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.TH "ecasound-iam" "1" "11\&.10\&.2009" "" "Multimedia software"
ecasound-iam \- ecasound interactive mode
Ecasound library contains an interpreter module that understands
a set of commands aimed at controlling various library services\&.
This is called the ecasound interactive mode (EIAM)\&. All programs
linked to ecasound library can use this facility\&.
.SH "ECI API and return types"
A special case of interactive mode use is ecasound\&'s control interface (ECI),
which is a small library providing easy access to the interactive
mode commands from outside of libecasound\&. When issuing inter commands using
the control interface, it\&'s possible that commands also return information\&.
Currently supported return value types are: string [s], list of strings [S]
(elements separated by commas; escaped if necessary), integer [i],
long integer [li] and floating-point number [f]\&. These definitions are
used throughout this document\&. Commands that return nothing (void) are
marked with [-]\&. Additionally, return type [e] marks an error condition\&.
When an interactive mode command results in an error, an error string
explaining the condition is returned\&.
.SH "Real-time commands"
It\&'s not possible to use all interactive mode commands to modify and
control objects that belong to a connected chainsetup\&. Commands that
do NOT support this are:
cs-remove, cs-set-length, cs-set-length-samples, cs-toggle-loop,
cs-set-param, cs-option,
c-add, c-remove, c-rename, c-clear,
ai-add, ai-remove, ai-attach, ai-forward, ai-rewind, ai-set-position,
ao-add, ao-add-default, ao-remove, ao-attach, ao-forward, ao-rewind,
ao-set-position, ao-set-position-samples\&.
If one of these commands is issued when a chainsetup is connected,
ecasound will first stop and disconnect the chainsetup, process
the command, and the reconnect\&.
In addition, most non-modifying (const) commands work with
connected setups\&.
.IP "quit, q"
Quit ecasound session\&. What this means in practice depends on the
client implementation\&. In ecasound interactive mode, \&'quit\&' terminates
the ecasound process\&. When sent over ecasound server connection (aka
NetECI), \&'quit\&' terminates the active network connection, but does not
terminate the ecasound server process\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "start, t"
Processing is started (play)\&. Error string is return if any errors upon
startup are encountered\&. \fI[e]\fP
.IP "stop, s"
Stop processing\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "run"
Like \&'start\&' but blocks until processing is finished\&. Error string
is return if any errors upon startup, or during process, are
encountered\&. \fI[e]\fP
.IP "debug \&'debug-level\&'"
Set debug level to \&'debug-level\&'\&. Notice that client programs can
reimplement the debug routines\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "resource-file \&'path-to-file\&'"
Overrides the global and user resource files\&. Does not affect
already created objects\&. This command is equivalent to \&'-R\&' ecasound
option (see ecasound (1) man page)\&.
.IP "-prefix:arg1,\&.\&.\&.,argN"
Equivalent to issuing \&'cs-option -prefix:arg1,\&.\&.\&.,argN)\&. See documentation
for \&'cs-option\&'\&.
.IP "help\&', \&'h\&'"
Help! \fI[-]\fP
.IP "engine-status"
Returns a string describing the engine status (running, stopped,
finished, error, not ready)\&. See also \fIcs-status\fP\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "engine-launch"
Starts the real-time engine\&. Engine will execute the currently
connected chainsetup (see \&'cs-connect)\&. This action does not yet
start actual processing (see \fIstart\fP and \fIstop\fP)\&. When
ecasound is used as a JACK client, issuing \fIengine-launch\fP
makes ecasound an active JACK client (i\&.e\&. ecasound\&'s ports
can be connected to other JACK clients)\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "engine-halt"
Stops the engine\&. Does not disconnect the chainsetup that
was running\&. See also \fIcs-disconnet\fP and \fIstop\fP\&. When
ecasound is used as a JACK client, \fIengine-halt\fP will
cause ecasound to become a deactivated client (all JACK
connections are torn down)\&. \fI[-]\fP
Chainsetup is the central data object\&. All other objects (inputs,
outputs, chains, etc) are connected to some chainsetup\&. There can be
many chainsetups but only one can be connected\&. Similarly only
one chainsetup can be selected\&. If not otherwise specified operations
are done on the selected chainsetup\&. Some operations also require
that selected chainsetup is not connected\&.
.IP "cs-add \&'name\&'"
Adds a new chainsetup with name \&'name\&'\&. \&'name\&' is now
the selected chainsetup\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-remove"
Removes currently selected chainsetup\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-list"
Returns a list of all chainsetups\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "cs-select \&'name\&'"
Selects chainsetup \&'name\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-selected"
Returns the name of currently selected chainsetup\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "cs-index-select \&'cs_index\&', cs-iselect \&'cs_index\&'"
Selects a chainsetup based on a short index string\&. Chainsetup names
can be rather long\&. This command can be used to avoid typing
these long names\&. \&'cs_index\&' is an integer value, where \&'1\&' refers to
the first audio input/output\&. You can use \&'cs-list\&' and \&'cs-status\&'
to get a full list of currently available chainsetups\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-load \&'filename\&'"
Adds a new chainsetup by loading it from file \&'filename\&'\&.
