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* This file is part of the Propel package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @license MIT License
* Propel's main resource pool and initialization & configuration class.
* This static class is used to handle Propel initialization and to maintain all of the
* open database connections and instantiated database maps.
* @author Hans Lellelid <hans@xmpl.rg> (Propel)
* @author Daniel Rall <> (Torque)
* @author Magnús Þór Torfason <> (Torque)
* @author Jason van Zyl <> (Torque)
* @author Rafal Krzewski <> (Torque)
* @author Martin Poeschl <> (Torque)
* @author Henning P. Schmiedehausen <> (Torque)
* @author Kurt Schrader <> (Torque)
* @version $Revision: 1811 $
* @package propel.runtime
class Propel
* The Propel version.
const VERSION = '1.5.2';
* A constant for <code>default</code>.
const DEFAULT_NAME = "default";
* A constant defining 'System is unusuable' logging level
const LOG_EMERG = 0;
* A constant defining 'Immediate action required' logging level
const LOG_ALERT = 1;
* A constant defining 'Critical conditions' logging level
const LOG_CRIT = 2;
* A constant defining 'Error conditions' logging level
const LOG_ERR = 3;
* A constant defining 'Warning conditions' logging level
const LOG_WARNING = 4;
* A constant defining 'Normal but significant' logging level
const LOG_NOTICE = 5;
* A constant defining 'Informational' logging level
const LOG_INFO = 6;
* A constant defining 'Debug-level messages' logging level
const LOG_DEBUG = 7;
* The class name for a PDO object.
const CLASS_PDO = 'PDO';
* The class name for a PropelPDO object.
const CLASS_PROPEL_PDO = 'PropelPDO';
* The class name for a DebugPDO object.
const CLASS_DEBUG_PDO = 'DebugPDO';
* Constant used to request a READ connection (applies to replication).
const CONNECTION_READ = 'read';
* Constant used to request a WRITE connection (applies to replication).
const CONNECTION_WRITE = 'write';
* @var string The db name that is specified as the default in the property file
private static $defaultDBName;
* @var array The global cache of database maps
private static $dbMaps = array();
* @var array The cache of DB adapter keys
private static $adapterMap = array();
* @var array Cache of established connections (to eliminate overhead).
private static $connectionMap = array();
* @var PropelConfiguration Propel-specific configuration.
private static $configuration;
* @var bool flag to set to true once this class has been initialized
private static $isInit = false;
* @var Log optional logger
private static $logger = null;
* @var string The name of the database mapper class
private static $databaseMapClass = 'DatabaseMap';
* @var bool Whether the object instance pooling is enabled
private static $instancePoolingEnabled = true;
* @var bool For replication, whether to force the use of master connection.
private static $forceMasterConnection = false;
* @var string Base directory to use for autoloading. Initialized in self::initBaseDir()
protected static $baseDir;
* @var array A map of class names and their file paths for autoloading
protected static $autoloadMap = array(
'DBAdapter' => 'adapter/DBAdapter.php',
'DBMSSQL' => 'adapter/DBMSSQL.php',
'MssqlPropelPDO' => 'adapter/MSSQL/MssqlPropelPDO.php',
'MssqlDebugPDO' => 'adapter/MSSQL/MssqlDebugPDO.php',
'MssqlDateTime' => 'adapter/MSSQL/MssqlDateTime.class.php',
'DBMySQL' => 'adapter/DBMySQL.php',
'DBMySQLi' => 'adapter/DBMySQLi.php',
'DBNone' => 'adapter/DBNone.php',
'DBOracle' => 'adapter/DBOracle.php',
'DBPostgres' => 'adapter/DBPostgres.php',
'DBSQLite' => 'adapter/DBSQLite.php',
