277 lines
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277 lines
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* This file is part of the Propel package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @license MIT License
require_once 'builder/om/OMBuilder.php';
* Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
* This class produces the empty stub class that can be customized with application
* business logic, custom behavior, etc.
* @author François Zaninotto
* @package propel.generator.builder.om
class QueryInheritanceBuilder extends OMBuilder
* The current child "object" we are operating on.
protected $child;
* Returns the name of the current class being built.
* @return string
public function getUnprefixedClassname()
return $this->getBuildProperty('basePrefix') . $this->getNewStubQueryInheritanceBuilder($this->getChild())->getUnprefixedClassname();
* Gets the package for the [base] object classes.
* @return string
public function getPackage()
return parent::getPackage() . ".om";
public function getNamespace()
if ($namespace = parent::getNamespace()) {
if ($this->getGeneratorConfig() && $omns = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getBuildProperty('namespaceOm')) {
return $namespace . '\\' . $omns;
} else {
return $namespace;
* Set the child object that we're operating on currrently.
* @param $child Inheritance
public function setChild(Inheritance $child)
$this->child = $child;
* Returns the child object we're operating on currently.
* @return Inheritance
* @throws BuildException - if child was not set.
public function getChild()
if (!$this->child) {
throw new BuildException("The PHP5MultiExtendObjectBuilder needs to be told which child class to build (via setChild() method) before it can build the stub class.");
return $this->child;
* Adds the include() statements for files that this class depends on or utilizes.
* @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method.
protected function addIncludes(&$script)
$requiredClassFilePath = $this->getStubQueryBuilder()->getClassFilePath();
$script .="
require '".$requiredClassFilePath."';
} // addIncludes()
* Adds class phpdoc comment and openning of class.
* @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method.
protected function addClassOpen(&$script)
$table = $this->getTable();
$tableName = $table->getName();
$tableDesc = $table->getDescription();
$baseBuilder = $this->getStubQueryBuilder();
$baseClassname = $baseBuilder->getClassname();
$script .= "
* Skeleton subclass for representing a query for one of the subclasses of the '$tableName' table.
* $tableDesc
if ($this->getBuildProperty('addTimeStamp')) {
$now = strftime('%c');
$script .= "
* This class was autogenerated by Propel " . $this->getBuildProperty('version') . " on:
* $now
$script .= "
* You should add additional methods to this class to meet the
* application requirements. This class will only be generated as
* long as it does not already exist in the output directory.
* @package propel.generator.".$this->getPackage()."
class " .$this->getClassname() . " extends " . $baseClassname . " {
* Specifies the methods that are added as part of the stub object class.
* By default there are no methods for the empty stub classes; override this method
* if you want to change that behavior.
* @see ObjectBuilder::addClassBody()
protected function addClassBody(&$script)
$this->declareClasses('PropelPDO', 'Criteria');
* Adds the factory for this object.
* @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method.
protected function addFactory(&$script)
$builder = $this->getNewStubQueryInheritanceBuilder($this->getChild());
$classname = $builder->getClassname();
$script .= "
* Returns a new " . $classname . " object.
* @param string \$modelAlias The alias of a model in the query
* @param Criteria \$criteria Optional Criteria to build the query from
* @return " . $classname . "
public static function create(\$modelAlias = null, \$criteria = null)
if (\$criteria instanceof " . $classname . ") {
return \$criteria;
\$query = new " . $classname . "();
if (null !== \$modelAlias) {
if (\$criteria instanceof Criteria) {
return \$query;
protected function addPreSelect(&$script)
$child = $this->getChild();
$col = $child->getColumn();
$script .= "
* Filters the query to target only " . $child->getClassname() . " objects.
public function preSelect(PropelPDO \$con)
" . $this->getClassKeyCondition() . "
protected function addPreUpdate(&$script)
$child = $this->getChild();
$col = $child->getColumn();
$script .= "
* Filters the query to target only " . $child->getClassname() . " objects.
public function preUpdate(&\$values, PropelPDO \$con, \$forceIndividualSaves = false)
" . $this->getClassKeyCondition() . "
protected function addPreDelete(&$script)
$child = $this->getChild();
$col = $child->getColumn();
$script .= "
* Filters the query to target only " . $child->getClassname() . " objects.
public function preDelete(PropelPDO \$con)
" . $this->getClassKeyCondition() . "
protected function getClassKeyCondition()
$child = $this->getChild();
$col = $child->getColumn();
return "\$this->addUsingAlias(" . $col->getConstantName() . ", " . $this->getPeerClassname()."::CLASSKEY_".strtoupper($child->getKey()).");";
protected function addDoDeleteAll(&$script)
$child = $this->getChild();
$script .= "
* Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria deleting all rows in the table
* Having the " . $child->getClassname() . " class.
* This method is called by ModelCriteria::deleteAll() inside a transaction
* @param PropelPDO \$con a connection object
* @return integer the number of deleted rows
public function doDeleteAll(\$con)
// condition on class key is already added in preDelete()
return parent::doDelete(\$con);
* Closes class.
* @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method.
protected function addClassClose(&$script)
$script .= "
} // " . $this->getClassname() . "
} // MultiExtensionQueryBuilder