1854 lines
59 KiB
1854 lines
59 KiB
define('INDCH', ' ');
* Auxiliary class for GreenBox playlist editing methods.
* remark: dcterms:extent format: hh:mm:ss.ssssss
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @version $Revision$
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
class Playlist extends StoredFile {
public function __construct($p_gunid=NULL)
* Create instance of Playlist object and insert empty file
* @param GreenBox $gb
* reference to GreenBox object
* @param global $plid
* unique id
* @param string $fname
* name of new file
* @param int $parid
* local object id of parent folder
* @return instance of Playlist object
public function create(&$gb, $plid, $fname=NULL, $parid=NULL)
$tmpFname = uniqid('');
$oid = BasicStor::AddObj($tmpFname , 'playlist', $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($oid)) {
return $oid;
$values = array(
"id" => $oid,
"metadata" => dirname(__FILE__).'/emptyPlaylist.xml',
"gunid" => $plid,
"filetype" => "playlist");
$pl =& StoredFile::Insert($values);
if (PEAR::isError($pl)) {
$res = BasicStor::RemoveObj($oid);
return $pl;
$fname = ($fname == '' || is_null($fname) ? "newFile.xml" : $fname );
$res = $gb->bsRenameFile($oid, $fname);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $pl->setState('ready');
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $pl->setMime('application/smil');
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $pl->setAuxMetadata();
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return $pl;
* Lock playlist for edit
* @param GreenBox $gb
* reference to GreenBox object
* @param int $subjid
* local subject (user) id
* @param boolean $val
* if false do unlock
* @return boolean
* previous state or error object
public function lock(&$gb, $subjid=NULL, $val=TRUE)
if ($val && $gb->isEdited($this->gunid) !== FALSE) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
'Playlist::lock: playlist already locked'
$r = $gb->setEditFlag($this->gunid, $val, NULL, $subjid);
return $r;
* Unlock playlist (+recalculate and pregenerate XML)
* @param GreenBox $gb
* reference to GreenBox object
* @return boolean
* previous state or error object
public function unlock(&$gb)
$r = $this->recalculateTimes();
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$r = $this->md->regenerateXmlFile();
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$r = $this->lock($gb, $this->gunid, NULL, FALSE);
return $r;
* Add audioClip specified by local id to the playlist
* @param string $acId
* local ID of added file
* @param string $fadeIn
* optional, in time format hh:mm:ss.ssssss - total duration
* @param string $fadeOut
* optional, in time format hh:mm:ss.ssssss - total duration
* @param string $plElGunid
* optional playlist element gunid
* @param string $length
* optional length in in time format hh:mm:ss.ssssss -
* for webstream (or for overrule length of audioclip)
* @param string $clipstart
* optional clipstart in time format hh:mm:ss.ssssss - relative to begin
* @param string $clipend
* optional $clipend in time format hh:mm:ss.ssssss - relative to begin
* @return string
* generated playlistElement gunid
public function addAudioClip($acId, $fadeIn=NULL, $fadeOut=NULL, $plElGunid=NULL,
$length=NULL, $clipstart=NULL, $clipend=NULL)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
// get information about audioClip
$acInfo = $this->getAudioClipInfo($acId);
if (PEAR::isError($acInfo)) {
return $acInfo;
extract($acInfo); // 'acGunid', 'acLen', 'acTit', 'elType'
if (!is_null($length)) {
$acLen = $length;
// get information about playlist and containers
$plInfo = $this->getPlaylistInfo();
if (PEAR::isError($plInfo)) {
return $plInfo;
extract($plInfo); // 'plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid'
// insert new playlist element
$offset = $plLen;
// insert default values if parameter was empty
$clipStart = !is_null($clipstart) ? $clipstart : '00:00:00.000000';
$clipEnd = !is_null($clipend) ? $clipend : $acLen;
$acLengthS = $clipLengthS = self::playlistTimeToSeconds($acLen);
if (!is_null($clipStart)) {
$clipLengthS = $acLengthS - self::playlistTimeToSeconds($clipStart);
if (!is_null($clipEnd)) {
$clipLengthS = $clipLengthS - ($acLengthS - self::playlistTimeToSeconds($clipEnd));
$clipLength = self::secondsToPlaylistTime($clipLengthS);
$plElInfo = $this->insertPlaylistElement($parid, $offset, $clipStart, $clipEnd, $clipLength,
$acGunid, $acLen, $acTit, $fadeIn, $fadeOut, $plElGunid,
if (PEAR::isError($plElInfo)) {
return $plElInfo;
return $plElInfo['plElGunid'];
* Remove audioClip from playlist
* @param string $plElGunid
* global id of deleted playlistElement
* @return boolean
public function delAudioClip($plElGunid)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
// get information about playlist and containers
$plInfo = $this->getPlaylistInfo();
if (PEAR::isError($plInfo)) {
return $plInfo;
extract($plInfo); // 'plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid'
// get array of playlist elements:
$plElArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlistElement', $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($plElArr)) {
return $plElArr;
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($plElArr as $el) {
$plElGunidArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('id', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($plElGunidArr)) {
return $plElGunidArr;
// select playlist element to remove
if ($plElGunidArr[0]['value'] == $plElGunid) {
$acArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('audioClip', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($acArr)) {
return $acArr;
$storedAcMid = $acArr[0]['mid'];
$acLenArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlength', $storedAcMid);
if (PEAR::isError($acLenArr)) {
return $acLenArr;
$acLen = $acLenArr[0]['value'];
// remove playlist element:
$r = $this->md->setMetadataElement($el['mid'], NULL);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$found = TRUE;
if (!$found) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Playlist::delAudioClip: playlistElement not found".
