1050 lines
33 KiB
1050 lines
33 KiB
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.1 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php,v $
define('GBERR_DENY', 40);
define('GBERR_FILEIO', 41);
define('GBERR_FILENEX', 42);
define('GBERR_FOBJNEX', 43);
define('GBERR_WRTYPE', 44);
define('GBERR_NONE', 45);
define('GBERR_AOBJNEX', 46);
define('GBERR_NOTF', 47);
define('GBERR_NOTIMPL', 50);
require_once "../../../alib/var/alib.php";
require_once "StoredFile.php";
require_once "Transport.php";
* BasicStor class
* Core of LiveSupport file storage module
* @author $Author: tomas $
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
* @see Alib
class BasicStor extends Alib{
var $filesTable;
var $mdataTable;
var $accessTable;
var $storageDir;
var $bufferDir;
var $accessDir;
var $rootId;
var $storId;
var $doDebug = true;
* Constructor
* @param dbc PEAR::db abstract class reference
* @param config config array from conf.php
* @return class instance
function BasicStor(&$dbc, $config)
parent::Alib(&$dbc, $config);
$this->config = $config;
$this->filesTable = $config['tblNamePrefix'].'files';
$this->mdataTable = $config['tblNamePrefix'].'mdata';
$this->accessTable= $config['tblNamePrefix'].'access';
$this->storageDir = $config['storageDir'];
$this->bufferDir = $config['bufferDir'];
$this->transDir = $config['transDir'];
$this->accessDir = $config['accessDir'];
$this->rootId = $this->getRootNode();
$this->storId = $this->wd =
$this->getObjId('StorageRoot', $this->rootId);
* Create new folder
* @param parid int, parent id
* @param folderName string, name for new folder
* @return id of new folder
* @exception PEAR::error
function bsCreateFolder($parid, $folderName)
return $this->addObj($folderName , 'Folder', $parid);
* Store new file in the storage
* @param parid int, parent id
* @param fileName string, name for new file
* @param mediaFileLP string, local path of media file
* @param mdataFileLP string, local path of metadata file
* @param gunid string, global unique id OPTIONAL
* @return int
* @exception PEAR::error
function bsPutFile($parid, $fileName,
$mediaFileLP, $mdataFileLP, $gunid=NULL)
$name = "$fileName";
$id = $this->addObj($name , 'File', $parid);
$ac =& StoredFile::insert(
&$this, $id, $name, $mediaFileLP, $mdataFileLP, 'file', $gunid
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $id;
* Analyze media file for internal metadata information
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @return array
function bsAnalyzeFile($id)
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$ia = $ac->analyzeMediaFile();
return $ia;
* Rename file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param newName string
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function bsRenameFile($id, $newName)
$parid = $this->getParent($id);
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
// catch nonerror exception:
if($ac->getCode() != GBERR_FOBJNEX) return $ac;
$res = $ac->rename($newName);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $this->renameObj($id, $newName);
* Move file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function bsMoveFile($id, $did)
if($this->getObjType($did) !== 'Folder')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'BasicStor::moveFile: destination is not folder', GBERR_WRTYPE
$this->_relocateSubtree($id, $did);
* Copy file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function bsCopyFile($id, $did)
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::copyFile: destination is not folder', GBERR_WRTYPE
return $this->_copySubtree($id, $did);
* Delete file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @return true or PEAR::error
function bsDeleteFile($id)
$parid = $this->getParent($id);
$res = $this->removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
/* ----------------------------------------------------- put, access etc. */
* Check validity of asscess/put token
* @param token string, access/put token
* @param type string 'put'|'access'|'download'
* @return boolean
function bsCheckToken($token, $type='put')
$cnt = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT count(token) FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE token='{$token}' AND type='$type'
if(PEAR::isError($cnt)){ return FALSE; }
return ($cnt == 1);
* Create and return access link to media file
* @param realFname string, local filepath to accessed file
* @param ext string, useful filename extension for accessed file
* @param gunid int, global unique id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @param type string 'access'|'download'
* @return array with: seekable filehandle, access token
function bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $gunid, $sessid='', $type='access')
$token = StoredFile::_createGunid();
$res = $this->dbc->query("
INSERT INTO {$this->accessTable}
(gunid, sessid, token, ext, type, ts)
('{$gunid}', '$sessid', '$token', '$ext', '$type', now())
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
$linkFname = "{$this->accessDir}/$token.$ext";
