297 lines
13 KiB
297 lines
13 KiB
class Application_Form_AddShowWhen extends Zend_Form_SubForm
public function init()
array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/add-show-when.phtml'))
// Add start date element
$startDate = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('add_show_start_date');
$startDate->class = 'input_text';
->setLabel('Date/Time Start:')
array('date', false, array('YYYY-MM-DD'))))
$startDate->setAttrib('alt', 'date');
// Add start time element
$startTime = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('add_show_start_time');
$startTime->class = 'input_text';
array('date', false, array('HH:mm')),
array('regex', false, array('/^[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/', 'messages' => 'Time format should be HH:mm'))
$startTime->setAttrib('alt', 'time');
// Add end date element
$endDate = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('add_show_end_date_no_repeat');
$endDate->class = 'input_text';
->setLabel('Date/Time End:')
array('date', false, array('YYYY-MM-DD'))))
$endDate->setAttrib('alt', 'date');
// Add end time element
$endTime = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('add_show_end_time');
$endTime->class = 'input_text';
array('date', false, array('HH:mm')),
array('regex', false, array('/^[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/', 'messages' => 'Time format should be HH:mm'))))
$endTime->setAttrib('alt', 'time');
// Add duration element
$this->addElement('text', 'add_show_duration', array(
'label' => 'Duration:',
'class' => 'input_text',
'value' => '01h 00m',
'readonly' => true,
'decorators' => array('ViewHelper')
// Add repeats element
$this->addElement('checkbox', 'add_show_repeats', array(
'label' => 'Repeats?',
'required' => false,
'decorators' => array('ViewHelper')
public function checkReliantFields($formData, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate=null, $update=false, $instanceId=null) {
$valid = true;
$start_time = $formData['add_show_start_date']." ".$formData['add_show_start_time'];
$end_time = $formData['add_show_end_date_no_repeat']." ".$formData['add_show_end_time'];
//DateTime stores $start_time in the current timezone
$nowDateTime = new DateTime();
$showStartDateTime = new DateTime($start_time);
$showEndDateTime = new DateTime($end_time);
if ($validateStartDate){
if($showStartDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$this->getElement('add_show_start_time')->setErrors(array('Cannot create show in the past'));
$valid = false;
// if edit action, check if original show start time is in the past. CC-3864
if($originalStartDate->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$this->getElement('add_show_start_time')->setErrors(array('Cannot modify start date/time of the show that is already started'));
$valid = false;
// if end time is in the past, return error
if($showEndDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$this->getElement('add_show_end_time')->setErrors(array('End date/time cannot be in the past'));
$valid = false;
$pattern = '/([0-9][0-9])h ([0-9][0-9])m/';
if (preg_match($pattern, $formData['add_show_duration'], $matches) && count($matches) == 3) {
$hours = $matches[1];
$minutes = $matches[2];
if( $formData["add_show_duration"] == "00h 00m" ) {
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot have duration 00h 00m'));
$valid = false;
}elseif(strpos($formData["add_show_duration"], 'h') !== false && $hours >= 24) {
if ($hours > 24 || ($hours == 24 && $minutes > 0)) {
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot have duration greater than 24h'));
$valid = false;
}elseif( strstr($formData["add_show_duration"], '-') ){
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot have duration < 0m'));
$valid = false;
else {
$valid = false;
/* Check if show is overlapping
* We will only do this check if the show is valid
* upto this point
if ($valid) {
$show_start = new DateTime($start_time);
$show_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$show_end = new DateTime($end_time);
$show_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
if ($formData["add_show_repeats"]) {
//get repeating show end date
if ($formData["add_show_no_end"]) {
$date = Application_Model_Preference::GetShowsPopulatedUntil();
if (is_null($date)) {
$populateUntilDateTime = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
} else {
$populateUntilDateTime = clone $date;
} elseif (!$formData["add_show_no_end"]) {
$popUntil = $formData["add_show_end_date"]." ".$formData["add_show_end_time"];
$populateUntilDateTime = new DateTime($popUntil, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
//get repeat interval
if ($formData["add_show_repeat_type"] == 0) {
$interval = 'P7D';
} elseif ($formData["add_show_repeat_type"] == 1) {
$interval = 'P14D';
} elseif ($formData["add_show_repeat_type"] == 2) {
$interval = 'P1M';
/* Check first show
* Continue if the first show does not overlap
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update, $instanceId);
/* Check if repeats overlap with previously scheduled shows
* Do this for each show day
if (!$overlapping) {
$startDow = date("w", $show_start->getTimestamp());
foreach($formData["add_show_day_check"] as $day) {
$repeatShowStart = clone $show_start;
$repeatShowEnd = clone $show_end;
if ($startDow !== $day){
if ($startDow > $day)
$daysAdd = 6 - $startDow + 1 + $day;
$daysAdd = $day - $startDow;
$repeatShowStart->add(new DateInterval("P".$daysAdd."D"));
$repeatShowEnd->add(new DateInterval("P".$daysAdd."D"));
while ($repeatShowStart->getTimestamp() < $populateUntilDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($repeatShowStart, $repeatShowEnd, $update, $instanceId);
if ($overlapping) {
$valid = false;
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot schedule overlapping shows'));
break 1;
} else {
$repeatShowStart->add(new DateInterval($interval));
$repeatShowEnd->add(new DateInterval($interval));
} else {
$valid = false;
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot schedule overlapping shows'));
} elseif ($formData["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
/* Check first show
* Continue if the first show does not overlap
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update, $instanceId);
if (!$overlapping) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$hours = ltrim($hours, '0');
if ($minutes != "00") {
$minutes = ltrim($minutes, '0');
$durationToAdd = "PT".$hours."H".$minutes."I";
} else {
$minutes = "0";
$durationToAdd = "PT".$hours."H";
$abs_rebroadcast_start = $formData["add_show_rebroadcast_date_absolute_".$i]." ".
$rebroadcastShowStart = new DateTime($abs_rebroadcast_start);
$rebroadcastShowStart->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$rebroadcastShowEnd = clone $rebroadcastShowStart;
$rebroadcastShowEnd->add(new DateInterval($durationToAdd));
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($rebroadcastShowStart, $rebroadcastShowEnd, $update, $instanceId);
if ($overlapping) {
$valid = false;
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot schedule overlapping shows'));
} else {
$valid = false;
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot schedule overlapping shows'));
} else {
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update, $instanceId);
if ($overlapping) {
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot schedule overlapping shows'));
$valid = false;
return $valid;
public function disable(){
$elements = $this->getElements();
foreach ($elements as $element)
if ($element->getType() != 'Zend_Form_Element_Hidden')
public function disableRepeatCheckbox(){
$element = $this->getElement('add_show_repeats');
if ($element->getType() != 'Zend_Form_Element_Hidden')
public function disableStartDateAndTime(){
$elements = array($this->getElement('add_show_start_date'), $this->getElement('add_show_start_time'));
foreach ($elements as $element)
if ($element->getType() != 'Zend_Form_Element_Hidden')