'DBSybase' => 'adapter/DBSybase.php',
'PropelArrayCollection' => 'collection/PropelArrayCollection.php',
'PropelCollection' => 'collection/PropelCollection.php',
'PropelObjectCollection' => 'collection/PropelObjectCollection.php',
'PropelOnDemandCollection' => 'collection/PropelOnDemandCollection.php',
'PropelOnDemandIterator' => 'collection/PropelOnDemandIterator.php',
'PropelConfiguration' => 'config/PropelConfiguration.php',
'PropelConfigurationIterator' => 'config/PropelConfigurationIterator.php',
'PropelPDO' => 'connection/PropelPDO.php',
'DebugPDO' => 'connection/DebugPDO.php',
'DebugPDOStatement' => 'connection/DebugPDOStatement.php',
'PropelException' => 'exception/PropelException.php',
'ModelWith' => 'formatter/ModelWith.php',
'PropelArrayFormatter' => 'formatter/PropelArrayFormatter.php',
'PropelFormatter' => 'formatter/PropelFormatter.php',
'PropelObjectFormatter' => 'formatter/PropelObjectFormatter.php',
'PropelOnDemandFormatter' => 'formatter/PropelOnDemandFormatter.php',
'PropelStatementFormatter' => 'formatter/PropelStatementFormatter.php',
'BasicLogger' => 'logger/BasicLogger.php',
'MojaviLogAdapter' => 'logger/MojaviLogAdapter.php',
'ColumnMap' => 'map/ColumnMap.php',
'DatabaseMap' => 'map/DatabaseMap.php',
'TableMap' => 'map/TableMap.php',
'RelationMap' => 'map/RelationMap.php',
'ValidatorMap' => 'map/ValidatorMap.php',
'BaseObject' => 'om/BaseObject.php',
'NodeObject' => 'om/NodeObject.php',
'Persistent' => 'om/Persistent.php',
'PreOrderNodeIterator' => 'om/PreOrderNodeIterator.php',
'NestedSetPreOrderNodeIterator' => 'om/NestedSetPreOrderNodeIterator.php',
'NestedSetRecursiveIterator' => 'om/NestedSetRecursiveIterator.php',
'Criteria' => 'query/Criteria.php',
'Criterion' => 'query/Criterion.php',
'CriterionIterator' => 'query/CriterionIterator.php',
'Join' => 'query/Join.php',
'ModelCriteria' => 'query/ModelCriteria.php',
'ModelCriterion' => 'query/ModelCriterion.php',
'ModelJoin' => 'query/ModelJoin.php',
'PropelQuery' => 'query/PropelQuery.php',
'BasePeer' => 'util/BasePeer.php',
'NodePeer' => 'util/NodePeer.php',
'PeerInfo' => 'util/PeerInfo.php',
'PropelAutoloader' => 'util/PropelAutoloader.php',
'PropelColumnTypes' => 'util/PropelColumnTypes.php',
'PropelConditionalProxy' => 'util/PropelConditionalProxy.php',
'PropelModelPager' => 'util/PropelModelPager.php',
'PropelPager' => 'util/PropelPager.php',
'PropelDateTime' => 'util/PropelDateTime.php',
'BasicValidator' => 'validator/BasicValidator.php',
'MatchValidator' => 'validator/MatchValidator.php',
'MaxLengthValidator' => 'validator/MaxLengthValidator.php',
'MaxValueValidator' => 'validator/MaxValueValidator.php',
'MinLengthValidator' => 'validator/MinLengthValidator.php',
'MinValueValidator' => 'validator/MinValueValidator.php',
'NotMatchValidator' => 'validator/NotMatchValidator.php',
'RequiredValidator' => 'validator/RequiredValidator.php',
'UniqueValidator' => 'validator/UniqueValidator.php',
'ValidValuesValidator' => 'validator/ValidValuesValidator.php',
'ValidationFailed' => 'validator/ValidationFailed.php',
* Initializes Propel
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function initialize()
if (self::$configuration === null) {
throw new PropelException("Propel cannot be initialized without a valid configuration. Please check the log files for further details.");
// reset the connection map (this should enable runtime changes of connection params)
self::$connectionMap = array();
if (isset(self::$configuration['classmap']) && is_array(self::$configuration['classmap'])) {
self::$isInit = true;
* Configure Propel a PHP (array) config file.
