"]").removeClass("progress").addClass("sc-error"); } }); }) } function addQtipToSCIcons(){ $(".progress, .soundcloud, .sc-error").live('mouseover', function(){ var id = $(this).attr("id"); if($(this).hasClass("progress")){ $(this).qtip({ content: { text: "Uploading in progress..." }, position:{ adjust: { resize: true, method: "flip flip" }, at: "right center", my: "left top", viewport: $(window) }, show: { ready: true // Needed to make it show on first mouseover event } }) }else if($(this).hasClass("soundcloud")){ $(this).qtip({ content: { text: "Retreiving data from the server...", ajax: { url: "/Library/get-upload-to-soundcloud-status", type: "post", data: ({format: "json", id : id, type: "file"}), success: function(json, status){ this.set('content.text', "The soundcloud id for this file is: "+json.sc_id) } } }, position:{ adjust: { resize: true, method: "flip flip" }, at: "right center", my: "left top", viewport: $(window) }, show: { ready: true // Needed to make it show on first mouseover event } }) }else if($(this).hasClass("sc-error")){ $(this).qtip({ content: { text: "Retreiving data from the server...", ajax: { url: "/Library/get-upload-to-soundcloud-status", type: "post", data: ({format: "json", id : id, type: "file"}), success: function(json, status){ this.set('content.text', "There was error while uploading to soundcloud.<br>"+"Error code: "+json.error_code+ "<br>"+"Error msg: "+json.error_msg+"<br>") } } }, position:{ adjust: { resize: true, method: "flip flip" }, at: "right center", my: "left top", viewport: $(window) }, show: { ready: true // Needed to make it show on first mouseover event } }) } }); } function addMetadataQtip(){ var tableRow = $('#library_display tbody tr'); tableRow.each(function(){ var title = $(this).find('td.library_title').html() var info = $(this).attr("id") info = info.split("_"); var id = info[1]; var type = info[0]; $(this).qtip({ content: { text: "Loading...", title: { text: title }, ajax: { url: "/Library/get-file-meta-data", type: "post", data: ({format: "html", id : id, type: type}), success: function(data, status){ this.set('content.text', data) } } }, position: { target: 'event', adjust: { resize: true, method: "flip flip" }, at: "right center", my: "left top", viewport: $(window) }, style: { width: 570, classes: "ui-tooltip-dark" }, show: 'mousedown', events: { show: function(event, api) { // Only show the tooltip if it was a right-click if(event.originalEvent.button !== 2) { event.preventDefault(); } } } }) }) tableRow.bind('contextmenu', function(e){ return false; }) } /** * Updates pref db when user changes the # of entries to show */ function saveNumEntriesSetting() { $('select[name=library_display_length]').change(function() { var url = '/Library/set-num-entries/format/json'; $.post(url, {numEntries: $(this).val()}); }); } /** * Use user preference for number of entries to show */ function getNumEntriesPreference(data) { return parseInt(data.libraryInit.numEntries); } function groupAdd() { if (checkedPLCount > 0) { alert("Can't add playlist to another playlist"); return; } disableGroupBtn('library_group_add'); var ids = new Array(); var addGroupUrl = '/Playlist/add-group'; var newSPLUrl = '/Playlist/new/format/json'; var dirty = true; $('#library_display tbody tr').each(function() { var idSplit = $(this).attr('id').split("_"); var id = idSplit.pop(); var type = idSplit.pop(); if (dirty && $(this).find(":checkbox").attr("checked")) { if (type == "au") { ids.push(id); } else if (type == "pl") { alert("Can't add playlist to another playlist"); dirty = false; } } }); if (dirty && ids.length > 0) { stopAudioPreview(); if ($('#spl_sortable').length == 0) { $.post(newSPLUrl, function(json) { openDiffSPL(json); redrawDataTablePage(); $.post(addGroupUrl, {format: "json", ids: ids}, setSPLContent); }); } else { $.post(addGroupUrl, {format: "json", ids: ids}, setSPLContent); } } } function groupDelete() { disableGroupBtn('library_group_delete'); var auIds = new Array(); var plIds = new Array(); var auUrl = '/Library/delete-group'; var plUrl = '/Playlist/delete-group'; var dirty = true; $('#library_display tbody tr').each(function() { var idSplit = $(this).attr('id').split("_"); var id = idSplit.pop(); var type = idSplit.pop(); if (dirty && $(this).find(":checkbox").attr("checked")) { if (type == "au") { auIds.push(id); } else if (type == "pl") { plIds.push(id); } } }); if (dirty && (auIds.length > 0 || plIds.length > 0)) { stopAudioPreview(); if (auIds.length > 0) { $.post(auUrl, {format: "json", ids: auIds}, deleteAudioClip); } if (plIds.length > 0) { $.post(plUrl, {format: "json", ids: plIds}, deletePlaylist); } } } function toggleAll() { var checked = $(this).attr("checked"); $('#library_display tr').each(function() { var idSplit = $(this).attr('id').split("_"); var type = idSplit[0]; $(this).find(":checkbox").attr("checked", checked); if (checked) { if (type == "pl") { checkedPLCount++; } $(this).addClass('selected'); } else { if (type == "pl") { checkedPLCount--; } $(this).removeClass('selected'); } }); if (checked) { checkedCount = $('#library_display tbody tr').size(); enableGroupBtn('library_group_add', groupAdd); enableGroupBtn('library_group_delete', confirmDeleteGroup); } else { checkedCount = 0; checkedPLCount = 0; disableGroupBtn('library_group_add'); disableGroupBtn('library_group_delete'); } } function enableGroupBtn(btnId, func) { btnId = '#' + btnId; if ($(btnId).