'', 'album_title' => 's', 'bit_rate' => 'n', 'bpm' => 'n', 'composer' => 's', 'conductor' => 's', 'copyright' => 's', 'cuein' => 'n', 'cueout' => 'n', 'description' => 's', 'artist_name' => 's', 'encoded_by' => 's', 'utime' => 'd', 'mtime' => 'd', 'lptime' => 'd', 'genre' => 's', 'isrc_number' => 's', 'label' => 's', 'language' => 's', 'length' => 'n', 'mime' => 's', 'mood' => 's', 'owner_id' => 's', 'replay_gain' => 'n', 'sample_rate' => 'n', 'track_title' => 's', 'track_number' => 'n', 'info_url' => 's', 'year' => 'n', 'track_type' => 'tt', ]; private function getCriteriaOptions($option = null) { if (!isset($this->criteriaOptions)) { $this->criteriaOptions = [ 0 => _('Select criteria'), 'album_title' => _('Album'), 'bit_rate' => _('Bit Rate (Kbps)'), 'bpm' => _('BPM'), 'composer' => _('Composer'), 'conductor' => _('Conductor'), 'copyright' => _('Copyright'), 'cuein' => _('Cue In'), 'cueout' => _('Cue Out'), 'description' => _('Description'), 'artist_name' => _('Creator'), 'encoded_by' => _('Encoded By'), 'genre' => _('Genre'), 'isrc_number' => _('ISRC'), 'label' => _('Label'), 'language' => _('Language'), 'mtime' => _('Last Modified'), 'lptime' => _('Last Played'), 'length' => _('Length'), 'track_type' => _('Track Type'), 'mime' => _('Mime'), 'mood' => _('Mood'), 'owner_id' => _('Owner'), 'replay_gain' => _('Replay Gain'), 'sample_rate' => _('Sample Rate (kHz)'), 'track_title' => _('Title'), 'track_number' => _('Track Number'), 'utime' => _('Uploaded'), 'info_url' => _('Website'), 'year' => _('Year'), ]; } if (is_null($option)) { return $this->criteriaOptions; } return $this->criteriaOptions[$option]; } private function getStringCriteriaOptions() { if (!isset($this->stringCriteriaOptions)) { $this->stringCriteriaOptions = [ '0' => _('Select modifier'), 'contains' => _('contains'), 'does not contain' => _('does not contain'), 'is' => _('is'), 'is not' => _('is not'), 'starts with' => _('starts with'), 'ends with' => _('ends with'), ]; } return $this->stringCriteriaOptions; } private function getNumericCriteriaOptions() { if (!isset($this->numericCriteriaOptions)) { $this->numericCriteriaOptions = [ '0' => _('Select modifier'), 'is' => _('is'), 'is not' => _('is not'), 'is greater than' => _('is greater than'), 'is less than' => _('is less than'), 'is in the range' => _('is in the range'), ]; } return $this->numericCriteriaOptions; } private function getDateTimeCriteriaOptions() { if (!isset($this->dateTimeCriteriaOptions)) { $this->dateTimeCriteriaOptions = [ '0' => _('Select modifier'), 'before' => _('before'), 'after' => _('after'), 'between' => _('between'), 'is' => _('is'), 'is not' => _('is not'), 'is greater than' => _('is greater than'), 'is less than' => _('is less than'), 'is in the range' => _('is in the range'), ]; } return $this->dateTimeCriteriaOptions; } private function getTimePeriodCriteriaOptions() { if (!isset($this->timePeriodCriteriaOptions)) { $this->timePeriodCriteriaOptions = [ '0' => _('Select unit of time'), 'minute' => _('minute(s)'), 'hour' => _('hour(s)'), 'day' => _('day(s)'), 'week' => _('week(s)'), 'month' => _('month(s)'), 'year' => _('year(s)'), ]; } return $this->timePeriodCriteriaOptions; } private function getLimitOptions() { if (!isset($this->limitOptions)) { $this->limitOptions = [ 'hours' => _('hours'), 'minutes' => _('minutes'), 'items' => _('items'), 'remaining' => _('time remaining in show'), ]; } return $this->limitOptions; } private function getSortOptions() { if (!isset($this->sortOptions)) { $this->sortOptions = [ 'random' => _('Randomly'), 'newest' => _('Newest'), 'oldest' => _('Oldest'), 'mostrecentplay' => _('Most recently played'), 'leastrecentplay' => _('Least recently played'), ]; } return $this->sortOptions; } private function getIsNotOptions() { if (!isset($this->isOrNotCriteriaOptions)) { $this->isOrNotCriteriaOptions = [ '0' => _('Select modifier'), 'is' => _('is'), 'is not' => _('is not'), ]; } return $this->isOrNotCriteriaOptions; } private function getTracktypeOptions() { if (!isset($this->trackTypeOptions)) { $tracktypes = Application_Model_Tracktype::getTracktypes(); $names[] = _('Select Track Type'); foreach ($tracktypes as $arr => $a) { $names[$a['code']] = $tracktypes[$arr]['type_name']; } } return $names; } public function init() { } // converts UTC timestamp citeria into user timezone strings. private function convertTimestamps(&$criteria) { $columns = ['utime', 'mtime', 'lptime']; foreach ($columns as $column) { if (isset($criteria[$column])) { foreach ($criteria[$column] as &$constraint) { // convert to appropriate timezone timestamps only if the modifier is not a relative time if (!in_array($constraint['modifier'], ['before', 'after', 'between'])) { $constraint['value'] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($constraint['value']); if (isset($constraint['extra'])) { $constraint['extra'] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($constraint['extra']); } } } } } } /* * This function takes a blockID as param and creates the data structure for the form displayed with the view * smart-block-criteria.phtml * * A description of the dataflow. First it loads the block and determines if it is a static or dynamic smartblock. * Next it adds a radio selector for static or dynamic type. * Then it loads the criteria via the getCriteria() function, which returns an array for each criteria. * * */ public function startForm($p_blockId, $p_isValid = false) { // load type $out = CcBlockQuery::create()->findPk($p_blockId); if ($out->getDbType() == 'dynamic') { $blockType = 0; } else { $blockType = 1; } $spType = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('sp_type'); $spType->setLabel(_('Type:')) ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setMultiOptions([ 'dynamic' => _('Dynamic'), 'static' => _('Static'), ]) ->setValue($blockType); $this->addElement($spType); $bl = new Application_Model_Block($p_blockId); $storedCrit = $bl->getCriteriaGrouped(); Logging::info($storedCrit); // need to convert criteria to be displayed in the user's timezone if there's some timestamp type. self::convertTimestamps($storedCrit['crit']); /* $modRoadMap stores the number of same criteria * Ex: 3 Album titles, and 2 Track titles * We need to know this so we display the form elements properly */ $modRowMap = []; $openSmartBlockOption = false; if (!empty($storedCrit)) { $openSmartBlockOption = true; } // this returns a number indexed array for each criteria found in the database $criteriaKeys = []; if (isset($storedCrit['crit'])) { $criteriaKeys = array_keys($storedCrit['crit']); } // the way the everything is currently built it setups 25 smartblock criteria forms and then disables them // but this creates 29 elements $numElements = count($this->getCriteriaOptions()); // loop through once for each potential criteria option ie album, composer, track // criteria from different groups are separated already by the getCriteriaGrouped call for ($i = 0; $i < $numElements; ++$i) { $criteriaType = ''; // if there is a criteria found then count the number of rows for this specific criteria ie > 1 track title // need to refactor this to maintain separation based upon criteria grouping if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { // Logging::info($criteriaKeys[$i]); Logging::info($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]]); $critCount = count($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]]); } else { $critCount = 1; } // the challenge is that we need to increment the element for a new group // within the same criteria but not the reference point i in the array // and for these secondary groups they will have a differe$storedCrit["crit"][$criteriaKeys[$i]]nt j reference point // store the number of items with the same key in the ModRowMap $modRowMap[$i] = $critCount; /* Loop through all criteria with the same field * Ex: all criteria for 'Album' */ for ($j = 0; $j < $critCount; ++$j) { // CRITERIA // hide the criteria drop down select on any rows after the first if ($j > 0) { $invisible = ' sp-invisible'; } else { $invisible = ''; } $criteria = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_field_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteria->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select' . $invisible) ->setValue('Select criteria') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setMultiOptions($this->getCriteriaOptions()); // if this isn't the first criteria and there isn't an entry for it already disable it if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { $criteria->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } // add the numbering to the form ie the i loop for each specific criteria and // the j loop starts at 0 and grows for each item matching the same criteria // look up the criteria type using the criteriaTypes function from above based upon the criteria value if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { $criteriaType = $this->criteriaTypes[$storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['criteria']]; $criteria->setValue($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['criteria']); } $this->addElement($criteria); // MODIFIER // every element has an optional modifier dropdown select $criteriaModifers = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_modifier_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaModifers->setValue('Select modifier') ->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { $criteriaModifers->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } // determine the modifier based upon criteria type which is looked up based upon an array if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { if ($criteriaType == 's') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getStringCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'd') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getDateTimeCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'tt') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getIsNotOptions()); } else { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getNumericCriteriaOptions()); } $criteriaModifers->setValue($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['modifier']); } else { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions(['0' => _('Select modifier')]); } $this->addElement($criteriaModifers); // VALUE // The challenge here is that datetime if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { $modifierTest = (string) $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['modifier']; if (isset($criteriaType) && $criteriaType == 'tt' && preg_match('/is|is not/', $modifierTest) == 1) { $criteriaValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_value_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select')->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { // do if $relativeTT above $criteriaValue->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); } else { $criteriaValue->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } } else { $criteriaValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_criteria_value_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_input_text')->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { $criteriaValue->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } else { $criteriaValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_criteria_value_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_input_text')->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { $criteriaValue->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } } if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) { // Need to parse relative dates in a special way to populate select box down below // this is used below to test whether the datetime select should be shown or hidden $relativeDateTime = false; $modifierTest = (string) $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['modifier']; if (isset($criteriaType) && $criteriaType == 'd' && preg_match('/before|after|between/', $modifierTest) == 1) { // set relativeDatetime boolean to true so that the datetime select is displayed below $relativeDateTime = true; $criteriaValue->setValue(filter_var($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); } elseif (isset($criteriaType) && $criteriaType == 'tt' && preg_match('/is|is not/', $modifierTest) == 1) { // set relativeDatetime boolean to true so that the datetime select is displayed below $relativeDateTime = false; $tracktypeSelectValue = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value']); $tracktypeSelectValue = trim(preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', $tracktypeSelectValue)); $criteriaValue->setMultiOptions($this->getTracktypeOptions()); if ($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value']) { $criteriaValue->setValue($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value']); } else { $criteriaValue->setMultiOptions(['0' => _('Select track type')]); $criteriaValue->setMultiOptions($this->getTracktypeOptions()); $criteriaValue->setValue($tracktypeSelectValue); } $criteriaValue->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); } else { $criteriaValue->setValue($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value']); } } $this->addElement($criteriaValue); // DATETIME SELECT $criteriaDatetimeSelect = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_datetime_select_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i]) && $relativeDateTime) { $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); } else { $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } // check if the value is stored and it is a relative datetime field if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i], $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value'], $criteriaType) && $criteriaType == 'd' && preg_match('/before|after|between/', $modifierTest) == 1) { // need to remove any leading numbers stored in the database $dateTimeSelectValue = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['value']); // need to strip white from front and ago from the end to match with the value of the time unit select dropdown $dateTimeSelectValue = trim(preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', $dateTimeSelectValue)); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setMultiOptions($this->getTimePeriodCriteriaOptions()); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setValue($dateTimeSelectValue); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); } else { $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setMultiOptions(['0' => _('Select unit of time')]); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setMultiOptions($this->getTimePeriodCriteriaOptions()); } $this->addElement($criteriaDatetimeSelect); // EXTRA $criteriaExtra = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_criteria_extra_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaExtra->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i], $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['extra'])) { // need to check if this is a relative date time value if (isset($criteriaType) && $criteriaType == 'd' && $modifierTest == 'between') { // the criteria value will be a number followed by time unit and ago so set input to number part $criteriaExtra->setValue(filter_var($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['extra'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); } else { $criteriaExtra->setValue($storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['extra']); } $criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text'); } else { $criteriaExtra->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } $this->addElement($criteriaExtra); // DATETIME SELECT EXTRA $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_extra_datetime_select_' . $i . '_' . $j); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i], $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['extra']) && $modifierTest == 'between') { // need to remove the leading numbers stored in the database $extraDateTimeSelectValue = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $storedCrit['crit'][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]['extra']); // need to strip white from front and ago from the end to match with the value of the time unit select dropdown $extraDateTimeSelectValue = trim(preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', $extraDateTimeSelectValue)); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setMultiOptions($this->getTimePeriodCriteriaOptions()); // Logging::info('THIS IS-'.$extraDateTimeSelectValue.'