1143 lines
36 KiB
1143 lines
36 KiB
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.6 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/GreenBox.php,v $
define('GBERR_DENY', 40);
define('GBERR_FILEIO', 41);
define('GBERR_FILENEX', 42);
define('GBERR_FOBJNEX', 43);
define('GBERR_WRTYPE', 44);
define('GBERR_NONE', 45);
define('GBERR_AOBJNEX', 46);
define('GBERR_NOTF', 47);
define('GBERR_NOTIMPL', 50);
require_once "../../../alib/var/alib.php";
require_once "StoredFile.php";
require_once "Transport.php";
* GreenBox class
* LiveSupport file storage module
* @author $Author: tomas $
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $
* @see Alib
class GreenBox extends Alib{
var $filesTable;
var $mdataTable;
var $accessTable;
var $storageDir;
var $bufferDir;
var $accessDir;
var $rootId;
var $storId;
var $doDebug = true;
* Constructor
* @param dbc PEAR::db abstract class reference
* @param config config array from conf.php
* @return class instance
function GreenBox(&$dbc, $config)
parent::Alib(&$dbc, $config);
$this->config = $config;
$this->filesTable = $config['tblNamePrefix'].'files';
$this->mdataTable = $config['tblNamePrefix'].'mdata';
$this->accessTable= $config['tblNamePrefix'].'access';
$this->storageDir = $config['storageDir'];
$this->bufferDir = $config['bufferDir'];
$this->transDir = $config['transDir'];
$this->accessDir = $config['accessDir'];
$this->rootId = $this->getRootNode();
$this->storId = $this->wd =
$this->getObjId('StorageRoot', $this->rootId);
/* ======================================================= public methods */
* Create new folder
* @param parid int, parent id
* @param folderName string, name for new folder
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return id of new folder
* @exception PEAR::error
function createFolder($parid, $folderName, $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $parid, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return $this->addObj($folderName , 'Folder', $parid);
* Store new file in the storage
* @param parid int, parent id
* @param fileName string, name for new file
* @param mediaFileLP string, local path of media file
* @param mdataFileLP string, local path of metadata file
* @param sessid string, session id
* @param gunid string, global unique id OPTIONAL
* @return int
* @exception PEAR::error
function putFile($parid, $fileName,
$mediaFileLP, $mdataFileLP, $sessid='', $gunid=NULL)
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $parid, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$name = "$fileName";
$id = $this->addObj($name , 'File', $parid);
$ac =& StoredFile::insert(
&$this, $id, $name, $mediaFileLP, $mdataFileLP, $gunid
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $id;
* Return raw media file.<br>
* <b>will be probably removed from API</b><br>
* see access() method
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return file
function getFile($id, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::getFile: probably obsolete API function');
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$fname = $ac->accessRawMediaData();
# readfile($fname);
return join('', file($fname));
$fname = $ac->releaseRawMediaData();
* Analyze media file for internal metadata information
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return array
function analyzeFile($id, $sessid='')
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
# echo"<pre>\n"; print_r($ac); exit;
$ia = $ac->analyzeMediaFile();
return $ia;
* Create and return access link to media file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return filename as string or PEAR::error
function access($id, $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$fname = $ac->accessRawMediaData($sessid);
return $fname;
* Release access link to media file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function release($id, $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$res = $ac->releaseRawMediaData($sessid);
return $res;
* Rename file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param newName string
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function renameFile($id, $newName, $sessid='')
$parid = $this->getParent($id);
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $parid, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$res = $ac->rename($newName);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $this->renameObj($id, $newName);
* Move file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function moveFile($id, $did, $sessid='')
if($this->getObjType($did) !== 'Folder')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::moveFile: destination is not folder', GBERR_WRTYPE
if(($res = $this->_authorize(
array('read', 'write'), array($id, $did), $sessid
)) !== TRUE) return $res;
$this->_relocateSubtree($id, $did);
* Copy file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function copyFile($id, $did, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::copyFile: destination is not folder', GBERR_WRTYPE
