_showId = $showId; } public function getName() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); return $show->getDbName(); } public function setName($name) { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); $show->setDbName($name); } public function getDescription() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); return $show->getDbDescription(); } public function setDescription($description) { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); $show->setDbDescription($description); } public function getColor() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); return $show->getDbColor(); } public function setColor($color) { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); $show->setDbColor($color); } public function getBackgroundColor() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); return $show->getDbBackgroundColor(); } public function setBackgroundColor($backgroundColor) { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->_showId); $show->setDbBackgroundColor($backgroundColor); } public function cancelShow($day_timestamp) { global $CC_DBC; $timeinfo = explode(" ", $day_timestamp); CcShowDaysQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId) ->update(array('DbLastShow' => $timeinfo[0])); $sql = "DELETE FROM cc_show_instances WHERE starts >= '{$day_timestamp}' AND show_id = {$this->_showId}"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } //end dates are non inclusive. public static function addShow($data) { $con = Propel::getConnection(CcShowPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $sql = "SELECT time '{$data['add_show_start_time']}' + INTERVAL '{$data['add_show_duration']} hour' "; $r = $con->query($sql); $endTime = $r->fetchColumn(0); $sql = "SELECT EXTRACT(DOW FROM TIMESTAMP '{$data['add_show_start_date']} {$data['add_show_start_time']}')"; $r = $con->query($sql); $startDow = $r->fetchColumn(0); if($data['add_show_no_end']) { $endDate = NULL; $data['add_show_repeats'] = 1; } else if($data['add_show_repeats']) { $sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_end_date']}' + INTERVAL '1 day' "; $r = $con->query($sql); $endDate = $r->fetchColumn(0); } else { $sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_start_date']}' + INTERVAL '1 day' "; $r = $con->query($sql); $endDate = $r->fetchColumn(0); } //only want the day of the week from the start date. if(!$data['add_show_repeats']) { $data['add_show_day_check'] = array($startDow); } else if($data['add_show_repeats'] && $data['add_show_day_check'] == "") { $data['add_show_day_check'] = array($startDow); } //find repeat type or set to a non repeating show. if($data['add_show_repeats']) { $repeat_type = $data["add_show_repeat_type"]; } else { $repeat_type = -1; } $show = new CcShow(); $show->setDbName($data['add_show_name']); $show->setDbDescription($data['add_show_description']); $show->setDbColor($data['add_show_color']); $show->setDbBackgroundColor($data['add_show_background_color']); $show->save(); $showId = $show->getDbId(); //don't set day for monthly repeat type, it's invalid. if($data['add_show_repeats'] && $data["add_show_repeat_type"] == 2) { $showDay = new CcShowDays(); $showDay->setDbFirstShow($data['add_show_start_date']); $showDay->setDbLastShow($endDate); $showDay->setDbStartTime($data['add_show_start_time']); $showDay->setDbDuration($data['add_show_duration']); $showDay->setDbRepeatType($repeat_type); $showDay->setDbShowId($showId); $showDay->save(); } else { foreach ($data['add_show_day_check'] as $day) { if($startDow !== $day){ if($startDow > $day) $daysAdd = 6 - $startDow + 1 + $day; else $daysAdd = $day - $startDow; $sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_start_date']}' + INTERVAL '{$daysAdd} day' "; $r = $con->query($sql); $start = $r->fetchColumn(0); } else { $start = $data['add_show_start_date']; } if(strtotime($start) < strtotime($endDate) || is_null($endDate)) { $showDay = new CcShowDays(); $showDay->setDbFirstShow($start); $showDay->setDbLastShow($endDate); $showDay->setDbStartTime($data['add_show_start_time']); $showDay->setDbDuration($data['add_show_duration']); $showDay->setDbDay($day); $showDay->setDbRepeatType($repeat_type); $showDay->setDbShowId($showId); $showDay->save(); } } } if(is_array($data['add_show_hosts'])) { //add selected hosts to cc_show_hosts table. foreach ($data['add_show_hosts'] as $host) { $showHost = new CcShowHosts(); $showHost->setDbShow($showId); $showHost->setDbHost($host); $showHost->save(); } } Show::populateShowUntilLastGeneratedDate($showId); } public