  • m
  • full method name (include optional prefix) *
  • p
  • array of input parameter names *
  • t
  • array of input parameter types *
  • r
  • array of result element names (not used there at present) *
  • e
  • array of error codes/messages (not used there at present) * * */ $mdefs = array( "listMethods" => array('m'=>"system.listMethods", 'p'=>NULL, 't'=>NULL), "DisplayScheduleMethod" => array( 'm'=>'displaySchedule', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'from'/*datetime*/, 'to'/*datetime*/), 't'=>array('string', 'dateTime.iso8601', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'r'=>array(array('id'/*int*/, 'playlistId'/*string*/, 'start'/*datetime*/, 'end'/*datetime*/)), 'e'=>array( '1101'=>'invalid argument format', '1102'=>"missing or invalid 'from' argument", '1103'=>"missing or invalid 'to' argument", '1120'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "GeneratePlayReportMethod" => array( 'm'=>'generatePlayReport', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'from'/*datetime*/, 'to'/*datetime*/), 't'=>array('string', 'dateTime.iso8601', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'r'=>array(array('audioClipId'/*string*/, 'timestamp'/*datetime*/)), 'e'=>array( '1501'=>'invalid argument format', '1502'=>"missing or invalid 'from' argument", '1503'=>"missing or invalid 'to' argument", '1520'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "GetSchedulerTimeMethod" => array( 'm'=>'getSchedulerTime', 'p'=>array(), 't'=>array(), 'r'=>array('schedulerTime'/*datetime*/), 'e'=>array() ), "RemoveFromScheduleMethod" => array( 'm'=>'removeFromSchedule', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'scheduleEntryId'/*string*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string'), 'r'=>array(), 'e'=>array( '1201'=>'invalid argument format', '1202'=>'missing schedule entry ID argument', '1203'=>'schedule entry not found', '1220'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "RescheduleMethod" => array( 'm'=>'reschedule', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'scheduleEntryId'/*string*/, 'playtime'/*datetime*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'r'=>array(), 'e'=>array( '1301'=>'invalid argument format', '1302'=>'missing schedule entry ID argument', '1303'=>'missing playtime argument', '1304'=>'schedule entry not found', '1305'=>'could not reschedule entry', '1320'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "UploadPlaylistMethod" => array( 'm'=>'uploadPlaylist', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'playlistId'/*string*/, 'playtime'/*datetime*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'r'=>array('scheduleEntryId'/*string*/), 'e'=>array( '1401'=>'invalid argument format', '1402'=>'missing playlist ID argument', '1403'=>'missing playtime argument', '1404'=>'playlist not found', '1405'=>'timeframe not aaaaavailable', '1406'=>'could not schedule playlist', '1420'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "ExportOpenMethod" => array( 'm'=>'createBackupOpen', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'criteria'/*struct*/, 'from'/*datetime*/, 'to'/*datetime*/), 't'=>array('string', 'struct', 'dateTime.iso8601', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'r'=>array('schedulerExportToken'/*string*/), 'e'=>array( '1601'=>'invalid argument format', '1602'=>"missing or invalid 'from' argument", '1603'=>"missing or invalid 'to' argument", '1604'=>"missing or invalid 'criteria' argument", '1620'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "ExportCheckMethod" => array( 'm'=>'createBackupCheck', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'token'/*string*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string'), 'r'=>array('status'/*string*/), 'e'=>array( '1701'=>'invalid argument format', '1702'=>"missing or invalid 'token' argument", '1720'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "ExportCloseMethod" => array( 'm'=>'createBackupClose', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'token'/*string*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string'), 'r'=>array('status'/*boolean*/), 'e'=>array( '1801'=>'invalid argument format', '1802'=>"missing or invalid 'token' argument", '1820'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "ImportOpenMethod" => array( 'm'=>'importOpen', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'filename'/*string*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string'), 'r'=>array('schedulerImportToken'/*string*/), 'e'=>array( '1901'=>'invalid argument format', '1902'=>"missing or invalid 'filename' argument", '1920'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "ImportCheckMethod" => array( 