if(($res = $this->_authorize(
array('read', 'write'), array($id, $did), $sessid
)) !== TRUE) return $res;
return $this->_copySubtree($id, $did);
* Delete file
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid int
* @return true or PEAR::error
function deleteFile($id, $sessid='')
$parid = $this->getParent($id);
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $parid, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$res = $this->removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
/* ---------------------------------------------- replicas, versions etc. */
* Create replica.<br>
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @param replicaName string, name of new replica
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return int, local id of new object
function createReplica($id, $did, $replicaName='', $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::createVersion: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
// ---
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::createReplica: dest is not folder', GBERR_WRTYPE
if(($res = $this->_authorize(
array('read', 'write'), array($id, $did), $sessid
)) !== TRUE) return $res;
if($replicaName=='') $replicaName = $this->getObjName($id);
while(($exid = $this->getObjId($replicaName, $did))<>'')
{ $replicaName.='_R'; }
$rid = $this->addObj($replicaName , 'Replica', $did, 0, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($rid)) return $rid;
# $this->addMdata($this->_pathFromId($rid), 'isReplOf', $id, $sessid);
return $rid;
* Create version.<br>
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param did int, destination folder local id
* @param versionLabel string, name of new version
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return int, local id of new object
function createVersion($id, $did, $versionLabel, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::createVersion: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- metadata */
* Update metadata tree
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param mdataFile string, local path of metadata XML file
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
function updateMetadata($id, $mdataFile, $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->updateMetaData($mdataFile);
* Update object namespace and value of one metadata record
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param mdid int, metadata record id
* @param object string, object value, e.g. title string
* @param objns string, object namespace prefix, have to be defined
* in file's metadata (or reserved prefix)
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
* @see MetaData
function updateMetadataRecord($id, $mdid, $object, $objns='_L', $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->updateMetaDataRecord($mdid, $object, $objns);
* Add single metadata record.<br>
* <b>TODO: NOT FINISHED</b><br>
* Params could be changed!
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param propertyName string
* @param propertyValue string
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return boolean or PEAR::error
* @see MetaData
function addMetaDataRecord($id, $propertyName,
$propertyValue, $sessid='')
//if(($res = $this->_authorize('write', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
// return $res;
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::addMetaDataRecord: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
* Get metadata XML tree as string
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string or PEAR::error
function getMdata($id, $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
return $ac->getMetaData();
* Search in local metadata database.<br>
* <b>TODO: NOT FINISHED</b><br>
* Should support structured queries, e.g.:<br>
* XML file with the structure as metadata, but
* with SQL LIKE terms instead of metadata values.<br>
* Some standard query format would be better,
* but I've not found it yet.
* @param searchData string, search query -
* only one SQL LIKE term supported now.
* It will be searched in all literal object values
* in metadata database
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return array of gunid strings
function localSearch($searchData, $sessid='')
$ftsrch = $searchData;
$res = $this->dbc->getAll("SELECT md.gunid as gunid
FROM {$this->filesTable} f, {$this->mdataTable} md
WHERE f.gunid=md.gunid AND md.objns='_L' AND
md.object like '$ftsrch'
GROUP BY md.gunid
if(!is_array($res)) $res = array();
return $res;
/* -------------------------------------------- remote repository methods */
* Upload file to remote repository
* @param id int, virt.file's local id
* @param gunid string, global id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string - transfer id or PEAR::error
function uploadFile($id, $gunid, $sessid='')
$res = $this->prepareForTransport($id, $gunid, $sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
list($mediaFile, $mdataFile, $gunid) = $res;
$tr =& new Transport(&$this->dbc, $this->config);
