41 lines
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41 lines
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class SchedulerExportTests extends PHPUnit_TestCase {
function setup() {
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
// Clear the files table
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"];
// Add a file
$values = array("filepath" => dirname(__FILE__)."/test10001.mp3");
$this->storedFile = Application_Model_StoredFile::Insert($values, false);
// Add a file
$values = array("filepath" => dirname(__FILE__)."/test10002.mp3");
$this->storedFile2 = Application_Model_StoredFile::Insert($values, false);
// Clear the schedule table
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["scheduleTable"];
// Create a playlist
$playlist = new Application_Model_Playlist();
$playlist->create("Scheduler Unit Test");
$result = $playlist->addAudioClip($this->storedFile->getId());
$result = $playlist->addAudioClip($this->storedFile2->getId());
$result = $playlist->addAudioClip($this->storedFile2->getId());
// Schedule it
$i = new Application_Model_ScheduleGroup();
$this->groupIdCreated = $i->add('2010-11-11 01:30:23', null, $playlist->getId());
public function testExport() {
echo Application_Model_Schedule::ExportRangeAsJson("2010-01-01 00:00:00", "2011-01-01 00:00:00");