create("Calendar Load test playlist ".uniqid()); // Add a file $values = array("filepath" => __DIR__."/test10001.mp3"); $storedFile = StoredFile::Insert($values, false); $result = $playlist->addAudioClip($storedFile->getId()); // Add a file $values = array("filepath" => __DIR__."/test10002.mp3"); $storedFile2 = StoredFile::Insert($values, false); $result = $playlist->addAudioClip($storedFile2->getId()); $result = $playlist->addAudioClip($storedFile2->getId()); echo "Created playlist ".$playlist->getName()." with ID ".$playlist->getId()."\n"; // Create the shows $data = array(); $currentDate = date("Y\\-m\\-d"); $year = date("Y"); $month = date("m"); $day = date("d"); $nextDay = $currentDate; #echo $currentDate; $currentHour = date("H"); $setHour = $currentHour + 1; $showNumber = 1; for ($days=1; $days<100; $days=$days+1) { // Adding shows until the end of the day while ($setHour < 24) { echo 'Adding show: '.$nextDay. ' '.$setHour.":00\n"; $data['add_show_name'] = 'automated show '.$showNumber; $data['add_show_start_date'] = $nextDay; $data['add_show_start_time'] = $setHour.':00'; $showNumber = $showNumber + 1; $data['add_show_duration'] = '1:00'; $data['add_show_no_end'] = 0; $data['add_show_repeats'] = 0; $data['add_show_description'] = 'automated show'; $data['add_show_url'] = ''; $data['add_show_color'] = ""; $data['add_show_background_color'] = ""; $data['add_show_record'] = 0; $data['add_show_hosts'] =""; $showId = Show::create($data); Show::populateShowUntil($showId, "2012-01-01 00:00:00"); // populating the show with a playlist $show = new ShowInstance($showId); $show->scheduleShow(array($playlist->getId())); $setHour = $setHour + 1; } // set the next day $setHour = 0; if ($day<30) { $day = $day + 1; } else { $day = 1; if ($month<12) { $month = $month + 1; } else { $month = 1; $year = $year + 1; } } $nextDay = $year."-".$month."-".$day; }