" ($plElGunid)"
return TRUE;
* Change fadeIn and fadeOut values for playlist Element
* @param string $plElGunid
* playlistElement gunid
* @param string $fadeIn
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @param string $fadeOut
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @return boolean
public function changeFadeInfo($plElGunid, $fadeIn, $fadeOut)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
// get information about playlist and containers
$plInfo = $this->getPlaylistInfo();
if (PEAR::isError($plInfo)) {
return $plInfo;
extract($plInfo); // 'plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid'
// get array of playlist elements:
$plElArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlistElement', $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($plElArr)) {
return $plElArr;
foreach ($plElArr as $el) {
$plElGunidArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('id', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($plElGunidArr)) {
return $plElGunidArr;
// select playlist element:
if ($plElGunidArr[0]['value'] != $plElGunid) {
$found = TRUE;
// get fadeInfo:
$fiMid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('fadeInfo', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($fiMid)) {
return $fiMid;
$fiGunid = StoredFile::CreateGunid();
$r = $this->_getMidOrInsert('id', $fiMid, $fiGunid, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$fadeInId = $this->_getMidOrInsert('fadeIn', $fiMid, $fadeIn, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($fadeInId)) {
return $fadeInId;
$fadeOutId = $this->_getMidOrInsert('fadeOut', $fiMid, $fadeOut, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($fadeOutId)) {
return $fadeOutId;
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert(
$fadeInId, $fadeIn, $fiMid, 'fadeIn');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert(
$fadeOutId, $fadeOut, $fiMid, 'fadeOut');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return true;
return false;
* Change cueIn/curOut values for playlist element
* @param string $plElGunid
* playlistElement gunid
* @param string $fadeIn
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @param string $fadeOut
* new value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @return boolean or pear error object
public function changeClipLength($plElGunid, $clipStart, $clipEnd)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
// get information about playlist and containers
$plInfo = $this->getPlaylistInfo();
if (PEAR::isError($plInfo)) {
return $plInfo;
extract($plInfo); // 'plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid'
// get array of playlist elements:
$plElArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlistElement', $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($plElArr)) {
return $plElArr;
foreach ($plElArr as $el) {
$plElGunidArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('id', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($plElGunidArr)) {
return $plElGunidArr;
// select playlist element:
if ($plElGunidArr[0]['value'] != $plElGunid) {
$found = TRUE;
// get clipStart Mid
$clipStartMid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('clipStart', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($clipStartMid)) {
return $clipStartMid;
// get clipEnd Mid
$clipEndMid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('clipEnd', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($clipEndMid)) {
return $clipEndMid;
// get clipLength Mid
$clipLengthMid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('clipLength', $el['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($clipLengthMid)) {
return $clipLengthMid;
// set clipStart value
$r = $this->md->setMetadataElement($clipStartMid, $clipStart);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// setClipend value
$r = $this->md->setMetadataElement($clipEndMid, $clipEnd);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// set playlength value
$clipLength = self::secondsToPlaylistTime(self::playlistTimeToSeconds($clipEnd) - self::playlistTimeToSeconds($clipStart));
$r = $this->md->setMetadataElement($clipLengthMid, $clipLength);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return true;
return false;
* Move audioClip to the new position in the playlist
* @param string $plElGunid
* playlistElement gunid
* @param int $newPos
* new position in playlist
* @return mixed
public function moveAudioClip($plElGunid, $newPos)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
$arr = $this->md->genPhpArray();
$els =& $arr['children'];
foreach ($els as $i => $el) {
if ($el['elementname'] != 'playlistElement') {
$metadata = array_splice($els, $i, 1);
foreach ($els as $i => $el) {
if ($el['attrs']['id'] == $plElGunid) {
$movedi = $i;
$r = $this->delAudioClip($el['attrs']['id']);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if ($newPos < 1) {
$newPos = 1;
if ($newPos>count($els)) {
$newPos = count($els);
$movedel = array_splice($els, $movedi, 1);
array_splice($els, $newPos-1, 0, $movedel);
foreach ($els as $i => $el) {
$plElGunid2 = $el['attrs']['id'];
$fadeIn = NULL;
$fadeOut = NULL;
foreach ($el['children'] as $j => $af) {
switch ($af['elementname']) {
case "audioClip":
case "playlist":
$acGunid = $af['attrs']['id'];
case "fadeInfo":
$fadeIn = $af['attrs']['fadeIn'];
$fadeOut = $af['attrs']['fadeOut'];
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Playlist::moveAudioClip: unknown element type".
