
class Application_Model_Preference
    private static function getUserId()
        // pass in true so the check is made with the autoloader
        // we need this check because saas calls this function from outside Zend
        if (!class_exists('Zend_Session', true) || !Zend_Session::isStarted() || !class_exists('Zend_Auth', true) || !Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
            $userId = null;
        } else {
            $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
            $userId = $auth->getIdentity()->id;

        return $userId;

     * @param bool  $isUserValue is true when we are setting a value for the current user
     * @param mixed $key
     * @param mixed $value
    private static function setValue($key, $value, $isUserValue = false)
        $con = Propel::getConnection(CcPrefPeer::DATABASE_NAME);

        // We are using row-level locking in Postgres via "FOR UPDATE" instead of a transaction here
        // because sometimes this function needs to be called while a transaction is already started.

        try {
            /* Comment this out while we reevaluate it in favor of a unique constraint
            static::_lock($con); */
            $userId = self::getUserId();

            if ($isUserValue && is_null($userId)) {
                throw new Exception("User id can't be null for a user preference {$key}.");

            // Check if key already exists
            $sql = 'SELECT valstr FROM cc_pref'
                . ' WHERE keystr = :key';

            $paramMap = [];
            $paramMap[':key'] = $key;

            // For user specific preference, check if id matches as well
            if ($isUserValue) {
                $sql .= ' AND subjid = :id';
                $paramMap[':id'] = $userId;

            $sql .= ' FOR UPDATE';

            $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute(

            $paramMap = [];
            if ($result > 1) {
                // this case should not happen.
                $caller = debug_backtrace()[1]['function'];

                throw new Exception('Invalid number of results returned. Should be ' .
                    "0 or 1, but is '{$result}' instead, caller={$caller}");
            if ($result == 1) {
                // result found
                if (!$isUserValue) {
                    // system pref
                    $sql = 'UPDATE cc_pref'
                        . ' SET subjid = NULL, valstr = :value'
                        . ' WHERE keystr = :key';
                } else {
                    // user pref
                    $sql = 'UPDATE cc_pref'
                        . ' SET valstr = :value'
                        . ' WHERE keystr = :key AND subjid = :id';

                    $paramMap[':id'] = $userId;
            } else {
                // result not found
                if (!$isUserValue) {
                    // system pref
                    $sql = 'INSERT INTO cc_pref (keystr, valstr)'
                        . ' VALUES (:key, :value)';
                } else {
                    // user pref
                    $sql = 'INSERT INTO cc_pref (subjid, keystr, valstr)'
                        . ' VALUES (:id, :key, :value)';

                    $paramMap[':id'] = $userId;
            $paramMap[':key'] = $key;
            $paramMap[':value'] = $value;

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
            Logging::info('Database error: ' . $e->getMessage());


     * Given a PDO connection, lock the cc_pref table for the current transaction.
     * Creates a table level lock, which defaults to ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode;
     * see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/explicit-locking.html
     * @param PDO $con
    private static function _lock($con)
        // If we're not in a transaction, a lock is pointless
        if (!$con->inTransaction()) {
        // Don't specify NOWAIT here; we should block on obtaining this lock
        // in case we're handling simultaneous requests.
        // Locks only last until the end of the transaction, so we shouldn't have to
        // worry about this causing any noticeable difference in request processing speed
        $sql = 'LOCK TABLE cc_pref';
        $st = $con->prepare($sql);

     * @param string     $key          the preference key string
     * @param bool|false $isUserValue  select the preference for the current user
     * @param bool|false $forceDefault only look for default (no user ID) values
     * @return mixed the preference value
    private static function getValue($key, $isUserValue = false, $forceDefault = false)
        try {
            $userId = null;
            if ($isUserValue) {
                // This is nested in here because so we can still use getValue() when the session hasn't started yet.
                $userId = self::getUserId();
                if (is_null($userId)) {
                    throw new Exception("User id can't be null for a user preference.");

            // Check if key already exists
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cc_pref'
                . ' WHERE keystr = :key';

            $paramMap = [];
            $paramMap[':key'] = $key;

            // For user specific preference, check if id matches as well
            if ($isUserValue) {
                $sql .= ' AND subjid = :id';
                $paramMap[':id'] = $userId;
            } elseif ($forceDefault) {
                $sql .= ' AND subjid IS NULL';

            $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $paramMap, Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);

            // return an empty string if the result doesn't exist.
            if ($result == 0) {
                $res = '';
            } else {
                $sql = 'SELECT valstr FROM cc_pref'
                    . ' WHERE keystr = :key';

