237 lines
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237 lines
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require_once 'php-amqplib/amqp.inc';
require_once 'massivescale/celery-php/celery.php';
class Application_Model_RabbitMq
public static $doPush = false;
* @var int milliseconds (for compatibility with celery) until we consider a message to have timed out
public static $_CELERY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 600000; // 10 minutes
* We have to use celeryresults (the default results exchange) because php-celery doesn't support
* named results exchanges.
* @var string exchange for celery task results
public static $_CELERY_RESULTS_EXCHANGE = 'celeryresults';
* Sets a flag to push the schedule at the end of the request.
public static function PushSchedule()
self::$doPush = true;
private static function sendMessage($exchange, $exchangeType, $autoDeleteExchange, $data, $queue="")
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
$conn = new AMQPConnection($CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["host"],
if (!isset($conn)) {
throw new Exception("Cannot connect to RabbitMQ server");
$channel = $conn->channel();
$channel->access_request($CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["vhost"], false, false,
true, true);
//I'm pretty sure we DON'T want to autodelete ANY exchanges but I'm keeping the code
//the way it is just so I don't accidentally break anything when I add the Analyzer code in. -- Albert, March 13, 2014
$channel->exchange_declare($exchange, $exchangeType, false, true, $autoDeleteExchange);
$msg = new AMQPMessage($data, array('content_type' => 'text/plain'));
$channel->basic_publish($msg, $exchange);
* Connect to the Celery daemon via amqp
* @param $config array the airtime configuration array
* @param $exchange string the amqp exchange name
* @param $queue string the amqp queue name
* @return Celery the Celery connection object
* @throws Exception when a connection error occurs
private static function _setupCeleryExchange($config, $exchange, $queue) {
return new Celery($config["rabbitmq"]["host"],
$exchange, // Exchange name
$queue, // Binding/queue
false, // Connector
true, // Persistent messages
self::$_CELERY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT); // Result expiration
* Send an amqp message to Celery the airtime-celery daemon to perform a task
* @param $task string the Celery task name
* @param $exchange string the amqp exchange name
* @param $data array an associative array containing arguments for the Celery task
* @return string the task identifier for the started Celery task so we can fetch the
* results asynchronously later
* @throws CeleryException when no message is found
public static function sendCeleryMessage($task, $exchange, $data) {
$config = parse_ini_file(self::_getRmqConfigPath(), true);
$queue = $routingKey = $exchange;
$c = self::_setupCeleryExchange($config, $exchange, $queue); // Use the exchange name for the queue
$result = $c->PostTask($task, $data, true, $routingKey); // and routing key
return $result->getId();
* Given a task name and identifier, check the Celery results queue for any
* corresponding messages
* @param $task string the Celery task name
* @param $id string the Celery task identifier
* @return object the message object
* @throws CeleryException when no message is found
public static function getAsyncResultMessage($task, $id) {
$config = parse_ini_file(self::_getRmqConfigPath(), true);
$queue = self::$_CELERY_RESULTS_EXCHANGE . "." . $task;
$c = self::_setupCeleryExchange($config, self::$_CELERY_RESULTS_EXCHANGE, $queue);
$message = $c->getAsyncResultMessage($task, $id);
if ($message == FALSE) {
throw new CeleryException("Failed to get message for task $task with ID $id");
return $message;
public static function SendMessageToPypo($event_type, $md)
$md["event_type"] = $event_type;
$exchange = 'airtime-pypo';
$data = json_encode($md, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
self::sendMessage($exchange, 'direct', true, $data);
public static function SendMessageToMediaMonitor($event_type, $md)
$md["event_type"] = $event_type;
$exchange = 'airtime-media-monitor';
$data = json_encode($md);
self::sendMessage($exchange, 'direct', true, $data);
public static function SendMessageToShowRecorder($event_type)
$exchange = 'airtime-pypo';
$now = new DateTime("@".time()); //in UTC timezone
$end_timestamp = new DateTime("@".(time() + 3600*2)); //in UTC timezone
$temp = array();
$temp['event_type'] = $event_type;
$temp['server_timezone'] = Application_Model_Preference::GetTimezone();
if ($event_type == "update_recorder_schedule") {
$temp['shows'] = Application_Model_Show::getShows($now,
$end_timestamp, $onlyRecord=true);
$data = json_encode($temp);
self::sendMessage($exchange, 'direct', true, $data);
private static function _getRmqConfigPath() {
//Hack for Airtime Pro. The RabbitMQ settings for communicating with airtime_analyzer are global
//and shared between all instances on Airtime Pro.
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
$devEnv = "production"; //Default
if (array_key_exists("dev_env", $CC_CONFIG)) {
$devEnv = $CC_CONFIG["dev_env"];
$rmq_config_path = "/etc/airtime-saas/".$devEnv."/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini";
if (!file_exists($rmq_config_path)) {
// If the dev env specific rabbitmq-analyzer.ini doesn't exist default
// to the production rabbitmq-analyzer.ini
$rmq_config_path = "/etc/airtime-saas/production/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini";
return $rmq_config_path;
public static function SendMessageToAnalyzer($tmpFilePath, $importedStorageDirectory, $originalFilename,
$callbackUrl, $apiKey, $storageBackend, $filePrefix)
$config = parse_ini_file(self::_getRmqConfigPath(), true);
$conn = new AMQPConnection($config["rabbitmq"]["host"],
$exchange = 'airtime-uploads';
$exchangeType = 'topic';
$queue = 'airtime-uploads';
$autoDeleteExchange = false;
$data['tmp_file_path'] = $tmpFilePath;
$data['storage_backend'] = $storageBackend;
$data['import_directory'] = $importedStorageDirectory;
$data['original_filename'] = $originalFilename;
$data['callback_url'] = $callbackUrl;
$data['api_key'] = $apiKey;
// We add a prefix to the resource name so files are not all placed
// under the root folder. We do this in case we need to restore a
// customer's file/s; File restoration is done via the S3 Browser
// client. The client will hang if there are too many files under the
// same folder.
$data['file_prefix'] = $filePrefix;
$jsonData = json_encode($data);
//self::sendMessage($exchange, 'topic', false, $jsonData, 'airtime-uploads');
if (!isset($conn)) {
throw new Exception("Cannot connect to RabbitMQ server");
$channel = $conn->channel();
$channel->access_request($config["rabbitmq"]["vhost"], false, false,
true, true);
//I'm pretty sure we DON'T want to autodelete ANY exchanges but I'm keeping the code
//the way it is just so I don't accidentally break anything when I add the Analyzer code in. -- Albert, March 13, 2014
$channel->exchange_declare($exchange, $exchangeType, false, true, $autoDeleteExchange);
$msg = new AMQPMessage($jsonData, array('content_type' => 'text/plain'));
$channel->basic_publish($msg, $exchange);
public static function SendMessageToHaproxyConfigDaemon($md){
//XXX: This function has been deprecated and is no longer needed