static function getShows($start_timestamp, $end_timestamp, $excludeInstance=NULL, $onlyRecord=FALSE) { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT starts, ends, show_id, name, description, color, background_color, cc_show_instances.id AS instance_id FROM cc_show_instances LEFT JOIN cc_show ON cc_show.id = cc_show_instances.show_id"; //only want shows that are starting at the time or later. if($onlyRecord) { $sql = $sql." WHERE (starts >= '{$start_timestamp}' AND starts < timestamp '{$start_timestamp}' + interval '2 hours')"; $sql = $sql." AND (record = TRUE)"; } else { $sql = $sql." WHERE ((starts >= '{$start_timestamp}' AND starts < '{$end_timestamp}') OR (ends > '{$start_timestamp}' AND ends <= '{$end_timestamp}') OR (starts <= '{$start_timestamp}' AND ends >= '{$end_timestamp}'))"; } if(isset($excludeInstance)) { foreach($excludeInstance as $instance) { $sql_exclude[] = "cc_show_instances.id != {$instance}"; } $exclude = join(" OR ", $sql_exclude); $sql = $sql." AND ({$exclude})"; } //echo $sql; return $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); } //for a show with repeat_type == -1 private static function populateNonRepeatingShow($show_id, $first_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp) { global $CC_DBC; $next_date = $first_show." ".$start_time; if(strtotime($next_date) < strtotime($end_timestamp)) { $start = $next_date; $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '{$duration}'"; $end = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $newShow = new CcShowInstances(); $newShow->setDbShowId($show_id); $newShow->setDbStarts($start); $newShow->setDbEnds($end); $newShow->save(); } } private static function setNextPop($next_date, $show_id, $day) { $nextInfo = explode(" ", $next_date); $repeatInfo = CcShowDaysQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($show_id) ->filterByDbDay($day) ->findOne(); $repeatInfo->setDbNextPopDate($nextInfo[0]) ->save(); } //for a show with repeat_type == 0 private static function populateWeeklyShow($show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp) { global $CC_DBC; if(isset($next_pop_date)) { $next_date = $next_pop_date." ".$start_time; } else { $next_date = $first_show." ".$start_time; } while(strtotime($next_date) < strtotime($end_timestamp) && (strtotime($last_show) > strtotime($next_date) || is_null($last_show))) { $start = $next_date; $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '{$duration}'"; $end = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $newShow = new CcShowInstances(); $newShow->setDbShowId($show_id); $newShow->setDbStarts($start); $newShow->setDbEnds($end); $newShow->save(); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '7 days'"; $next_date = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } Show::setNextPop($next_date, $show_id, $day); } //for a show with repeat_type == 1 private static function populateBiWeeklyShow($show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp) { global $CC_DBC; if(isset($next_pop_date)) { $next_date = $next_pop_date." ".$start_time; } else { $next_date = $first_show." ".$start_time; } while(strtotime($next_date) < strtotime($end_timestamp) && (strtotime($last_show) > strtotime($next_date) || is_null($last_show))) { $start = $next_date; $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '{$duration}'"; $end = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $newShow = new CcShowInstances(); $newShow->setDbShowId($show_id); $newShow->setDbStarts($start); $newShow->setDbEnds($end); $newShow->save(); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '14 days'"; $next_date = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } Show::setNextPop($next_date, $show_id, $day); } //for a show with repeat_type == 2 private static function populateMonthlyShow($show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp) { global $CC_DBC; if(isset($next_pop_date)) { $next_date = $next_pop_date." ".$start_time; } else { $next_date = $first_show." ".