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsAccess: symlink create failed ($accLinkName)",
if(! @symlink($realFname, $linkFname)){
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsAccess: symlink create failed ($linkFname)",
return array('fname'=>$linkFname, 'token'=>$token);
* Release access link to media file
* @param token string, access token
* @param type string 'access'|'download'
* @return boolean
function bsRelease($token, $type='access')
if(!$this->bsCheckToken($token, $type)){
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsRelease: invalid token ($token)"
$ext = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT ext FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE token='{$token}' AND type='$type'
if(PEAR::isError($ext)){ return $ext; }
$linkFname = "{$this->accessDir}/$token.$ext";
$res = $this->dbc->query("
DELETE FROM {$this->accessTable} WHERE token='$token'
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
if(! @unlink($linkFname)){
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsRelease: unlink failed ($linkFname)",
return TRUE;
* Create and return downloadable URL for file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param part string, 'media'|'metadata'
* @return array with: downloadable URL, download token
function bsOpenDownload($id, $part='media')
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$gunid = $ac->gunid;
$fname = $ac->_getRealRADFname();
$ext = $ac->_getExt();
$md = $this->bsGetMdata($id);
$fname = "{$this->bufferDir}/$gunid";
$e = FALSE;
if(!$fh = fopen($fname, "w")){ $e = TRUE; }
elseif(fwrite($fh, $md) === FALSE){ $e = TRUE; }
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsOpenDownload: can't write ($fname)",
$ext = "xml";
$sessid = '';
$acc = $this->bsAccess($fname, $ext, $gunid, $sessid, 'download');
$url = $this->getUrlPart()."access/".basename($acc['fname']);
return array('url'=>$url, 'token'=>$acc['token']);
* Discard downloadable URL
* @param token string, download token
* @param part string, 'media'|'metadata'
* @return boolean
function bsCloseDownload($token, $part='media')
if($part == 'metadata'){
$gunid = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT gunid FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE token='{$token}' AND type='download'
if(PEAR::isError($gunid)){ return $gunid; }
$fname = "{$this->bufferDir}/$gunid";
return $this->bsRelease($token, 'download');
* Create writable URL for HTTP PUT method file insert
* @param chsum string, md5sum of the file having been put
* @param gunid string, global unique id
* @return array with: writable URL, PUT token
function bsOpenPut($chsum, $gunid)
$sessid = '';
$ext = '';
$token = StoredFile::_createGunid();
$res = $this->dbc->query("
INSERT INTO {$this->accessTable}
(gunid, sessid, token, ext, chsum, type, ts)
('{$gunid}', '$sessid', '$token',
'$ext', '$chsum', 'put', now())
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
$fname = "{$this->accessDir}/$token";
touch($fname); // is it needed?
$url = $this->getUrlPart()."xmlrpc/put.php?token=$token";
return array('url'=>$url, 'token'=>$token);
* Get file from writable URL and insert it to the storage
* @param token string, PUT token
* @return string, local path of the file having been put
function bsClosePut($token)
if(!$this->bsCheckToken($token, 'put')){
return PEAR::raiseError(
'BasicStor::bsClosePut: invalid token ($token)'
$chsum = $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT chsum FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE token='{$token}'
$fname = "{$this->accessDir}/$token";
$md5sum = md5_file($fname);
if($chsum != $md5sum){
return PEAR::raiseError(
'BasicStor::bsClosePut: md5sum does not match (token=$token)'
$res = $this->dbc->query("
DELETE FROM {$this->accessTable} WHERE token='$token'
if(PEAR::isError($res)){ return $res; }
return $fname;
* Return starting part of storageServer URL
* @return string, url
function getUrlPart()
$host = $this->config['storageUrlHost'];
$port = $this->config['storageUrlPort'];
$path = $this->config['storageUrlPath'];
return "http://$host:$port$path/";
/* ---------------------------------------------- replicas, versions etc. */
* Create replica.<br>
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @param replicaName string, name of new replica
* @return int, local id of new object
function bsCreateReplica($id, $did, $replicaName)
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::createVersion: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
// ---
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::createReplica: dest is not folder', GBERR_WRTYPE
if($replicaName=='') $replicaName = $this->getObjName($id);
while(($exid = $this->getObjId($replicaName, $did))<>'')
{ $replicaName.='_R'; }
$rid = $this->addObj($replicaName , 'Replica', $did, 0, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($rid)) return $rid;
# $this->addMdata($this->_pathFromId($rid), 'isReplOf', $id, $sessid);
return $rid;
* Create version.<br>
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @param versionLabel string, name of new version