'm'=>'importCheck', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'token'/*string*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string'), 'r'=>array('status'/*string*/), 'e'=>array( '2001'=>'invalid argument format', '2002'=>"missing or invalid 'token' argument", '2020'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), "ImportCloseMethod" => array( 'm'=>'importClose', 'p'=>array('sessionId'/*string*/, 'token'/*string*/), 't'=>array('string', 'string'), 'r'=>array('status'/*boolean*/), 'e'=>array( '2101'=>'invalid argument format', '2102'=>"missing or invalid 'token' argument", '2120'=>'missing session ID argument', ) ), ); /* ======================================================== class definitions */ /** * @package Campcaster * @subpackage htmlUI * @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt */ class SchedulerPhpClient { /** * Array with methods description * @var array */ private $mdefs = array(); /** * XMLRPC client object reference * @var XMLRPC_Client */ private $client = NULL; /** * Verbosity flag * @var boolean */ private $verbose = FALSE; /** * XMLRPC debug flag * @var boolean */ private $debug = 0; /** * Constructor - please DON'T CALL IT, use factory method instead * * @param array $mdefs * hash array with methods description * @param int $debug * XMLRPC debug flag * @param boolean $verbose * verbosity flag */ public function __construct($mdefs, $debug=0, $verbose=FALSE) { global $CC_CONFIG; $this->mdefs = $mdefs; $this->debug = $debug; $this->verbose = $verbose; $confPrefix = "scheduler"; $serverPath = "http://{$CC_CONFIG["{$confPrefix}UrlHost"]}:{$CC_CONFIG["{$confPrefix}UrlPort"]}". "{$CC_CONFIG["{$confPrefix}UrlPath"]}/{$CC_CONFIG["{$confPrefix}XMLRPC"]}"; if ($this->verbose) { echo "serverPath: $serverPath\n"; } $url = parse_url($serverPath); $this->client = new XML_RPC_Client($url['path'], $url['host'], $url['port']); } // constructor /** * Factory, create object instance * * In fact it doesn't create instance of SchedulerPhpClient, but * dynamically extend this class with set of methods based on $mdefs array * (using eval function) and instantiate resulting class * SchedulerPhpClientCore instead. * Each new method in this subclass accepts parameters according to $mdefs * array, call wrapper callMethod(methodname, parameters) and return its * result. * * @todo Replace this method by using PHP5 __call method instead. * * @param array $mdefs * hash array with methods description * @param int $debug * XMLRPC debug flag * @param boolean $verbose * verbosity flag * @return object, created object instance */ public function &factory($mdefs, $debug=0, $verbose=FALSE) { global $CC_DBC; $f = ''; foreach ($mdefs as $fn => $farr) { $f .= ' function '.$fn.'(){'."\n". ' $pars = func_get_args();'."\n". ' $r = $this->callMethod("'.$fn.'", $pars);'."\n". ' return $r;'."\n". ' }'."\n"; } $e = "class SchedulerPhpClientCore extends SchedulerPhpClient{\n". "$f\n". "}\n"; if (FALSE === eval($e)) { return $CC_DBC->raiseError("Eval failed"); } $spc = new SchedulerPhpClientCore($mdefs, $debug, $verbose); return $spc; } // fn factory /** * XMLRPC methods wrapper * Encode XMLRPC request message, send it, receive and decode response. * * @param string $method * method name * @param array $gettedPars * returned by func_get_args() in called method * @return array * PHP hash with response */ public function callMethod($method, $gettedPars) { $parr = array(); $XML_RPC_val = new XML_RPC_Value; foreach ($this->mdefs[$method]['p'] as $i => $p) { $parr[$p] = new XML_RPC_Value; switch ($this->mdefs[$method]['t'][$i]) { // array type: normal array case 'array': $parr[$p]->addArray($gettedPars[$i]); break; // stuct type: assoc. array case 'struct': $parr[$p]->addStruct($gettedPars[$i]); break; // scalar types: 'int' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'double' | 'dateTime.iso8601' | 'base64' default: $parr[$p]->addScalar($gettedPars[$i], $this->mdefs[$method]['t'][$i]); } } $XML_RPC_val->addStruct($parr); $fullmethod = $this->mdefs[$method]['m']; $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($fullmethod, array($XML_RPC_val)); if ($this->verbose) { echo "parr:\n"; var_dump($parr); echo "message:\n"; echo $msg->serialize()."\n"; } $this->client->setDebug($this->debug); if (!$res = $this->client->send($msg)) { return array('error' => array('code' => -1, 'message' => '##Cannot connect to Scheduler##')); } if ($res->faultCode() > 0) { return array('error' => array('code' => $res->faultCode(), 'message' => $res->faultString())); } if ($this->verbose) { echo "result:\n"; echo $res->serialize(); } $val = $res->value(); $resp = XML_RPC_decode($res->value()); return $resp; } // fn callMethod } // class SchedulerPhpClient /* ======================================================== class definitions */ ?>