                $paramMap = [];
                $paramMap[':key'] = $key;

                // For user specific preference, check if id matches as well
                if ($isUserValue) {
                    $sql .= ' AND subjid = :id';
                    $paramMap[':id'] = $userId;

                $result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, $paramMap, Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);

                $res = ($result !== false) ? $result : '';

            return $res;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
            Logging::info('Could not connect to database: ' . $e);


    public static function GetHeadTitle()
        $title = self::getValue('station_name');
        if (empty($title)) {
            $title = PRODUCT_NAME;

        return $title;

    public static function SetHeadTitle($title, $view = null)
        self::setValue('station_name', $title);

        // in case this is called from airtime-saas script
        if ($view !== null) {
            // set session variable to new station name so that html title is updated.
            // should probably do this in a view helper to keep this controller as minimal as possible.
            $view->headTitle()->exchangeArray([]); // clear headTitle ArrayObject

        $eventType = 'update_station_name';
        $md = ['station_name' => $title];

        Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo($eventType, $md);

     * Set the furthest date that a never-ending show
     * should be populated until.
     * @param DateTime $dateTime
     *                           A row from cc_show_days table
    public static function SetShowsPopulatedUntil($dateTime)
        $dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        self::setValue('shows_populated_until', $dateTime->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT));

     * Get the furthest date that a never-ending show
     * should be populated until.
     * Returns null if the value hasn't been set, otherwise returns
     * a DateTime object representing the date.
     * @return DateTime (in UTC Timezone)
    public static function GetShowsPopulatedUntil()
        $date = self::getValue('shows_populated_until');

        if ($date == '') {
            return null;

        return new DateTime($date, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

    public static function SetDefaultCrossfadeDuration($duration)
        self::setValue('default_crossfade_duration', $duration);

    public static function GetDefaultCrossfadeDuration()
        $duration = self::getValue('default_crossfade_duration');

        if ($duration === '') {
            // the default value of the fade is 00.5
            return '0';

        return $duration;

    public static function SetDefaultFadeIn($fade)
        self::setValue('default_fade_in', $fade);

    public static function GetDefaultFadeIn()
        $fade = self::getValue('default_fade_in');

        if ($fade === '') {
            // the default value of the fade is 00.5
            return '0.5';

        return $fade;

    public static function SetDefaultFadeOut($fade)
        self::setValue('default_fade_out', $fade);

    public static function GetDefaultFadeOut()
        $fade = self::getValue('default_fade_out');

        if ($fade === '') {
            // the default value of the fade is 0.5
            return '0.5';

        return $fade;

    public static function SetDefaultFade($fade)
        self::setValue('default_fade', $fade);

    public static function SetDefaultTransitionFade($fade)
        self::setValue('default_transition_fade', $fade);

        $eventType = 'update_transition_fade';
        $md = ['transition_fade' => $fade];
        Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo($eventType, $md);

    public static function GetDefaultTransitionFade()
        $transition_fade = self::getValue('default_transition_fade');

        return ($transition_fade == '') ? '0.000' : $transition_fade;

    public static function SetStreamLabelFormat($type)
        self::setValue('stream_label_format', $type);

        $eventType = 'update_stream_format';
        $md = ['stream_format' => $type];

        Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo($eventType, $md);

    public static function GetStreamLabelFormat()
        return self::getValue('stream_label_format');

    public static function getOffAirMeta()
        return self::getValue('off_air_meta');

    public static function setOffAirMeta($offAirMeta)
        self::setValue('off_air_meta', $offAirMeta);

            ['message_offline' => $offAirMeta]

    public static function GetStationName()
        return self::getValue('station_name');

    public static function SetStationName($station_name)
        self::setValue('station_name', $station_name);

    public static function SetAllow3rdPartyApi($bool)
        self::setValue('third_party_api', $bool);

    public static function GetAllow3rdPartyApi()
        $val = self::getValue('third_party_api');

        return (strlen($val) == 0) ? '1' : $val;

    public static function SetPodcastAlbumOverride($bool)
        self::setValue('podcast_album_override', $bool);

    public static function GetPodcastAlbumOverride()
        $val = self::getValue('podcast_album_override');

        return $val === '1' ? true : false;

    public static function SetPodcastAutoSmartblock($bool)
        self::setValue('podcast_auto_smartblock', $bool);

    public static function GetPodcastAutoSmartblock()
        $val = self::getValue('podcast_auto_smartblock');

