
901 lines
26 KiB

* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Service
* @subpackage Amazon_S3
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* @version $Id: S3.php 20096 2010-01-06 02:05:09Z bkarwin $
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_Abstract
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/Abstract.php';
* @see Zend_Crypt_Hmac
require_once 'Zend/Crypt/Hmac.php';
* Amazon S3 PHP connection class
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Service
* @subpackage Amazon_S3
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* @see
class Zend_Service_Amazon_S3 extends Zend_Service_Amazon_Abstract
* Store for stream wrapper clients
* @var array
protected static $_wrapperClients = array();
* Endpoint for the service
* @var Zend_Uri_Http
protected $_endpoint;
const S3_ENDPOINT = '';
const S3_ACL_PRIVATE = 'private';
const S3_ACL_PUBLIC_READ = 'public-read';
const S3_ACL_PUBLIC_WRITE = 'public-read-write';
const S3_ACL_AUTH_READ = 'authenticated-read';
const S3_REQUESTPAY_HEADER = 'x-amz-request-payer';
const S3_ACL_HEADER = 'x-amz-acl';
const S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = 'Content-Type';
* Set S3 endpoint to use
* @param string|Zend_Uri_Http $endpoint
* @return Zend_Service_Amazon_S3
public function setEndpoint($endpoint)
if (!($endpoint instanceof Zend_Uri_Http)) {
$endpoint = Zend_Uri::factory($endpoint);
if (!$endpoint->valid()) {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception('Invalid endpoint supplied');
$this->_endpoint = $endpoint;
return $this;
* Get current S3 endpoint
* @return Zend_Uri_Http
public function getEndpoint()
return $this->_endpoint;
* Constructor
* @param string $accessKey
* @param string $secretKey
* @param string $region
public function __construct($accessKey=null, $secretKey=null, $region=null)
parent::__construct($accessKey, $secretKey, $region);
* Verify if the bucket name is valid
* @param string $bucket
* @return boolean
public function _validBucketName($bucket)
$len = strlen($bucket);
if ($len < 3 || $len > 255) {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception("Bucket name \"$bucket\" must be between 3 and 255 characters long");
if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9\._-]/', $bucket)) {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception("Bucket name \"$bucket\" contains invalid characters");
if (preg_match('/(\d){1,3}\.(\d){1,3}\.(\d){1,3}\.(\d){1,3}/', $bucket)) {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception("Bucket name \"$bucket\" cannot be an IP address");
return true;
* Add a new bucket
* @param string $bucket
* @return boolean
public function createBucket($bucket, $location = null)
if($location) {
$data = '<CreateBucketConfiguration><LocationConstraint>'.$location.'</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>';
else {
$data = null;
$response = $this->_makeRequest('PUT', $bucket, null, array(), $data);
return ($response->getStatus() == 200);
* Checks if a given bucket name is available
* @param string $bucket
* @return boolean
public function isBucketAvailable($bucket)
$response = $this->_makeRequest('HEAD', $bucket, array('max-keys'=>0));
return ($response->getStatus() != 404);
* Checks if a given object exists
* @param string $object
* @return boolean
public function isObjectAvailable($object)
$response = $this->_makeRequest('HEAD', $object);
return ($response->getStatus() == 200);
* Remove a given bucket. All objects in the bucket must be removed prior
* to removing the bucket.
* @param string $bucket
* @return boolean
public function removeBucket($bucket)
$response = $this->_makeRequest('DELETE', $bucket);
// Look for a 204 No Content response
return ($response->getStatus() == 204);
* Get metadata information for a given object
* @param string $object
* @return array|false
public function getInfo($object)
$info = array();
$object = $this->_fixupObjectName($object);
$response = $this->_makeRequest('HEAD', $object);
if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
$info['type'] = $response->getHeader('Content-type');
$info['size'] = $response->getHeader('Content-length');
$info['mtime'] = strtotime($response->getHeader('Last-modified'));
$info['etag'] = $response->getHeader('ETag');
else {
return false;
return $info;
* List the S3 buckets
* @return array|false
public function getBuckets()
$response = $this->_makeRequest('GET');
if ($response->getStatus() != 200) {
return false;
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->getBody());
$buckets = array();
foreach ($xml->Buckets->Bucket as $bucket) {
$buckets[] = (string)$bucket->Name;
return $buckets;
* Remove all objects in the bucket.