* @param string Path (absolute or relative to include_path) to config file.
* @throws PropelException If configuration file cannot be opened.
* (E_WARNING probably will also be raised by PHP)
public static function configure($configFile)
$configuration = include($configFile);
if ($configuration === false) {
throw new PropelException("Unable to open configuration file: " . var_export($configFile, true));
* Configure the logging system, if config is specified in the runtime configuration.
protected static function configureLogging()
if (self::$logger === null) {
if (isset(self::$configuration['log']) && is_array(self::$configuration['log']) && count(self::$configuration['log'])) {
include_once 'Log.php'; // PEAR Log class
$c = self::$configuration['log'];
$type = isset($c['type']) ? $c['type'] : 'file';
$name = isset($c['name']) ? $c['name'] : './propel.log';
$ident = isset($c['ident']) ? $c['ident'] : 'propel';
$conf = isset($c['conf']) ? $c['conf'] : array();
$level = isset($c['level']) ? $c['level'] : PEAR_LOG_DEBUG;
self::$logger = Log::singleton($type, $name, $ident, $conf, $level);
} // if isset()
* Initialization of Propel a PHP (array) configuration file.
* @param string $c The Propel configuration file path.
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function init($c)
* Determine whether Propel has already been initialized.
* @return bool True if Propel is already initialized.
public static function isInit()
return self::$isInit;
* Sets the configuration for Propel and all dependencies.
* @param mixed The Configuration (array or PropelConfiguration)
public static function setConfiguration($c)
if (is_array($c)) {
if (isset($c['propel']) && is_array($c['propel'])) {
$c = $c['propel'];
$c = new PropelConfiguration($c);
self::$configuration = $c;
* Get the configuration for this component.
* @param int - PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY: return the configuration as an array
* (for backward compatibility this is the default)
* - PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY_FLAT: return the configuration as a flat array
* ($config[''])
* - PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT: return the configuration as a PropelConfiguration instance
* @return mixed The Configuration (array or PropelConfiguration)
public static function getConfiguration($type = PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY)
return self::$configuration->getParameters($type);
* Override the configured logger.
* This is primarily for things like unit tests / debugging where
* you want to change the logger without altering the configuration file.
* You can use any logger class that implements the propel.logger.BasicLogger
* interface. This interface is based on PEAR::Log, so you can also simply pass
* a PEAR::Log object to this method.
* @param object The new logger to use. ([PEAR] Log or BasicLogger)
public static function setLogger($logger)
self::$logger = $logger;
* Returns true if a logger, for example PEAR::Log, has been configured,
* otherwise false.
* @return bool True if Propel uses logging
public static function hasLogger()
return (self::$logger !== null);
* Get the configured logger.
* @return object Configured log class ([PEAR] Log or BasicLogger).
public static function logger()
return self::$logger;
* Logs a message
* If a logger has been configured, the logger will be used, otherwrise the
* logging message will be discarded without any further action
* @param string The message that will be logged.
* @param string The logging level.
* @return bool True if the message was logged successfully or no logger was used.
public static function log($message, $level = self::LOG_DEBUG)
if (self::hasLogger()) {
$logger = self::logger();
switch ($level) {
case self::LOG_EMERG:
return $logger->log($message, $level);
case self::LOG_ALERT:
return $logger->alert($message);
case self::LOG_CRIT:
return $logger->crit($message);
case self::LOG_ERR:
return $logger->err($message);
case self::LOG_WARNING:
return $logger->warning($message);
case self::LOG_NOTICE:
return $logger->notice($message);
case self::LOG_INFO:
return $logger->info($message);
return $logger->debug($message);
return true;
* Returns the database map information. Name relates to the name
* of the connection pool to associate with the map.