        return $val === '1' ? true : false;

    public static function SetTrackTypeDefault($tracktype)
        self::setValue('tracktype_default', $tracktype);

    public static function GetTrackTypeDefault()
        return self::getValue('tracktype_default');

    public static function GetIntroPlaylist()
        return self::getValue('intro_playlist');

    public static function GetOutroPlaylist()
        return self::getValue('outro_playlist');

    public static function SetIntroPlaylist($playlist)
        self::setValue('intro_playlist', $playlist);

    public static function SetOutroPlaylist($playlist)
        self::setValue('outro_playlist', $playlist);

    public static function SetPhone($phone)
        self::setValue('phone', $phone);

    public static function GetPhone()
        return self::getValue('phone');

    public static function SetEmail($email)
        self::setValue('email', $email);

    public static function GetEmail()
        return self::getValue('email');

    public static function SetStationWebSite($site)
        self::setValue('station_website', $site);

    public static function GetStationWebSite()
        return self::getValue('station_website');

    public static function SetSupportFeedback($feedback)
        self::setValue('support_feedback', $feedback);

    public static function GetSupportFeedback()
        return self::getValue('support_feedback');

    public static function SetPublicise($publicise)
        self::setValue('publicise', $publicise);

    public static function GetPublicise()
        return self::getValue('publicise');

    public static function SetRegistered($registered)
        self::setValue('registered', $registered);

    public static function GetRegistered()
        return self::getValue('registered');

    public static function SetStationCountry($country)
        self::setValue('country', $country);

    public static function GetStationCountry()
        return self::getValue('country');

    public static function SetStationCity($city)
        self::setValue('city', $city);

    public static function GetStationCity()
        return self::getValue('city');

    public static function SetStationDescription($description)
        self::setValue('description', $description);

    public static function GetStationDescription()
        $description = self::getValue('description');
        if (!empty($description)) {
            return $description;

        return sprintf(_('Powered by %s'), SAAS_PRODUCT_BRANDING_NAME);

    // Returns station default timezone (from preferences)
    public static function GetDefaultTimezone()
        return Config::get('general.timezone');

    public static function SetUserTimezone($timezone = null)
        self::setValue('user_timezone', $timezone, true);

    public static function GetUserTimezone()
        $timezone = self::getValue('user_timezone', true);
        if (!$timezone) {
            return self::GetDefaultTimezone();

        return $timezone;

    // Always attempts to returns the current user's personal timezone setting
    public static function GetTimezone()
        $userId = self::getUserId();

        if (!is_null($userId)) {
            return self::GetUserTimezone();

        return self::GetDefaultTimezone();

    // This is the language setting on preferences page
    public static function SetDefaultLocale($locale)
        self::setValue('locale', $locale);

    public static function GetDefaultLocale()
        return self::getValue('locale');

    public static function GetUserLocale()
        $locale = self::getValue('user_locale', true);
        // empty() checks for null and empty strings - more robust than !val
        if (empty($locale)) {
            return self::GetDefaultLocale();

        return $locale;

    public static function SetUserLocale($locale = null)
        // When a new user is created they will get the default locale
        // setting which the admin sets on preferences page
        if (is_null($locale)) {
            $locale = self::GetDefaultLocale();
        self::setValue('user_locale', $locale, true);

    public static function GetLocale()
        $userId = self::getUserId();

        if (!is_null($userId)) {
            return self::GetUserLocale();

        return self::GetDefaultLocale();

    public static function SetStationLogo($imagePath)
        if (empty($imagePath)) {
            Logging::info('Removed station logo');
        $image = @file_get_contents($imagePath);
        $image = base64_encode($image);
        self::setValue('logoImage', $image);

    public static function GetStationLogo()
        $logoImage = self::getValue('logoImage');
        if (!empty($logoImage)) {
            return $logoImage;
        // We return the Airtime logo if no logo is set in the database.
        // airtime_logo.png is stored under the public directory
        $image = @file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . '/public/' . DEFAULT_LOGO_FILE);

        return base64_encode($image);

    public static function SetUniqueId($id)
        self::setValue('uniqueId', $id);

    public static function GetUniqueId()
        return self::getValue('uniqueId');

    public static function GetCountryList()
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cc_country';

        $res = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, []);

        $out = [];
        $out[''] = _('Select Country');
        foreach ($res as $r) {
            $out[$r['isocode']] = $r['name'];

        return $out;

    public static function GetSystemInfo($returnArray = false, $p_testing = false)
        exec('/usr/bin/airtime-check-system --no-color', $output);
        $output = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $output);