* @param string $bucket
* @return boolean
public function cleanBucket($bucket)
$objects = $this->getObjectsByBucket($bucket);
if (!$objects) {
return false;
foreach ($objects as $object) {
return true;
* List the objects in a bucket.
* Provides the list of object keys that are contained in the bucket. Valid params include the following.
* prefix - Limits the response to keys which begin with the indicated prefix. You can use prefixes to separate a bucket into different sets of keys in a way similar to how a file system uses folders.
* marker - Indicates where in the bucket to begin listing. The list will only include keys that occur lexicographically after marker. This is convenient for pagination: To get the next page of results use the last key of the current page as the marker.
* max-keys - The maximum number of keys you'd like to see in the response body. The server might return fewer than this many keys, but will not return more.
* delimiter - Causes keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter to be rolled up into a single result element in the CommonPrefixes collection. These rolled-up keys are not returned elsewhere in the response.
* @param string $bucket
* @param array $params S3 GET Bucket Paramater
* @return array|false
public function getObjectsByBucket($bucket, $params = array())
$response = $this->_makeRequest('GET', $bucket, $params);
if ($response->getStatus() != 200) {
return false;
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->getBody());
$objects = array();
if (isset($xml->Contents)) {
foreach ($xml->Contents as $contents) {
foreach ($contents->Key as $object) {
$objects[] = (string)$object;
return $objects;
* Make sure the object name is valid
* @param string $object
* @return string
protected function _fixupObjectName($object)
$nameparts = explode('/', $object);
$firstpart = array_shift($nameparts);
if (count($nameparts) == 0) {
return $firstpart;
return $firstpart.'/'.join('/', array_map('rawurlencode', $nameparts));
* Get an object
* @param string $object
* @param bool $paidobject This is "requestor pays" object
* @return string|false
public function getObject($object, $paidobject=false)
$object = $this->_fixupObjectName($object);
if ($paidobject) {
$response = $this->_makeRequest('GET', $object, null, array(self::S3_REQUESTPAY_HEADER => 'requester'));
else {
$response = $this->_makeRequest('GET', $object);
if ($response->getStatus() != 200) {
return false;
return $response->getBody();
* Get an object using streaming
* Can use either provided filename for storage or create a temp file if none provided.
* @param string $object Object path
* @param string $streamfile File to write the stream to
* @param bool $paidobject This is "requestor pays" object
* @return Zend_Http_Response_Stream|false
public function getObjectStream($object, $streamfile = null, $paidobject=false)
$object = $this->_fixupObjectName($object);
if ($paidobject) {
$response = $this->_makeRequest('GET', $object, null, array(self::S3_REQUESTPAY_HEADER => 'requester'));
else {
$response = $this->_makeRequest('GET', $object);
if ($response->getStatus() != 200 || !($response instanceof Zend_Http_Response_Stream)) {
return false;
return $response;
* Upload an object by a PHP string
* @param string $object Object name
* @param string|resource $data Object data (can be string or stream)
* @param array $meta Metadata
* @return boolean
public function putObject($object, $data, $meta=null)
$object = $this->_fixupObjectName($object);
$headers = (is_array($meta)) ? $meta : array();
if(!is_resource($data)) {
$headers['Content-MD5'] = base64_encode(md5($data, true));
$headers['Expect'] = '100-continue';
if (!isset($headers[self::S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER])) {
$headers[self::S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = self::getMimeType($object);
$response = $this->_makeRequest('PUT', $object, null, $headers, $data);
// Check the MD5 Etag returned by S3 against and MD5 of the buffer
if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
// It is escaped by double quotes for some reason
$etag = str_replace('"', '', $response->getHeader('Etag'));
if (is_resource($data) || $etag == md5($data)) {
return true;
return false;
* Put file to S3 as object
* @param string $path File name
* @param string $object Object name
* @param array $meta Metadata
