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import os
from pydispatch import dispatcher
from import NewFile, DeleteFile
from media.monitor.log import Loggable
import media.monitor.pure as mmp
class Bootstrapper(Loggable):
Bootstrapper reads all the info in the filesystem flushes organize
events and watch events
def __init__(self,db,last_ran,org_channels,watch_channels):
self.db = db
self.org_channels = org_channels
self.watch_channels = watch_channels
self.last_ran = last_ran
def flush_watch(self):
Syncs the file system into the database. Walks over deleted/new/modified files since
the last run in mediamonitor and sends requests to make the database consistent with
file system
# Songs is a dictionary where every key is the watched the directory
# and the value is a set with all the files in that directory.
songs = {}
modded = deleted = 0
signal_by_path = dict( (pc.signal, pc.path) for pc in self.watch_channels )
for pc in self.watch_channels:
songs[ pc.path ] = set()
for f in mmp.walk_supported(pc.path, clean_empties=False):
songs[ pc.path ].add(f)
# We decide whether to update a file's metadata by checking
# its system modification date. If it's above the value
# self.last_ran which is passed to us that means media monitor
# wasn't aware when this changes occured in the filesystem
# hence it will send the correct events to sync the database
# with the filesystem
if os.path.getmtime(f) > self.last_ran:
modded += 1
dispatcher.send(signal=pc.signal, sender=self, event=DeleteFile(f))
dispatcher.send(signal=pc.signal, sender=self, event=NewFile(f))
# Want all files in the database that are not in the filesystem
for watch_dir in self.db.list_directories():
db_songs = self.db.directory_get_files(watch_dir)
# Get all the files that are in the database but in the file
# system. These are the files marked for deletions
for to_delete in db_songs.difference(songs[watch_dir]):
# need the correct watch channel signal to call delete
if watch_dir in signal_by_path:
dispatcher.send(signal=signal_by_path[watch_dir], sender=self, event=DeleteFile(f))
# TODO : get rid of this, we should never delete files from
# the FS even if they are deleted in airtime. Instead we
# should put this file on a global ignore list until it's
# re-added or something
# os.remove(to_delete)
deleted += 1
self.logger.error("Could not find the signal corresponding to path: '%s'" % watch_dir) "Flushed watch directories. (modified, deleted) = (%d, %d)"
% (modded, deleted) )