
215 lines
8.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import mutagen
import math
import os
import copy
from mutagen.easymp4 import EasyMP4KeyError
from media.monitor.exceptions import BadSongFile
from media.monitor.log import Loggable
import media.monitor.pure as mmp
list of supported easy tags in mutagen version 1.20
['albumartistsort', 'musicbrainz_albumstatus', 'lyricist', 'releasecountry',
'date', 'performer', 'musicbrainz_albumartistid', 'composer', 'encodedby',
'tracknumber', 'musicbrainz_albumid', 'album', 'asin', 'musicbrainz_artistid',
'mood', 'copyright', 'author', 'media', 'length', 'version', 'artistsort',
'titlesort', 'discsubtitle', 'website', 'musicip_fingerprint', 'conductor',
'compilation', 'barcode', 'performer:*', 'composersort', 'musicbrainz_discid',
'musicbrainz_albumtype', 'genre', 'isrc', 'discnumber', 'musicbrainz_trmid',
'replaygain_*_gain', 'musicip_puid', 'artist', 'title', 'bpm',
'musicbrainz_trackid', 'arranger', 'albumsort', 'replaygain_*_peak',
airtime2mutagen = {
"MDATA_KEY_TITLE" : "title",
"MDATA_KEY_CREATOR" : "artist",
"MDATA_KEY_SOURCE" : "album",
"MDATA_KEY_GENRE" : "genre",
"MDATA_KEY_MOOD" : "mood",
"MDATA_KEY_TRACKNUMBER" : "tracknumber",
"MDATA_KEY_BPM" : "bpm",
"MDATA_KEY_LABEL" : "organization",
"MDATA_KEY_COMPOSER" : "composer",
"MDATA_KEY_ENCODER" : "encodedby",
"MDATA_KEY_CONDUCTOR" : "conductor",
"MDATA_KEY_YEAR" : "date",
"MDATA_KEY_URL" : "website",
"MDATA_KEY_ISRC" : "isrc",
"MDATA_KEY_COPYRIGHT" : "copyright",
# Some airtime attributes are special because they must use the mutagen object
# itself to calculate the value that they need. The lambda associated with each
# key should attempt to extract the corresponding value from the mutagen object
# itself pass as 'm'. In the case when nothing can be extracted the lambda
# should return some default value to be assigned anyway or None so that the
# airtime metadata object will skip the attribute outright.
airtime_special = {
lambda m: format_length(getattr(, u'length', 0.0)),
lambda m: getattr(, "bitrate", ''),
lambda m: getattr(, u'sample_rate', 0),
lambda m: m.mime[0] if len(m.mime) > 0 else u'',
mutagen2airtime = dict( (v,k) for k,v in airtime2mutagen.iteritems()
if isinstance(v, str) )
truncate_table = {
'MDATA_KEY_URL' : 512,
def format_length(mutagen_length):
Convert mutagen length to airtime length
t = float(mutagen_length)
h = int(math.floor(t / 3600))
t = t % 3600
m = int(math.floor(t / 60))
s = t % 60
# will be ss.uuu
s = str(s)
seconds = s.split(".")
s = seconds[0]
# have a maximum of 6 subseconds.
if len(seconds[1]) >= 6: ss = seconds[1][0:6]
else: ss = seconds[1][0:]
return "%s:%s:%s.%s" % (h, m, s, ss)
def truncate_to_length(item, length):
if isinstance(item, int): item = str(item)
if isinstance(item, basestring):
if len(item) > length: return item[0:length]
else: return item
class Metadata(Loggable):
# TODO : refactor the way metadata is being handled. Right now things are a
# little bit messy. Some of the handling is in m.m.pure while the rest is
# here. Also interface is not very consistent
def fix_title(path):
# If we have no title in path we will format it
# TODO : this is very hacky so make sure to fix it
m = mutagen.File(path, easy=True)
if u'title' not in m:
new_title = unicode( mmp.no_extension_basename(path) )
m[u'title'] = new_title
def airtime_dict(d):
Converts mutagen dictionary 'd' into airtime dictionary
temp_dict = {}
for m_key, m_val in d.iteritems():
# TODO : some files have multiple fields for the same metadata.
# genre is one example. In that case mutagen will return a list
# of values
assign_val = m_val[0] if isinstance(m_val, list) else m_val
temp_dict[ m_key ] = assign_val
airtime_dictionary = {}
for muta_k, muta_v in temp_dict.iteritems():
# We must check if we can actually translate the mutagen key into
# an airtime key before doing the conversion
if muta_k in mutagen2airtime:
airtime_key = mutagen2airtime[muta_k]
# Apply truncation in the case where airtime_key is in our
# truncation table
muta_v = \
truncate_to_length(muta_v, truncate_table[airtime_key])\
if airtime_key in truncate_table else muta_v
airtime_dictionary[ airtime_key ] = muta_v
return airtime_dictionary
def write_unsafe(path,md):
Writes 'md' metadata into 'path' through mutagen. Converts all
dictionary values to strings because mutagen will not write anything
if not os.path.exists(path): raise BadSongFile(path)
song_file = mutagen.File(path, easy=True)
ex = None
for airtime_k, airtime_v in md.iteritems():
if airtime_k in airtime2mutagen:
# The unicode cast here is mostly for integers that need to be
# strings
song_file[ airtime2mutagen[airtime_k] ] = unicode(airtime_v)
except EasyMP4KeyError as e:
ex = e
if ex: raise ex
def __init__(self, fpath):
# Forcing the unicode through
try : fpath = fpath.decode("utf-8")
except : pass
if not mmp.file_playable(fpath): raise BadSongFile(fpath)
try : full_mutagen = mutagen.File(fpath, easy=True)
except Exception : raise BadSongFile(fpath)
self.path = fpath
if not os.path.exists(self.path):"Attempting to read metadata of file \
that does not exist. Setting metadata to {}")
self.__metadata = {}
# TODO : Simplify the way all of these rules are handled right not it's
# extremely unclear and needs to be refactored.
if full_mutagen is None: raise BadSongFile(fpath)
self.__metadata = Metadata.airtime_dict(full_mutagen)
# Now we extra the special values that are calculated from the mutagen
# object itself:
for special_key,f in airtime_special.iteritems():
new_val = f(full_mutagen)
if new_val is not None:
self.__metadata[special_key] = new_val
# Finally, we "normalize" all the metadata here:
self.__metadata = mmp.normalized_metadata(self.__metadata, fpath)
# Now we must load the md5:
# TODO : perhaps we shouldn't hard code how many bytes we're reading
# from the file?
self.__metadata['MDATA_KEY_MD5'] = mmp.file_md5(fpath,max_length=100)
def is_recorded(self):
returns true if the file has been created by airtime through recording
return mmp.is_airtime_recorded( self.__metadata )
def extract(self):
returns a copy of the metadata that was loaded when object was
return copy.deepcopy(self.__metadata)
def utf8(self):
Returns a unicode aware representation of the data that is compatible
with what is spent to airtime
return mmp.convert_dict_value_to_utf8(self.extract())