" in playlistElement ({$af['elementname']})"
$acId = BasicStor::IdFromGunid($acGunid);
if (PEAR::isError($acId)) {
return $acId;
if (is_null($acId)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Playlist::moveAudioClip: null audioClip gunid"
$r = $this->addAudioClip($acId, $fadeIn, $fadeOut, $plElGunid2);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
* Recalculate total length of playlist and relativeOffset values
* of all playlistElements according to legth and fadeIn values.
* FadeOut values adjusted to next fadeIn.
* @return boolean
public function recalculateTimes()
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
// get information about playlist and containers
$plInfo = $this->getPlaylistInfo();
if (PEAR::isError($plInfo)) {
return $plInfo;
extract($plInfo); // 'plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid'
// get array of playlist elements:
$plElArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlistElement', $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($plElArr)) {
return $plElArr;
$peArr = array();
$len = 0;
$nextOffset = $len;
$prevFiMid = NULL;
$lastLenS = NULL;
foreach ($plElArr as $el) {
$elId = $el['mid'];
// get playlistElement gunid:
$plElGunidArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('id', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($plElGunidArr)) {
return $plElGunidArr;
$plElGunid = $plElGunidArr[0]['value'];
// get relativeOffset:
$offArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('relativeOffset', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($offArr)) {
return $offArr;
// get clipStart:
$clipStartArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('clipStart', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($clipStartArr)) {
return $clipStartArr;
$clipStart = $clipStartArr[0]['value'];
$clipStartS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($clipStart);
// get clipEnd:
$clipEndArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('clipEnd', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($clipEndArr)) {
return $clipEndArr;
$clipEnd = $clipEndArr[0]['value'];
$clipEndS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($clipEnd);
// get clipLength:
$lenArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('clipLength', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($lenArr)) {
return $lenArr;
$offsetId = $offArr[0]['mid'];
$offset = $offArr[0]['value'];
// get audioClip:
$acArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('audioClip', $elId);
if (is_array($acArr) && (!isset($acArr[0]) || is_null($acArr[0]))) {
$acArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlist', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($acArr)) {
return $acArr;
$storedAcMid = $acArr[0]['mid'];
// get playlength:
$acLenArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlength', $storedAcMid);
if (PEAR::isError($acLenArr)) {
return $acLenArr;
$acLen = $acLenArr[0]['value'];
// get fadeInfo:
$fiArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('fadeInfo', $elId);
if (PEAR::isError($fiArr)) {
return $fiArr;
if (isset($fiArr[0]['mid'])) {
$fiMid = $fiArr[0]['mid'];
$fadeInArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('fadeIn', $fiMid);
if (PEAR::isError($fadeInArr)) {
return $fadeInArr;
$fadeIn = $fadeInArr[0]['value'];
$fadeOutArr = $this->md->getMetadataElement('fadeOut', $fiMid);
if (PEAR::isError($fadeOutArr)) {
return $fadeOutArr;
$fadeOut = $fadeOutArr[0]['value'];
} else {
$fiMid = NULL;
$fadeIn = '00:00:00.000000';
$fadeOut = '00:00:00.000000';
$fadeInS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($fadeIn);
if (!is_null($lastLenS)) {
if ($lastLenS < $fadeInS) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Playlist::recalculateTimes: fadeIn too big");
this seems made for crossfade
if ($len > 0) {
$len = $len - $fadeInS;
$newOffset = Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($len);
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert($offsetId, $newOffset, $elId, 'relativeOffset');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// commulate length for next offset
$acLenS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($acLen);
$len = $len + $acLenS;
if (!is_null($prevFiMid)) {
$foMid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('fadeOut', $prevFiMid, $fadeIn, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($foMid)){
return $foMid;
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert(
$foMid, $fadeIn, $prevFiMid, 'fadeOut', 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// respect clipStart and clipEnd
if (!is_null($clipStart)) {
$len = $len - $clipStartS;
if (!is_null($clipEnd)) {
$len = $len - ($acLenS - $clipEndS);
$prevFiMid = $fiMid;
$lastLenS = $acLenS;
$newPlLen = Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($len);
$r = $this->setPlaylistLength($newPlLen, $parid, $metaParid);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
* Find info about clip at specified offset in playlist.
* @param string $offset
* current playtime (hh:mm:ss.ssssss)
* @param int $distance
* 0=current clip; 1=next clip ...
