
182 lines
7.5 KiB

* StorageServer configuration file
* configuration structure:
* <dl>
* <dt>dsn<dd> datasource setting
* <dt>tblNamePrefix <dd>prefix for table names in the database
* <dt>authCookieName <dd>secret token cookie name
* <dt>AdminsGr <dd>name of admin group
* <dt>StationPrefsGr <dd>name of station preferences group
* <dt>AllGr <dd>name of 'all users' group
* <dt>TrashName <dd>name of trash folder (subfolder of the storageRoot)
* <dt>storageDir <dd>main directory for storing binary media files
* <dt>bufferDir <dd>directory for temporary files
* <dt>transDir <dd>directory for incomplete transferred files
* <dt>accessDir <dd>directory for symlinks to accessed files
* <dt>isArchive <dd>local/central flag
* <dt>validate <dd>enable/disable validator
* <dt>useTrash <dd>enable/disable safe delete (move to trash)
* <dt>storageUrlPath<dd>path-URL-part of storageServer base dir
* <dt>storageXMLRPC<dd>XMLRPC server script address relative to storageUrlPath
* <dt>storageUrlHost, storageUrlPort<dd>host and port of storageServer
* <dt>archiveUrlPath<dd>path-URL-part of archiveServer base dir
* <dt>archiveXMLRPC<dd>XMLRPC server script address relative to archiveUrlPath
* <dt>archiveUrlHost, archiveUrlPort<dd>host and port of archiveServer
* <dt>archiveAccountLogin, archiveAccountPass <dd>account info
* for login to archive
* <dt>sysSubjs<dd>system users/groups - cannot be deleted
* </dl>
// these are the default values for the config
global $CC_CONFIG;
$CC_CONFIG = array(
/* ================================================== basic configuration */
'dsn' => array(
'username' => 'test',
'password' => 'test',
'hostspec' => 'localhost',
'phptype' => 'pgsql',
'database' => 'Campcaster-test',
'tblNamePrefix' => 'ls_',
/* ================================================ storage configuration */
'authCookieName'=> 'campcaster_session_id',
'AdminsGr' => 'Admins',
'StationPrefsGr'=> 'StationPrefs',
'AllGr' => 'All',
'TrashName' => 'trash_',
'storageDir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../storageServer/var/stor',
'bufferDir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../storageServer/var/stor/buffer',
'transDir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../storageServer/var/trans',
'accessDir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../storageServer/var/access',
'pearPath' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../../usr/lib/pear',
'cronDir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../storageServer/var/cron',
'isArchive' => FALSE,
'validate' => TRUE,
'useTrash' => TRUE,
/* ==================================================== URL configuration */
'storageUrlPath' => '/campcasterStorageServer',
'storageXMLRPC' => 'xmlrpc/xrLocStor.php',
'storageUrlHost' => 'localhost',
'storageUrlPort' => 80,
/* ================================================ archive configuration */
'archiveUrlPath' => '/campcasterArchiveServer',
'archiveXMLRPC' => 'xmlrpc/xrArchive.php',
'archiveUrlHost' => 'localhost',
'archiveUrlPort' => 80,
'archiveAccountLogin' => 'root',
'archiveAccountPass' => 'q',
/* ============================================== scheduler configuration */
'schedulerUrlPath' => '',
'schedulerXMLRPC' => 'RC2',
'schedulerUrlHost' => 'localhost',
'schedulerUrlPort' => 3344,
'schedulerPass' => 'change_me',
/* ==================================== aplication-specific configuration */
'objtypes' => array(
'RootNode' => array('Folder'),
'Storage' => array('Folder', 'File', 'Replica'),
'Folder' => array('Folder', 'File', 'Replica'),
'File' => array(),
'audioclip' => array(),
'playlist' => array(),
'Replica' => array(),
'allowedActions'=> array(
'RootNode' => array('classes', 'subjects'),
'Folder' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'File' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'audioclip' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'playlist' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'Replica' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'_class' => array('editPrivs', 'write', 'read'),
'allActions' => array(
'editPrivs', 'write', 'read', 'classes', 'subjects'
/* ============================================== auxiliary configuration */
'RootNode' => 'RootNode',
'tmpRootPass' => 'q',
/* =================================================== cron configuration */
'cronUserName' => 'www-data',
# 'lockfile' => dirname(__FILE__).'/cron/cron.lock',
'lockfile' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../../storageServer/var/stor/buffer/cron.lock',
'cronfile' => dirname(__FILE__).'/cron/croncall.php',
'paramdir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/cron/params',
// Add database table names
$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'files';
$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'mdata';
$CC_CONFIG['accessTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'access';
$CC_CONFIG['permTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'perms';
$CC_CONFIG['sessTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'sess';
$CC_CONFIG['subjTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'subjs';
$CC_CONFIG['smembTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'smemb';
$CC_CONFIG['classTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'classes';
$CC_CONFIG['cmembTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'cmemb';
$CC_CONFIG['treeTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'tree';
$CC_CONFIG['structTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'struct';
$CC_CONFIG['transTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'trans';
$CC_CONFIG['prefTable'] = $CC_CONFIG['tblNamePrefix'].'pref';
$CC_CONFIG['playlogTable'] = 'playlog';
$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable'] = 'schedule';
$CC_CONFIG['backupTable'] = 'backup';
$CC_CONFIG['sysSubjs'] = array(
'root', $CC_CONFIG['AdminsGr'], $CC_CONFIG['AllGr'], $CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']
$old_ip = get_include_path();
// see if a ~/.campcaster/storageServer.conf.php exists, and
// overwrite the settings from there if any
$this_file = null;
if (isset($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])) {
$this_file = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"];
} elseif(isset($argv[0])) {
$this_file = $argv[0];
if (!is_null($this_file)) {
$fileowner_id = fileowner($this_file);
$fileowner_array = posix_getpwuid($fileowner_id);
$fileowner_homedir = $fileowner_array['dir'];
$fileowner_name = $fileowner_array['name'];
$home_conf = $fileowner_homedir . '/.campcaster/storageServer.conf.php';
if (file_exists($home_conf)) {
$default_config = $CC_CONFIG;
$developer_name = $fileowner_name;
$user_config = $CC_CONFIG;
$CC_CONFIG = $user_config + $default_config;
// make dirpaths better (without "../")
foreach (array('storageDir', 'bufferDir', 'transDir', 'accessDir', 'pearPath', 'cronDir') as $d) {
$rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]);
// workaround for missing dirs
// if ( $rp === FALSE ) {
// mkdir( $CC_CONFIG[$d] );
// $rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]);
// }
if ($rp) {
$CC_CONFIG[$d] = $rp;