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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// audioio.cpp: Routines common for all audio IO-devices.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2004,2008,2009 Kai Vehmanen
// Attributes:
// eca-style-version: 3
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <kvu_dbc.h>
#include <kvu_message_item.h>
#include <kvu_numtostr.h>
#include "eca-error.h"
#include "audioio.h"
#include "eca-logger.h"
* FIXME notes (last update 2008-03-11)
* - Modify default implementation of set_label()/label() so
* that is mapped directly to set/get_parameter(1, ...).
const string& AUDIO_IO::SETUP_ERROR::message(void) const { return message_rep; }
AUDIO_IO::SETUP_ERROR::Error_type AUDIO_IO::SETUP_ERROR::type(void) const { return type_rep; }
const string& message)
: type_rep(type), message_rep(message) { }
// ===================================================================
// Constructors and destructors
if (is_open() == true)
AUDIO_IO::AUDIO_IO(const string& name,
int mode)
nonblocking_rep = false;
open_rep = false;
// ===================================================================
// Attributes
* Returns info about supported I/O modes (bitwise-OR)
* Note that return value may change after device is
* opened (some objects will refine their attributes after
* external resources are acquired).
* By default, all I/O modes are supported.
int AUDIO_IO::supported_io_modes(void) const { return (io_read | io_readwrite | io_write); }
* Whether device supports non-blocking I/O mode.
* Note that return value may change after device is
* opened (some objects will refine their attributes after
* external resources are acquired).
* By default, nonblocking mode is not supported.
bool AUDIO_IO::supports_nonblocking_mode(void) const { return false; }
* Whether device supports seeking.
* Note that return value may change after device is
* opened (some objects will refine their attributes after
* external resources are acquired).
* By default, seeking is supported.
* @see supports_seeking_sample_accurate()
bool AUDIO_IO::supports_seeking(void) const { return true; }
* Whether device supports sample accurate seeking.
* @see supports_seeking()
* Note that return value may change after device is
* opened (some objects will refine their attributes after
* external resources are acquired).
* By default, sample accurate seeking is supported if
* supports_seeking() returns 'true'.
bool AUDIO_IO::supports_seeking_sample_accurate(void) const { return AUDIO_IO::supports_seeking(); }
* Whether audio stream has a distinct length. It's important
* to note the difference between this attribute and
* 'supports_seeking()'. For example, a file read through
* a pipe mechanism is not seekable and its length is not
* known until 'finished()<29> becomes true, but still, it is
* of finite length. A sine oscillator on the other hand
* can go on producing a signal forever, and is thus infinite.
* This attributes directly affects how 'finished()' should
* to be interpreted. @see finished().
* Note that return value may change after device is
* opened (some objects will refine their attributes after
* external resources are acquired).
* By default, audio streams are finite length.
bool AUDIO_IO::finite_length_stream(void) const { return true; }
* Whether audio format is locked. If this is true, audio object
* has a known audio format, and doesn't allow overriding it.
* By default, audio format is not locked.
bool AUDIO_IO::locked_audio_format(void) const { return false; }
// ===================================================================
// Configuration (setting and getting configuration parameters)
* Returns info about the current I/O mode.
int AUDIO_IO::io_mode(void) const { return io_mode_rep; }
* Set object input/output-mode. If the requested mode isn't
* supported, the nearest supported mode is used. Because
* of this, it's wise to afterwards check whether the requested
* mode was accepted.
* require:
* is_open() != true
void AUDIO_IO::set_io_mode(int mode) { io_mode_rep = mode; }
* Sets the object label. Label is used to identify the object instance.
* Unlike ECA_OBJECT::name(), which is typically the same for all
* instances of the class, label() is instance specific. Still it
* is not guaranteed to be unique for each object. Device and file
* names are typical label values.
* require:
* is_open() != true
void AUDIO_IO::set_label(const string& id_label) { id_label_rep = id_label; }
* Enable/disbale nonblocking mode.
* require:
* is_open() != true
void AUDIO_IO::toggle_nonblocking_mode(bool value)
nonblocking_rep = value;
* Returns the current label. See documentation for
* label(const string&).
const string& AUDIO_IO::label(void) const { return id_label_rep; }
* Returns a string containing info about sample format parameters.
string AUDIO_IO::format_info(void) const
if (locked_audio_format() == true && is_open() != true) {
otemp << "Using audio format specified in file header data (file not yet opened).";
} else {
otemp << "Format: " << format_string();
otemp << ", channels " << channels();
otemp << ", srate " << samples_per_second();
if (interleaved_channels() == true)
otemp << ", interleaved";
otemp << ", noninterleaved";
if (locked_audio_format() == true)
otemp << " (locked params).";
otemp << ".";
return otemp.to_string();
void AUDIO_IO::set_parameter(int param,
string value)
AUDIO_IO::parameter_set_to_string(param, value));
if (param == 1) set_label(value);
string AUDIO_IO::get_parameter(int param) const
if (param == 1) return label();
return "";
* Returns a debugging string for a parameter value change.
