fadein = $dt->format('H:i:s.u'); } else { $this->fadein = $dt->format('H:i:s') . '.' . $microsecond; } $this->modifiedColumns[] = CcBlockcontentsPeer::FADEIN; return $this; } // setDbFadein() /** * @param string in format SS.uuuuuu, Datetime, or DateTime accepted string. * @param mixed $v * * @return CcBlockcontents The current object (for fluent API support) */ public function setDbFadeout($v) { $microsecond = 0; if ($v instanceof DateTime) { $dt = $v; } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}(\.\d{1,6})?$/', $v)) { // in php 5.3.2 createFromFormat() with "u" is not supported(bug) // Hence we need to do parsing. $info = explode('.', $v); $microsecond = $info[1]; $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('s', $info[0]); } else { try { $dt = new DateTime($v); } catch (Exception $x) { throw new PropelException('Error parsing date/time value: ' . var_export($v, true), $x); } } if ($microsecond == 0) { $this->fadeout = $dt->format('H:i:s.u'); } else { $this->fadeout = $dt->format('H:i:s') . '.' . $microsecond; } $this->modifiedColumns[] = CcBlockcontentsPeer::FADEOUT; return $this; } // setDbFadeout() } // CcBlockcontents