        $systemInfoArray = [];
        foreach ($output as $key => &$out) {
            $info = explode('=', $out);
            if (isset($info[1])) {
                $key = str_replace(' ', '_', trim($info[0]));
                $key = strtoupper($key);
                if (
                    $key == 'WEB_SERVER' || $key == 'CPU' || $key == 'OS' || $key == 'TOTAL_RAM'
                    || $key == 'FREE_RAM' || $key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION' || $key == 'KERNAL_VERSION'
                    || $key == 'MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE' || $key == 'TOTAL_MEMORY_MBYTES' || $key == 'TOTAL_SWAP_MBYTES'
                    || $key == 'PLAYOUT_ENGINE_CPU_PERC'
                ) {
                    if ($key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION') {
                        // remove hash tag on the version string
                        $version = explode('+', $info[1]);
                        $systemInfoArray[$key] = $version[0];
                    } else {
                        $systemInfoArray[$key] = $info[1];

        $outputArray = [];

        $outputArray['LIVE_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetLiveShowDuration($p_testing);
        $outputArray['SCHEDULED_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetScheduledDuration($p_testing);

        $outputArray['STATION_NAME'] = self::GetStationName();
        $outputArray['PHONE'] = self::GetPhone();
        $outputArray['EMAIL'] = self::GetEmail();
        $outputArray['STATION_WEB_SITE'] = self::GetStationWebSite();
        $outputArray['STATION_COUNTRY'] = self::GetStationCountry();
        $outputArray['STATION_CITY'] = self::GetStationCity();
        $outputArray['STATION_DESCRIPTION'] = self::GetStationDescription();

        // get web server info
        if (isset($systemInfoArray['AIRTIME_VERSION_URL'])) {
            $url = $systemInfoArray['AIRTIME_VERSION_URL'];
            $index = strpos($url, '/api/');
            $url = substr($url, 0, $index);

            $headerInfo = get_headers(trim($url), 1);
            $outputArray['WEB_SERVER'] = $headerInfo['Server'][0];

        $outputArray['NUM_OF_USERS'] = Application_Model_User::getUserCount();
        $outputArray['NUM_OF_SONGS'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getFileCount();
        $outputArray['NUM_OF_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Playlist::getPlaylistCount();
        $outputArray['NUM_OF_SCHEDULED_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Schedule::getSchduledPlaylistCount();
        $outputArray['NUM_OF_PAST_SHOWS'] = Application_Model_ShowInstance::GetShowInstanceCount(gmdate(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT));
        $outputArray['UNIQUE_ID'] = self::GetUniqueId();
        $outputArray['INSTALL_METHOD'] = self::GetInstallMethod();
        $outputArray['NUM_OF_STREAMS'] = self::GetNumOfStreams();
        $outputArray['STREAM_INFO'] = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getStreamInfoForDataCollection();

        $outputArray = array_merge($systemInfoArray, $outputArray);

        $outputString = "\n";
        foreach ($outputArray as $key => $out) {
            if ($key == 'STREAM_INFO') {
                $outputString .= $key . " :\n";
                foreach ($out as $s_info) {
                    foreach ($s_info as $k => $v) {
                        $outputString .= "\t" . strtoupper($k) . ' : ' . $v . "\n";
            } else {
                $outputString .= $key . ' : ' . $out . "\n";
        if ($returnArray) {
            $outputArray['PROMOTE'] = self::GetPublicise();
            $outputArray['LOGOIMG'] = self::GetStationLogo();

            return $outputArray;

        return $outputString;

    public static function GetInstallMethod()
        $easy_install = file_exists('/usr/bin/airtime-easy-setup');
        $debian_install = file_exists('/var/lib/dpkg/info/airtime.config');
        if ($debian_install) {
            if ($easy_install) {
                return 'easy_install';

            return 'debian_install';

        return 'manual_install';

    public static function SetRemindMeDate($p_never = false)
        if ($p_never) {
            self::setValue('remindme', -1);
        } else {
            $weekAfter = mktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d') + 7, gmdate('Y'));
            self::setValue('remindme', $weekAfter);

    public static function GetRemindMeDate()
        return self::getValue('remindme');

    public static function SetImportTimestamp()
        $now = time();
        if (self::GetImportTimestamp() + 5 < $now) {
            self::setValue('import_timestamp', $now);

