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.TH "ecatools" "1" "12\&.11\&.2005" "" "Multimedia software"
ecatools \- audio processing utils based on ecasound
\fBecaconvert\fP \&.extension file1 [ file2 \&.\&.\&. fileN ]
\fBecafixdc\fP file1 [ file2 \&.\&.\&. fileN ]
\fBecalength\fP file1 [ file2 \&.\&.\&. fileN ]
\fBecamonitor\fP [host][:port]
\fBecanormalize\fP file1 [ file2 \&.\&.\&. fileN ]
\fBecaplay\fP [-dfhklopq] [ file1 file2 \&.\&.\&. fileN ]
\fBecasignalview\fP [ options ] [ input ] [ output ]
Ecatools are simple command line utils for audio file processing\&.
Each tool is designed to perform one specific operation\&. Most of
the tools also support batch processing\&.
A tool for converting a set of files to a common target format\&.
This target format is given as the first command line
argument, and its syntax is \fI\&.ext\fP\&.
A simple command-line tool for fixing DC-offset\&.
See the separate ecalength(1) man page\&.
Ecamonitor is a util program that can be used
to monitor an active ecasound session\&. Ecamonitor
is able to show information about the current
chainsetup such as list of inputs, outputs,
current position, effects, the engine status
and numerous other things\&.
By default ecamonitor will try to connect
to IP4 address "localhost", to port "2868"\&.
A different address can be specified when
starting ecamonitor, for example
"ecamonitor foo\&.mynetwork\&.com" or
"ecamonitor foo\&.mynetwork\&.com:4500"\&.
To enable inbound connections, ecasound has to be
started with the \fI--daemon\fP option\&. Ecamonitor is
implemented in Python using the NetECI API\&.
Ecanormalize is a command-line tool for normalizing audio
files to utilize the full available sample resolution\&. Ecanormalize
first finds out how much the input file can be amplified without
clipping and if there is room for increase, a static gain will
be applied to the file\&.
Ecaplay is a command-line tool for playing audio files\&. Ecaplay
uses the libecasound engine and is thus able to handle all audio formats
supported by the library\&.
Files can be selected for playback either by specifying the
filenames on the command-line, or by using the playlist
mechanism\&. In playlist mode, files can be added to the playlist
using the \fI-q\fP option\&. The \fI-p\fP option can then be used
to play all tracks on the playlist\&. Ecaplay will repeat the
playlist tracks until explicitly stopped (with double Ctrl-C)\&.
Playlist can be flushed with \fI-f\fP and its contents listed
with \fI-l\fP option\&.
If not otherwise specified, ecaplay will use the audio output device
specified in \fI~/\&.ecasound/ecasoundrc\fP for playback\&. A different
output device can be selected with \fIECAPLAY_OUTPUT_DEVICE\fP shell
environment variable or with the \fI-o:output_device\fP command-line
Playback can be stopped at any time with Ctrl-C\&. If multiple
files are played, first Ctrl-C will stop the current file and move
on to play the next one\&. Issuing Ctrl-C twice (within one second),
will cause ecaplay to exit\&.
.IP "-d:debuglevel"
Set libecasound debug level\&. See ecasound(1)\&.
.IP "-f"
Flush the playlist contents\&. See also
options \fI-l, -p and -q\fP\&.
.IP "-h"
Print usage information and exit\&.
.IP "-k:number"
Skip \&'number\&' of files\&.
.IP "-l"
List the current playlist contents to stdout\&. See also
options \fI-f, -p and -q\fP\&.
.IP "-o:output_device"
Use \&'output_device\&' instead of the default output device
(as specified in \fI~/\&.ecasound/ecasoundrc\fP)\&. Syntax is same
as used by "-o" ecasound option (see ecasound(1) man page)\&.
This option overrides the \fIECAPLAY_OUTPUT_DEVICE\fP environment
variable (more info below)\&.
.IP "-p"
Play tracks in the playlist (in looped mode)\&. See also
options \fI-f, -l and -q\fP\&.
.IP "-q"
Queue new tracks to the playlist\&. All filenames given on
the command-line will be added to the the playlist\&. It is
possible to queue new tracks while another instance of
ecaplay is using the playlist\&. See also options \fI-f, -l
and -p\fP\&.
Ecasignalview is meant for monitoring signal amplitude and peak
statistics\&. It accepts the following options:
.IP "input"
The first option not starting with a \&'-\&' is interpreted
as an input string\&. This can be a device or a filename\&. All formats
supported by libecasound are accepted\&. Defaults to \&'/dev/dsp\&'\&.
.IP "output"
Similarly to input, second option not starting with a \&'-\&'
is interpreted as output\&. Defaults to \&'null\&'\&.
.IP "-b:buffersize"
Buffersize in sample frames\&. Defaults to 128\&.
.IP "-c"
Enable cumulative mode\&. Counters are not reseted after refresh\&.
.IP "-d"
Enable debug mode\&.
.IP "-f:format_string"
Specify default audio format\&. See ecasound(1) for details\&.
.IP "-r:rate_msec"
Specify screen refresh rate in milliseconds\&.
.IP "-I"
Use linear scale for showing audio sample amplitude\&.
.IP "-L"
Use logarithmic scale for showing audio sample amplitude\&.
.IP "-G, -B, -M*, -r, -z"
Ecasound options use to modify the engine behaviour, see
ecasound(1) manpage for details\&.
When ecasignalview is running, the following keyboard
commands can be used to control the operation (requires
system support for UNIX terminal interface control):
.IP "spacebar"
Reset statistics (max-peak, avg-amplitude and clipped
samples count)\&.
.IP "q or Q or Esc"
Quit ecasignalview\&.
It is also possible to reset the max-peak and clipped-samples
counters by sending a SIGHUP signal to the process (i\&.e\&.
from another console: "killall -v -HUP ecasignalview")\&.
More complete documentation for ecasignalview can be found
from "Ecasound User\&'s Guide" (see \&'\&'http://www\&.eca\&.cx/ecasound
-> Documentation\&'\&')\&.
Path to the ecasound executable\&. Used by many ecatools\&.
Device ecaplay should use for audio output\&. Same syntax
as for ecaplay/ecasound "-o" option\&.
The default ecasound resource file\&. See ecasoundrc(5)
for details\&.
File used to store the ecaplay playlist (one track per
line with full path)\&.
ecasound (1), ecalength(1), "HTML docs in the Documentation subdirectory"
Kai Vehmanen, <kvehmanen -at- eca -dot- cx <kvehmanen -at- eca -dot- cx>>