
486 lines
15 KiB

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2005 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
// | |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Sterling Hughes <> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: Find.php,v 1.27 2006/06/30 14:06:16 techtonik Exp $
require_once 'PEAR.php';
define('FILE_FIND_VERSION', '@package_version@');
// to debug uncomment this string
// define('FILE_FIND_DEBUG', '');
* Commonly needed functions searching directory trees
* @access public
* @version $Id: Find.php,v 1.27 2006/06/30 14:06:16 techtonik Exp $
* @package File
* @author Sterling Hughes <>
class File_Find
* internal dir-list
* @var array
var $_dirs = array();
* directory separator
* @var string
var $dirsep = "/";
* found files
* @var array
var $files = array();
* found dirs
* @var array
var $directories = array();
* Search specified directory to find matches for specified pattern
* @param string $pattern a string containing the pattern to search
* the directory for.
* @param string $dirpath a string containing the directory path
* to search.
* @param string $pattern_type a string containing the type of
* pattern matching functions to use (can either be 'php',
* 'perl' or 'shell').
* @return array containing all of the files and directories
* matching the pattern or null if no matches
* @author Sterling Hughes <>
* @access public
* @static
function &glob($pattern, $dirpath, $pattern_type = 'php')
$dh = @opendir($dirpath);
if (!$dh) {
$pe = PEAR::raiseError("Cannot open directory $dirpath");
return $pe;
$match_function = File_Find::_determineRegex($pattern, $pattern_type);
$matches = array();
// empty string cannot be specified for 'php' and 'perl' pattern
if ($pattern || ($pattern_type != 'php' && $pattern_type != 'perl')) {
while (false !== ($entry = @readdir($dh))) {
if ($match_function($pattern, $entry) &&
$entry != '.' && $entry != '..') {
$matches[] = $entry;
if (0 == count($matches)) {
$matches = null;
return $matches ;
* Map the directory tree given by the directory_path parameter.
* @param string $directory contains the directory path that you
* want to map.
* @return array a two element array, the first element containing a list
* of all the directories, the second element containing a list of all the
* files.
* @author Sterling Hughes <>
* @access public
function &maptree($directory)
/* if called statically */
if (!isset($this) || !is_a($this, "File_Find")) {
$obj = &new File_Find();
return $obj->maptree($directory);
/* clear the results just in case */
$this->files = array();
$this->directories = array();
/* strip out trailing slashes */
$directory = preg_replace('![\\\\/]+$!', '', $directory);
$this->_dirs = array($directory);
while (count($this->_dirs)) {
$dir = array_pop($this->_dirs);
File_Find::_build($dir, $this->dirsep);
array_push($this->directories, $dir);
$retval = array($this->directories, $this->files);
return $retval;
* Map the directory tree given by the directory parameter.
* @param string $directory contains the directory path that you
* want to map.
* @param integer $maxrecursion maximun number of folders to recursive
* map
* @return array a multidimensional array containing all subdirectories
* and their files. For example:
* Array
* (
* [0] => file_1.php
* [1] => file_2.php
* [subdirname] => Array
* (
* [0] => file_1.php
* )
* )
* @author Mika Tuupola <>
* @access public
* @static
function &mapTreeMultiple($directory, $maxrecursion = 0, $count = 0)
$retval = array();
/* strip trailing slashes */
$directory = preg_replace('![\\\\/]+$!', '', $directory);
if (is_readable($directory)) {
$dh = opendir($directory);
while (false !== ($entry = @readdir($dh))) {
if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') {
array_push($retval, $entry);
while (list($key, $val) = each($retval)) {
$path = $directory . "/" . $val;
if (!is_array($val) && is_dir($path)) {
if ($maxrecursion == 0 || $count < $maxrecursion) {
$retval[$val] = &File_Find::mapTreeMultiple($path,
$maxrecursion, $count);
return $retval;
* Search the specified directory tree with the specified pattern. Return
* an array containing all matching files (no directories included).
* @param string $pattern the pattern to match every file with.
* @param string $directory the directory tree to search in.
* @param string $type the type of regular expression support to use, either
* 'php', 'perl' or 'shell'.
* @param bool $fullpath whether the regex should be matched against the
* full path or only against the filename
* @param string $match can be either 'files', 'dirs' or 'both' to specify
* the kind of list to return
* @return array a list of files matching the pattern parameter in the the
* directory path specified by the directory parameter
* @author Sterling Hughes <>
* @access public
* @static
function &search($pattern, $directory, $type = 'php', $fullpath = true, $match = 'files')
$matches = array();
list ($directories,$files) = File_Find::maptree($directory);
switch($match) {
case 'directories':
$data = $directories;
case 'both':
$data = array_merge($directories, $files);
case 'files':
$data = $files;
unset($files, $directories);
$match_function = File_Find::_determineRegex($pattern, $type);
// check if empty string given (ok for 'shell' method, but bad for others)
if ($pattern || ($type != 'php' && $type != 'perl')) {
while (list(,$entry) = each($data)) {
if ($match_function($pattern,
$fullpath ? $entry : basename($entry))) {
$matches[] = $entry;
return $matches;
* Determine whether or not a variable is a PEAR error
* @param object PEAR_Error $var the variable to test.