    public static function GetImportTimestamp()
        return (int) self::getValue('import_timestamp');

    public static function SetPrivacyPolicyCheck($flag)
        self::setValue('privacy_policy', $flag);

    public static function GetPrivacyPolicyCheck()
        return self::getValue('privacy_policy');

    public static function GetNumOfStreams()
        return count(Config::get('stream.outputs.merged'));

    public static function SetEnableStreamConf($bool)
        self::setValue('enable_stream_conf', $bool);

    public static function GetEnableStreamConf()
        if (self::getValue('enable_stream_conf') == null) {
            return 'true';

        return self::getValue('enable_stream_conf');

    public static function GetSchemaVersion()
        CcPrefPeer::clearInstancePool(); // Ensure we don't get a cached Propel object (cached DB results)
        // because we're updating this version number within this HTTP request as well.

        // New versions use schema_version
        $pref = CcPrefQuery::create()

        if (empty($pref)) {
            // Pre-2.5.2 releases all used this ambiguous "system_version" key to represent both the code and schema versions...
            $pref = CcPrefQuery::create()

        return $pref->getValStr();

    public static function SetSchemaVersion($version)
        self::setValue('schema_version', $version);

    public static function GetLatestVersion()
        $config = Config::getConfig();

        $latest = json_decode(self::getValue('latest_version'));
        $nextCheck = self::getValue('latest_version_nextcheck');
        if ($latest && $nextCheck > time()) {
            return $latest;

        $rss = new SimplePie();
        // get all available versions ut to default github api limit
        $versions = [];
        foreach ($rss->get_items() as $item) {
            $versions[] = $item->get_title();
        $latest = $versions;
        self::setValue('latest_version_nextcheck', strtotime('+1 week'));
        if (empty($latest)) {
            return [$config['airtime_version']];

        self::setValue('latest_version', json_encode($latest));

        return $latest;

    public static function SetLatestVersion($version)
        $pattern = '/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/';
        if (preg_match($pattern, $version)) {
            self::setValue('latest_version', $version);

    public static function GetLatestLink()
        $link = self::getValue('latest_link');
        if ($link == null || strlen($link) == 0) {
            return LIBRETIME_WHATS_NEW_URL;

        return $link;

    public static function SetLatestLink($link)
        $pattern = '#^(http|https|ftp)://' .
            '([a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+' .
        if (preg_match($pattern, $link)) {
            self::setValue('latest_link', $link);

    public static function SetWeekStartDay($day)
        self::setValue('week_start_day', $day);

    public static function GetWeekStartDay()
        $val = self::getValue('week_start_day');

        return (strlen($val) == 0) ? '0' : $val;

     * Stores the last timestamp of user updating stream setting.
    public static function SetStreamUpdateTimestamp()
        $now = time();
        self::setValue('stream_update_timestamp', $now);

     * Gets the last timestamp of user updating stream setting.
    public static function GetStreamUpdateTimestemp()
        $update_time = self::getValue('stream_update_timestamp');

        return ($update_time == null) ? 0 : $update_time;

    public static function GetClientId()
        return self::getValue('client_id');

    public static function SetClientId($id)
        if (is_numeric($id)) {
            self::setValue('client_id', $id);
        } else {
            Logging::warn("Attempting to set client_id to invalid value: {$id}");

    // User specific preferences start

     * Sets the time scale preference (agendaDay/agendaWeek/month) in Calendar.
     * @param $timeScale new time scale
    public static function SetCalendarTimeScale($timeScale)
        self::setValue('calendar_time_scale', $timeScale, true /* user specific */);

     * Retrieves the time scale preference for the current user.
     * Defaults to month if no entry exists.
    public static function GetCalendarTimeScale()
        $val = self::getValue('calendar_time_scale', true /* user specific */);
        if (strlen($val) == 0) {
            $val = 'month';

        return $val;

     * Sets the number of entries to show preference in library under Playlist Builder.
     * @param $numEntries new number of entries to show
    public static function SetLibraryNumEntries($numEntries)
        self::setValue('library_num_entries', $numEntries, true /* user specific */);

     * Retrieves the number of entries to show preference in library under Playlist Builder.
     * Defaults to 10 if no entry exists.
    public static function GetLibraryNumEntries()
        $val = self::getValue('library_num_entries', true /* user specific */);
        if (strlen($val) == 0) {
            $val = '10';

        return $val;