$res = $tr->uploadOpen($mediaFile, 'media', $sessid, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res2 = $tr->uploadOpen($mdataFile, 'metadata', $sessid, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res2)) return $res2;
$res3 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res);
$res4 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res2);
# return $res;
return array($res, $res2, $res3, $res4);
* Download file from remote repository
* @param gunid int, global unique id
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string - transfer id or PEAR::error
function downloadFile($gunid, $sessid='')
$tr =& new Transport(&$this->dbc, $this->config);
// get home dir if needed
$res = $tr->downloadOpen($sessid, 'media', $gunid,
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res2 = $tr->downloadOpen($sessid, 'metadata', $gunid,
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$res3 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res);
$res4 = $tr->getTransportStatus($res2);
# return $res;
return array($res, $res2, $res3, $res4);
* Method for handling interupted transports via cron
function cronJob()
$tr =& new Transport(&$this->dbc, $this->config);
$ru = $tr->uploadCron();
$rd = $tr->downloadCron(&$this);
return array($ru, $rd);
* Get status of asynchronous transfer
* @param transferId int, id of asynchronous transfer
* returned by uploadFile or downloadFile methods
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string or PEAR::error
function getTransferStatus($transferId, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::getTransferStatus: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
* Prepare symlink to media file and create metadata file for transport
* @param id
* @param gunid
* @param sessid
* @return array
function prepareForTransport($id, $gunid, $sessid='')
if(!$gunid) $gunid = $this->_gunidFromId($id);
else $id = $this->_idFromGunid($gunid);
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, '', $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)) return $ac;
$mediaTarget = $ac->_getRealRADFname();
$mediaFile = "$gunid";
$mdataFile = "$gunid.xml";
@symlink($mediaTarget, $this->transDir."/$mediaFile");
$mdata = $this->getMdata($id, $sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($mdata)) return $mdata;
if(!($fh = fopen($this->transDir."/$mdataFile", 'w'))) $res=FALSE;
$res = fwrite($fh, $mdata);
if($res === FALSE) return PEAR::raiseError(
" can't write metadata tmp file ($mdataFile)"
return array($mediaFile, $mdataFile, $gunid);
* Insert transported file and metadata into storage.<br>
* TODO: cals methods from LocStor - it's not good
* @param sessid string - session id
* @param file string - local path to filr
* @param type string - media|metadata|search
* @param gunid string - global unique id
function processTransported($sessid, $file, $type, $gunid='X')
case 'media':
if(!file_exists($file)) break;
$res = $this->storeAudioClip($sessid, $gunid,
$file, '');
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
case 'metadata':
case 'mdata':
if(!file_exists($file)) break;
$res = $this->updateAudioClipMetadata($sessid, $gunid,
// catch valid exception
if($res->getCode() == GBERR_FOBJNEX){
$res2 = $this->storeAudioClip($sessid, $gunid,
'', $file);
if(PEAR::isError($res2)) return $res2;
}else return $res;
case 'search':
return PEAR::raiseError("processTranferred: search not implemented");
return PEAR::raiseError("processTranferred: unknown type ($type)");
* Search in central metadata database
* @param searchData string, search query - see localSearch method
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return string - job id or PEAR::error
function globalSearch($searchData, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::globalSearch: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
$srchid = md5($sessid.mtime());
$fh = fopen($this->transDir."/$srchid", "w");
fwrite($fh, serialize($searchData));
$res = $tr->uploadOpen($srchid, 'search', $sessid, $gunid);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $res;
* Get results from asynchronous search
* @param transferId int, transfer id returned by
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return array with results or PEAR::error
function getSearchResults($transferId, $sessid='')
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::getSearchResults: not implemented', GBERR_NOTIMPL
/* --------------------------------------------------------- info methods */
* List files in folder
* @param id int, local id of folder
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return array
function listFolder($id, $sessid='')
if(($res = $this->_authorize('read', $id, $sessid)) !== TRUE)
return $res;
return PEAR::raiseError(
'GreenBox::listFolder: not a folder', GBERR_NOTF
$a = $this->getDir($id, 'id, name, type, param as target', 'name');
return $a;
* List files in folder
* @param id int, local id of object
* @param relPath string, relative path
* @return array
function getObjIdFromRelPath($id, $relPath='.')