* @return boolean returns true if the variable is a PEAR error, otherwise
* it returns false.
* @access public
function isError(&$var)
return PEAR::isError($var);
* internal function to build singular directory trees, used by
* File_Find::maptree()
* @param string $directory name of the directory to read
* @param string $separator directory separator
* @return void
function _build($directory, $separator = "/")
$dh = @opendir($directory);
if (!$dh) {
$pe = PEAR::raiseError("Cannot open directory");
return $pe;
while (false !== ($entry = @readdir($dh))) {
if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') {
$entry = $directory.$separator.$entry;
if (is_dir($entry)) {
array_push($this->_dirs, $entry);
} else {
array_push($this->files, $entry);
* internal function to determine the type of regular expression to
* use, implemented by File_Find::glob() and File_Find::search()
* @param string $type given RegExp type
* @return string kind of function ( "eregi", "ereg" or "preg_match") ;
function _determineRegex($pattern, $type)
if (!strcasecmp($type, 'shell')) {
$match_function = 'File_Find_match_shell';
} else if (!strcasecmp($type, 'perl')) {
$match_function = 'preg_match';
} else if (!strcasecmp(substr($pattern, -2), '/i')) {
$match_function = 'eregi';
} else {
$match_function = 'ereg';
return $match_function;
* Package method to match via 'shell' pattern. Provided in global
* scope, because it should be called like 'preg_match' and 'eregi'
* and can be easily copied into other packages
* @author techtonik <>
* @return mixed bool on success and PEAR_Error on failure
function File_Find_match_shell($pattern, $filename)
// {{{ convert pattern to positive and negative regexps
$positive = $pattern;
$negation = substr_count($pattern, "|");
if ($negation > 1) {
PEAR::raiseError("Mask string contains errors!");
return FALSE;
} elseif ($negation) {
list($positive, $negative) = explode("|", $pattern);
if (strlen($negative) == 0) {
PEAR::raiseError("File-mask string contains errors!");
return FALSE;
$positive = _File_Find_match_shell_get_pattern($positive);
if ($negation) {
$negative = _File_Find_match_shell_get_pattern($negative);
// }}} convert end
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("Method: $type\nPattern: $pattern\n Converted pattern:");
if (isset($negative)) print_r($negative);
if (!preg_match($positive, $filename)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
if (isset($negative)
&& preg_match($negative, $filename)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* function used by File_Find_match_shell to convert 'shell' mask
* into pcre regexp. Some of the rules (see testcases for more):
* escaping all special chars and replacing
* . with \.
* * with .*
* ? with .{1}
* also adding ^ and $ as the pattern matches whole filename
* @author techtonik <>
* @return string pcre regexp for preg_match
function _File_Find_match_shell_get_pattern($mask) {
// get array of several masks (if any) delimited by comma
// do not touch commas in char class
$premasks = preg_split("|(\[[^\]]+\])|", $mask, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("\nPremask: ");
$pi = 0;
foreach($premasks as $pm) {
if (!isset($masks[$pi])) $masks[$pi] = "";
if ($pm{0} == '[' && $pm{strlen($pm)-1} == ']') {
// strip commas from character class
$masks[$pi] .= str_replace(",", "", $pm);
} else {
$tarr = explode(",", $pm);
if (sizeof($tarr) == 1) {
$masks[$pi] .= $pm;
} else {
foreach ($tarr as $te) {
$masks[$pi++] .= $te;
$masks[$pi] = "";
// if empty string given return *.* pattern
if (strlen($mask) == 0) return "!^.*$!";
// convert to preg regexp
$regexmask = implode("|", $masks);
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("regexMask step one(implode): $regexmask");
$regexmask = addcslashes($regexmask, '^$}!{)(\/.+');
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("\nregexMask step two(addcslashes): $regexmask");
$regexmask = preg_replace("!(\*|\?)!", ".$1", $regexmask);
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("\nregexMask step three(* ? -> .* .?): $regexmask");
// a special case '*.' at the end means that there is no extension
$regexmask = preg_replace("!\.\*\\\.(\||$)!", "[^\.]*$1", $regexmask);
// it is impossible to have dot at the end of filename
$regexmask = preg_replace("!\\\.(\||$)!", "$1", $regexmask);
// and .* at the end also means that there could be nothing at all
// (i.e. no dot at the end also)
$regexmask = preg_replace("!\\\.\.\*(\||$)!", "(\\\\..*)?$1", $regexmask);
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("\nregexMask step two and half(*.$ \\..*$ .$ -> [^.]*$ .?.* $): $regexmask");
// if no extension supplied - add .* to match partially from filename start
if (strpos($regexmask, "\\.") === FALSE) $regexmask .= ".*";
// file mask match whole name - adding restrictions
$regexmask = preg_replace("!(\|)!", '^'."$1".'$', $regexmask);
$regexmask = '^'.$regexmask.'$';
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("\nregexMask step three(^ and $ to match whole name): $regexmask");
// wrap regex into ! since all ! are already escaped
$regexmask = "!$regexmask!i";
if (defined("FILE_FIND_DEBUG")) {
print("\nWrapped regex: $regexmask\n");
return $regexmask;
* Local variables:
* tab-width: 4
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: