
250 lines
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import pyinotify
import threading
import time
from pydispatch import dispatcher
from os.path import normpath
from import PathChannel
from media.monitor.log import Loggable
from media.monitor.listeners import StoreWatchListener, OrganizeListener
from media.monitor.handler import ProblemFileHandler
from media.monitor.organizer import Organizer
import media.monitor.pure as mmp
class ManagerTimeout(threading.Thread,Loggable):
def __init__(self, manager):
self.manager = manager
def run(self):
while True:
self.manager.flush_organize()"Force flushed organize...")
class Manager(Loggable):
An abstraction over media monitors core pyinotify functions. These
include adding watched,store, organize directories, etc. Basically
composes over WatchManager from pyinotify
global_inst = None
all_signals = set(['add_watch', 'remove_watch'])
def __init__(self):
self.wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()
# These two instance variables are assumed to be constant
self.watch_channel = 'watch'
self.organize_channel = 'organize'
self.watch_listener = StoreWatchListener(signal = self.watch_channel)
# TODO : change this to a weak ref
# TODO : get rid of this hack once cc-4235 is fixed
self.__timeout_thread = ManagerTimeout(self)
self.__timeout_thread.daemon = True
self.organize = {
'organize_path' : None,
'imported_path' : None,
'recorded_path' : None,
'problem_files_path' : None,
'organizer' : None,
'problem_handler' : None,
'organize_listener' : OrganizeListener(signal=
def dummy(sender, event): self.watch_move( event.path, sender=sender )
dispatcher.connect(dummy, signal='watch_move', sender=dispatcher.Any,
def subwatch_add(sender, directory):
self.__add_watch(directory, self.watch_listener)
dispatcher.connect(subwatch_add, signal='add_subwatch',
sender=dispatcher.Any, weak=False)
# A private mapping path => watch_descriptor
# we use the same dictionary for organize, watch, store wd events.
# this is a little hacky because we are unable to have multiple wd's
# on the same path.
self.__wd_path = {}
# The following set isn't really necessary anymore. Should be
# removed...
self.watched_directories = set([])
Manager.global_inst = self
# This is the only event that we are unable to process "normally". I.e.
# through dedicated handler objects. Because we must have access to a
# manager instance. Hence we must slightly break encapsulation.
def watch_move(self, watch_dir, sender=None):
handle 'watch move' events directly sent from listener
""""Watch dir '%s' has been renamed (hence removed)" %
def watch_signal(self):
Return the signal string our watch_listener is reading events from
return self.watch_listener.signal
def __remove_watch(self,path):
Remove path from being watched (first will check if 'path' is watched)
# only delete if dir is actually being watched
if path in self.__wd_path:
wd = self.__wd_path[path]
self.wm.rm_watch(wd, rec=True)
def __add_watch(self,path,listener):
Start watching 'path' using 'listener'. First will check if directory
is being watched before adding another watch
""""Adding listener '%s' to '%s'" %
( listener.__class__.__name__, path) )
if not self.has_watch(path):
wd = self.wm.add_watch(path, pyinotify.ALL_EVENTS, rec=True,
auto_add=True, proc_fun=listener)
if wd: self.__wd_path[path] = wd.values()[0]
def __create_organizer(self, target_path, recorded_path):
creates an organizer at new destination path or modifies the old one
# TODO : find a proper fix for the following hack
# We avoid creating new instances of organize because of the way
# it interacts with pydispatch. We must be careful to never have
# more than one instance of OrganizeListener but this is not so
# easy. (The singleton hack in Organizer) doesn't work. This is
# the only thing that seems to work.
if self.organize['organizer']:
o = self.organize['organizer'] = self.organize_channel
o.target_path = target_path
o.recorded_path = recorded_path
self.organize['organizer'] = Organizer(channel=
self.organize_channel, target_path=target_path,
def get_problem_files_path(self):
returns the path where problem files should go
return self.organize['problem_files_path']
def set_problem_files_path(self, new_path):
Set the path where problem files should go
self.organize['problem_files_path'] = new_path
self.organize['problem_handler'] = \
ProblemFileHandler( PathChannel(signal='badfile',path=new_path) )
def get_recorded_path(self):
returns the path of the recorded directory
return self.organize['recorded_path']
def set_recorded_path(self, new_path):
self.organize['recorded_path'] = new_path
self.__create_organizer( self.organize['imported_path'], new_path)
self.__add_watch(new_path, self.watch_listener)
def get_organize_path(self):
returns the current path that is being watched for organization
return self.organize['organize_path']
def set_organize_path(self, new_path):
sets the organize path to be new_path. Under the current scheme there
is only one organize path but there is no reason why more cannot be
# if we are already organizing a particular directory we remove the
# watch from it first before organizing another directory
self.organize['organize_path'] = new_path
# the OrganizeListener instance will walk path and dispatch an organize
# event for every file in that directory
self.__add_watch(new_path, self.organize['organize_listener'])
def flush_organize(self):
path = self.organize['organize_path']
def get_imported_path(self):
return self.organize['imported_path']
def set_imported_path(self,new_path):
set the directory where organized files go to.
self.organize['imported_path'] = new_path
self.__create_organizer( new_path, self.organize['recorded_path'])
self.__add_watch(new_path, self.watch_listener)
def change_storage_root(self, store):
hooks up all the directories for you. Problem, recorded, imported,
store_paths = mmp.expand_storage(store)
for p in store_paths.values():
def has_watch(self, path):
returns true if the path is being watched or not. Any kind of watch:
organize, store, watched.
return path in self.__wd_path
def add_watch_directory(self, new_dir):
adds a directory to be "watched". "watched" directories are
those that are being monitored by media monitor for airtime in
this context and not directories pyinotify calls watched
if self.has_watch(new_dir):"Cannot add '%s' to watched directories. It's \
already being watched" % new_dir)
else:"Adding watched directory: '%s'" % new_dir)
self.__add_watch(new_dir, self.watch_listener)
def remove_watch_directory(self, watch_dir):
removes a directory from being "watched". Undoes add_watch_directory
if self.has_watch(watch_dir):"Removing watched directory: '%s'", watch_dir)
else:"'%s' is not being watched, hence cannot be \
removed" % watch_dir)
def loop(self):
block until we receive pyinotify events
notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(self.wm)
# Experiments with running notifier in different modes
# There are 3 options: normal, async, threaded.
#import asyncore