     * Sets the time interval preference in Calendar.
     * @param $timeInterval new time interval
    public static function SetCalendarTimeInterval($timeInterval)
        self::setValue('calendar_time_interval', $timeInterval, true /* user specific */);

     * Retrieves the time interval preference for the current user.
     * Defaults to 30 min if no entry exists.
    public static function GetCalendarTimeInterval()
        $val = self::getValue('calendar_time_interval', true /* user specific */);

        return (strlen($val) == 0) ? '30' : $val;

    public static function SetDiskQuota($value)
        self::setValue('disk_quota', $value, false);

    public static function GetDiskQuota()
        $val = self::getValue('disk_quota');

        return empty($val) ? 2147483648 : $val;  // If there is no value for disk quota, return 2GB

    public static function SetLiveStreamMasterUsername($value)
        self::setValue('live_stream_master_username', $value, false);

    public static function GetLiveStreamMasterUsername()
        return self::getValue('live_stream_master_username');

    public static function SetLiveStreamMasterPassword($value)
        self::setValue('live_stream_master_password', $value, false);

    public static function GetLiveStreamMasterPassword()
        return self::getValue('live_stream_master_password');

    public static function SetSourceStatus($sourcename, $status)
        self::setValue($sourcename, $status, false);

    public static function GetSourceStatus($sourcename)
        $value = self::getValue($sourcename);

        return !($value == null || $value == 'false');

    public static function SetSourceSwitchStatus($sourcename, $status)
        self::setValue($sourcename . '_switch', $status, false);

    public static function GetSourceSwitchStatus($sourcename)
        // Scheduled play switch should always be "on".
        // Even though we've hidden this element in the dashboard we should
        // always make sure it's on or else a station's stream could go offline.
        if ($sourcename == 'scheduled_play') {
            return 'on';

        $value = self::getValue($sourcename . '_switch');

        return ($value == null || $value == 'off') ? 'off' : 'on';

    public static function GetMasterDJSourceConnectionURL()
        if (Config::has('stream.inputs.main.public_url') && Config::get('stream.inputs.main.public_url')) {
            return Config::get('stream.inputs.main.public_url');

        $host = Config::get('general.public_url_raw')->getHost();
        $port = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getMasterLiveStreamPort();
        $mount = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getMasterLiveStreamMountPoint();
        $secure = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getMasterLiveStreamSecure();

        $scheme = $secure ? 'https' : 'http';

        return "{$scheme}://{$host}:{$port}/{$mount}";

    public static function GetLiveDJSourceConnectionURL()
        if (Config::has('stream.inputs.show.public_url') && Config::get('stream.inputs.show.public_url')) {
            return Config::get('stream.inputs.show.public_url');

        $host = Config::get('general.public_url_raw')->getHost();
        $port = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getDjLiveStreamPort();
        $mount = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getDjLiveStreamMountPoint();
        $secure = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getDjLiveStreamSecure();

        $scheme = $secure ? 'https' : 'http';

        return "{$scheme}://{$host}:{$port}/{$mount}";

    public static function SetAutoTransition($value)
        self::setValue('auto_transition', $value, false);

    public static function GetAutoTransition()
        return self::getValue('auto_transition');

    public static function SetAutoSwitch($value)
        self::setValue('auto_switch', $value, false);

    public static function GetAutoSwitch()
        return self::getValue('auto_switch');
    // User specific preferences end

    public static function ShouldShowPopUp()
        $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y'));
        $remindDate = Application_Model_Preference::GetRemindMeDate();
        $retVal = false;

        if (is_null($remindDate) || ($remindDate != -1 && $today >= $remindDate)) {
            $retVal = true;

        return $retVal;

    public static function getOrderingMap($pref_param)
        $v = self::getValue($pref_param, true);

        $id = function ($x) {
            return $x;

        if ($v === '') {
            return $id;

        $ds = unserialize($v);

        if (is_null($ds) || !is_array($ds)) {
            return $id;

        if (!array_key_exists('ColReorder', $ds)) {
            return $id;

        return function ($x) use ($ds) {
            if (array_key_exists($x, $ds['ColReorder'])) {
                return $ds['ColReorder'][$x];
            /*For now we just have this hack for debugging. We should not
                rely on this behaviour in case of failure*/
            Logging::warn("Index {$x} does not exist preferences");
            Logging::warn('Defaulting to identity and printing preferences');

            return $x;

    public static function getCurrentLibraryTableColumnMap()
        return self::getOrderingMap('library_datatable');