* @return boolean
public function putFile($path, $object, $meta=null)
$data = @file_get_contents($path);
if ($data === false) {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception("Cannot read file $path");
if (!is_array($meta)) {
$meta = array();
if (!isset($meta[self::S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER])) {
$meta[self::S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = self::getMimeType($path);
return $this->putObject($object, $data, $meta);
* Put file to S3 as object, using streaming
* @param string $path File name
* @param string $object Object name
* @param array $meta Metadata
* @return boolean
public function putFileStream($path, $object, $meta=null)
$data = @fopen($path, "rb");
if ($data === false) {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception("Cannot open file $path");
if (!is_array($meta)) {
$meta = array();
if (!isset($meta[self::S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER])) {
$meta[self::S3_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = self::getMimeType($path);
if(!isset($meta['Content-MD5'])) {
$headers['Content-MD5'] = base64_encode(md5_file($path, true));
return $this->putObject($object, $data, $meta);
* Remove a given object
* @param string $object
* @return boolean
public function removeObject($object)
$object = $this->_fixupObjectName($object);
$response = $this->_makeRequest('DELETE', $object);
// Look for a 204 No Content response
return ($response->getStatus() == 204);
* Make a request to Amazon S3
* @param string $method Request method
* @param string $path Path to requested object
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @param array $headers HTTP headers
* @param string|resource $data Request data
* @return Zend_Http_Response
public function _makeRequest($method, $path='', $params=null, $headers=array(), $data=null)
$retry_count = 0;
if (!is_array($headers)) {
$headers = array($headers);
$headers['Date'] = gmdate(DATE_RFC1123, time());
if(is_resource($data) && $method != 'PUT') {
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Exception("Only PUT request supports stream data");
// build the end point out
$parts = explode('/', $path, 2);
$endpoint = clone($this->_endpoint);
if ($parts[0]) {
// prepend bucket name to the hostname
if (!empty($parts[1])) {
else {
if ($parts[0]) {
$path = $parts[0].'/';
self::addSignature($method, $path, $headers);
$client = self::getHttpClient();
// Work around buglet in HTTP client - it doesn't clean headers
// Remove when ZHC is fixed
$client->setHeaders(array('Content-MD5' => null,
'Expect' => null,
'Range' => null,
'x-amz-acl' => null));
if (is_array($params)) {
foreach ($params as $name=>$value) {
$client->setParameterGet($name, $value);
if (($method == 'PUT') && ($data !== null)) {
if (!isset($headers['Content-type'])) {
$headers['Content-type'] = self::getMimeType($path);
$client->setRawData($data, $headers['Content-type']);
do {
$retry = false;
$response = $client->request($method);
$response_code = $response->getStatus();
// Some 5xx errors are expected, so retry automatically
if ($response_code >= 500 && $response_code < 600 && $retry_count <= 5) {
$retry = true;
sleep($retry_count / 4 * $retry_count);
else if ($response_code == 307) {
// Need to redirect, new S3 endpoint given
// This should never happen as Zend_Http_Client will redirect automatically
else if ($response_code == 100) {
// echo 'OK to Continue';
} while ($retry);
return $response;
* Add the S3 Authorization signature to the request headers
* @param string $method
* @param string $path
* @param array &$headers
* @return string
protected function addSignature($method, $path, &$headers)
if (!is_array($headers)) {
$headers = array($headers);
$type = $md5 = $date = '';
// Search for the Content-type, Content-MD5 and Date headers
foreach ($headers as $key=>$val) {
if (strcasecmp($key, 'content-type') == 0) {
$type = $val;
else if (strcasecmp($key, 'content-md5') == 0) {
$md5 = $val;
else if (strcasecmp($key, 'date') == 0) {
$date = $val;
// If we have an x-amz-date header, use that instead of the normal Date
if (isset($headers['x-amz-date']) && isset($date)) {
$date = '';
$sig_str = "$method\n$md5\n$type\n$date\n";
// For x-amz- headers, combine like keys, lowercase them, sort them
// alphabetically and remove excess spaces around values