\&'filename\&' is now the selected chainsetup\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-save"
Saves the currently selected chainsetup to file\&. If chainsetup was loaded
from a file, the saved version will replace the original\&. If it doesn\&'t
have a default filename, it\&'s saved to "chainsetup_name\&.ecs"\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-save-as \&'filename\&'"
Saves currently selected chainsetup to file \&'filename\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-edit"
Currently selected chainsetup is saved to a temporary file\&. This
file is loaded to an external editor (see ecasoundrc (5))\&. After
editing, the chainsetup is loaded back to ecasound\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-is-valid"
Whether currently selected chainsetup is valid (=can be connected)? \fI[i]\fP
.IP "cs-connect"
Connect currently selected chainsetup to engine\&. When connecting,
all resources (e\&.g\&. files, soundcard devices, external programs) needed
to execute the chainsetup are reserved\&. Only one chainsetup can be connected
at a time\&. Error string is returned if connection fails (for instance
due to error in allocating the resources)\&. \fI[e]\fP
.IP "cs-disconnect"
Disconnect currently connected chainsetup\&. This action will free
all external resources needed by the chainsetup\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-connected"
Returns the name of currently connected chainsetup\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "cs-rewind \&'time-in-seconds\&', rewind \&'time-in-seconds\&', rw \&'time-in-seconds\&'"
Rewinds the current chainsetup position by \&'time-in-seconds\&' seconds\&.
Position of all inputs and outputs attached to the selected chainsetup
is also affected\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-forward \&'time-in-seconds\&', forward \&'time-in-seconds\&', fw \&'ttime-in-seconds\&'"
The current chainsetup position is forwarded by \&'time-in-seconds\&'
seconds\&. Position of all inputs and outputs attached to the selected chainsetup
is also affected\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-set-position \&'time-in-seconds\&', cs-setpos \&'time-in-seconds\&', setpos \&'time-in-seconds\&', set-position \&'time-in-seconds\&'"
Sets the chainsetup position to \&'time-in-seconds\&' seconds from the
beginning\&. Position of all inputs and outputs attached to the selected
chainsetup is also affected\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-set-position-samples \&'time-in-samples\&'"
Sets the chainsetup position to \&'time-in-samples\&' samples from the
beginning\&. Position of all inputs and outputs attached to the selected
chainsetup is also affected\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-get-position, cs-getpos, getpos, get-position"
Returns the current chainsetup position in seconds\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "cs-get-position-samples"
Returns the current chainsetup position in samples\&. \fI[li]\fP
.IP "cs-get-length, get-length"
Returns the chainsetup length in seconds (if known)\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "cs-get-length-samples, get-length-samples"
Returns the chainsetup length in samples (if known)\&. \fI[li]\fP
.IP "cs-set-length \&'seconds\&'"
Sets processing time in seconds (doesn\&'t have to be an integer value)\&.
A special-case value of \&'-1\&' will set the chainsetup length
according to the longest input object\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-set-length-samples \&'samples\&'"
Sets processing time in samples\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-toggle-loop"
Toggle looping\&. When processing is finished, engine will start
again from the initial position\&. It\&'s not always possible to enable looping
(for instance all inputs and outputs have infinite length and
chainsetup length is not explicitly set with \&'cs-set-length\&')\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-set-param"
Interpret general chainsetup parameters like for example
"-b" (buffersize), "-n" (name), etc\&. See ecasound (1) for
more info\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-set-audio-format \&'bits,channels,sample_rate\&'"
Set the default sample parameters for currently selected chainsetup\&.
For example cd-quality audio would be "16,2,44100"\&. This does the
same as command-line argument "-f" (see ecasound (1))\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cs-status, status, st"
Prints out status information about available chainsetup\&.
Detailed information is printed out for connected (=available
for running) nd selected (=available for editing) chainsetups\&.
Other chainsetups are listed, but further details are
suppressed\&. To get full details of a specific chainsetup,
select it with \&'cs-select\&' or \&'cs-iselect\&', and then
issue \&'cs-select\&'\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "cs-option \&'-prefix:arg1,\&.\&.\&.,argN\&'"
One powerful feature of the interactive-mode is that it
provides full access to ecasound\&'s command-line syntax\&.
For instance, command "cs-option -efb:400,200" means that
a bandpass filter is added to the currently selected
chain, with initial parameters 400 (center frequency)
and 200 (width in Hz)\&.
Note that session level options (such as setting debug level)
can not be used with \&'cs-option\&' (i\&.e\&. only options that modify
Note! Ecasound interactive mode implicitly interprets all strings
beginning with a \&'-\&' as "cs-option string"\&.
