import logging import logging.config import sys from configobj import ConfigObj from threading import Thread import time # For RabbitMQ from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection from kombu.messaging import Exchange, Queue from kombu.simple import SimpleQueue import json # configure logging logging.config.fileConfig("logging.cfg") # loading config file try: config = ConfigObj('/etc/airtime/pypo.cfg') LS_HOST = config['ls_host'] LS_PORT = config['ls_port'] POLL_INTERVAL = int(config['poll_interval']) except Exception, e: logger = logging.getLogger('message_h') logger.error('Error loading config file: %s', e) sys.exit() class PypoMessageHandler(Thread): def __init__(self, pq, rq): Thread.__init__(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger('message_h') self.pypo_queue = pq self.recorder_queue = rq def init_rabbit_mq(self):"Initializing RabbitMQ stuff") try: schedule_exchange = Exchange("airtime-pypo", "direct", durable=True, auto_delete=True) schedule_queue = Queue("pypo-fetch", exchange=schedule_exchange, key="foo") connection = BrokerConnection(config["rabbitmq_host"], config["rabbitmq_user"], config["rabbitmq_password"], config["rabbitmq_vhost"]) channel = self.simple_queue = SimpleQueue(channel, schedule_queue) except Exception, e: self.logger.error(e) return False return True """ Handle a message from RabbitMQ, put it into our yucky global var. Hopefully there is a better way to do this. """ def handle_message(self, message): try:"Received event from RabbitMQ: %s" % message) m = json.loads(message) command = m['event_type']"Handling command: " + command) if command == 'update_schedule':"Updating schdule...") self.pypo_queue.put(message) elif command == 'update_stream_setting':"Updating stream setting...") self.pypo_queue.put(message) elif command == 'update_stream_format':"Updating stream format...") self.pypo_queue.put(message) elif command == 'update_station_name':"Updating station name...") self.pypo_queue.put(message) elif command == 'switch_source':"switch_source command received...") self.pypo_queue.put(message) elif command == 'disconnect_source':"disconnect_source command received...") self.pypo_queue.put(message) elif command == 'update_recorder_schedule': self.recorder_queue.put(message) elif command == 'cancel_recording': self.recorder_queue.put(message) except Exception, e: self.logger.error("Exception in handling RabbitMQ message: %s", e) def main(self): while not self.init_rabbit_mq(): self.logger.error("Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds") time.sleep(5) loops = 1 while True:"Loop #%s", loops) try: message = self.simple_queue.get(block=True) self.handle_message(message.payload) # ACK the message to take it off the queue message.ack() except Exception, e: """ sleep 5 seconds so that we don't spin inside this while loop and eat all the CPU """ time.sleep(5) """ There is a problem with the RabbitMq messenger service. Let's log the error and get the schedule via HTTP polling """ self.logger.error("Exception, %s", e) loops += 1 """ Main loop of the thread: Wait for schedule updates from RabbitMQ, but in case there arent any, poll the server to get the upcoming schedule. """ def run(self): while True: self.main()