$start_time; } while(strtotime($next_date) < strtotime($end_timestamp) && (strtotime($last_show) > strtotime($next_date) || is_null($last_show))) { $start = $next_date; $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '{$duration}'"; $end = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $newShow = new CcShowInstances(); $newShow->setDbShowId($show_id); $newShow->setDbStarts($start); $newShow->setDbEnds($end); $newShow->save(); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$start}' + interval '1 month'"; $next_date = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } Show::setNextPop($next_date, $show_id, $day); } private static function populateShow($repeat_type, $show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp) { if($repeat_type == -1) { Show::populateNonRepeatingShow($show_id, $first_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp); } else if($repeat_type == 0) { Show::populateWeeklyShow($show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp); } else if($repeat_type == 1) { Show::populateBiWeeklyShow($show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp); } else if($repeat_type == 2) { Show::populateMonthlyShow($show_id, $next_pop_date, $first_show, $last_show, $start_time, $duration, $day, $end_timestamp); } } //used to catch up a newly added show private static function populateShowUntilLastGeneratedDate($show_id) { global $CC_DBC; $showsPopUntil = Application_Model_Preference::GetShowsPopulatedUntil(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_days WHERE show_id = {$show_id}"; $res = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); foreach($res as $row) { Show::populateShow($row["repeat_type"], $row["show_id"], $row["next_pop_date"], $row["first_show"], $row["last_show"], $row["start_time"], $row["duration"], $row["day"], $showsPopUntil); } } public static function populateShowsUntil($pop_timestamp, $end_timestamp) { global $CC_DBC; if($pop_timestamp != "") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_days WHERE last_show IS NULL OR first_show < '{$end_timestamp}' AND last_show > '{$pop_timestamp}'"; } else { $today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_days WHERE last_show IS NULL OR first_show < '{$end_timestamp}' AND last_show > '{$today_timestamp}'"; } $res = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); foreach($res as $row) { Show::populateShow($row["repeat_type"], $row["show_id"], $row["next_pop_date"], $row["first_show"], $row["last_show"], $row["start_time"], $row["duration"], $row["day"], $end_timestamp); } } public static function getFullCalendarEvents($start, $end, $editable=false) { $events = array(); $showsPopUntil = Application_Model_Preference::GetShowsPopulatedUntil(); //if fullcalendar is requesting shows past our previous populated until date, generate shows up until this point. if($showsPopUntil == "" || strtotime($showsPopUntil) < strtotime($end)) { Show::populateShowsUntil($showsPopUntil, $end); Application_Model_Preference::SetShowsPopulatedUntil($end); } $shows = Show::getShows($start, $end); $today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); foreach ($shows as $show) { if($editable && strtotime($today_timestamp) < strtotime($show["starts"])) $events[] = Show::makeFullCalendarEvent($show, array("editable" => true)); else $events[] = Show::makeFullCalendarEvent($show); } return $events; } private static function makeFullCalendarEvent($show, $options=array()) { global $CC_DBC; $event = array( "id" => $show["instance_id"], "title" => $show["name"], "start" => $show["starts"], "end" => $show["ends"], "allDay" => false, "description" => $show["description"], "color" => $show["color"], "backgroundColor" => $show["background_color"], "showId" => $show["show_id"] ); foreach($options as $key=>$value) { $event[$key] = $value; } $percent = Schedule::GetPercentScheduled($show["instance_id"], $show["starts"], $show["ends"]); $event["percent"] = $percent; return $event; } } class ShowInstance { private $_instanceId; public function __construct($instanceId) { $this->_instanceId = $instanceId; } public function getShowId() { $showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($this->_instanceId); return $showInstance->getDbShowId(); } public function getShowInstanceId() { return $this->_instanceId; } public function getName() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->getShowId()); return $show->getDbName(); } public function getShowStart() { $showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($this->_instanceId); return $showInstance->getDbStarts(); } public function getShowEnd() { $showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($this->_instanceId); return $showInstance->getDbEnds(); } public function setShowStart($start) { $showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($this->_instanceId); $showInstance->setDbStarts($start) ->save(); } public function