
56 lines
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layout: default
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
{% include head.html %}
.content {
/* size of my container minus sidebar width */
width: calc(80%);
/* Estimated height of largest sidebar in case of short content */
min-height: 800px;
padding:1rem 0
padding-top: 10px;
<title>{{ site.title }} - {{ page.title }}</title>
<body id="page-top">
<!-- Navigation -->
{% include navbar.html %}
<!-- Page Header -->
<div class="container">
<div class="mx-auto">
<small><a href="guides"><svg class="bi bi-arrow-left" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" xmlns="">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5.854 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708L3.207 8l2.647 2.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708l-3-3a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708l3-3a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0z"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M2.5 8a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h10.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5z"/>
</svg>Back to Guides</a> </small> <br>
<h2 class="allcaps navbar-brand section-heading"> {{ page.title }} </h2>
<!-- This is the main content of the page getting pulled from the MDs -->
<div class="container-large">
<div class="toc" >{% include toc.html html=content class=toc ordered=true %}</div>
<hr class="my-4">
{{ content }}
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