"", "pos" => "", "cliplength" => "", "cuein" => "00:00:00", "cueout" => "00:00:00", "fadein" => "0.0", "fadeout" => "0.0", ); //using propel's phpNames. private $categories = array( "dc:title" => "Name", "dc:creator" => "Creator", "dc:description" => "Description", "dcterms:extent" => "Length" ); public function __construct($id=null, $con=null) { if (isset($id)) { $this->pl = CcPlaylistQuery::create()->findPK($id); if (is_null($this->pl)) { throw new PlaylistNotFoundException(); } } else { $this->pl = new CcPlaylist(); $this->pl->setDbUTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $this->pl->save(); } $defaultFade = Application_Model_Preference::GetDefaultFade(); if ($defaultFade !== "") { //fade is in format SS.uuuuuu $this->plItem["fadein"] = $defaultFade; $this->plItem["fadeout"] = $defaultFade; } $this->con = isset($con) ? $con : Propel::getConnection(CcPlaylistPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $this->id = $this->pl->getDbId(); } /** * Return local ID of virtual file. * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * Rename stored virtual playlist * * @param string $p_newname */ public function setName($p_newname) { $this->pl->setDbName($p_newname); $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); } /** * Get mnemonic playlist name * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->pl->getDbName(); } public function setDescription($p_description) { $this->pl->setDbDescription($p_description); $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); } public function getDescription() { return $this->pl->getDbDescription(); } public function getCreator() { return $this->pl->getCcSubjs()->getDbLogin(); } public function setCreator($p_id) { $this->pl->setDbCreatorId($p_id); $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); } public function getLastModified($format = null) { return $this->pl->getDbMtime($format); } public function getSize() { return $this->pl->countCcPlaylistcontentss(); } /** * Get the entire playlist as a two dimentional array, sorted in order of play. * @return array */ public function getContents() { Logging::log("Getting contents for playlist {$this->id}"); $files = array(); $rows = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->joinWith('CcFiles') ->orderByDbPosition() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->find($this->con); $i = 0; $offset = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $files[$i] = $row->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, true, true); $clipSec = Application_Model_Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($files[$i]['cliplength']); $offset += $clipSec; $offset_cliplength = Application_Model_Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($offset); //format the length for UI. $formatter = new LengthFormatter($files[$i]['cliplength']); $files[$i]['cliplength'] = $formatter->format(); $formatter = new LengthFormatter($offset_cliplength); $files[$i]['offset'] = $formatter->format(); $i++; } return $files; } /** * The database stores fades in 00:00:00 Time format with optional millisecond resolution .000000 * but this isn't practical since fades shouldn't be very long usuall 1 second or less. This function * will normalize the fade so that it looks like 00.000000 to the user. **/ public function normalizeFade($fade) { //First get rid of the first six characters 00:00: which will be added back later for db update $fade = substr($fade, 6); //Second add .000000 if the fade does't have milliseconds format already $dbFadeStrPos = strpos( $fade, '.' ); if ( $dbFadeStrPos === False ) $fade .= '.000000'; else while( strlen( $fade ) < 9 ) $fade .= '0'; //done, just need to set back the formated values return $fade; } //aggregate column on playlistcontents cliplength column. public function getLength() { return $this->pl->getDbLength(); } private function insertPlaylistElement($info) { $row = new CcPlaylistcontents(); $row->setDbPlaylistId($this->id); $row->setDbFileId($info["id"]); $row->setDbPosition($info["pos"]); $row->setDbCliplength($info["cliplength"]); $row->setDbCuein($info["cuein"]); $row->setDbCueout($info["cueout"]); $row->setDbFadein($info["fadein"]); $row->setDbFadeout($info["fadeout"]); $row->save($this->con); } /* * */ private function buildEntry($p_item, $pos) { $file = CcFilesQuery::create()->findPK($p_item, $this->con); if (isset($file) && $file->getDbFileExists()) { $entry = $this->plItem; $entry["id"] = $file->getDbId(); $entry["pos"] = $pos; $entry["cliplength"] = $file->getDbLength(); $entry["cueout"] = $file->getDbLength(); return $entry; } else { throw new Exception("trying to add a file that does not exist."); } } /* * @param array $p_items * an array of audioclips to add to the playlist * @param int|null $p_afterItem * item which to add the new items after in the playlist, null if added to the end. * @param string (before|after) $addAfter * whether to add the clips before or after the selected item. */ public function addAudioClips($p_items, $p_afterItem=NULL, $addType = 'after') { $this->con->beginTransaction(); $contentsToUpdate = array(); try { if (is_numeric($p_afterItem)) { Logging::log("Finding playlist content item {$p_afterItem}"); $afterItem = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create()->findPK($p_afterItem); $index = $afterItem->getDbPosition(); Logging::log("index is {$index}"); $pos = ($addType == 'after') ? $index + 1 : $index; $contentsToUpdate = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->filterByDbPosition($pos, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL) ->orderByDbPosition() ->find($this->con); Logging::log("Adding to playlist"); Logging::log("at position {$pos}"); } else { //add to the end of the playlist if ($addType == 'after') { $pos = $this->getSize(); } //add to the beginning of the playlist. else { $pos = 0; $contentsToUpdate = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->orderByDbPosition() ->find($this->con); } $contentsToUpdate = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->filterByDbPosition($pos, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL) ->orderByDbPosition() ->find($this->con); Logging::log("Adding to playlist"); Logging::log("at position {$pos}"); } foreach($p_items as $ac) { Logging::log("Adding audio file {$ac}"); $res = $this->insertPlaylistElement($this->buildEntry($ac, $pos)); $pos = $pos + 1; } //reset the positions of the remaining items. for ($i = 0; $i < count($contentsToUpdate); $i++) { $contentsToUpdate[$i]->setDbPosition($pos); $contentsToUpdate[$i]->save($this->con); $pos = $pos + 1; } $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); $this->con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->con->rollback(); throw $e; } } /** * Move audioClip to the new position in the playlist * * @param array $p_items * array of unique ids of the selected items * @param int $p_afterItem * unique id of the item to move the clip after */ public function moveAudioClips($p_items, $p_afterItem=NULL) { $this->con->beginTransaction(); try { $contentsToMove = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbId($p_items, Criteria::IN) ->orderByDbPosition() ->find($this->con); $otherContent = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbId($p_items, Criteria::NOT_IN) ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->orderByDbPosition() ->find($this->con); $pos = 0; //moving items to beginning of the playlist. if (is_null($p_afterItem)) { Logging::log("moving items to beginning of playlist"); foreach ($contentsToMove as $item) { Logging::log("item {$item->getDbId()} to pos {$pos}"); $item->setDbPosition($pos); $item->save($this->con); $pos = $pos + 1; } foreach ($otherContent as $item) { Logging::log("item {$item->getDbId()} to pos {$pos}"); $item->setDbPosition($pos); $item->save($this->con); $pos = $pos + 1; } } else { Logging::log("moving items after {$p_afterItem}"); foreach ($otherContent as $item) { Logging::log("item {$item->getDbId()} to pos {$pos}"); $item->setDbPosition($pos); $item->save($this->con); $pos = $pos + 1; if ($item->getDbId() == $p_afterItem) { foreach ($contentsToMove as $move) { Logging::log("item {$move->getDbId()} to pos {$pos}"); $move->setDbPosition($pos); $move->save($this->con); $pos = $pos + 1; } } } } $this->con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->con->rollback(); throw $e; } $this->pl = CcPlaylistQuery::create()->findPK($this->id); $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); } /** * Remove audioClip from playlist * * @param array $p_items * array of unique item ids to remove from the playlist.. */ public function delAudioClips($p_items) { $this->con->beginTransaction(); try { CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->findPKs($p_items) ->delete($this->con); $contents = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->orderByDbPosition() ->find($this->con); //reset the positions of the remaining items. for ($i = 0; $i < count($contents); $i++) { $contents[$i]->setDbPosition($i); $contents[$i]->save($this->con); } $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); $this->con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->con->rollback(); throw $e; } } public function getFadeInfo($pos) { Logging::log("Getting fade info for pos {$pos}"); $row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->joinWith(CcFilesPeer::OM_CLASS) ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->filterByDbPosition($pos) ->findOne(); #Propel returns values in form 00.000000 format which is for only seconds. $fadeIn = $row->getDbFadein(); $fadeOut = $row->getDbFadeout(); return array($fadeIn, $fadeOut); } /** * Change fadeIn and fadeOut values for playlist Element * * @param int $pos * position of audioclip in playlist * @param string $fadeIn * new value in ss.ssssss or extent format * @param string $fadeOut * new value in ss.ssssss or extent format * @return boolean */ public function changeFadeInfo($id, $fadeIn, $fadeOut) { //See issue CC-2065, pad the fadeIn and fadeOut so that it is TIME compatable with the DB schema //For the top level PlayList either fadeIn or fadeOut will sometimes be Null so need a gaurd against //setting it to nonNull for checks down below $fadeIn = $fadeIn?'00:00:'.$fadeIn:$fadeIn; $fadeOut = $fadeOut?'00:00:'.$fadeOut:$fadeOut; $this->con->beginTransaction(); $errArray= array(); try { $row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create()->findPK($id); if (is_null($row)) { throw new Exception("Playlist item does not exist."); } $clipLength = $row->getDbCliplength(); if (!is_null($fadeIn)) { $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeIn}' > INTERVAL '{$clipLength}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) { //"Fade In can't be larger than overall playlength."; $fadeIn = $clipLength; } $row->setDbFadein($fadeIn); } if (!is_null($fadeOut)){ $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeOut}' > INTERVAL '{$clipLength}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) { //Fade Out can't be larger than overall playlength."; $fadeOut = $clipLength; } $row->setDbFadeout($fadeOut); } $row->save($this->con); $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); $this->con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->con->rollback(); throw $e; } return array("fadeIn" => $fadeIn, "fadeOut" => $fadeOut); } public function setPlaylistfades($fadein, $fadeout) { if (isset($fadein)) { Logging::log("Setting playlist fade in {$fadein}"); $row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->filterByDbPosition(0) ->findOne($this->con); $this->changeFadeInfo($row->getDbId(), $fadein, null); } if (isset($fadeout)) { Logging::log("Setting playlist fade out {$fadeout}"); $row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->filterByDbPlaylistId($this->id) ->filterByDbPosition($this->getSize()-1) ->findOne($this->con); $this->changeFadeInfo($row->getDbId(), null, $fadeout); } } /** * Change cueIn/cueOut values for playlist element * * @param int $pos * position of audioclip in playlist * @param string $cueIn * new value in ss.ssssss or extent format * @param string $cueOut * new value in ss.ssssss or extent format * @return boolean or pear error object */ public function changeClipLength($id, $cueIn, $cueOut) { $this->con->beginTransaction(); $errArray= array(); try { if (is_null($cueIn) && is_null($cueOut)) { $errArray["error"] = "Cue in and cue out are null."; return $errArray; } $row = CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create() ->joinWith(CcFilesPeer::OM_CLASS) ->filterByPrimaryKey($id) ->findOne($this->con); if (is_null($row)) { throw new Exception("Playlist item does not exist."); } $oldCueIn = $row->getDBCuein(); $oldCueOut = $row->getDbCueout(); $fadeIn = $row->getDbFadein(); $fadeOut = $row->getDbFadeout(); $file = $row->getCcFiles($this->con); $origLength = $file->getDbLength(); if (!is_null($cueIn) && !is_null($cueOut)){ if ($cueOut === ""){ $cueOut = $origLength; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueIn}' > INTERVAL '{$cueOut}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) { $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue in to be larger than cue out."; return $errArray; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' > INTERVAL '{$origLength}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){ $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be greater than file length."; return $errArray; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$cueIn}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); $cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0); $row->setDbCuein($cueIn); $row->setDbCueout($cueOut); $row->setDBCliplength($cliplength); } else