    public static function setCurrentLibraryTableSetting($settings)
        $data = serialize($settings);
        self::setValue('library_datatable', $data, true);

    public static function getCurrentLibraryTableSetting()
        $data = self::getValue('library_datatable', true);

        return ($data != '') ? unserialize($data) : null;

    public static function setTimelineDatatableSetting($settings)
        $data = serialize($settings);
        self::setValue('timeline_datatable', $data, true);

    public static function getTimelineDatatableSetting()
        $data = self::getValue('timeline_datatable', true);

        return ($data != '') ? unserialize($data) : null;

    public static function setNowPlayingScreenSettings($settings)
        $data = serialize($settings);
        self::setValue('nowplaying_screen', $data, true);

    public static function getNowPlayingScreenSettings()
        $data = self::getValue('nowplaying_screen', true);

        return ($data != '') ? unserialize($data) : null;

    public static function setLibraryScreenSettings($settings)
        $data = serialize($settings);
        self::setValue('library_screen', $data, true);

    public static function getLibraryScreenSettings()
        $data = self::getValue('library_screen', true);

        return ($data != '') ? unserialize($data) : null;

    public static function SetEnableReplayGain($value)
        self::setValue('enable_replay_gain', $value, false);

    public static function GetEnableReplayGain()
        return self::getValue('enable_replay_gain', false);

    public static function getReplayGainModifier()
        $rg_modifier = self::getValue('replay_gain_modifier');

        if ($rg_modifier === '') {
            return '0';

        return $rg_modifier;

    public static function setReplayGainModifier($rg_modifier)
        self::setValue('replay_gain_modifier', $rg_modifier, false);

    public static function SetHistoryItemTemplate($value)
        self::setValue('history_item_template', $value);

    public static function GetHistoryItemTemplate()
        return self::getValue('history_item_template');

    public static function SetHistoryFileTemplate($value)
        self::setValue('history_file_template', $value);

    public static function GetHistoryFileTemplate()
        return self::getValue('history_file_template');

    public static function getDiskUsage()
        $val = self::getValue('disk_usage');

        return (strlen($val) == 0) ? 0 : $val;

    public static function setDiskUsage($value)
        self::setValue('disk_usage', $value);

    public static function updateDiskUsage($filesize)
        $currentDiskUsage = self::getDiskUsage();
        if (empty($currentDiskUsage)) {
            $currentDiskUsage = 0;

        self::setDiskUsage($currentDiskUsage + $filesize);

    public static function setTuneinEnabled($value)
        self::setValue('tunein_enabled', $value);

    public static function getTuneinEnabled()
        return self::getValue('tunein_enabled');

    public static function setTuneinPartnerKey($value)
        self::setValue('tunein_partner_key', $value);

    public static function getTuneinPartnerKey()
        return self::getValue('tunein_partner_key');

    public static function setTuneinPartnerId($value)
        self::setValue('tunein_partner_id', $value);

    public static function getTuneinPartnerId()
        return self::getValue('tunein_partner_id');

    public static function setTuneinStationId($value)
        self::setValue('tunein_station_id', $value);

    public static function getTuneinStationId()
        return self::getValue('tunein_station_id');

    public static function geLastTuneinMetadataUpdate()
        return self::getValue('last_tunein_metadata_update');

    public static function setLastTuneinMetadataUpdate($value)
        self::setValue('last_tunein_metadata_update', $value);

    // TaskManager Lock Timestamp

    public static function getTaskManagerLock()
        return self::getValue('task_manager_lock');

    public static function setTaskManagerLock($value)
        self::setValue('task_manager_lock', $value);

    // SAAS-876 - Toggle indicating whether user is using custom stream settings

    public static function getUsingCustomStreamSettings()
        $val = self::getValue('using_custom_stream_settings');

        return empty($val) ? false : $val;

    public static function setUsingCustomStreamSettings($value)
        self::setValue('using_custom_stream_settings', $value);