* @return array of matching clip info:
* <ul>
* <li>gunid string, global unique id of clip</li>
* <li>elapsed string, already played time of clip</li>
* <li>remaining string, remaining time of clip</li>
* <li>duration string, total playlength of clip </li>
* </ul>
public function displayPlaylistClipAtOffset($offset, $distance=0)
$offsetS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($offset);
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
$arr = $this->md->genPhpArray();
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
$plArr = array('els'=>array());
// cycle over playlistElements inside playlist:
foreach ($arr['children'] as $i => $plEl) {
switch ($plEl['elementname']) {
case "playlistElement": // process playlistElement
$plElObj = new PlaylistElement($this, $plEl);
$plInfo = $plElObj->analyze();
$plArr['els'][] = $plInfo;
$res = array('gunid'=>NULL, 'elapsed'=>NULL,
'remaining'=>NULL, 'duration'=>NULL);
$dd = 0;
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($plArr['els'] as $el) {
extract($el); // acGunid, acLen, acLenS, clipEnd, clipEndS, clipStart, clipStartS,
// elOffset, elOffsetS, fadeIn, fadeInS, fadeOut, fadeOutS, type
$lengthS = $acLenS;
if ($clipEndS) {
$lengthS = $clipEndS;
if ($clipStartS) {
$lengthS = $lengthS - $clipStartS;
if ( ($offsetS >= $elOffsetS) && ($offsetS < ($elOffsetS + $lengthS)) ) {
$found = TRUE;
if ($found) { // we've found offset
switch ($el['type']) {
case "playlist":
$pl = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($acGunid);
if (is_null($pl) || PEAR::isError($pl)) {
return $pl;
if ($dd > 0) {
$offsetLoc = "00:00:00.000000";
} else {
$offsetLoc = Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($offsetS - $elOffsetS);
$distanceLoc = $distance - $dd;
$res2 = $pl->displayPlaylistClipAtOffset($offsetLoc, $distanceLoc);
if (PEAR::isError($res2)) {
return $res2;
if (!is_null($res2['gunid'])) {
return $res2;
$dd += $res2['dd'];
case "audioClip":
if ($dd == $distance) {
$playedS = $offsetS - $elOffsetS;
if ($playedS < 0) {
$playedS = 0;
$remainS = $lengthS - $playedS;
$res = array('gunid'=>$acGunid,
'elapsed' => Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($playedS),
'remaining' => Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($remainS),
'duration' => Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($lengthS),
return $res;
$res['dd'] = $dd;
return $res;
* Return array with gunids of all sub-playlists and clips used in
* the playlist
* @return array with hash elements:
* gunid - global id
* type - playlist | audioClip
public function export()
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
$arr = $this->md->genPhpArray();
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
$plArr = array('els'=>array());
// cycle over playlistElements inside playlist:
foreach ($arr['children'] as $i => $plEl) {
switch ($plEl['elementname']) {
case "playlistElement": // process playlistElement
$plElObj = new PlaylistElement($this, $plEl);
$plInfo = $plElObj->analyze();
$plArr['els'][] = $plInfo;
$res = array(array('gunid'=>$plGunid, 'type'=>'playlist'));
$dd = 0;
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($plArr['els'] as $el) {
extract($el); // acLen, elOffset, acGunid, fadeIn, fadeOut, playlist
switch ($el['type']) {
case "playlist":
$pl = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($acGunid);
if (is_null($pl) || PEAR::isError($pl)) {
return $pl;
$res2 = $pl->export();
if (PEAR::isError($res2)) {
return $res2;
$res = array_merge($res, $res2);
$res[] = array('gunid'=>$acGunid, 'type'=>$el['type']);
return $res;
* Convert playlist time value to float seconds
* @param string $plt
* playlist time value (HH:mm:ss.dddddd)
* @return int
* seconds
public static function playlistTimeToSeconds($plt)
$arr = split(':', $plt);
if (isset($arr[2])) {
return (intval($arr[0])*60 + intval($arr[1]))*60 + floatval($arr[2]);
if (isset($arr[1])) {
return intval($arr[0])*60 + floatval($arr[1]);
return floatval($arr[0]);
* Convert float seconds value to playlist time format
* @param float $seconds
* @return string
* time in playlist time format (HH:mm:ss.dddddd)
public static function secondsToPlaylistTime($p_seconds)
$seconds = $p_seconds;
$milliseconds = intval(($seconds - intval($seconds)) * 1000);
$milliStr = str_pad($milliseconds, 6, '0');
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$seconds -= $hours * 3600;
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
$seconds -= $minutes * 60;
$res = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%s", $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $milliStr);
return $res;
* Cyclic-recursion checking
* @param string $insGunid
* gunid of playlist being inserted
* @return boolean
* true if recursion is detected
public function cyclicRecursion($insGunid)
if ($this->gunid == $insGunid) {
return TRUE;
$pl = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($insGunid);
if (is_null($pl) || PEAR::isError($pl)) {
return $pl;
$arr = $pl->md->genPhpArray();
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
$els =& $arr['children'];
if (!is_array($els)) {
return FALSE;
foreach ($els as $i => $plEl) {
if ($plEl['elementname'] != "playlistElement") {
foreach ($plEl['children'] as $j => $elCh) {
if ($elCh['elementname'] != "playlist") {
$nextGunid = $elCh['attrs']['id'];
$res = $this->cyclicRecursion($nextGunid);
if ($res) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Export playlist as simplified SMIL XML file.