setShowEnd($end) { $showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($this->_instanceId); $showInstance->setDbEnds($end) ->save(); } public function moveScheduledShowContent($deltaDay, $deltaHours, $deltaMin) { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule SET starts = (starts + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$deltaHours}:{$deltaMin}'), ends = (ends + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$deltaHours}:{$deltaMin}') WHERE instance_id = '{$this->_instanceId}'"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } public function moveShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin){ global $CC_DBC; $hours = $deltaMin/60; if($hours > 0) $hours = floor($hours); else $hours = ceil($hours); $mins = abs($deltaMin%60); $starts = $this->getShowStart(); $ends = $this->getShowEnd(); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$starts}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'"; $new_starts = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'"; $new_ends = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if(strtotime($today_timestamp) > strtotime($new_starts)) { return "can't move show into past"; } $overlap = Show::getShows($new_starts, $new_ends, array($this->_instanceId)); if(count($overlap) > 0) { return "Should not overlap shows"; } $this->moveScheduledShowContent($deltaDay, $hours, $mins); $this->setShowStart($new_starts); $this->setShowEnd($new_ends); } public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin){ global $CC_DBC; $hours = $deltaMin/60; if($hours > 0) $hours = floor($hours); else $hours = ceil($hours); $mins = abs($deltaMin%60); $starts = $this->getShowStart(); $ends = $this->getShowEnd(); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'"; $new_ends = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); //only need to check overlap if show increased in size. if(strtotime($new_ends) > strtotime($ends)) { $overlap = Show::getShows($ends, $new_ends); if(count($overlap) > 0) { return "Should not overlap shows"; } } //with overbooking no longer need to check already scheduled content still fits. $this->setShowEnd($new_ends); } private function getLastGroupId() { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT group_id FROM cc_schedule WHERE instance_id = '{$this->_instanceId}' ORDER BY ends DESC LIMIT 1"; $res = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); return $res; } public function addPlaylistToShow($plId) { $sched = new ScheduleGroup(); $lastGroupId = $this->getLastGroupId(); if(is_null($lastGroupId)) { $groupId = $sched->add($this->_instanceId, $this->getShowStart(), null, $plId); } else { $groupId = $sched->addPlaylistAfter($this->_instanceId, $lastGroupId, $plId); } } public function scheduleShow($plIds) { foreach($plIds as $plId) { $this->addPlaylistToShow($plId); } } public function removeGroupFromShow($group_id){ global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT MAX(ends) as end_timestamp, (MAX(ends) - MIN(starts)) as length FROM cc_schedule WHERE group_id = '{$group_id}'"; $groupBoundry = $CC_DBC->GetRow($sql); $group = CcScheduleQuery::create() ->filterByDbGroupId($group_id) ->delete(); $sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule SET starts = (starts - INTERVAL '{$groupBoundry["length"]}'), ends = (ends - INTERVAL '{$groupBoundry["length"]}') WHERE starts >= '{$groupBoundry["end_timestamp"]}' AND instance_id = {$this->_instanceId}"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } public function clearShow() { CcScheduleQuery::create() ->filterByDbInstanceId($this->_instanceId) ->delete(); } public function deleteShow() { CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->findPK($this->_instanceId) ->delete(); } public function getTimeScheduled() { $instance_id = $this->getShowInstanceId(); $time = Schedule::GetTotalShowTime($instance_id); return $time; } public function getTimeUnScheduled() { $start_timestamp = $this->getShowStart(); $end_timestamp = $this->getShowEnd(); $instance_id = $this->getShowInstanceId(); $time = Schedule::getTimeUnScheduledInRange($instance_id, $start_timestamp, $end_timestamp); return $time; } public function getPercentScheduled() { $start_timestamp = $this->getShowStart(); $end_timestamp = $this->getShowEnd(); $instance_id = $this->getShowInstanceId(); return Schedule::GetPercentScheduled($instance_id, $start_timestamp, $end_timestamp); } public function getShowLength() { global $CC_DBC; $start_timestamp = $this->getShowStart(); $end_timestamp = $this->getShowEnd(); $sql = "SELECT TIMESTAMP '{$end_timestamp}' - TIMESTAMP '{$start_timestamp}' "; $length = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); return $length; } public function searchPlaylistsForShow($datatables){ $time_remaining = $this->getTimeUnScheduled(); return StoredFile::searchPlaylistsForSchedule($time_remaining, $datatables); } public function getShowListContent() { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT * FROM (cc_schedule AS s LEFT JOIN cc_files AS f ON f.id = s.file_id LEFT JOIN cc_playlist AS p ON p.id = s.playlist_id ) WHERE s.instance_id = '{$this->_instanceId}' ORDER BY starts"; return $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); } public function getShowContent() { global $CC_DBC; $res = $this->getShowListContent(); if(count($res) <= 0) { return $res; } $items = array(); $currGroupId = -1; $pl_counter = -1; $f_counter = -1; foreach ($res as $row) { if($currGroupId != $row["group_id"]){ $currGroupId = $row["group_id"]; $pl_counter = $pl_counter + 1; $f_counter = -1; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_name"] = $row["name"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_creator"] = $row["creator"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_description"] = $row["description"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_group"] = $row["group_id"]; $sql = "SELECT SUM(clip_length) FROM cc_schedule WHERE group_id = '{$currGroupId}'"; $length = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $items[$pl_counter]["pl_length"] = $length; } $f_counter = $f_counter + 1; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_content"][$f_counter]["f_name"] = $row["track_title"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_content"][$f_counter]["f_artist"] = $row["artist_name"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_content"][$f_counter]["f_length"] = $row["length"]; } return $items; } } /* Show Data Access Layer */ class Show_DAL{ public static function GetCurrentShow($timeNow) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $timestamp = explode(" ", $timeNow); $date = $timestamp[0]; $time = $timestamp[1]; $sql = "SELECT si.starts as start_timestamp, si.ends as end_timestamp, s.name, s.id, si.id as instance_id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si, $CC_CONFIG[showTable] s" ." WHERE si.show_id = s.id" ." AND si.starts <= TIMESTAMP '$timeNow'" ." AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow'"; $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); return $rows; } public static function GetNextShow($timeNow) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT *, si.starts as start_timestamp, si.ends as end_timestamp FROM " ." $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si, $CC_CONFIG[showTable] s" ." WHERE si.show_id = s.id" ." AND si.starts >= TIMESTAMP '$timeNow'" ." AND si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '48 hours'" ." ORDER BY si.starts" ." LIMIT 1"; $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); return $rows; } public static function GetShowsInRange($timeNow, $start, $end){ global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT" ." si.starts as show_starts," ." si.ends as show_ends," ." st.starts as item_starts," ." st.ends as item_ends," ." st.clip_length as clip_length," ." ft.track_title as track_title," ." ft.artist_name as artist_name," ." ft.album_title as album_title," ." s.name as show_name," ." si.id as instance_id," ." pt.name as playlist_name" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] st" ." ON st.instance_id = si.id" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[playListTable] pt" ." ON st.playlist_id = pt.id" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[filesTable] ft" ." ON st.file_id = ft.id" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showTable] s" ." ON si.show_id = s.id" ." WHERE ((si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' - INTERVAL '$start seconds' AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' - INTERVAL '$start seconds')" ." OR (si.starts > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' - INTERVAL '$start seconds' AND si.ends < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '$end seconds')" ." OR (si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '$end seconds' AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '$end seconds'))" ." AND (st.starts < si.ends)" ." ORDER BY st.starts"; return $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); } }