$a = split('/', $relPath);
if($this->getObjType($id)!=='Folder') $nid = $this->getparent($id);
else $nid = $id;
foreach($a as $i=>$item){
$nid = $this->getparent($nid);
$nid = $this->getObjId($item, $nid);
return $nid;
/* ---------------------------------------------------- redefined methods */
* Logout and destroy session
* @param sessid string
* @return true/err
function logout($sessid)
$acfa = $this->dbc->getAll("SELECT * FROM {$this->accessTable}
WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
if(PEAR::isError($acfa)) return $acfa;
foreach($acfa as $i=>$acf){
$ac =& StoredFile::recallFromLink(&$this, $acf['tmplink'], $sessid);
* Add new user with home folder
* @param login string
* @param pass string OPT
* @return int/err
function addSubj($login, $pass=NULL)
$uid = parent::addSubj($login, $pass);
if(PEAR::isError($uid)) return $uid;
$fid = $this->addObj($login , 'Folder', $this->storId);
if(PEAR::isError($fid)) return $fid;
$res = $this->addPerm($uid, '_all', $fid, 'A');
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return $uid;
* Remove user and his home folder
* @param login string
* @param uid int OPT
* @return boolean/err
function removeSubj($login, $uid=NULL)
$res = parent::removeSubj($login, $pass);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$id = $this->getObjId($login, $this->storId);
if(PEAR::isError($id)) return $id;
$res = $this->removeObj($id);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
return TRUE;
* Get file's path in virtual filesystem
* @param id int
* @return array
function getPath($id)
$pa = parent::getPath($id, 'id, name, type'); array_shift($pa);
return $pa;
/* ==================================================== "private" methods */
* Copy virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return id
function copyObj($id, $newParid, $after='')
$nid = parent::copyObj($id, $newParid, $after='');
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($ac)){ return $ac; }
$ac2 =& StoredFile::copyOf(&$ac, $nid);
return $nid;
* Optionaly remove virtual file with the same name and add new one.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return id
function addObj($name, $type, $parid=1, $aftid=NULL, $param='')
if(!is_null($exid = $this->getObjId($name, $parid)))
{ $this->removeObj($exid); }
return parent::addObj($name, $type, $parid, $aftid, $param);
* Remove virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @param id int, local id of removed object
* @return true or PEAR::error
function removeObj($id)
$ac =& StoredFile::recall(&$this, $id);
return TRUE;
* Check authorization - auxiliary method
* @param acts array of actions
* @param pars array of parameters - e.g. ids
* @param sessid string, session id
* @return true or PEAR::error
function _authorize($acts, $pars, $sessid='')
$userid = $this->getSessUserId($sessid);
if(!is_array($pars)) $pars = array($pars);
if(!is_array($acts)) $acts = array($acts);
$perm = true;
foreach($acts as $i=>$action){
$res = $this->checkPerm($userid, $action, $pars[$i]);
if(PEAR::isError($res)) return $res;
$perm = $perm && $res;
if($perm) return TRUE;
$adesc = "[".join(',',$acts)."]";
return PEAR::raiseError("GreenBox::$adesc: access denied", GBERR_DENY);
* Create fake session for downloaded files
* @param userid user id
* @return string sessid
function _fakeSession($userid)
$sessid = $this->_createSessid();
if(PEAR::isError($sessid)) return $sessid;
$login = $this->getSubjName($userid);
$r = $this->dbc->query("INSERT INTO {$this->sessTable}
(sessid, userid, login, ts)
('$sessid', '$userid', '$login', now())");
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
return $sessid;
* Get local id from global id
* @param gunid string global id
* @return int local id
function _idFromGunid($gunid)
return $this->dbc->getOne(
"SELECT id FROM {$this->filesTable} WHERE gunid='$gunid'"
* Get global id from local id
* @param id int local id
* @return string global id
function _gunidFromId($id)
if(!is_numeric($id)) return NULL;
return $this->dbc->getOne(
"SELECT gunid FROM {$this->filesTable} WHERE id='$id'"
/* =============================================== test and debug methods */
* dump
function dump($id='', $indch=' ', $ind='', $format='{name}')
if($id=='') $id = $this->storId;
return parent::dump($id, $indch, $ind, $format);
function dumpDir($id='', $format='$o["name"]')
if($id=='') $id = $this->storId;
$arr = $this->getDir($id, 'id,name');
// if($this->doDebug){ $this->debug($arr); exit; }
$arr = array_map(create_function('$o', 'return "'.$format.'";'), $arr);
return join('', $arr);
function debug($va)
echo"<pre>\n"; print_r($va); #exit;
* deleteData
* @return void
function deleteData()
// $this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->filesTable}");
$ids = $this->dbc->getAll("SELECT id FROM {$this->filesTable}");
if(is_array($ids)) foreach($ids as $i=>$item){
* testData
function testData($d='')
$exdir = '../../../storageServer/var/tests';
$s = $this->sessid;
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test1', 'a');
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test2', 'a');
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test3', 'a');
$o[] = $this->addSubj('test4', 'a');
$o[] = $t1hd = $this->getObjId('test1', $this->storId);
$o[] = $t1d1 = $this->createFolder($t1hd, 'test1_folder1', $s);
$o[] = $this->createFolder($t1hd, 'test1_folder2', $s);
$o[] = $this->createFolder($t1d1, 'test1_folder1_1', $s);
$o[] = $t1d12 = $this->createFolder($t1d1, 'test1_folder1_2', $s);
$o[] = $t2hd = $this->getObjId('test2', $this->storId);
$o[] = $this->createFolder($t2hd, 'test2_folder1', $s);
$o[] = $this->putFile($t1hd, 'file1.mp3', "$exdir/ex1.mp3", '', $s);
$o[] = $this->putFile($t1d12 , 'file2.wav', "$exdir/ex2.wav", '', $s);
$this->tdata['storage'] = $o;
* test
function test()
// if(PEAR::isError($p = parent::test())) return $p;
$this->login('root', $this->config['tmpRootPass']);
$this->test_correct = " StorageRoot
$this->test_dump = $this->dumpTree($this->storId);
{ $this->test_log.="Storage: OK\n"; return true; }
else PEAR::raiseError('GreenBox::test:', 1, PEAR_ERROR_DIE, '%s'.
