
142 lines
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class Application_Model_Auth
public const TOKEN_LIFETIME = 'P2D'; // DateInterval syntax
private function generateToken($action, $user_id)
$salt = md5('pro');
$token = self::generateRandomString();
$info = new CcSubjsToken();
$info->setDbToken(sha1($token . $salt));
Logging::debug("generated token {$token}");
return $token;
public function sendPasswordRestoreLink($user, $view)
$public_url = Config::getPublicUrl();
$token = $this->generateToken('password.restore', $user->getDbId());
$link_path = $view->url(['user_id' => $user->getDbId(), 'token' => $token], 'password-change');
$message = sprintf(_("Hi %s, \n\nPlease click this link to reset your password: "), $user->getDbLogin());
$message .= "{$public_url}{$link_path}";
$message .= sprintf(_("\n\nIf you have any problems, please contact our support team: %s"), SUPPORT_ADDRESS);
$message .= sprintf(_("\n\nThank you,\nThe %s Team"), SAAS_PRODUCT_BRANDING_NAME);
$str = sprintf(_('%s Password Reset'), SAAS_PRODUCT_BRANDING_NAME);
return Application_Model_Email::send($str, $message, $user->getDbEmail());
public function invalidateTokens($user, $action)
public function checkToken($user_id, $token, $action)
$salt = md5('pro');
$token_info = CcSubjsTokenQuery::create()
->filterByDbToken(sha1($token . $salt))
if (empty($token_info)) {
return false;
$now = new DateTime();
$token_life = new DateInterval(self::TOKEN_LIFETIME);
$token_created = new DateTime($token_info->getDbCreated(), new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
return $now->sub($token_life)->getTimestamp() < $token_created->getTimestamp();
* Gets the adapter for authentication against a database table.
* @return object
public static function getAuthAdapter()
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
if ($CC_CONFIG['auth'] !== 'local') {
return self::getCustomAuthAdapter($CC_CONFIG['auth']);
// Database config
$db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_' . $CC_CONFIG['dsn']['phptype'], [
'host' => $CC_CONFIG['dsn']['host'],
'port' => $CC_CONFIG['dsn']['port'],
'username' => $CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username'],
'password' => $CC_CONFIG['dsn']['password'],
'dbname' => $CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database'],
$authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db);
return $authAdapter;
* Gets an alternative Adapter that does not need to auth agains a databse table.
* @param mixed $adaptor
* @return object
public static function getCustomAuthAdapter($adaptor)
return new $adaptor();
* Get random string.
* @param int $length
* @param string $allowed_chars
* @return string
final public function generateRandomString($length = 12, $allowed_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789')
$string = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$string .= $allowed_chars[random_int(0, strlen($allowed_chars) - 1)];
return $string;
/** It is essential to do this before interacting with Zend_Auth otherwise sessions could be shared between
* different copies of Airtime on the same webserver. This essentially pins this session to:
* - The server public url.
* @param Zend_Auth $auth get this with Zend_Auth::getInstance()
public static function pinSessionToClient($auth)
$auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('libretime'));