* @return int, local id of new object
function bsCreateVersion($id, $did, $versionLabel)
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::createVersion: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- metadata */
* Update metadata tree
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param mdataFile string, local path of metadata XML file
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function bsUpdateMetadata($id, $mdataFile)
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->updateMetaData($mdataFile);
* Update object namespace and value of one metadata record
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param mdid int, metadata record id
* @param object string, object value, e.g. title string
* @param objns string, object namespace prefix, have to be defined
* in file's metadata (or reserved prefix)
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
* @see MetaData
function bsUpdateMetadataRecord($id, $mdid, $object, $objns='_L')
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->updateMetaDataRecord($mdid, $object, $objns);
* Add single metadata record.<br>
* <b>TODO: NOT FINISHED</b><br>
* Params could be changed!
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param propertyName string
* @param propertyValue string
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
* @see MetaData
function bsAddMetaDataRecord($id, $propertyName, $propertyValue)
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::addMetaDataRecord: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
* Get metadata XML tree as string
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @return string or PEAR::error
function bsGetMdata($id)
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->getMetaData();
* Search in local metadata database.<br>
* <b>TODO: NOT FINISHED</b><br>
* It will support structured queries - array of mode and query parts.
* Mode is "match all" or "match any".
* Query parts is array of [fieldname, operator, value] entities.
* @param searchData string, search query -
* only one SQL LIKE term supported now.
* It will be searched in all literal object values
* in metadata database
* @return array of gunid strings
function bsLocalSearch($searchData)
$ftsrch = $searchData;
$res = $this->dbc->getCol("SELECT md.gunid as gunid
FROM {$this->filesTable} f, {$this->mdataTable} md
WHERE f.gunid=md.gunid AND md.objns='_L' AND
md.object like '%$ftsrch%'
GROUP BY md.gunid
if(!is_array($res)) $res = array();
return $res;
/* --------------------------------------------------------- info methods */
* List files in folder
* @param id int, local id of folder
* @return array
function bsListFolder($id)
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::listFolder: not a folder', GBERR_NOTF
$a = $this->getDir($id, 'id, name, type, param as target', 'name');
return $a;
* List files in folder
* @param id int, local id of object
* @param relPath string, relative path
* @return array
function getObjIdFromRelPath($id, $relPath='.')
$a = split('/', $relPath);
if($this->getObjType($id)!=='Folder') $nid = $this->getparent($id);
else $nid = $id;
foreach($a as $i=>$item){
$nid = $this->getparent($nid);
$nid = $this->getObjId($item, $nid);
return $nid;
/* -------------------------------------------- remote repository methods */
* Upload file to remote repository
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param gunid string, global id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string - transfer id or PEAR::error
function uploadFile($id, $gunid, $sessid='')
$res = $this->prepareForTransport($id, $gunid, $sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
list($mediaFile, $mdataFile, $gunid) = $res;
$tr =& new Transport(&$this->dbc, $this->config);
$res = $tr->uploadOpen($mediaFile, 'media', $sessid, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res2 = $tr->uploadOpen($mdataFile, 'metadata', $sessid, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res2)) return $res2;
$res3 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res);
$res4 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res2);
# return $res;
return array($res, $res2, $res3, $res4);
* Download file from remote repository
* @param gunid int, global unique id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string - transfer id or PEAR::error
function downloadFile($gunid, $sessid='')
$tr =& new Transport(&$this->dbc, $this->config);
// get home dir if needed
$res = $tr->downloadOpen($sessid, 'media', $gunid,
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res2 = $tr->downloadOpen($sessid, 'metadata', $gunid,
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res3 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res);
$res4 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res2);
# return $res;
return array($res, $res2, $res3, $res4);
* Method for handling interupted transports via cron
function cronJob()
$tr =& new Transport(&$this->dbc, $this->config);
$ru = $tr->uploadCron();
$rd = $tr->downloadCron(&$this);
return array($ru, $rd);
