
162 lines
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require_once "ThirdPartyService.php";
class SoundcloudService extends ThirdPartyService {
* @var Soundcloud\Service SoundCloud API wrapper object
private $_client;
* @var string service name to store in ThirdPartyTrackReferences database
protected $_SERVICE_NAME = 'SoundCloud';
* @var string base URI for SoundCloud tracks
protected $_THIRD_PARTY_TRACK_URI = '';
* @var array Application_Model_Preference functions for SoundCloud and their
* associated API parameter keys so that we can call them dynamically
"getDefaultSoundCloudLicenseType" => "license",
"getDefaultSoundCloudSharingType" => "sharing"
* Initialize the service
public function __construct() {
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
$clientId = $CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-client-id'];
$clientSecret = $CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-client-secret'];
$redirectUri = $CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-redirect-uri'];
$this->_client = new Soundcloud\Service($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri);
$accessToken = Application_Model_Preference::getSoundCloudRequestToken();
if (!empty($accessToken)) {
* Upload the file with the given identifier to SoundCloud
* @param int $fileId the local CcFiles identifier
* @throws Soundcloud\Exception\InvalidHttpResponseCodeException
* thrown when the upload fails for any reason
public function upload($fileId) {
$file = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($fileId);
$data = array(
'track_data' => $this->_buildTrackArray($file),
'token' => $this->_client->getAccessToken(),
'file_path' => $file->getFilePaths()[0]
try {
$track = json_decode(Application_Model_RabbitMq::uploadToSoundCloud($data));
parent::_createTrackReference($fileId, $track);
} catch(Soundcloud\Exception\InvalidHttpResponseCodeException $e) {
Logging::info("Invalid request: " . $e->getMessage());
// We should only get here if we have an access token, so attempt to refresh
* Build a parameter array for the track being uploaded to SoundCloud
* @param $file Application_Model_StoredFile the file being uploaded
* @return array the track array to send to SoundCloud
private function _buildTrackArray($file) {
$trackArray = array(
'title' => $file->getName(),
foreach($this->_SOUNDCLOUD_PREF_FUNCTIONS as $func => $param) {
$val = Application_Model_Preference::$func();
if (!empty($val)) {
$trackArray[$param] = $val;
return $trackArray;
* Given a CcFiles identifier for a file that's been uploaded to SoundCloud,
* return a link to the remote file
* @param int $fileId the local CcFiles identifier
* @return string the link to the remote file
public function getLinkToFile($fileId) {
$serviceId = $this->getServiceId($fileId);
// If we don't find a record for the file we'll get 0 back for the id
if ($serviceId == 0) { return ''; }
$track = json_decode($this->_client->get('tracks/'. $serviceId));
return $track->permalink_url;
* Check whether an access token exists for the SoundCloud client
* @return bool true if an access token exists, otherwise false
public function hasAccessToken() {
$accessToken = $this->_client->getAccessToken();
return !empty($accessToken);
* Get the SoundCloud authorization URL
* @return string the authorization URL
public function getAuthorizeUrl() {
// Pass the current URL in the state parameter in order to preserve it
// in the redirect. This allows us to create a singular script to redirect
// back to any station the request comes from.
$url = urlencode('http'.(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'':'s').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/soundcloud/redirect');
return $this->_client->getAuthorizeUrl(array("state" => $url));
* Request a new access token from SoundCloud and store it in CcPref
* @param $code string exchange authorization code for access token
public function requestNewAccessToken($code) {
// Get a non-expiring access token
$response = $this->_client->accessToken($code, $postData = array('scope' => 'non-expiring'));
$accessToken = $response['access_token'];
* Regenerate the SoundCloud client's access token
* @throws Soundcloud\Exception\InvalidHttpResponseCodeException
* thrown when attempting to regenerate a stale token
public function accessTokenRefresh() {
try {
$accessToken = $this->_client->getAccessToken();
} catch(Soundcloud\Exception\InvalidHttpResponseCodeException $e) {
// If we get here, then that means our token is stale, so remove it
// Because we're using non-expiring tokens, we shouldn't get here (!)