* @param boolean $toString
* if false don't real export,
* return misc info about playlist only
* @return string
* XML string or hasharray with misc info
public function outputToSmil($toString=TRUE)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
$arr = $this->md->genPhpArray();
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
if ($toString) {
$r = PlaylistTagExport::OutputToSmil($this, $arr);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return $r;
} else {
return array(
'type' => 'playlist',
'gunid' => $plGunid,
'src' => PL_URL_RELPATH."$plGunid.smil",
'playlength' => $arr['attrs']['playlength'],
* Export playlist as M3U file.
* @param boolean $toString
* if false don't real export,
* return misc info about playlist only
* @return string|array
* M3U string or hasharray with misc info
public function outputToM3u($toString=TRUE)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
$arr = $this->md->genPhpArray();
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
if ($toString) {
$r = PlaylistTagExport::OutputToM3u($this, $arr);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return $r;
} else {
return array(
'type' => 'playlist',
'gunid' => $plGunid,
'uri' => PL_URL_RELPATH."$plGunid.m3u",
'playlength' => $arr['attrs']['playlength'],
'title' => $arr['attrs']['title'],
* Export playlist as RSS XML file
* @param boolean $toString
* if false don't really export,
* return misc info about playlist only
* @return mixed
* XML string or hasharray with misc info
public function outputToRss($toString=TRUE)
$plGunid = $this->gunid;
$arr = $this->md->genPhpArray();
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
if ($toString) {
$r = PlaylistTagExport::OutputToRss($this, $arr);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return $r;
} else {
return array(
'type' => 'playlist',
'gunid' => $plGunid,
'src' => PL_URL_RELPATH."$plGunid.smil",
'playlength' => $arr['attrs']['playlength'],
* Set values of auxiliary metadata
* @return mixed
* true or error object
private function setAuxMetadata()
// get info about playlist
$plInfo = $this->getPlaylistInfo();
if (PEAR::isError($plInfo)) {
return $plInfo;
extract($plInfo); // 'plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid'
// set gunid as id attr in playlist tag:
$mid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('id', $parid, $this->gunid, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($mid)) {
return $mid;
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert(
$mid, $this->gunid, $parid, 'id', 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
* Get audioClip length and title
* @param int $acId
* local id of audioClip inserted to playlist
* @return array with fields:
* <ul>
* <li>acGunid, string - audioClip gunid</li>
* <li>acLen string - length of clip in dcterms:extent format</li>
* <li>acTit string - clip title</li>
* <li>elType string - audioClip | playlist</li>
* </ul>
private function getAudioClipInfo($acId)
$ac = StoredFile::Recall($acId);
if (is_null($ac) || PEAR::isError($ac)) {
return $ac;
$acGunid = $ac->gunid;
$r = $ac->md->getMetadataElement('dcterms:extent');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (isset($r[0]['value'])) {
$acLen = $r[0]['value'];
} else {
$acLen = '00:00:00.000000';
$r = $ac->md->getMetadataElement('dc:title');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (isset($r[0]['value'])) {
$acTit = $r[0]['value'];
} else {
$acTit = $acGunid;
$elType = BasicStor::GetObjType($acId);
$trTbl = array('audioclip'=>'audioClip', 'webstream'=>'audioClip',
$elType = $trTbl[$elType];
if ($elType == 'webstream') {
$elType = 'audioClip';
return compact('acGunid', 'acLen', 'acTit', 'elType');
* Get info about playlist
* @return array with fields:
* <ul>
* <li>plLen string - length of playlist in dcterms:extent format</li>
* <li>parid int - metadata record id of playlist container</li>
* <li>metaParid int - metadata record id of metadata container</li>
* </ul>
private function getPlaylistInfo()
$parid = $this->getContainer('playlist');
if (PEAR::isError($parid)) {
return $parid;
// get playlist length and record id:
$r = $this->md->getMetadataElement('playlength', $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (isset($r[0])) {
$plLen = $r[0]['value'];
} else {
$r = $this->md->getMetadataElement('dcterms:extent');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (isset($r[0])) {
$plLen = $r[0]['value'];
} else {
$plLen = '00:00:00.000000';
// get main playlist container
$parid = $this->getContainer('playlist');
if (PEAR::isError($parid)) {
return $parid;
// get metadata container (optionally insert it)
$metaParid = $this->getContainer('metadata', $parid, TRUE);
if (PEAR::isError($metaParid)) {
return $metaParid;
return compact('plLen', 'parid', 'metaParid');
* Get container record id, optionally insert new container
* @param string $containerName
* @param int $parid
* parent record id
* @param boolean $insertIfNone - flag if insert may be done
* if container wouldn't be found
* @return int
* metadata record id of container
private function getContainer($containerName, $parid=NULL, $insertIfNone=FALSE)
$r = $this->md->getMetadataElement($containerName, $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$id = $r[0]['mid'];
if (!is_null($id)) {
return $id;
if (!$insertIfNone || is_null($parid)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Playlist::getContainer: can't find container ($containerName)"
$id = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($parid, $containerName);
if (PEAR::isError($id)) {
return $id;
return $id;
* Insert a new playlist element.
