dsn datasource setting
* tblNamePrefix prefix for table names in the database
* authCookieName secret token cookie name
* storageDir main directory for storing binary media files
* bufferDir directory for temporary files
* transDir directory for incomplete transferred files
* accessDir directory for symlinks to accessed files
* isArchive local/central flag
* storageUrlPathpath-URL-part of storageServer base dir
* (on central archive side: storage=archive)
* storageXMLRPCXMLRPC server script address relative to storageUrlPath
* storageUrlHost, storageUrlPorthost and port of storageServer
* archiveUrlPathpath-URL-part of archiveServer base dir
* archiveXMLRPCXMLRPC server script address relative to archiveUrlPath
* archiveUrlHost, archiveUrlPorthost and port of archiveServer
$config = array(
/* ================================================== basic configuration */
'dsn' => array(
'username' => 'test',
'password' => 'test',
'hostspec' => 'localhost',
'phptype' => 'pgsql',
'database' => 'LiveSupport-test',
'tblNamePrefix' => 'as_',
'authCookieName'=> 'assid',
'StationPrefsGr'=> '',
'storageDir' => dirname(getcwd()).'/stor',
'bufferDir' => dirname(getcwd()).'/stor/buffer',
'transDir' => dirname(getcwd()).'/trans',
'accessDir' => dirname(getcwd()).'/access',
'isArchive' => TRUE,
/* ==================================================== URL configuration */
// on central archive side: archive is the storage !
'storageUrlPath' => '/livesupportArchiveServer',
'storageXMLRPC' => 'xmlrpc/xrArchive.php',
'storageUrlHost' => 'localhost',
'storageUrlPort' => 80,
// have to be another remote archive:
#'archiveUrlPath' => '/livesupportArchiveServer',
#'archiveXMLRPC' => 'xmlrpc/xrArchive.php',
#'archiveUrlHost' => 'localhost',
#'archiveUrlPort' => 80,
/* ==================================== aplication-specific configuration */
'objtypes' => array(
'RootNode' => array('Folder'),
'Storage' => array('Folder', 'File', 'Replica'),
'Folder' => array('Folder', 'File', 'Replica'),
'File' => array(),
'audioclip' => array(),
'playlist' => array(),
'Replica' => array(),
'allowedActions'=> array(
'RootNode' => array('classes', 'subjects'),
'Folder' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'File' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'audioclip' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'playlist' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'Replica' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'_class' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'allActions' => array(
'editPrivs', 'write', 'read', 'classes', 'subjects'
/* ============================================== auxiliary configuration */
'RootNode' => 'RootNode',
'tmpRootPass' => 'q',