site_name: LibreTime theme: readthedocs dev_addr: '' site_dir: 'build/docs' markdown_extensions: - codehilite: noclasses: True pygments_style: emacs repo_url: extra_css: - '_css/term.css' pages: - 'Home': - 'What is LibreTime': manual/ - 'Features': - 'Rights and Royalties': manual/rights-and-royalties/ - 'Using LibreTime': - 'On air in 60 seconds!': 'manual/on-air-in-60-seconds/' - 'Getting started': manual/getting-started/ - 'The System Menu': - 'General': manual/preferences/ - 'Users': manual/users/ - 'Media Folders': manual/media-folders/ - 'Streams': manual/stream-settings/ - 'Support Feedback': manual/support-feedback/ - 'Status': manual/status/ - 'Listener stats': manual/listener-stats/ - 'The main menus': - 'Now playing': manual/now-playing/ - 'Add media': manual/add-media/ - 'Library': manual/library/ - 'Calendar': manual/calendar/ - 'History': manual/history/ - 'Listen': manual/listen/ - 'Help': manual/help/ - 'LibreTime in the studio': - 'Preparing media for ingest': manual/preparing-media-for-ingest/ - 'Live shows with Mixxx': manual/live-shows-with-mixxx/ - 'Smartphone journalism': manual/smartphone-journalism/ - 'Icecast and SHOUTcast': manual/icecast-and-shoutcast/ - 'Recording shows': manual/recording-shows/ - 'Installation': - 'Install': - 'Preparing the server': manual/preparing-the-server/ - 'Easy setup': manual/easy-setup/ - 'Automated installation': manual/automated-installation/ - 'Manual installation': manual/manual-installation/ - 'Setting the server time': manual/setting-the-server-time/ - 'Administration': - 'The airtime-log command': manual/the-airtime-log-command/ - 'Backing up the server': manual/backing-up-the-server/ - 'Upgrading': manual/upgrading/ - 'Troubleshooting': manual/troubleshooting/ - 'Using Monit': manual/using-monit/ - 'Advanced configuration': - 'Automated file import': manual/automated-file-import/ - 'Icecast handover': manual/icecast-handover/ - 'Promoting your station': manual/promoting-your-station/ - 'Stream player for your website': manual/stream-player-for-your-website/ - 'Exporting the schedule': manual/exporting-the-schedule/ - 'Interface customization': manual/interface-customization/ - 'Interface localization': manual/interface-localization/ - 'Host configuration': manual/host-configuration/ - 'LibreTime API authentication': manual/airtime-api-authentication/ - 'Secure login with SSL or TLS': manual/secure-login-with-ssl/ - 'Icecast statistics with Piwik': manual/icecast-statistics-with-piwik/ - 'Development': - 'Testing': - 'Vagrant': - 'Documentation': - 'Appendix': - 'Expert install': manual/expert-install/ - 'HD Audio Models': manual/hd-audio-models/ - 'About this manual': manual/about-this-manual/