* @param int $parid
* parent record id
* @param string $offset
* relative offset in extent format
* @param string $clipstart
* audioClip clipstart in extent format
* @param string $clipEnd
* audioClip clipEnd in extent format
* @param string $clipLength
* audioClip playlength in extent format (?)
* @param string $acGunid
* audioClip gunid
* @param string $acLen
* audioClip length in extent format
* @param string $acTit
* audioClip title
* @param string $fadeIn
* fadeIn value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @param string $fadeOut
* fadeOut value in ss.ssssss or extent format
* @param string $plElGunid
* optional playlist element gunid
* @param string $elType
* optional 'audioClip' | 'playlist'
* @return array with fields:
* <ul>
* <li>plElId int - record id of playlistElement</li>
* <li>plElGunid string - gl.unique id of playlistElement</li>
* <li>fadeInId int - record id</li>
* <li>fadeOutId int - record id</li>
* </ul>
private function insertPlaylistElement($parid, $offset, $clipStart, $clipEnd, $clipLength, $acGunid, $acLen, $acTit,
$fadeIn=NULL, $fadeOut=NULL, $plElGunid=NULL, $elType='audioClip')
// insert playlistElement
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($parid, 'playlistElement');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$plElId = $r;
// create and insert gunid (id attribute)
if (is_null($plElGunid)) {
$plElGunid = StoredFile::CreateGunid();
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($plElId, 'id', $plElGunid, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// insert relativeOffset
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement(
$plElId, 'relativeOffset', $offset, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// insert clipLength
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement(
$plElId, 'clipLength', $clipLength, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// insert clipStart
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement(
$plElId, 'clipStart', $clipStart, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// insert clipEnd
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement(
$plElId, 'clipEnd', $clipEnd, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
// insert audioClip (or playlist) element into playlistElement
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($plElId, $elType);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$acId = $r;
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($acId, 'id', $acGunid, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($acId, 'playlength', $acLen, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($acId, 'title', $acTit, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($fadeIn) || !is_null($fadeOut)) {
// insert fadeInfo element into playlistElement
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($plElId, 'fadeInfo');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$fiId = $r;
$fiGunid = StoredFile::CreateGunid();
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($fiId, 'id', $fiGunid, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($fiId, 'fadeIn', $fadeIn, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$fadeInId = $r;
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($fiId, 'fadeOut', $fadeOut, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$fadeOutId = $r;
return compact('plElId', 'plElGunid', 'fadeInId', 'fadeOutId');
* Return record id, optionally insert new record
* @param string $category
* qualified name of metadata category
* @param int $parid
* parent record id
* @param string $value
* value for inserted record
* @param string $predxml
* 'A' | 'T' (attribute or tag)
* @return int
* metadata record id
private function _getMidOrInsert($category, $parid, $value=NULL, $predxml='T')
$arr = $this->md->getMetadataElement($category, $parid);
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
$mid = NULL;
if (isset($arr[0]['mid'])) {
$mid = $arr[0]['mid'];
if (!is_null($mid)) {
return $mid;
$mid = $this->md->insertMetadataElement($parid, $category, $value, $predxml);
if (PEAR::isError($mid)) {
return $mid;
return $mid;
* Set value of metadata record, optionally insert new record
* @param int $mid
* record id
* @param string $value
* value for inserted record
* @param int $parid
* parent record id
* @param string $category
* qualified name of metadata category
* @param string $predxml
* 'A' | 'T' (attribute or tag)
* @return boolean
private function _setValueOrInsert($mid, $value, $parid, $category, $predxml='T')
if (is_null($mid)) {
$r = $this->md->insertMetadataElement(
$parid, $category, $value, $predxml);
} else {
$r = $this->md->setMetadataElement($mid, $value);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
* Set playlist length - dcterm:extent
* @param string $newPlLen
* new length in extent format
* @param int $parid
* playlist container record id
* @param int $metaParid
* metadata container record id
* @return boolean
private function setPlaylistLength($newPlLen, $parid, $metaParid)
$mid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('playlength', $parid, $newPlLen, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($mid)) {
return $mid;
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert(
$mid, $newPlLen, $parid, 'playlength', 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$mid = $this->_getMidOrInsert('dcterms:extent', $metaParid, $newPlLen);
if (PEAR::isError($mid)) {