* Get status of asynchronous transfer
* @param transferId int, id of asynchronous transfer
* returned by uploadFile or downloadFile methods
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string or PEAR::error
function getTransferStatus($transferId, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::getTransferStatus: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
* Prepare symlink to media file and create metadata file for transport
* @param id
* @param gunid
* @param sessid
* @return array
function prepareForTransport($id, $gunid, $sessid='')
if(!$gunid) $gunid = $this->_gunidFromId($id);
else $id = $this->_idFromGunid($gunid);
$ac =& StoredFile::recallByGunid(&$this, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$mediaTarget = $ac->_getRealRADFname();
$mediaFile = "$gunid";
$mdataFile = "$gunid.xml";
@symlink($mediaTarget, $this->transDir."/$mediaFile");
$mdata = $this->getMdata($id, $sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($mdata)) return $mdata;
if(!($fh = fopen($this->transDir."/$mdataFile", 'w'))) $res=FALSE;
$res = fwrite($fh, $mdata);
if($res === FALSE) return PEAR::raiseError(
" can't write metadata tmp file ($mdataFile)"
return array($mediaFile, $mdataFile, $gunid);
* Insert transported file and metadata into storage.<br>
* TODO: cals methods from LocStor - it's not good
* @param sessid string - session id
* @param file string - local path to filr
* @param type string - media|metadata|search
* @param gunid string - global unique id
function processTransported($sessid, $file, $type, $gunid='X')
case 'media':
if(!file_exists($file)) break;
$res = $this->storeAudioClip($sessid, $gunid,
$file, '');
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
case 'metadata':
case 'mdata':
if(!file_exists($file)) break;
$res = $this->updateAudioClipMetadata($sessid, $gunid,
// catch valid exception
if($res->getCode() == GBERR_FOBJNEX){
$res2 = $this->storeAudioClip($sessid, $gunid,
'', $file);
if(PEAR::isError($res2)) return $res2;
}else return $res;
case 'search':
return PEAR::raiseError("processTranferred: search not implemented");
return PEAR::raiseError("processTranferred: unknown type ($type)");
* Search in central metadata database
* @param searchData string, search query - see localSearch method
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string - job id or PEAR::error
function globalSearch($searchData, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::globalSearch: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
$srchid = md5($sessid.mtime());
$fh = fopen($this->transDir."/$srchid", "w");
fwrite($fh, serialize($searchData));
$res = $tr->uploadOpen($srchid, 'search', $sessid, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $res;
* Get results from asynchronous search
* @param transferId int, transfer id returned by
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return array with results or PEAR::error
function getSearchResults($transferId, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::getSearchResults: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
/* =============================================== test and debug methods */
* dump
function dump($id='', $indch=' ', $ind='', $format='{name}')
if($id=='') $id = $this->storId;
return parent::dump($id, $indch, $ind, $format);
function dumpDir($id='', $format='$o["name"]')
if($id=='') $id = $this->storId;
$arr = $this->getDir($id, 'id,name');
// if($this->doDebug){ $this->debug($arr); exit; }
$arr = array_map(create_function('$o', 'return "'.$format.'";'), $arr);
return join('', $arr);
function debug($va)
echo"<pre>\n"; print_r($va); #exit;
* deleteData
* @return void
function deleteData()
// $this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->filesTable}");
$ids = $this->dbc->getAll("SELECT id FROM {$this->filesTable}");
if(is_array($ids)) foreach($ids as $i=>$item){
* testData
function testData($d='')
$exdir = '../../../storageServer/var/tests';
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test1', 'a');
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test2', 'a');
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test3', 'a');
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test4', 'a');
$o[] = $t1hd = $this->getObjId('test1', $this->storId);
$o[] = $t1d1 = $this->bsCreateFolder($t1hd, 'test1_folder1');
$o[] = $this->bsCreateFolder($t1hd, 'test1_folder2');
$o[] = $this->bsCreateFolder($t1d1, 'test1_folder1_1');
$o[] = $t1d12 = $this->bsCreateFolder($t1d1, 'test1_folder1_2');
$o[] = $t2hd = $this->getObjId('test2', $this->storId);
$o[] = $this->bsCreateFolder($t2hd, 'test2_folder1');
$o[] = $this->bsPutFile($t1hd, 'file1.mp3', "$exdir/ex1.mp3", '');
$o[] = $this->bsPutFile($t1d12, 'file2.wav', "$exdir/ex2.wav", '');
$this->tdata['storage'] = $o;
* test
function test()
// if(PEAR::isError($p = parent::test())) return $p;
$this->test_correct = " StorageRoot
$this->test_dump = $this->dumpTree($this->storId);
{ $this->test_log.="storageServer: OK\n"; return true; }
else PEAR::raiseError('GreenBox::test:', 1, PEAR_ERROR_DIE, '%s'.
