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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<title>HTML file conventions</title>
<meta content="$Author$" name="author">
This document is part of the <a href="http://livesupport.campware.org/">LiveSupport</a>
project, Copyright © 2004 <a href="http://www.mdlf.org/">Media
Development Loan Fund</a>, under the GNU <a
<li>Author: $Author$</li>
<li>Version: $Revision$</li>
<li>Location: $URL$</li>
This document describes the HTML file conventions for the LiveSupport
project. See also the generic description of the <a
href="fileConventions.html">file conventions</a> in the LiveSupport
HTML pages written as part of the LiveSupport documentation should
conform to either the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/">HTML 4.01
Transitional</a> or <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/">XHTML 1.0
Transitional</a> specifications.<br>
HTML document files are named by the following rules:<br>
<li>there are no spaces in the file name</li>
<li>the file name begins with a lower case letter</li>
<li>for file names containing multiple words, each additional word
begins with a capital letter</li>
<li>the extension of the file is <code>.html</code> (not <code>.htm</code>)<br>
For example, a file with a single-word name may be named like: <code>single.html</code>,
whereas a file with multiple word name would be like: <code>multipleWordNameFile.html</code>.<br>
Each HTML file is partitioned by using the <code><h1></code>
element to mark the start and name of each partition. The file has the
following mandatory structure:<br>
<li>Additional sections+</li>
<h2>HTML header</h2>
The HTML header of the document should describe the title and author of
the document. The following HTML code should be inside the <code><head></code>
element for the HTML page:<br>
<pre><code> <title>The title of the file</title><br> <meta name="author" content="$Author$"/><br></code></pre>
<h2>The Preface section</h2>
This section holds the following specific text:<br>
<blockquote>This document is part of the <a
href="http://livesupport.campware.org/">LiveSupport</a> project,
Copyright © 2004 <a href="http://www.mdlf.org/">Media Development Loan
Fund</a>, under the GNU <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">GPL</a>.<br>
<li>Author: $Author$</li>
<li>Version: $Revision$</li>
<li>Location: $URL$</li>
<h2>The Scope section</h2>
This section describes the scope of the document in short form. This
details the areas which the document covers, and sometimes holds
references to related documents.<br>
<h2>The Introductions section</h2>
This optional section introduces the topic of the document to the
<h2>Additional sections</h2>
These section hold the real content of the document, with freely named
sections and sub-sections. The normal HTML heading elements (<code><h1></code>,
<code><h2></code>, ...) should be used to mark and group the
sections. Sample source code included in the HTML document should be
put inside a <code><pre><code>...</code></pre></code>
block, like the following:<br>
<pre><code> // some sample code here<br> int i = 1;<br></code></pre>
See a generic <a href="templates/htmlDocumentTemplate.html">template
for HTML documents</a>. You may freely copy this
template when starting to create a new document.<br>