-IT'); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setValue($extraDateTimeSelectValue); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); } else { $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setMultiOptions(['0' => _('Select unit of time')]); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setMultiOptions($this->getTimePeriodCriteriaOptions()); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } $this->addElement($criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect); }// for }// for $repeatTracks = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('sp_repeat_tracks'); $repeatTracks->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setLabel(_('Allow Repeated Tracks:')); if (isset($storedCrit['repeat_tracks'])) { $repeatTracks->setChecked($storedCrit['repeat_tracks']['value'] == 1 ? true : false); } $this->addElement($repeatTracks); $overflowTracks = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('sp_overflow_tracks'); $overflowTracks->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setLabel(_('Allow last track to exceed time limit:')); if (isset($storedCrit['overflow_tracks'])) { $overflowTracks->setChecked($storedCrit['overflow_tracks']['value'] == 1); } $this->addElement($overflowTracks); $sort = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_sort_options'); $sort->setAttrib('class', 'sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setLabel(_('Sort Tracks:')) ->setMultiOptions($this->getSortOptions()); if (isset($storedCrit['sort'])) { $sort->setValue($storedCrit['sort']['value']); } $this->addElement($sort); $limit = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_limit_options'); $limit->setAttrib('class', 'sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setMultiOptions($this->getLimitOptions()); if (isset($storedCrit['limit'])) { $limit->setValue($storedCrit['limit']['modifier']); } $this->addElement($limit); $limitValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_limit_value'); $limitValue->setAttrib('class', 'sp_input_text_limit') ->setLabel(_('Limit to:')) ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); $this->addElement($limitValue); if (isset($storedCrit['limit'])) { $limitValue->setValue($storedCrit['limit']['value']); } else { // setting default to 1 hour $limitValue->setValue(1); } $generate = new Zend_Form_Element_Button('generate_button'); $generate->setAttrib('class', 'sp-button btn'); $generate->setAttrib('title', _('Generate playlist content and save criteria')); $generate->setIgnore(true); if ($blockType == 0) { $generate->setLabel(_('Preview')); } else { $generate->setLabel(_('Generate')); } $generate->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); $this->addElement($generate); $shuffle = new Zend_Form_Element_Button('shuffle_button'); $shuffle->setAttrib('class', 'sp-button btn'); $shuffle->setAttrib('title', _('Shuffle playlist content')); $shuffle->setIgnore(true); $shuffle->setLabel(_('Shuffle')); $shuffle->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); $this->addElement($shuffle); $this->setDecorators([ ['ViewScript', ['viewScript' => 'form/smart-block-criteria.phtml', 'openOption' => $openSmartBlockOption, 'criteriasLength' => $numElements, 'modRowMap' => $modRowMap, ]], ]); } // This is a simple function that determines if a modValue should enable a datetime public function enableDateTimeUnit($modValue) { return preg_match('/before|after|between/', $modValue) == 1; } public function preValidation($params) { $data = Application_Model_Block::organizeSmartPlaylistCriteria($params['data']); // add elements that needs to be added // set multioption for modifier according to criteria_field $modRowMap = []; if (!isset($data['criteria'])) { return $data; } foreach ($data['criteria'] as $critKey => $d) { $count = 1; foreach ($d as $modKey => $modInfo) { if ($modKey == 0) { $eleCrit = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_field_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $eleCrit->setValue($this->getCriteriaOptions($modInfo['sp_criteria_field'])); $eleCrit->setAttrib('disabled', null); $eleMod = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_modifier_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteriaType = $this->criteriaTypes[$modInfo['sp_criteria_field']]; if ($criteriaType == 's') { $eleMod->setMultiOptions($this->getStringCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'n') { $eleMod->setMultiOptions($this->getNumericCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'd') { $eleMod->setMultiOptions($this->getDateTimeCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'tt') { $eleMod->setMultiOptions($this->getIsNotOptions()); } else { $eleMod->setMultiOptions(['0' => _('Select modifier')]); } $eleMod->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_modifier']); $eleMod->setAttrib('disabled', null); $eleDatetime = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_datetime_select_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); if ($this->enableDateTimeUnit($eleMod->getValue())) { $eleDatetime->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); $eleDatetime->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_datetime_select']); $eleDatetime->setAttrib('disabled', null); } else { $eleDatetime->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } $eleValue = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_value_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $eleValue->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_value']); $eleValue->setAttrib('disabled', null); if (isset($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra'])) { $eleExtra = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_extra_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $eleExtra->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra']); $eleValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text'); $eleExtra->setAttrib('disabled', null); } $eleExtraDatetime = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_extra_datetime_select_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); if ($eleMod->getValue() == 'between') { $eleExtraDatetime->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); $eleExtraDatetime->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra_datetime_select']); $eleExtraDatetime->setAttrib('disabled', null); } else { $eleExtraDatetime->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } } else { $criteria = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_field_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteria->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select sp-invisible') ->setValue('Select criteria') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']) ->setMultiOptions($this->getCriteriaOptions()); $criteriaType = $this->criteriaTypes[$modInfo['sp_criteria_field']]; $criteria->setValue($this->getCriteriaOptions($modInfo['sp_criteria_field'])); $this->addElement($criteria); // MODIFIER $criteriaModifers = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_modifier_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteriaModifers->setValue('Select modifier') ->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if ($criteriaType == 's') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getStringCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'n') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getNumericCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'd') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getDateTimeCriteriaOptions()); } elseif ($criteriaType == 'tt') { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions($this->getIsNotOptions()); } else { $criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions(['0' => _('Select modifier')]); } $criteriaModifers->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_modifier']); $this->addElement($criteriaModifers); // VALUE $criteriaValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_criteria_value_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_input_text') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); $criteriaValue->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_value']); $this->addElement($criteriaValue); // DATETIME UNIT SELECT $criteriaDatetimeSelect = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_datetime_select_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if ($this->enableDateTimeUnit($criteriaValue->getValue())) { $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('disabled', null); $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_datetime_select']); $this->addElement($criteriaDatetimeSelect); } else { $criteriaDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } // EXTRA $criteriaExtra = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_criteria_extra_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteriaExtra->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if (isset($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra'])) { $criteriaExtra->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra']); $criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text'); } else { $criteriaExtra->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } $this->addElement($criteriaExtra); // EXTRA DATETIME UNIT SELECT $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_criteria_extra_datetime_select_' . $critKey . '_' . $modKey); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select') ->setDecorators(['viewHelper']); if ($criteriaValue->getValue() == 'between') { $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('enabled', 'enabled'); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('disabled', null); $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setValue($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra_datetime_select']); $this->addElement($criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect); } else { $criteriaExtraDatetimeSelect->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled'); } ++$count; } } $modRowMap[$critKey] = $count; } $decorator = $this->getDecorator('ViewScript'); $existingModRow = $decorator->getOption('modRowMap'); foreach ($modRowMap as $key => $v) { $existingModRow[$key] = $v; } $decorator->setOption('modRowMap', $existingModRow); // reconstruct the params['criteria'] so we can populate the form $formData = []; foreach ($params['data'] as $ele) { $formData[$ele['name']] = $ele['value']; } $this->populate($formData); // Logging::info($formData); return $data; } public function isValid($params) { $isValid = true; $data = $this->preValidation($params); $criteria2PeerMap = [ 0 => 'Select criteria', 'album_title' => 'DbAlbumTitle', 'artist_name' => 'DbArtistName', 'bit_rate' => 'DbBitRate', 'bpm' => 'DbBpm', 'composer' => 'DbComposer', 'conductor' => 'DbConductor', 'copyright' => 'DbCopyright', 'cuein' => 'DbCuein', 'cueout' => 'DbCueout', 'description' => 'DbDescription', 'encoded_by' => 'DbEncodedBy', 'utime' => 'DbUtime', 'mtime' => 'DbMtime', 'lptime' => 'DbLPtime', 'genre' => 'DbGenre', 'info_url' => 'DbInfoUrl', 'isrc_number' => 'DbIsrcNumber', 'label' => 'DbLabel', 'language' => 'DbLanguage', 'length' => 'DbLength', 'mime' => 'DbMime', 'mood' => 'DbMood', 'owner_id' => 'DbOwnerId', 'replay_gain' => 'DbReplayGain', 'sample_rate' => 'DbSampleRate', 'track_title' => 'DbTrackTitle', 'track_number' => 'DbTrackNumber', 'year' => 'DbYear', 'track_type' => 'DbTrackType', ]; // things we need to check // 1. limit value shouldn't be empty and has upperbound of 24 hrs // 2. sp_criteria or sp_criteria_modifier shouldn't be 0 // 3. validate formate according to DB column type $multiplier = 1; $result = 0; // validation start if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_options'] == 'hours') { $multiplier = 60; } if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_options'] == 'hours' || $data['etc']['sp_limit_options'] == 'mins') { $element = $this->getElement('sp_limit_value'); if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_value'] == '' || floatval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) <= 0) { $element->addError(_('Limit cannot be empty or smaller than 0')); $isValid = false; } else { $mins = floatval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) * $multiplier; if ($mins > 1440) { $element->addError(_('Limit cannot be more than 24 hrs')); $isValid = false; } } } else { $element = $this->getElement('sp_limit_value'); if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_value'] == '' || floatval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) <= 0) { $element->addError(_('Limit cannot be empty or smaller than 0')); $isValid = false; } elseif (!ctype_digit($data['etc']['sp_limit_value'])) { $element->addError(_('The value should be an integer')); $isValid = false; } elseif (intval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) > 500) { $element->addError(_('500 is the max item limit value you can set')); $isValid = false; } } if (isset($data['criteria'])) { foreach ($data['criteria'] as $rowKey => $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $d) { $element = $this->getElement('sp_criteria_field_' . $rowKey . '_' . $key); // check for not selected select box if ($d['sp_criteria_field'] == '0' || $d['sp_criteria_modifier'] == '0') { $element->addError(_('You must select Criteria and Modifier')); $isValid = false; } else { $column = CcFilesPeer::getTableMap()->getColumnByPhpName($criteria2PeerMap[$d['sp_criteria_field']]); // validation on type of column if (in_array($d['sp_criteria_field'], ['length', 'cuein', 'cueout'])) { if (!preg_match('/^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $d['sp_criteria_value'])) { $element->addError(_("'Length' should be in '00:00:00' format")); $isValid = false; } // this looks up the column type for the criteria the modified time, upload time etc. } elseif ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::TIMESTAMP) { // need to check for relative modifiers first - bypassing currently if (in_array($d['sp_criteria_modifier'], ['before', 'after', 'between'])) { if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$|0/', $d['sp_criteria_value'])) { $element->addError(_('Only non-negative integer numbers are allowed (e.g 1 or 5) for the text value')); $isValid = false; // TODO validate this on numeric input with whatever parsing also do for extra // if the modifier is before ago or between we skip validation until we confirm format } elseif (isset($d['sp_criteria_datetime_select']) && $d['sp_criteria_datetime_select'] == '0') { $element->addError(_('You must select a time unit for a relative datetime.')); $isValid = false; } } else { if (!preg_match('/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/', $d['sp_criteria_value'])) { $element->addError(_('The value should be in timestamp format (e.g. 0000-00-00 or 0000-00-00 00:00:00)')); $isValid = false; } else { $result = Application_Common_DateHelper::checkDateTimeRangeForSQL($d['sp_criteria_value']); if (!$result['success']) { // check for if it is in valid range( 1753-01-01 ~ 12/31/9999 ) $element->addError($result['errMsg']); $isValid = false; } } } if (isset($d['sp_criteria_extra'])) { if ($d['sp_criteria_modifier'] == 'between') { // validate that the input value only contains a number if using relative date times if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$|0/', $d['sp_criteria_extra'])) { $element->addError(_('Only non-negative integer numbers are allowed for a relative date time')); $isValid = false; } // also need to check to make sure they chose a time unit from the dropdown elseif ($d['sp_criteria_extra_datetime_select'] == '0') { $element->addError(_('You must select a time unit for a relative datetime.')); $isValid = false; } } else { if (!preg_match('/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/', $d['sp_criteria_extra'])) { $element->addError(_('The value should be in timestamp format (e.g. 0000-00-00 or 0000-00-00 00:00:00)')); $isValid = false; } else { $result = Application_Common_DateHelper::checkDateTimeRangeForSQL($d['sp_criteria_extra']); if (!$result['success']) { // check for if it is in valid range( 1753-01-01 ~ 12/31/9999 ) $element->addError($result['errMsg']); $isValid = false; } } } } } elseif ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::INTEGER && $d['sp_criteria_field'] != 'owner_id') { if (!is_numeric($d['sp_criteria_value'])) { $element->addError(_('The value has to be numeric')); $isValid = false; } // length check if ($d['sp_criteria_value'] >= 2 ** 31) { $element->addError(_('The value should be less then 2147483648')); $isValid = false; } } elseif ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::VARCHAR) { if (strlen($d['sp_criteria_value']) > $column->getSize()) { $element->addError(sprintf(_('The value should be less than %s characters'), $column->getSize())); $isValid = false; } } } if ($d['sp_criteria_value'] == '') { $element->addError(_('Value cannot be empty')); $isValid = false; } }// end foreach }// for loop }// if return $isValid; } }