
17 lines
890 B

- required packages: apache, php, mod_php, postgreSQL, wget, curl, PEAR_DB
- check if PEAR DB installed: 'pear list' or install it: 'pear install DB'
- check if include_path in php.ini points to PEAR too
(/usr/lib/php or /usr/local/lib/php)
- setup var/conf.php - at least "basic configuration" part
(follow comments in the source - or use doxygen and its output)
- setup archiveServer/var/conf.php too - test scripts will use archive
- create symlink with name corresponding to "URL configuration" part
of var/conf.php file - example for default values:
http://localhost:80/livesupportStorageServer/ should point to
<livesupport-cvs>/modules/storageServer/var directory
- configure apache for archiveServer file upload
(as described in archiveServer/doc/INSTALL)
- run 'make check' to: setup directories, create db tables and run test scripts
OR 'make all' without tests