if (!is_null($cueIn)) { $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueIn}' > INTERVAL '{$oldCueOut}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) { $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue in to be larger than cue out."; return $errArray; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$oldCueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$cueIn}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); $cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0); $row->setDbCuein($cueIn); $row->setDBCliplength($cliplength); } else if (!is_null($cueOut)) { if ($cueOut === ""){ $cueOut = $origLength; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' < INTERVAL '{$oldCueIn}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)) { $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be smaller than cue in."; return $errArray; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' > INTERVAL '{$origLength}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){ $errArray["error"] = "Can't set cue out to be greater than file length."; return $errArray; } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$cueOut}' - INTERVAL '{$oldCueIn}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); $cliplength = $r->fetchColumn(0); $row->setDbCueout($cueOut); $row->setDBCliplength($cliplength); } $cliplength = $row->getDbCliplength(); $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeIn}' > INTERVAL '{$cliplength}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){ $fadeIn = $cliplength; $row->setDbFadein($fadeIn); } $sql = "SELECT INTERVAL '{$fadeOut}' > INTERVAL '{$cliplength}'"; $r = $this->con->query($sql); if ($r->fetchColumn(0)){ $fadeOut = $cliplength; $row->setDbFadein($fadeOut); } $row->save($this->con); $this->pl->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $this->pl->save($this->con); $this->con->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->con->rollback(); throw $e; } return array("cliplength"=> $cliplength, "cueIn"=> $cueIn, "cueOut"=> $cueOut, "length"=> $this->getLength(), "fadeIn"=> $fadeIn, "fadeOut"=> $fadeOut); } public function getAllPLMetaData() { $categories = $this->categories; $md = array(); foreach($categories as $key => $val) { $method = 'get' . $val; $md[$key] = $this->$method(); } return $md; } public function getPLMetaData($category) { $cat = $this->categories[$category]; $method = 'get' . $cat; return $this->$method(); } public function setPLMetaData($category, $value) { $cat = $this->categories[$category]; $method = 'set' . $cat; $this->$method($value); } /** * This function is used for calculations! Don't modify for display purposes! * * Convert playlist time value to float seconds * * @param string $plt * playlist interval value (HH:mm:ss.dddddd) * @return int * seconds */ public static function playlistTimeToSeconds($plt) { $arr = preg_split('/:/', $plt); if (isset($arr[2])) { return (intval($arr[0])*60 + intval($arr[1]))*60 + floatval($arr[2]); } if (isset($arr[1])) { return intval($arr[0])*60 + floatval($arr[1]); } return floatval($arr[0]); } /** * This function is used for calculations! Don't modify for display purposes! * * Convert float seconds value to playlist time format * * @param float $seconds * @return string * interval in playlist time format (HH:mm:ss.d) */ public static function secondsToPlaylistTime($p_seconds) { $info = explode('.', $p_seconds); $seconds = $info[0]; if(!isset($info[1])){ $milliStr = 0; }else{ $milliStr = $info[1]; } $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $seconds -= $hours * 3600; $minutes = floor($seconds / 60); $seconds -= $minutes * 60; $res = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%s", $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $milliStr); return $res; } public static function getPlaylistCount(){ global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM '.$CC_CONFIG["playListTable"]; return $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } /** * Delete the file from all playlists. * @param string $p_fileId */ public static function DeleteFileFromAllPlaylists($p_fileId) { CcPlaylistcontentsQuery::create()->filterByDbFileId($p_fileId)->delete(); } /** * Delete playlists that match the ids.. * @param array $p_ids */ public static function DeletePlaylists($p_ids) { CcPlaylistQuery::create()->findPKs($p_ids)->delete(); } } // class Playlist class PlaylistNotFoundException extends Exception {} class PlaylistOutDatedException extends Exception {}