string AUDIO_IO::parameter_get_to_string(int param) const
return string("get param ")
+ kvu_numtostr(param) + " of \"" + label() + "\": \""
+ kvu_numtostr(param) + "\"";
* Returns a debugging string for a parameter value change.
string AUDIO_IO::parameter_set_to_string(int param, string value) const
return string("set param ")
+ kvu_numtostr(param) + " of \""
+ label() + "\" to \"" + value + "\"";
// ===================================================================
// Main functionality
void AUDIO_IO::open(void) throw (AUDIO_IO::SETUP_ERROR &)
DBC_REQUIRE(is_open() != true);
DBC_CHECK(channels() > 0);
DBC_CHECK(sample_format() != ECA_AUDIO_FORMAT::sfmt_none);
DBC_CHECK(samples_per_second() > 0);
open_rep = true;
if (supports_seeking() == true)
/* note: if seeking is not supported, object always starts
* at position 0 when opened */
void AUDIO_IO::close(void)
DBC_REQUIRE(is_open() == true);
open_rep = false;
// ===================================================================
// Runtime information
* If applicable, returns total length of the audio data stored
* into current audio object. In many situations it's impossible
* enquire the whole length of the object. For instance, if the
* object is streaming a finite length audio stream audio object
* from other applications using some type of standard IPC,
* the actual length won't be known until the whole stream has
* been read. As a general rule, if 'supports_seeking() == true',
* length can be known right after initialization. Then again,
* if 'finite_length_stream() == true', the whole stream must
* be processed before we know the actual length. In other
* cases, length is unknown or infinite.
ECA_AUDIO_TIME AUDIO_IO::length(void) const
return ECA_AUDIO_TIME(length_in_samples(), samples_per_second());
* Returns the current position.
ECA_AUDIO_TIME AUDIO_IO::position(void) const
return ECA_AUDIO_TIME(position_in_samples(), samples_per_second());
* Is nonblocking mode is enabled?
bool AUDIO_IO::nonblocking_mode(void) const { return nonblocking_rep; }
* Is the audio object ready for reading?
bool AUDIO_IO::readable(void) const { return is_open() && io_mode() != io_write; }
* Is the audio object ready for writing?
bool AUDIO_IO::writable(void) const { return is_open() && io_mode() != io_read; }
* Sets the total length of audio object data.
void AUDIO_IO::length(const ECA_AUDIO_TIME& v)
* Sets the current position.
void AUDIO_IO::position(const ECA_AUDIO_TIME& v)
if (v.samples_per_second() == samples_per_second())
else {
ECA_AUDIO_TIME modified (v);
* Optional status string
* An unformatted text string describing the state and status of
* the current object.
string AUDIO_IO::status(void) const {
mitem << "position (" << position_in_seconds_exact() << "/";
if (finite_length_stream() == true)
mitem << length_in_seconds_exact();
mitem << "inf";
mitem << ") seconds.\n -> ";
if (is_open() == true)
mitem << "open, ";
mitem << "closed";
if (locked_audio_format() == true &&
is_open() != true) {
mitem << ", audio format not available until object is opened.";
else {
mitem << ", " << format_string() << "/" << channels() << "ch/" << samples_per_second();
mitem << "Hz, buffer " << buffersize() << ".";
return mitem.to_string();
* Overrides the non-virtaul function
* ECA_SAMPLERATE_AWARE::samples_per_second(), that is
* present (through inheritance) in both ECA_AUDIO_FORMAT
SAMPLE_SPECS::sample_rate_t AUDIO_IO::samples_per_second(void) const
DBC_CHECK(ECA_AUDIO_FORMAT::samples_per_second() ==
return ECA_AUDIO_FORMAT::samples_per_second();
void AUDIO_IO::set_samples_per_second(SAMPLE_SPECS::sample_rate_t v)
"set srate, aobj \"" +
name() + ":" + label() +
"\" to " +
kvu_numtostr(v) + ".");
void AUDIO_IO::set_audio_format(const ECA_AUDIO_FORMAT& f_str)
SAMPLE_SPECS::sample_pos_t AUDIO_IO::seek_position(SAMPLE_SPECS::sample_pos_t pos)
if (supports_seeking() != true &&
pos != 0) {
"WARNING: seeking not supported by audio objects of type \"" +
name() + "\".");
return position_in_samples();
return pos;