398 lines
14 KiB
398 lines
14 KiB
function errCallBack($err)
echo "<pre>gm:\n".$err->getMessage()."\ndi:\n".$err->getDebugInfo()."\nui:\n".$err->getUserInfo()."\n";
echo "<hr>BackTrace:\n";
echo "</pre>\n";
// --- basic funtionality ---
* tra
* Translate the given string using localisation files.
* @param input string, string to translate
* @return string, translated string
function tra($input)
// just a dummy function yet
if ($nr>1)
for ($i=1; $i<$nr; $i++){
$name = '$'.$i;
$val = func_get_arg($i);
$input = str_replace($name, $val, $input);
return $input;
function _getDArr($format)
#$arr[''] = '00';
switch($format) {
case 'h':
for($n=0; $n<=23; $n++) {
$arr[$this->_twoDigits($n)] = $this->_twoDigits($n);
case 'm':
case 's':
for($n=0; $n<=59; $n++) {
$arr[$this->_twoDigits($n)] = $this->_twoDigits($n);
return $arr;
* uiBase class
* LiveSupport HTML User Interface module
class uiBase
// --- class constructor ---
* uiBase
* Initialize a new Basis Class including:
* - database initialation
* - GreenBox initialation
* @param $config array, configurartion data
var $redirUrl;
var $alertMsg;
function uiBase(&$config)
$this->dbc = DB::connect($config['dsn'], TRUE);
if (DB::isError($this->dbc)) {
$this->gb =& new GreenBox($this->dbc, $config);
$this->config =& $config;
$this->config['accessRawAudioUrl'] = $config['storageUrlPath'].'/xmlrpc/simpleGet.php';
$this->sessid = $_REQUEST[$config['authCookieName']];
$this->userid = $this->gb->getSessUserId($this->sessid);
$this->login = $this->gb->getSessLogin($this->sessid);
$this->id = $_REQUEST['id'] ? $_REQUEST['id'] : $this->gb->getObjId($this->login, $this->gb->storId);
$this->pid = $this->gb->getparent($this->id) != 1 ? $this->gb->getparent($this->id) : FALSE;
$this->type = $this->gb->getFileType($this->id);
$this->fid = $this->type=='Folder' ? $this->id : $this->pid;
$this->InputTextStandardAttrib = array('size' =>UI_INPUT_STANDARD_SIZE,
$this->SCRATCHPAD =& new uiScratchPad($this);
$this->SEARCH =& new uiSearch($this);
$this->PLAYLIST =& new uiPlaylist($this);
function loadStationPrefs(&$mask)
if (!is_array($this->STATIONPREFS)) {
foreach ($mask as $key=>$val) {
if ($val['isPref']) {
if (is_string($setting = $this->gb->loadGroupPref(NULL, 'StationPrefs', $val['element']))) {
$this->STATIONPREFS[$val['element']] = $setting;
} else {
$miss = TRUE;
if ($miss && $this->login) {
$this->_retMsg('Note: Station Preferences not setup.');
* _parseArr2Form
* Add elements/rules/groups to an given HTML_QuickForm object
* @param form object, reference to HTML_QuickForm object
* @param mask array, reference to array defining to form elements
* @param side string, side where the validation should beeing
function _parseArr2Form(&$form, &$mask, $side='client')
foreach($mask as $k=>$v) {
## add elements ########################
if ($v['type']=='radio') {
foreach($v['options'] as $rk=>$rv) {
$radio[] =& $form->createElement($v['type'], NULL, NULL, $rv, $rk, $v['attributes']);
$form->addGroup($radio, $v['element'], tra($v['label']));
} elseif ($v['type']=='select') {
$elem[$v['element']] =& $form->createElement($v['type'], $v['element'], tra($v['label']), $v['options'], $v['attributes']);
if (isset($v['selected'])) $elem[$v['element']]->setSelected($v['selected']);
if (!$v['groupit']) $form->addElement($elem[$v['element']]);
} elseif ($v['type']=='date') {
$elem[$v['element']] =& $form->createElement($v['type'], $v['element'], tra($v['label']), $v['options'], $v['attributes']);
if (!$v['groupit']) $form->addElement($elem[$v['element']]);
} elseif ($v['type']=='checkbox' || $v['type']=='static') {
$elem[$v['element']] =& $form->createElement($v['type'], $v['element'], tra($v['label']), $v['text'], $v['attributes']);
if (!$v['groupit']) $form->addElement($elem[$v['element']]);
} elseif (isset($v['type'])) {
$elem[$v['element']] =& $form->createElement($v['type'], $v['element'], tra($v['label']),
($v[type]=='text' || $v['type']=='file' || $v['type']=='password') ? array_merge($v['attributes'], array('size'=>UI_INPUT_STANDARD_SIZE, 'maxlength'=>UI_INPUT_STANDARD_MAXLENGTH)) :
($v['type']=='textarea' ? array_merge($v['attributes'], array('rows'=>UI_TEXTAREA_STANDART_ROWS, 'cols'=>UI_TEXTAREA_STANDART_COLS)) : $v['attributes'])
if (!$v['groupit']) $form->addElement($elem[$v['element']]);
## add required rule ###################
if ($v['required']) {
$form->addRule($v['element'], isset($v['requiredmsg'])?tra($v['requiredmsg']):tra('Missing value for $1', tra($v['label'])), 'required', NULL, $side);
## add constant value ##################
if (isset($v['constant'])) {
## add default value ###################
if (isset($v['default'])) {
## add other rules #####################
if ($v['rule']) {
$form->addRule($v['element'], isset($v['rulemsg']) ? tra($v['rulemsg']) : tra('$1 must be $2', tra($v['element']), tra($v['rule'])), $v['rule'] ,$v['format'], $side);