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) { $(btnId).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); $(btnId).click(func); } } function disableGroupBtn(btnId) { btnId = '#' + btnId; if (!$(btnId).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) { $(btnId).addClass('ui-state-disabled'); $(btnId).unbind("click"); } } function checkBoxChanged() { var cbAll = $('#library_display thead').find(":checkbox"); var cbAllChecked = cbAll.attr("checked"); var checked = $(this).attr("checked"); var size = $('#library_display tbody tr').size(); var idSplit = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id').split("_"); var type = idSplit[0]; if (checked) { if (checkedCount < size) { checkedCount++; } if (type == "pl" && checkedPLCount < size) { checkedPLCount++; } enableGroupBtn('library_group_add', groupAdd); enableGroupBtn('library_group_delete', confirmDeleteGroup); $(this).parent().parent().addClass('selected'); } else { if (checkedCount > 0) { checkedCount--; } if (type == "pl" && checkedPLCount > 0) { checkedPLCount--; } if (checkedCount == 0) { disableGroupBtn('library_group_add'); disableGroupBtn('library_group_delete'); } $(this).parent().parent().removeClass('selected'); } if (cbAllChecked && checkedCount < size) { cbAll.attr("checked", false); } else if (!cbAllChecked && checkedCount == size) { cbAll.attr("checked", true); } } function setupGroupActions() { checkedCount = 0; $('#library_display tr:nth-child(1)').find(":checkbox").attr("checked", false); $('#library_display thead').find(":checkbox").change(toggleAll); $('#library_display tbody tr').each(function() { $(this).find(":checkbox").change(checkBoxChanged); }); disableGroupBtn('library_group_add'); disableGroupBtn('library_group_delete'); } function fnShowHide(iCol) { /* Get the DataTables object again - this is not a recreation, just a get of the object */ var oTable = dTable; var bVis = oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns[iCol].bVisible; oTable.fnSetColumnVis( iCol, bVis ? false : true ); } function createDataTable(data) { dTable = $('#library_display').dataTable( { "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "sAjaxSource": "/Library/contents/format/json", "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, testCallback ) { $.ajax( { "dataType": 'json', "type": "POST", "url": sSource, "data": aoData, "success": testCallback } ); }, "fnRowCallback": dtRowCallback, "fnDrawCallback": dtDrawCallback, "aoColumns": [ /* Checkbox */ {"sTitle": "<input type='checkbox' name='cb_all'>", "bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false, "mDataProp": "checkbox", "sWidth": "25px", "sClass": "library_checkbox"}, /* Id */ {"sName": "id", "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "mDataProp": "id", "sClass": "library_id"}, /* Title */ {"sTitle": "Title", "sName": "track_title", "mDataProp": "track_title", "sClass": "library_title"}, /* Creator */ {"sTitle": "Creator", "sName": "artist_name", "mDataProp": "artist_name", "sClass": "library_creator"}, /* Album */ {"sTitle": "Album", "sName": "album_title", "mDataProp": "album_title", "sClass": "library_album"}, /* Genre */ {"sTitle": "Genre", "sName": "genre", "mDataProp": "genre", "sWidth": "10%", "sClass": "library_genre"}, /* Year */ {"sTitle": "Year", "sName": "year", "mDataProp": "year", "sWidth": "8%", "sClass": "library_year"}, /* Length */ {"sTitle": "Length", "sName": "length", "mDataProp": "length", "sWidth": "10%", "sClass": "library_length"}, /* Type */ {"sTitle": "Type", "sName": "ftype", "bSearchable": false, "mDataProp": "ftype", "sWidth": "9%", "sClass": "library_type"}, /* Upload Time */ {"sTitle": "Upload Time", "sName": "utime", "mDataProp": "utime", "sClass": "library_upload_time"}, /* Last Modified */ {"sTitle": "Last Modified", "sName": "mtime", "bVisible": false, "mDataProp": "mtime", "sClass": "library_modified_time"}, ], "aaSorting": [[2,'asc']], "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bJQueryUI": true, "bAutoWidth": false, "oLanguage": { "sSearch": "" }, "iDisplayLength": getNumEntriesPreference(data), "bStateSave": true, // R = ColReorder, C = ColVis, see datatables doc for others "sDom": 'Rlfr<"H"C<"library_toolbar">>t<"F"ip>', "oColVis": { "buttonText": "Show/Hide Columns", "sAlign": "right", "aiExclude": [0, 1, 2], "sSize": "css", "bShowAll": true }, "oColReorder": { "aiOrder": [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] /* code this */, "iFixedColumns": 3 } }); dTable.fnSetFilteringDelay(350); $("div.library_toolbar").html('<span class="fg-button ui-button ui-state-default" id="library_order_reset">Reset Order</span>' + '<span class="fg-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" id="library_group_delete">Delete</span>' + '<span class="fg-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-state-disabled" id="library_group_add">Add</span>'); $('#library_order_reset').click(function() { ColReorder.fnReset( dTable ); return false; }); } $(document).ready(function() { $('.tabs').tabs(); $.ajax({ url: "/Api/library-init/format/json", dataType:"json", success:createDataTable, error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){}}); checkImportStatus(); setInterval( "checkImportStatus()", 5000 ); setInterval( "checkSCUploadStatus()", 5000 ); addQtipToSCIcons() });