    // SAAS-876 - Store the default Icecast password to restore when switching
    //            back to Airtime Pro streaming settings

    public static function getRadioPageDisplayLoginButton()
        return self::getValue('radio_page_display_login_button');

    public static function setRadioPageDisplayLoginButton($value)
        self::setValue('radio_page_display_login_button', $value);

    public static function getScheduleTrimOverbooked()
        return boolval(self::getValue('schedule_trim_overbooked', false));

    public static function setScheduleTrimOverbooked($value)
        self::setValue('schedule_trim_overbooked', $value);

    public static function getRadioPageDisabled()
        return boolval(self::getValue('radio_page_disabled', false));

    public static function setRadioPageDisabled($value)
        self::setValue('radio_page_disabled', $value);

    public static function getLangTimezoneSetupComplete()
        return self::getValue('lang_tz_setup_complete');

    public static function setLangTimezoneSetupComplete($value)
        self::setValue('lang_tz_setup_complete', $value);

    public static function getWhatsNewDialogViewed()
        $val = self::getValue('whats_new_dialog_viewed', true);
        if (empty($val)) {
            // Check the default (no user ID) value if the user value is empty
            // This is so that new stations won't see the popup
            $val = self::getValue('whats_new_dialog_viewed', false, true);

        return empty($val) ? false : $val;

    public static function setWhatsNewDialogViewed($value)
        self::setValue('whats_new_dialog_viewed', $value, true);

    public static function getAutoPlaylistPollLock()
        return self::getValue('autoplaylist_poll_lock');

    public static function setAutoPlaylistPollLock($value)
        self::setValue('autoplaylist_poll_lock', $value);

    public static function getPodcastPollLock()
        return self::getValue('podcast_poll_lock');

    public static function setPodcastPollLock($value)
        self::setValue('podcast_poll_lock', $value);

    public static function getStationPodcastId()
        // Create the Station podcast if it doesn't exist.
        $stationPodcastId = self::getValue('station_podcast_id');
        if (empty($stationPodcastId)) {
            $stationPodcastId = Application_Service_PodcastService::createStationPodcast();

        return $stationPodcastId;

    public static function setStationPodcastId($value)
        self::setValue('station_podcast_id', $value);

    // SAAS-1081 - Implement a universal download key for downloading episodes from the station podcast
    //             Store and increment the download counter, resetting every month

    public static function getStationPodcastDownloadKey()
        return self::getValue('station_podcast_download_key');

    public static function setStationPodcastDownloadKey($value = null)
        $value = empty($value) ? (new Application_Model_Auth())->generateRandomString() : $value;
        self::setValue('station_podcast_download_key', $value);

    public static function getStationPodcastDownloadResetTimer()
        return self::getValue('station_podcast_download_reset_timer');

    public static function setStationPodcastDownloadResetTimer($value)
        self::setValue('station_podcast_download_reset_timer', $value);

    public static function getStationPodcastDownloadCounter()
        return self::getValue('station_podcast_download_counter');

    public static function resetStationPodcastDownloadCounter()
        self::setValue('station_podcast_download_counter', 0);

    public static function incrementStationPodcastDownloadCounter()
        $c = self::getStationPodcastDownloadCounter();
        self::setValue('station_podcast_download_counter', empty($c) ? 1 : ++$c);

    // For fail cases, we may need to decrement the download counter
    public static function decrementStationPodcastDownloadCounter()
        $c = self::getStationPodcastDownloadCounter();
        self::setValue('station_podcast_download_counter', empty($c) ? 0 : --$c);

     * @return int either 0 (public) or 1 (private)
    public static function getStationPodcastPrivacy()
        return self::getValue('station_podcast_privacy');

    public static function setStationPodcastPrivacy($value)
        self::setValue('station_podcast_privacy', $value);

     * Getter for feature preview mode.
     * @return bool
    public static function GetFeaturePreviewMode()
        return self::getValue('feature_preview_mode') === '1';

     * Setter for feature preview mode.
     * @param bool $value
    public static function SetFeaturePreviewMode($value)
        return self::setValue('feature_preview_mode', $value);

     * Stores liquidsoap status if $boot_time > save time.
     * save time is the time that user clicked save on stream setting page
    public static function setLiquidsoapError($stream_id, $msg, $boot_time = null)
        $update_time = Application_Model_Preference::GetStreamUpdateTimestemp();

        if ($boot_time == null || $boot_time > $update_time) {
            $stream_id = trim($stream_id, 's');
            self::setValue("stream_liquidsoap_status:{$stream_id}", $msg);

    public static function getLiquidsoapError($stream_id)
        $result = self::getValue("stream_liquidsoap_status:{$stream_id}");

        return ($result !== false) ? $result : null;

    public static function GetAllListenerStatErrors()
        $sql = <<<'SQL'
FROM cc_pref
WHERE keystr LIKE 'stream_stats_status:%'

        return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, []);

    public static function SetListenerStatError($stream_id, $value)
        $stream_id = trim($stream_id, 's');
        self::setValue("stream_stats_status:{$stream_id}", $value);