## add group ###########################
if (is_array($v['group'])) {
foreach($v['group'] as $val) {
$groupthose[] =& $elem[$val];
$form->addGroup($groupthose, $v['name'], tra($v['label']), $v['seperator'], $v['appendName']);
if ($v['rule']) {
$form->addRule($v['name'], isset($v['rulemsg']) ? tra($v['rulemsg']) : tra('$1 must be $2', tra($v['name'])), $v['rule'], $v['format'], $side);
if ($v['grouprule']) {
$form->addGroupRule($v['name'], $v['arg1'], $v['grouprule'], $v['format'], $v['howmany'], $side, $v['reset']);
## check error on type file ##########
if ($v['type']=='file') {
if ($_POST[$v['element']]['error']) {
$form->setElementError($v['element'], isset($v['requiredmsg']) ? tra($v['requiredmsg']) : tra('Missing value for $1', tra($v['label'])));
* _dateArr2Str
* Converts date-array from form into string
* @param input array, array of form-elements
function _dateArr2Str(&$input)
foreach ($input as $k=>$v){
if (is_array($v)) {
if ( ( isset($v['d']) ) && ( isset($v['M']) || isset($v['m']) ) && ( isset($v['Y']) || isset($v['y']) ) ) {
$input[$k] = $v['Y'].$v['y'].'-'.$this->_twoDigits($v['M'].$v['m']).'-'.$this->_twoDigits($v['d']);
if ( ( isset($v['H']) ) || isset($v['h'] ) && ( isset($v['i']) ) && ( isset($v['s']) ) ) {
$input[$k] = $this->_twoDigits($v['H'].$v['h']).':'.$this->_twoDigits($v['i']).':'.$this->_twoDigits($v['s']);
return $input;
* _analyzeFile
* Call getid3 library to analyze media file and show some results
* @param $id int local ID of file
* @param $format string
function _analyzeFile($id, $format)
$ia = $this->gb->analyzeFile($id, $this->sessid);
$s = $ia['playtime_seconds'];
$extent = date('H:i:s', floor($s)-date('Z')).substr(number_format($s, 6), strpos(number_format($s, 6), '.'));
if ($format=='array') {
return array(
'Format.Extent' => $extent,
'Format.Medium.Bitrate' => $ia['audio']['bitrate'],
'Format.Medium.Channels' => $ia['audio']['channelmode'],
'Format.Medium.Samplerate' => $ia['audio']['sample_rate'],
'Format.Medium.Encoder' => $ia['audio']['codec'] ? $ia['audio']['codec'] : $ia['audio']['encoder'],
} elseif ($format=='text') {
return "fileformat: {$ia['fileformat']}<br>
seconds: {$ia['playtime_seconds']}<br>
length: $extent<br>
channels: {$ia['audio']['channels']}<br>
sample_rate: {$ia['audio']['sample_rate']}<br>
bits_per_sample: {$ia['audio']['bits_per_sample']}<br>
channelmode: {$ia['audio']['channelmode']}<br>
title: {$ia['id3v1']['title']}<br>
artist: {$ia['id3v1']['artist']}<br>
comment: {$ia['id3v1']['comment']}";
} elseif ($format=='xml') {
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<dcterms:extent>'.date('H:i:s', round($s)-date('Z')).substr(number_format($s, 6), strpos(number_format($s, 6), '.')).'</dcterms:extent>
function _twoDigits($num)
if (strlen($num)<2)
return ("0$num");
return $num;
function _toHex($gunid)
$res = $this->dbc->query("SELECT to_hex($gunid)");
$row = $res->fetchRow();
return $row['to_hex'];
function _toInt8($gunid)
$res = $this->dbc->query("SELECT x'$gunid'::bigint");
$row = $res->fetchRow();
return $row['int8'];
function _retMsg($msg, $p1=NULL, $p2=NULL, $p3=NULL, $p4=NULL, $p5=NULL, $p6=NULL, $p7=NULL, $p8=NULL, $p9=NULL)
$_SESSION['alertMsg'] .= tra($msg, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6, $p7, $p8, $p9).'\n';
function _getMetaInfo($id)
$data = array('id' => $id,
'gunid' => $this->gb->_gunidFromId($id),
'title' => $this->_getMDataValue($id, 'title'),
'creator' => $this->_getMDataValue($id, 'creator'),
'duration' => $this->_niceTime($this->_getMDataValue($id, 'dcterms:extent')),
'type' => $this->gb->getFileType($id),
return ($data);
function _niceTime($in)
list ($in, $lost) = explode('.', $in);
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}$/', $in))
list($h, $i, $s) = explode(':', $in);
elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}$/', $in))
list($i, $s) = explode(':', $in);
$s = $in;
if ($h > 0) {
$H = $this->_twoDigits($h).':';
} else {
$H = ' ';
$I = $this->_twoDigits($i).':';
$S = $this->_twoDigits($s);
return $H.$I.$S;
function _getMDataValue($id, $key)
if (is_array($arr = $this->gb->getMDataValue($id, $key, $this->sessid))) {
$value = array_pop($arr);
return $value['value'];
return FALSE;
function _getFileTitle($id)
if (is_array($arr = $this->gb->getPath($id))) {
$file = array_pop($arr);
return $file['name'];
return FALSE;
function _isFolder($id)
if (strtolower($this->gb->getFileType($id)) != 'folder') {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function _formElementEncode($str)
$str = str_replace(':', '__', $str);
$str = str_replace('.', '_', $str);
return $str;
function _formElementDecode($str)
$str = str_replace('__', ':', $str);
$str = str_replace('_', '.', $str);
return $str;