return $mid;
$r = $this->_setValueOrInsert(
$mid, $newPlLen, $metaParid, 'dcterms:extent');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
} // class Playlist
* Auxiliary class for GB playlist editing methods
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
class PlaylistElement {
private $pl = NULL;
private $plEl = NULL;
public function PlaylistElement(&$pl, $plEl)
$this->pl = $pl;
$this->plEl = $plEl;
public function analyze()
$plInfo = array(
'acLen' => '00:00:00.000000',
'acLenS' => 0,
'fadeIn' => '00:00:00.000000',
'fadeInS' => 0,
'fadeOut' => '00:00:00.000000',
'fadeOutS' => 0,
'clipStart' => '00:00:00.000000',
'clipStartS' => 0,
'clipEnd' => '00:00:00.000000',
'clipEndS' => 0
$plInfo['elOffset'] = $this->plEl['attrs']['relativeOffset'];
$plInfo['elOffsetS'] = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($plInfo['elOffset']);
// cycle over tags inside playlistElement
foreach ($this->plEl['children'] as $j => $acFi) {
switch ($acFi['elementname']) {
case "playlist":
$plInfo['type'] = 'playlist';
case "audioClip":
$plInfo['type'] = 'audioClip';
switch ($acFi['elementname']) {
case "playlist":
case "audioClip":
$plInfo['acLen'] = $acFi['attrs']['playlength'];
$plInfo['acLenS'] = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($plInfo['acLen']);
$plInfo['acGunid'] = $acFi['attrs']['id'];
case "fadeInfo":
$plInfo['fadeIn'] = $acFi['attrs']['fadeIn'];
$plInfo['fadeInS'] = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($plInfo['fadeIn']);
$plInfo['fadeOut'] = $acFi['attrs']['fadeOut'];
$plInfo['fadeOutS'] = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($plInfo['fadeOut']);
$plInfo['clipStart'] = $this->plEl['attrs']['clipStart'];
$plInfo['clipStartS'] = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($this->plEl['attrs']['clipStart']);
$plInfo['clipEnd'] = $this->plEl['attrs']['clipEnd'];
$plInfo['clipEndS'] = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($this->plEl['attrs']['clipEnd']);
return $plInfo;
} // class PlaylistElement
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
* @todo Rename this class PlaylistTag
class PlaylistTagExport
public static function OutputToSmil(&$pl, $plt, $ind='')
$ind2 = $ind.INDCH;
$ind3 = $ind2.INDCH;
$ind4 = $ind3.INDCH;
$res = "";
foreach ($plt['children'] as $ple) {
switch ($ple['elementname']) {
case "playlistElement":
$r = PlaylistElementExport::OutputToSmil($pl, $ple, $ind4);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$res .= $r;
case "metadata":
$r = PlaylistMetadataExport::OutputToSmil($pl, $ple, $ind4);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$res .= $r;
$res = "$ind<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n".
"$ind<smil xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/Language\">\n".
return $res;
public static function OutputToM3u(&$pl, $plt, $ind='')
$res = "";
foreach ($plt['children'] as $ple) {
switch ($ple['elementname']) {
$r = PlaylistElementExport::OutputToM3u($pl, $ple);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$res .= $r;
$res = "#EXTM3U\n$res";
return $res;
public static function OutputToRss(&$pl, $plt, $ind='')
$ind2 = $ind.INDCH;
$ind3 = $ind2.INDCH;
$res = "";
foreach ($plt['children'] as $ple) {
switch ($ple['elementname']) {
case "playlistElement":
$r = PlaylistElementExport::OutputToRss($pl, $ple, $ind3);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$res .= $r;
case "metadata":
$r = PlaylistMetadataExport::OutputToRss($pl, $ple, $ind3);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$res .= $r;
$res = "$ind<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n".
"$ind<rss version=\"2.0\">\n".
return $res;
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
* @todo Rename this class "PlaylistElement"
class PlaylistElementExport {
public static function OutputToSmil(&$pl, $ple, $ind='')
$acOrPl = NULL;
$finfo = array('fi'=>0, 'fo'=>0);
$ind2 = $ind.INDCH;
$ind3 = $ind2.INDCH;
$anim = '';
foreach ($ple['children'] as $ac) {
switch ($ac['elementname']) {
case "audioClip":
$r = PlaylistAudioClipExport::OutputToSmil($pl, $ac, $ind2);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$acOrPl = $r;
case "playlist":
$gunid = $ac['attrs']['id'];
$pl2 = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
if (is_null($pl2) || PEAR::isError($pl2)) {
return $pl2;
$r = $pl2->outputToSmil(FALSE);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$acOrPl = $r;
case "fadeInfo":
$r = PlaylistFadeInfoExport::OutputToSmil($pl, $ac, $ind2);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$finfo = $r;
return PEAR::raiseError(
" unknown tag {$ac['elementname']}"
$beginS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($ple['attrs']['relativeOffset']);
$playlengthS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($acOrPl['playlength']);
$fadeOutS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($finfo['fo']);
$fiBeginS = 0;
$fiEndS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($finfo['fi']);
$foBeginS = ($playlengthS - $fadeOutS);
$foEndS = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($acOrPl['playlength']);
foreach (array('fi','fo') as $ff) {
if (${$ff."EndS"} - ${$ff."BeginS"} > 0) {
$anim .= "{$ind2}<animate attributeName = \"soundLevel\"\n".
"{$ind3}from = \"".($ff == 'fi' ? 0 : 100)."%\"\n".
"{$ind3}to = \"".($ff == 'fi' ? 100 : 0)."%\"\n".
"{$ind3}calcMode = \"linear\"\n".
"{$ind3}begin = \"{${$ff."BeginS"}}s\"\n".
