// // available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // getid3.jpg.php - part of getID3() // // See getid3.readme.txt for more details // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getJPGHeaderFilepointer(&$fd, &$ThisFileInfo) { $ThisFileInfo['fileformat'] = 'jpg'; $ThisFileInfo['video']['dataformat'] = 'jpg'; fseek($fd, $ThisFileInfo['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET); require_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'getid3.getimagesize.php'); list($width, $height, $type) = GetDataImageSize(fread($fd, $ThisFileInfo['filesize'])); if ($type == 2) { $ThisFileInfo['video']['resolution_x'] = $width; $ThisFileInfo['video']['resolution_y'] = $height; if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.2.0', '>=')) { if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) { ob_start(); $ThisFileInfo['jpg']['exif'] = exif_read_data($ThisFileInfo['filenamepath'], '', true, false); $errors = ob_get_contents(); if ($errors) { $ThisFileInfo['warning'] .= "\n".strip_tags($errors); unset($ThisFileInfo['jpg']['exif']); } ob_end_clean(); } else { $ThisFileInfo['error'] .= "\n".'EXIF parsing only available when compiled with --enable-exif (or php_exif.dll enabled for Windows)'; } } else { $ThisFileInfo['error'] .= "\n".'EXIF parsing only available in PHP v4.2.0 and higher (you are using PHP v'.phpversion().') compiled with --enable-exif (or php_exif.dll enabled for Windows)'; } return true; } unset($ThisFileInfo['fileformat']); return false; } ?>