* The database maps are "registered" by the generated map builder classes.
* @param string The name of the database corresponding to the DatabaseMap to retrieve.
* @return DatabaseMap The named <code>DatabaseMap</code>.
* @throws PropelException - if database map is null or propel was not initialized properly.
public static function getDatabaseMap($name = null)
if ($name === null) {
$name = self::getDefaultDB();
if ($name === null) {
throw new PropelException("DatabaseMap name is null!");
if (!isset(self::$dbMaps[$name])) {
$clazz = self::$databaseMapClass;
self::$dbMaps[$name] = new $clazz($name);
return self::$dbMaps[$name];
* Sets the database map object to use for specified datasource.
* @param string $name The datasource name.
* @param DatabaseMap $map The database map object to use for specified datasource.
public static function setDatabaseMap($name, DatabaseMap $map)
if ($name === null) {
$name = self::getDefaultDB();
self::$dbMaps[$name] = $map;
* For replication, set whether to always force the use of a master connection.
* @param boolean $bit True or False
public static function setForceMasterConnection($bit)
self::$forceMasterConnection = (bool) $bit;
* For replication, whether to always force the use of a master connection.
* @return boolean
public static function getForceMasterConnection()
return self::$forceMasterConnection;
* Sets a Connection for specified datasource name.
* @param string $name The datasource name for the connection being set.
* @param PropelPDO $con The PDO connection.
* @param string $mode Whether this is a READ or WRITE connection (Propel::CONNECTION_READ, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)
public static function setConnection($name, PropelPDO $con, $mode = Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)
if ($name === null) {
$name = self::getDefaultDB();
if ($mode == Propel::CONNECTION_READ) {
self::$connectionMap[$name]['slave'] = $con;
} else {
self::$connectionMap[$name]['master'] = $con;
* Gets an already-opened PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.
* @param string $name The datasource name that is used to look up the DSN from the runtime configuation file.
* @param string $mode The connection mode (this applies to replication systems).
* @return PDO A database connection
* @throws PropelException - if connection cannot be configured or initialized.
public static function getConnection($name = null, $mode = Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)
if ($name === null) {
$name = self::getDefaultDB();
// IF a WRITE-mode connection was requested
// or Propel is configured to always use the master connection
// THEN return the master connection.
if ($mode != Propel::CONNECTION_READ || self::$forceMasterConnection) {
return self::getMasterConnection($name);
} else {
return self::getSlaveConnection($name);
* Gets an already-opened write PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.
* @param string $name The datasource name that is used to look up the DSN
* from the runtime configuation file. Empty name not allowed.
* @return PDO A database connection
* @throws PropelException - if connection cannot be configured or initialized.
public static function getMasterConnection($name)
if (!isset(self::$connectionMap[$name]['master'])) {
// load connection parameter for master connection
$conparams = isset(self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['connection']) ? self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['connection'] : null;
if (empty($conparams)) {
throw new PropelException('No connection information in your runtime configuration file for datasource ['.$name.']');
// initialize master connection
$con = Propel::initConnection($conparams, $name);
self::$connectionMap[$name]['master'] = $con;
return self::$connectionMap[$name]['master'];
* Gets an already-opened read PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.
* @param string $name The datasource name that is used to look up the DSN
* from the runtime configuation file. Empty name not allowed.
* @return PDO A database connection
* @throws PropelException - if connection cannot be configured or initialized.
