
121 lines
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Use this file to faciliate easy per-project building using
PEAR-installed Propel-generator.
This Phing script is invoked via the shell script propel-gen (.bat
for Windows). Normally you should not need to edit this script or
be aware of it in any way.
Normal use:
$> propel-gen insert-sql
Specific target:
$> propel-gen /path/to/my/project insert-sql
<project name="propel-project-builder" default="main">
<!-- set a default target if none provided -->
<property name="target" value="main"/>
<resolvepath propertyName="propel.project.dir" file="${project.dir}" dir="${application.startdir}"/>
<target name="projdircheckExists">
<condition property="projDirExists">
<equals arg1="${propel.project.dir}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
<available file="${propel.project.dir}/"/>
<target name="projdircheck" depends="projdircheckExists" unless="projDirExists">
<echo message="====================================================="/>
<echo message="Project directory not specified or invalid. You must "/>
<echo message="specify the path to your project directory and your "/>
<echo message="project directory must contain your "/>
<echo message="and schema.xml files. "/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="Usage: "/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="$&gt; propel-gen /path/to/projectdir [target]"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="====================================================="/>
<fail message="No project directory specified."/>
<target name="configure" depends="projdircheck">
<isset property=""/>
<echo>Processing additional properties file: ${}</echo>
<resolvepath propertyName="" file="${}" dir="${application.startdir}"/>
<property file="${}"/>
<echo msg="Loading project-specific props from ${project.dir}/"/>
<property file="${propel.project.dir}/"/>
<target name="main" depends="configure"
description="The main target. Includes project-specific and calls the build-propel.xml script">
<!--<property file="${project.dir}/"/>-->
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="${target}"/>
Convenience mappings to build-propel.xml main targets
This makes it possible to use this buildfile w/o needing to specify
target as a property, e.g.:
$> phing -Dproject=bookstore insert-sql
The main reason for this is just consistency w/ old build-propel.xml file
(primarily for documentation & user confusion avoidance reasons). There are relatively
few & infrequently changing main targets of build-propel.xml, so it's a non-
issue as far as maintenance is concerned.
<target name="convert-conf" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="convert-conf"/>
<target name="create-db" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="create-db"/>
<target name="reverse" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="reverse"/>
<target name="datadtd" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="datadtd"/>
<target name="datadump" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="datadump"/>
<target name="datasql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="datasql"/>
<target name="insert-sql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="insert-sql"/>
<target name="om" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="om"/>
<target name="sql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="build-propel.xml" target="sql"/>