* initData - initialize
function initData()
$this->rootId = $this->getRootNode();
$this->storId = $this->wd =
$this->addObj('StorageRoot', 'Folder', $this->rootId);
$rootUid = parent::addSubj('root', $this->config['tmpRootPass']);
$this->login('root', $this->config['tmpRootPass']);
$res = $this->addPerm($rootUid, '_all', $this->rootId, 'A');
$fid = $this->createFolder($this->storId, 'root', $this->sessid);
# $id = $this->dbc->nextId("{$this->mdataTable}_id_seq");
* install - create tables
function install()
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->filesTable} (
id int not null,
gunid char(32) not null,
name varchar(255) not null default'',
type varchar(255) not null default'',
currentlyAccessing int not null default 0
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->filesTable}_id_idx
ON {$this->filesTable} (id)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->filesTable}_gunid_idx
ON {$this->filesTable} (gunid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->filesTable}_name_idx
ON {$this->filesTable} (name)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->mdataTable} (
id int not null,
gunid char(32),
subjns varchar(255), -- subject namespace shortcut/uri
subject varchar(255) not null default '',
predns varchar(255), -- predicate namespace shortcut/uri
predicate varchar(255) not null,
predxml char(1) not null default 'T', -- Tag or Attribute
objns varchar(255), -- object namespace shortcut/uri
object text
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_id_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (id)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_gunid_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (gunid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_subj_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (subjns, subject)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->mdataTable}_pred_idx
ON {$this->mdataTable} (predns, predicate)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->accessTable} (
gunid char(32) not null,
sessid char(32) not null,
tmpLink varchar(255) not null default'',
ts timestamp
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->accessTable}_acc_idx
ON {$this->accessTable} (tmpLink, sessid)");
mkdir($this->bufferDir, 02775);
chmod($this->bufferDir, 02775); // may be obsolete
* id subjns subject predns predicate objns object
* y1 literal xmbf NULL namespace literal http://www.sotf.org/xbmf
* x1 gunid <gunid> xbmf contributor NULL NULL
* x2 mdid x1 xbmf role literal Editor
* predefined shortcuts:
* _L = literal
* _G = gunid (global id of media file)
* _I = mdid (local id of metadata record)
* _nssshortcut = namespace shortcut definition
* _blank = blank node
* uninstall
* @return void
function uninstall()
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->mdataTable}");
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->filesTable}");
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->accessTable}");
$d = dir($this->storageDir);
while (is_object($d) && (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))){
if(filetype("{$this->storageDir}/$entry")=='dir' &&
$entry!='CVS' && strlen($entry)==3)
$dd = dir("{$this->storageDir}/$entry");
while (false !== ($ee = $dd->read())){
if(substr($ee, 0, 1)!=='.')
if(is_object($d)) $d->close();
$d = dir($this->bufferDir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) if(substr($entry,0,1)!='.')
{ unlink("{$this->bufferDir}/$entry"); }
* Aux logging for debug
* @param msg string - log message
function debugLog($msg)
$fp=fopen("{$this->storageDir}/log", "a") or die("Can't write to log\n");
fputs($fp, date("H:i:s").">$msg<\n");