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class AutoPlaylistManager
* @var int how often, in seconds, to check for and ingest new podcast episodes
private static $_AUTOPLAYLIST_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 60; // 10 minutes
* Check whether $_AUTOPLAYLIST_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS have passed since the last call to
* buildAutoPlaylist.
* @return bool true if $_AUTOPLAYLIST_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS has passed since the last check
public static function hasAutoPlaylistPollIntervalPassed()
$lastPolled = Application_Model_Preference::getAutoPlaylistPollLock();
return empty($lastPolled) || (microtime(true) > $lastPolled + self::$_AUTOPLAYLIST_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS);
* Find all shows with autoplaylists who have yet to have their playlists built and added to the schedule.
public static function buildAutoPlaylist()
$autoPlaylists = static::_upcomingAutoPlaylistShows();
foreach ($autoPlaylists as $autoplaylist) {
// creates a ShowInstance object to build the playlist in from the ShowInstancesQuery Object
$si = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($autoplaylist->getDbId());
$playlistid = $si->GetAutoPlaylistId();
// call the addPlaylist to show function and don't check for user permission to avoid call to non-existant user object
$sid = $si->getShowId();
$playlistrepeat = new Application_Model_Show($sid);
$introplaylistid = Application_Model_Preference::GetIntroPlaylist();
$outroplaylistid = Application_Model_Preference::GetOutroPlaylist();
// we want to check and see if we need to repeat this process until the show is 100% scheduled
// so we create a while loop and break it immediately if repeat until full isn't enabled
// otherwise we continue to go through adding playlists, including the intro and outro if enabled
$full = false;
$repeatuntilfull = $playlistrepeat->getAutoPlaylistRepeat();
$tempPercentScheduled = 0;
$si = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($autoplaylist->getDbId());
// the intro playlist should be added exactly once
if ($introplaylistid != null) {
//Logging::info('adding intro');
$si->addPlaylistToShowStart($introplaylistid, false);
while (!$full) {
// we do not want to try to schedule an empty playlist
if ($playlistid != null) {
$si->addPlaylistToShow($playlistid, false);
$ps = $si->getPercentScheduled();
if ($ps > 100) {
$full = true;
} elseif (!$repeatuntilfull) {
// we want to avoid an infinite loop if all of the playlists are null
if ($playlistid == null) {
// another possible issue would be if the show isn't increasing in length each loop
// ie if all of the playlists being added are zero lengths this could cause an infinite loop
if ($tempPercentScheduled == $ps) {
//now reset it to the current percent scheduled
$tempPercentScheduled = $ps;
// the outroplaylist is added at the end, it will always overbook
// shows that have repeat until full enabled because they will
// never have time remaining for the outroplaylist to be added
// this is done outside the content loop to avoid a scenario
// where a time remaining smartblock in a outro playlist
// prevents the repeat until full from functioning by filling up the show
if ($outroplaylistid != null) {
$si->addPlaylistToShow($outroplaylistid, false);
* Find all show instances starting in the next hour with autoplaylists not yet added to the schedule.
* @return PropelObjectCollection collection of ShowInstance objects
* that have unbuilt autoplaylists
protected static function _upcomingAutoPlaylistShows()
//setting now so that past shows aren't referenced
$now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
// only build playlists for shows that start up to an hour from now
$future = clone $now;
$future->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
return CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($now, Criteria::GREATER_THAN)
->filterByDbStarts($future, Criteria::LESS_THAN)
->useCcShowQuery('a', 'left join')