public static function getSlaveConnection($name)
if (!isset(self::$connectionMap[$name]['slave'])) {
$slaveconfigs = isset(self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['slaves']) ? self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['slaves'] : null;
if (empty($slaveconfigs)) {
// no slaves configured for this datasource
// fallback to the master connection
self::$connectionMap[$name]['slave'] = self::getMasterConnection($name);
} else {
// Initialize a new slave
if (isset($slaveconfigs['connection']['dsn'])) {
// only one slave connection configured
$conparams = $slaveconfigs['connection'];
} else {
// more than one sleve connection configured
// pickup a random one
$randkey = array_rand($slaveconfigs['connection']);
$conparams = $slaveconfigs['connection'][$randkey];
if (empty($conparams)) {
throw new PropelException('No connection information in your runtime configuration file for SLAVE ['.$randkey.'] to datasource ['.$name.']');
// initialize slave connection
$con = Propel::initConnection($conparams, $name);
self::$connectionMap[$name]['slave'] = $con;
} // if datasource slave not set
return self::$connectionMap[$name]['slave'];
* Opens a new PDO connection for passed-in db name.
* @param array $conparams Connection paramters.
* @param string $name Datasource name.
* @param string $defaultClass The PDO subclass to instantiate if there is no explicit classname
* specified in the connection params (default is Propel::CLASS_PROPEL_PDO)
* @return PDO A database connection of the given class (PDO, PropelPDO, SlavePDO or user-defined)
* @throws PropelException - if lower-level exception caught when trying to connect.
public static function initConnection($conparams, $name, $defaultClass = Propel::CLASS_PROPEL_PDO)
$dsn = $conparams['dsn'];
if ($dsn === null) {
throw new PropelException('No dsn specified in your connection parameters for datasource ['.$name.']');
if (isset($conparams['classname']) && !empty($conparams['classname'])) {
$classname = $conparams['classname'];
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
throw new PropelException('Unable to load specified PDO subclass: ' . $classname);
} else {
$classname = $defaultClass;
$user = isset($conparams['user']) ? $conparams['user'] : null;
$password = isset($conparams['password']) ? $conparams['password'] : null;
// load any driver options from the config file
// driver options are those PDO settings that have to be passed during the connection construction
$driver_options = array();
if ( isset($conparams['options']) && is_array($conparams['options']) ) {
try {
self::processDriverOptions( $conparams['options'], $driver_options );
} catch (PropelException $e) {
throw new PropelException('Error processing driver options for datasource ['.$name.']', $e);
try {
$con = new $classname($dsn, $user, $password, $driver_options);
if (Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT)->getParameter('debugpdo.logging.enabled', false)) {
} catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new PropelException("Unable to open PDO connection", $e);
// load any connection options from the config file
// connection attributes are those PDO flags that have to be set on the initialized connection
if (isset($conparams['attributes']) && is_array($conparams['attributes'])) {
$attributes = array();
try {
self::processDriverOptions( $conparams['attributes'], $attributes );
} catch (PropelException $e) {
throw new PropelException('Error processing connection attributes for datasource ['.$name.']', $e);
foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
$con->setAttribute($key, $value);
// initialize the connection using the settings provided in the config file. this could be a "SET NAMES <charset>" query for MySQL, for instance
$adapter = self::getDB($name);
$adapter->initConnection($con, isset($conparams['settings']) && is_array($conparams['settings']) ? $conparams['settings'] : array());
return $con;
* Internal function to handle driver options or conneciton attributes in PDO.
* Process the INI file flags to be passed to each connection.
* @param array Where to find the list of constant flags and their new setting.
* @param array Put the data into here
* @throws PropelException If invalid options were specified.
private static function processDriverOptions($source, &$write_to)
foreach ($source as $option => $optiondata) {
if (is_string($option) && strpos($option, '::') !== false) {
$key = $option;
} elseif (is_string($option)) {
$key = 'PropelPDO::' . $option;
if (!defined($key)) {
throw new PropelException("Invalid PDO option/attribute name specified: ".$key);
$key = constant($key);
$value = $optiondata['value'];
if (is_string($value) && strpos($value, '::') !== false) {
if (!defined($value)) {
throw new PropelException("Invalid PDO option/attribute value specified: ".$value);
$value = constant($value);
$write_to[$key] = $value;
* Returns database adapter for a specific datasource.
* @param string The datasource name.
* @return DBAdapter The corresponding database adapter.