$amz_headers = array();
foreach ($headers as $key=>$val) {
$key = strtolower($key);
if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'x-amz-') {
if (is_array($val)) {
$amz_headers[$key] = $val;
else {
$amz_headers[$key][] = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $val);
if (!empty($amz_headers)) {
foreach ($amz_headers as $key=>$val) {
$sig_str .= $key.':'.implode(',', $val)."\n";
$sig_str .= '/'.parse_url($path, PHP_URL_PATH);
if (strpos($path, '?location') !== false) {
$sig_str .= '?location';
else if (strpos($path, '?acl') !== false) {
$sig_str .= '?acl';
else if (strpos($path, '?torrent') !== false) {
$sig_str .= '?torrent';
$signature = base64_encode(Zend_Crypt_Hmac::compute($this->_getSecretKey(), 'sha1', utf8_encode($sig_str), Zend_Crypt_Hmac::BINARY));
$headers['Authorization'] = 'AWS '.$this->_getAccessKey().':'.$signature;
return $sig_str;
* Attempt to get the content-type of a file based on the extension
* @param string $path
* @return string
public static function getMimeType($path)
$ext = substr(strrchr($path, '.'), 1);
if(!$ext) {
// shortcut
return 'binary/octet-stream';
switch (strtolower($ext)) {
case 'xls':
$content_type = 'application/excel';
case 'hqx':
$content_type = 'application/macbinhex40';
case 'doc':
case 'dot':
case 'wrd':
$content_type = 'application/msword';
case 'pdf':
$content_type = 'application/pdf';
case 'pgp':
$content_type = 'application/pgp';
case 'ps':
case 'eps':
case 'ai':
$content_type = 'application/postscript';
case 'ppt':
$content_type = 'application/powerpoint';
case 'rtf':
$content_type = 'application/rtf';
case 'tgz':
case 'gtar':
$content_type = 'application/x-gtar';
case 'gz':
$content_type = 'application/x-gzip';
case 'php':
case 'php3':
case 'php4':
$content_type = 'application/x-httpd-php';
case 'js':
$content_type = 'application/x-javascript';
case 'ppd':
case 'psd':
$content_type = 'application/x-photoshop';
case 'swf':
case 'swc':
case 'rf':
$content_type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
case 'tar':
$content_type = 'application/x-tar';
case 'zip':
$content_type = 'application/zip';
case 'mid':
case 'midi':
case 'kar':
$content_type = 'audio/midi';
case 'mp2':
case 'mp3':
case 'mpga':
$content_type = 'audio/mpeg';
case 'ra':
$content_type = 'audio/x-realaudio';
case 'wav':
$content_type = 'audio/wav';
case 'bmp':
$content_type = 'image/bitmap';
case 'gif':
$content_type = 'image/gif';
case 'iff':
$content_type = 'image/iff';
case 'jb2':
$content_type = 'image/jb2';
case 'jpg':
case 'jpe':
case 'jpeg':
$content_type = 'image/jpeg';
case 'jpx':
$content_type = 'image/jpx';
case 'png':
$content_type = 'image/png';
case 'tif':
case 'tiff':
$content_type = 'image/tiff';
case 'wbmp':
$content_type = 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp';
case 'xbm':
$content_type = 'image/xbm';
case 'css':
$content_type = 'text/css';
case 'txt':
$content_type = 'text/plain';
case 'htm':
case 'html':
$content_type = 'text/html';
case 'xml':
$content_type = 'text/xml';
case 'xsl':
$content_type = 'text/xsl';
case 'mpg':
case 'mpe':
case 'mpeg':
$content_type = 'video/mpeg';
case 'qt':
case 'mov':
$content_type = 'video/quicktime';
case 'avi':
$content_type = 'video/x-ms-video';
case 'eml':
$content_type = 'message/rfc822';
$content_type = 'binary/octet-stream';
return $content_type;
* Register this object as stream wrapper client
* @param string $name
* @return Zend_Service_Amazon_S3
public function registerAsClient($name)
self::$_wrapperClients[$name] = $this;
return $this;
* Unregister this object as stream wrapper client
* @param string $name
* @return Zend_Service_Amazon_S3
public function unregisterAsClient($name)
return $this;
* Get wrapper client for stream type
* @param string $name
* @return Zend_Service_Amazon_S3
public static function getWrapperClient($name)
return self::$_wrapperClients[$name];
* Register this object as stream wrapper
* @param string $name
* @return Zend_Service_Amazon_S3
public function registerStreamWrapper($name='s3')
* @see Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Stream
require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3/Stream.php';
stream_register_wrapper($name, 'Zend_Service_Amazon_S3_Stream');
* Unregister this object as stream wrapper
* @param string $name
* @return Zend_Service_Amazon_S3
public function unregisterStreamWrapper($name='s3')