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<title>Makefile conventions</title>
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This document is part of the <a href="">LiveSupport</a>
project, Copyright © 2004 <a href="">Media
Development Loan Fund</a>, under the GNU <a
<li>Author: $Author$</li>
<li>Version: $Revision$</li>
<li>Location: $URL$</li>
This document describes the Makefile file conventions for the
project. See also the generic description of the <a
conventions</a> in the LiveSupport
project. This document does not describe the mandatory targets for
Makefiles, see the <a href="buildEnvironment.html">build environment</a>
description for such details.<br>
Makefiles are text-based files processed by <a
href="">GNU make</a>. As text based
files, they should adhere to the <a
href="fileConventions.html#textConventions">generic text-based
Makefiles are always named <code>Makefile</code>. In case they are
input files for automake or autoconf, they can be named <code></code>
or <code></code>.<br>
Makefiles are partitioned by using the following 80 column wide
partitioning comment:<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># This is the title of the partition<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br></pre>
The file has the
following mandatory structure:<br>
<li>General command definitions</li>
<li>Basic directory and file definitions</li>
<li>Configuration parameters</li>
<li>Specific targets</li>
<li>Pattern rules<br>
The header holds all information mandated by the <a
href="fileConventions.html#header">generic guidelines</a>, but
starting with the Makefile comment character <code>#</code>. Note the
column wide partitioning delimiter enclosing the header.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund<br>#<br># This file is part of the Campcaster project.<br>#<br># To report bugs, send an e-mail to<br>#<br># Campcaster is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify<br># it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by<br># the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or<br># (at your option) any later version.<br>#<br># Campcaster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br># but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br># MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the<br># GNU General Public License for more details.<br>#<br># You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License<br># along with Campcaster; if not, write to the Free Software<br># Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA<br>#<br>#<br># Author : $Author$<br># Version : $Revision$<br># Location : $URL$<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br></pre>
<h2>General command definitions<br>
This section contains definitions to commands used when executing the
make targets within this Makefile. All the commands should be collected
here, and a variable defined for them. This insures easy overview of
the commands the Makefile uses, and also makes it easy to migrate to
new commands, or the same commands in different locations.<br>
No external commands may be directly referenced outside this section.<br>
A sample general command definitions section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># General command definitions<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>MKDIR = mkdir -p<br>RM = rm -f<br>RMDIR = rm -rf<br>DOXYGEN = doxygen<br><br></pre>
<h2>Basic directory and file definitions</h2>
This section contains definitions for the directories and files
referenced in this Makefile. All directories referenced from the
Makefile, and all external files referenced by the Makefile should be
collected here. This insures easy adoption in case some external
directories or files change.<br>
No directories or external files may be directory referenced outside
this section.<br>
When referencing other LiveSupport modules, typically the following
variables are defined for them:<br>
<pre><code>MODULEX_DIR = ${MODULES_DIR}/moduleX<br>MODULEX_INCLUDE_DIR = ${MODULEX_DIR}/include<br>MODULEX_LIB_DIR = ${MODULEX_DIR}/lib<br>MODULEX_LIB = livesupport_modulex<br></code></pre>
A sample directory and file definition section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Basic directory and file definitions<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BASE_DIR = .<br>DOC_DIR = ${BASE_DIR}/doc<br>DOXYGEN_DIR = ${DOC_DIR}/doxygen<br>ETC_DIR = ${BASE_DIR}/etc<br>SRC_DIR = ${BASE_DIR}/src<br>TMP_DIR = ${BASE_DIR}/tmp<br><br><br>USR_DIR = ${BASE_DIR}/../../usr<br>USR_INCLUDE_DIR = ${USR_DIR}/include<br>USR_LIB_DIR = ${USR_DIR}/lib<br>BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR = ${USR_INCLUDE_DIR}/boost-1_31<br>LIBXMLPP_INCLUDE_DIR = ${USR_INCLUDE_DIR}/libxml++-1.0<br><br>MODULES_DIR = ${BASE_DIR}/../../modules<br><br>HELLOLIB_DIR = ${MODULES_DIR}/hello<br>HELLOLIB_INCLUDE_DIR = ${HELLOLIB_DIR}/include<br>HELLOLIB_LIB_DIR = ${HELLOLIB_DIR}/lib<br>HELLOLIB_LIB = livesupport_hello<br><br>VPATH = ${SRC_DIR}<br><br>HELLO_EXE = ${TMP_DIR}/hello<br><br>DOXYGEN_CONFIG = ${ETC_DIR}/doxygen.config<br><br></pre>
<h2>Configuration parameters</h2>
This section contains the parameters passed to the building tools
(compiler, linker, etc.) When invoking building tools, they should be
parametrized by the definitions made here.<br>
A sample configuration parameters section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Configuration parameters<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>CPPFLAGS = <br>CXXFLAGS = -pedantic -Wall \<br> &nbsp;-I${USR_INCLUDE_DIR} -I${HELLOLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} \<br> -I${INCLUDE_DIR} -I${TMP_DIR}<br>LDFLAGS = -L${USR_LIB_DIR} -L${HELLOLIB_LIB_DIR} -L${LIB_DIR}<br><br></pre>
The dependencies section lists the objects that are build by implicit
rules, and that main targets depend on. This is the place where all
object files are listed, basically, for each library or executable.<br>
No object files that are built by this Makefile should be directly
referred to outside this section.<br>
A sample dependencies section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Dependencies<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>HELLO_EXE_OBJS = ${TMP_DIR}/main.o<br><br></pre>
This section lists all the explicit, external targets for the makefile.
For a list of targets required, see the <a href="buildEnvironment.html">description</a>
of the build environment. All targets in this section are marked as
.PHONY, as these targets are not building the files they are named
No explicit targets should be defined in the Makefile outside this
A sample targets section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Targets<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>.PHONY: all dir_setup doc clean docclean depclean distclean<br> <br>all: dir_setup ${HELLO_EXE}<br> <br>dir_setup: ${TMP_DIR} ${DOXYGEN_DIR}<br> <br>doc:<br> ${DOXYGEN} ${DOXYGEN_CONFIG}<br> <br>clean:<br> ${RM} ${HELLO_EXE_OBJS} ${HELLO_EXE}<br> <br>docclean:<br> ${RMDIR} ${DOXYGEN_DIR}/html<br> <br>depclean: clean<br> <br>distclean: clean docclean<br> ${RMDIR} ${TMP_DIR}/config* ${TMP_DIR}/autom4te*<br> <br></pre>
<h2>Specific targets</h2>
This section defines the targets for files to be built by the Makefile.
These are the targets that specify how files are built, but are not
covered by pattern rules.<br>
A sample specific targets section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Specific targets<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>${HELLO_EXE}: ${HELLO_EXE_OBJS}<br> ${CXX} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@ $^ -l${HELLOLIB_LIB}<br> <br>${TMP_DIR}:<br> ${MKDIR} ${TMP_DIR}<br> <br>${DOXYGEN_DIR}:<br> ${MKDIR} ${DOXYGEN_DIR}<br> <br></pre>
<h2>Pattern rules</h2>
Pattern rules are the generic rules to build target files from object
files. Define these pattern rules in this section.<br>
No pattern rules should exist outside this section.<br>
A sample pattern rules section follows.<br>
<pre>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br># Pattern rules<br>#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>${TMP_DIR}/%.o : ${SRC_DIR}/%.cxx<br> ${CXX} ${CPPFLAGS} ${CXXFLAGS} -c -o $@ $&lt;<br><br></pre>
See a generic <a href="templates/Makefile">template
for Makefiles</a>. You may freely copy this
template when starting to create a new Makefile.<br>