* @throws PropelException If unable to find DBdapter for specified db.
public static function getDB($name = null)
if ($name === null) {
$name = self::getDefaultDB();
if (!isset(self::$adapterMap[$name])) {
if (!isset(self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['adapter'])) {
throw new PropelException("Unable to find adapter for datasource [" . $name . "].");
$db = DBAdapter::factory(self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['adapter']);
// register the adapter for this name
self::$adapterMap[$name] = $db;
return self::$adapterMap[$name];
* Sets a database adapter for specified datasource.
* @param string $name The datasource name.
* @param DBAdapter $adapter The DBAdapter implementation to use.
public static function setDB($name, DBAdapter $adapter)
if ($name === null) {
$name = self::getDefaultDB();
self::$adapterMap[$name] = $adapter;
* Returns the name of the default database.
* @return string Name of the default DB
public static function getDefaultDB()
if (self::$defaultDBName === null) {
// Determine default database name.
self::$defaultDBName = isset(self::$configuration['datasources']['default']) ? self::$configuration['datasources']['default'] : self::DEFAULT_NAME;
return self::$defaultDBName;
* Closes any associated resource handles.
* This method frees any database connection handles that have been
* opened by the getConnection() method.
public static function close()
foreach (self::$connectionMap as $idx => $cons) {
// Propel::log("Closing connections for " . $idx, Propel::LOG_DEBUG);
* Autoload function for loading propel dependencies.
* @param string The class name needing loading.
* @return boolean TRUE if the class was loaded, false otherwise.
public static function autoload($className)
if (isset(self::$autoloadMap[$className])) {
require self::$baseDir . self::$autoloadMap[$className];
return true;
return false;
* Initialize the base directory for the autoloader.
* Avoids a call to dirname(__FILE__) each time self::autoload() is called.
* FIXME put in the constructor if the Propel class ever becomes a singleton
public static function initBaseDir()
self::$baseDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
* Include once a file specified in DOT notation and return unqualified classname.
* Typically, Propel uses autoload is used to load classes and expects that all classes
* referenced within Propel are included in Propel's autoload map. This method is only
* called when a specific non-Propel classname was specified -- for example, the
* classname of a validator in the schema.xml. This method will attempt to include that
* class via autoload and then relative to a location on the include_path.
* @param string $class dot-path to clas (e.g.
* @return string unqualified classname
public static function importClass($path) {
// extract classname
if (($pos = strrpos($path, '.')) === false) {
$class = $path;
} else {
$class = substr($path, $pos + 1);
// check if class exists, using autoloader to attempt to load it.
if (class_exists($class, $useAutoload=true)) {
return $class;
// turn to filesystem path
$path = strtr($path, '.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '.php';
// include class
$ret = include_once($path);
if ($ret === false) {
throw new PropelException("Unable to import class: " . $class . " from " . $path);
// return qualified name
return $class;
* Set your own class-name for Database-Mapping. Then
* you can change the whole TableMap-Model, but keep its
* functionality for Criteria.
* @param string The name of the class.
public static function setDatabaseMapClass($name)
self::$databaseMapClass = $name;
* Disable instance pooling.
* @return boolean true if the method changed the instance pooling state,
* false if it was already disabled
public static function disableInstancePooling()
if (!self::$instancePoolingEnabled) {
return false;
self::$instancePoolingEnabled = false;
return true;
* Enable instance pooling (enabled by default).
* @return boolean true if the method changed the instance pooling state,
* false if it was already enabled
public static function enableInstancePooling()
if (self::$instancePoolingEnabled) {
return false;
self::$instancePoolingEnabled = true;
return true;
* the instance pooling behaviour. True by default.
* @return boolean Whether the pooling is enabled or not.
public static function isInstancePoolingEnabled()
return self::$instancePoolingEnabled;
// Since the Propel class is not a true singleton, this code cannot go into the __construct()
spl_autoload_register(array('Propel', 'autoload'));