"{$ind3}end = \"{${$ff."EndS"}}s\"\n".
"{$ind3}fill = \"freeze\"\n".
$src = $acOrPl['src'];
$str = "$ind<audio src=\"$src\" begin=\"{$beginS}s\"".
($anim ? ">\n$anim$ind</audio>" : " />").
" <!-- {$acOrPl['type']}, {$acOrPl['gunid']}, {$acOrPl['playlength']} -->".
return $str;
public static function OutputToM3u(&$pl, $ple, $ind='')
$acOrPl = NULL;
foreach ($ple['children'] as $ac) {
switch ($ac['elementname']) {
case "audioClip":
$r = PlaylistAudioClipExport::OutputToM3u($pl, $ac);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$acOrPl = $r;
case "playlist":
$gunid = $ac['attrs']['id'];
$pl2 = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
if (is_null($pl2) || PEAR::isError($pl2)) {
return $pl2;
$r = $pl2->outputToM3u(FALSE);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$acOrPl = $r;
if (is_null($acOrPl)) {
return '';
$playlength = ceil(Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($acOrPl['playlength']));
$title = $acOrPl['title'];
$uri = (isset($acOrPl['uri']) ? $acOrPl['uri'] : '???' );
$res = "#EXTINF: $playlength, $title\n";
$res .= "$uri\n";
return $res;
public static function OutputToRss(&$pl, $ple, $ind='')
$acOrPl = NULL;
$ind2 = $ind.INDCH;
$anim = '';
foreach ($ple['children'] as $ac) {
switch ($ac['elementname']) {
case "audioClip":
$r = PlaylistAudioClipExport::OutputToRss($pl, $ac, $ind2);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$acOrPl = $r;
case "playlist":
$gunid = $ac['attrs']['id'];
$pl2 = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
if (is_null($pl2) || PEAR::isError($pl2)) {
return $pl2;
$r = $pl2->outputToRss(FALSE);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($r)) {
$acOrPl = $r;
case "fadeInfo":
return PEAR::raiseError(
" unknown tag {$ac['elementname']}"
$title = (isset($acOrPl['title']) ? htmlspecialchars($acOrPl['title']) : '' );
$desc = (isset($acOrPl['desc']) ? htmlspecialchars($acOrPl['desc']) : '' );
$link = htmlspecialchars($acOrPl['src']);
$desc = '';
$str = "$ind<item>\n".
return $str;
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
* @todo Rename this class to PlaylistAudioClip (notice the caps)
class PlaylistAudioClipExport
public static function OutputToSmil(&$pl, $plac, $ind='')
$gunid = $plac['attrs']['id'];
$ac = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
if (is_null($ac) || PEAR::isError($ac)) {
return $ac;
$RADext = $ac->getFileExtension();
if (PEAR::isError($RADext)) {
return $RADext;
return array(
'type' => 'audioclip',
'gunid' => $gunid,
'src' => AC_URL_RELPATH."$gunid.$RADext",
'playlength' => $plac['attrs']['playlength'],
public static function OutputToM3u(&$pl, $plac, $ind='')
$gunid = $plac['attrs']['id'];
$ac = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
if (is_null($ac) || PEAR::isError($ac)) {
return $ac;
$RADext = $ac->getFileExtension();
if (PEAR::isError($RADext)) {
return $RADext;
return array(
'playlength' => $plac['attrs']['playlength'],
'title' => $plac['attrs']['title'],
'uri' => AC_URL_RELPATH."$gunid.$RADext",
public static function OutputToRss(&$pl, $plac, $ind='')
$gunid = $plac['attrs']['id'];
$ac = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
if (is_null($ac) || PEAR::isError($ac)) {
return $ac;
$RADext = $ac->getFileExtension();
if (PEAR::isError($RADext)) {
return $RADext;
$title = $pl->gb->bsGetMetadataValue($ac->getId(), 'dc:title');
$desc = $pl->gb->bsGetMetadataValue($ac->getId(), 'dc:description');
return array(
'type' => 'audioclip',
'gunid' => $gunid,
'src' => "http://XXX/YY/$gunid.$RADext",
'playlength' => $plac['attrs']['playlength'],
'title' => $title,
'desc' => $desc,
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
* @todo Rename this class "PlaylistFadeInfo" (notive the caps)
class PlaylistFadeInfoExport
public static function OutputToSmil(&$pl, $plfi, $ind='')
$r = array(
return $r;
public static function OutputToM3u(&$pl, $plfa, $ind='')
return '';
public static function OutputToRss(&$pl, $plfa, $ind='')
return '';
* @author Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>
* @author Paul Baranowski <paul@paulbaranowski.org>
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* @link http://www.campware.org
* @todo Rename this class to PlaylistMetadata (notice the caps)
class PlaylistMetadataExport
public static function OutputToSmil(&$pl, $md, $ind='')
return NULL;
public static function OutputToM3u(&$pl, $md, $ind='')
return NULL;
public static function OutputToRss(&$pl, $md, $ind='')
return NULL;