* initData - initialize
function initData()
$this->rootId = $this->getRootNode();
$this->storId = $this->wd =
$this->addObj('StorageRoot', 'Folder', $this->rootId);
$rootUid = parent::addSubj('root', $this->config['tmpRootPass']);
$res = $this->addPerm($rootUid, '_all', $this->rootId, 'A');
$fid = $this->bsCreateFolder($this->storId, 'root');
* install - create tables
* file states:
* <ul>
* <li>empty</li>
* <li>incomplete</li>
* <li>ready</li>
* <li>edited</li>
* </ul>
function install()
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->filesTable} (
id int not null,
gunid char(32) not null, -- global unique ID
name varchar(255) not null default'', -- human file id ;)
type varchar(255) not null default'', -- mime type
state varchar(128) not null default'empty', -- file state
currentlyAccessing int not null default 0 -- access counter
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->filesTable}_id_idx
ON {$this->filesTable} (id)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->filesTable}_gunid_idx
ON {$this->filesTable} (gunid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->filesTable}_name_idx
ON {$this->filesTable} (name)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->mdataTable} (
id int not null,
gunid char(32),
subjns varchar(255), -- subject namespace shortcut/uri
subject varchar(255) not null default '',
predns varchar(255), -- predicate namespace shortcut/uri
predicate varchar(255) not null,
predxml char(1) not null default 'T', -- Tag or Attribute
objns varchar(255), -- object namespace shortcut/uri
object text
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_id_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (id)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_gunid_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (gunid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_subj_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (subjns, subject)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_pred_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (predns, predicate)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->accessTable} (
gunid char(32) not null default'',
sessid char(32) not null default'',
token char(32) not null default'',
chsum char(32) not null default'',
ext varchar(128) not null default'',
type varchar(20) not null default'',
ts timestamp
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->accessTable}_token_idx
ON {$this->accessTable} (token)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->accessTable}_gunid_idx
ON {$this->accessTable} (gunid)");
mkdir($this->bufferDir, 02775);
chmod($this->bufferDir, 02775); // may be obsolete
* id subjns subject predns predicate objns object
* y1 literal xmbf NULL namespace literal http://www.sotf.org/xbmf
* x1 gunid <gunid> xbmf contributor NULL NULL
* x2 mdid x1 xbmf role literal Editor
* predefined shortcuts:
* _L = literal
* _G = gunid (global id of media file)
* _I = mdid (local id of metadata record)
* _nssshortcut = namespace shortcut definition
* _blank = blank node
* uninstall
* @return void
function uninstall()
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->mdataTable}");
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->filesTable}");
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->accessTable}");
$d = dir($this->storageDir);
while (is_object($d) && (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))){
if(filetype("{$this->storageDir}/$entry")=='dir' &&
$entry!='CVS' && strlen($entry)==3)
$dd = dir("{$this->storageDir}/$entry");
while (false !== ($ee = $dd->read())){
if(substr($ee, 0, 1)!=='.')
if(is_object($d)) $d->close();
$d = dir($this->bufferDir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) if(substr($entry,0,1)!='.')
{ unlink("{$this->bufferDir}/$entry"); }
* Aux logging for debug
* @param msg string - log message
function debugLog($msg)
$fp=fopen("{$this->storageDir}/log", "a") or die("Can't write to log\n");
fputs($fp, date("H:i:s").">$msg<\n");