Chain is a simple signal flow abstraction\&. Every chain has one input
and one output\&. All chain operators and their controllers are attached
to chains\&. Chains can be muted, unmuted and be bypassed\&. If not
otherwise stated, all operations are done to currently selected
.IP "c-add \&'cname1,\&.\&.\&.,cnameN\&'"
Adds a set of chains\&. Added chains are automatically selected\&. Note
that commas in chain names are not allowed\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-remove"
Removes selected chains\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-list"
Returns a list of all chains\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "c-select \&'cname1,\&.\&.\&.,cnameN\&'"
Selects chains\&. Other chains are automatically deselected\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-index-select \&'index1,\&.\&.\&.,indexN\&', c-iselect \&'index1,\&.\&.\&.,indexN\&'"
Selects a set of chains based on the list of indixes\&. Each index is
an integer value, where \&'1\&' refers to the first chain\&. You can use
\&'c-list\&' and \&'c-status\&' to get a full list of currently available
chains\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-select-all"
Selects all chains\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-select-add \&'cname1,\&.\&.\&.,cnameN\&'"
Selects more chains\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-deselect \&'cname1,\&.\&.\&.,cnameN\&'"
Deselects chains\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-selected"
Returns a list of selected chains\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "c-clear"
Clear selected chains by removing all chain operators and controllers\&.
Doesn\&'t change how chains are connected to inputs and outputs\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-rename \&'new_name\&'"
Renames the selected chain\&. When using this command, exactly one chain must
be selected\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-muting, c-mute"
Toggle chain muting\&. When chain is muted, all data that goes through
is muted\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-bypass"
Toggle chain bypassing\&. When chain is bypassed, sample data is passed
through unprocessed (all chain operators are disabled for the given
chain)\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "c-status, cs"
Print status info about all chains\&. \fI[s]\fP
If not otherwise stated, all operations are done to currently selected
object\&. All commands with \fIai-\fP prefix operate on audio inputs,
while commands with \fIao-\fP operate on outputs\&.
.IP "ai-add \&'input_format_string\&'"
Adds a new input object\&. See ecasound (1) man page for more info about
the argument format (\&'-i\&' option)\&. Note on syntax: if any of
the parameters (such as a filename) contains commas, the parameter
should be enclosed in double-quotes\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ao-add \&'output_format_string\&'"
Adds a new output object\&. See ecasound (1) man page for more info about
the argument format (\&'-o\&' option)\&. If argument is omitted,
a default output device is added (see ecasoundrc (5))\&. Note on syntax: if any
of the parameters (such as a filename) contains commas, the parameter
should be enclosed in double-quotes\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ao-add-default"
Adds the default output device (see ecasoundrc (5))\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-describe, ao-describe"
Returns a Ecasound Option Syntax (EOS) compliant string
describing the input/output\&. See the Ecasound User\&'s Guide
for more information about EOS\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.4\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ai-select \&'aobject_name\&', ao-select \&'aobject_name\&'"
Selects an audio object\&. \&'aobject_name\&' refers to the string
used when creating the object (the first argument given to ai-add/ao-add)\&.
Note that as a important difference to ai-add/ao-add, one should not
enclose the object name in double quotes for ai-select/ao-select\&. In the
case a chainsetup contains multiple inputs, or outputs, with
identical name, \&'ai-select\&' and \&'ao-select\&' will select
the first matching instance\&. In order to select a specific
instance, the \&'ai-iselect\&' and \&'ao-iselect\&' commands need to
be used\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-index-select \&'aobject_index\&', ai-iselect \&'aobject_index\&', ao-index-select \&'aobject_index\&', ao-iselect \&'aobject_index\&'"
Select some audio object based on a short index string\&. Especially file
names can be rather long\&. This command can be used to avoid typing
these long names when selecting audio objects\&. \&'aobject_index\&' is
an integer value, where \&'1\&' refers to the first audio input/output\&.
You can use \&'ai-list\&' and \&'ao-list\&' to get a full list of currently
available inputs/outputs\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-selected, ao-selected"
Returns the name of the currently selected audio object\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ai-attach, ao-attach"
Attaches the currently selected audio object to all selected chains\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-remove, ao-remove"
Removes the currently selected audio object from the chainsetup\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-forward \&'time_in_seconds\&', ai-fw \&'time_in_seconds\&', ao-forward \&'time_in_seconds\&', ao-fw \&'time_in_seconds\&'"
Selected audio object is forwarded by \&'time-in-seconds\&' seconds\&.
Time should be given as a floating point value (eg\&. 0\&.001 is the
same as 1ms)\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-rewind \&'time_in_seconds\&', ai-rw \&'time_in_seconds\&', ao-rewind \&'time_in_seconds\&', ao-rw \&'time_in_seconds\&'"
Selected audio object is rewinded by \&'time-in-seconds\&' seconds\&.
Time should be given as a floating point value (eg\&. 0\&.001 is the
same as 1ms)\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-setpos \&'time_in_seconds\&', ai-set-position \&'time_in_seconds\&', ao-setpos \&'time_in_seconds\&', ao-set-position \&'time_in_seconds\&'"
Set audio object position to \&'time_in_seconds\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-set-position-samples \&'time_in_samples\&', ao-set-position-samples \&'time_in_samples\&'"
Set audio object position to \&'time_in_samples\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ai-getpos, ai-get-position, ao-getpos, ao-get-position"
Returns the audio object position in seconds\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "ai-get-position-samples, ao-get-position-samples"
Returns the audio object position in samples\&. \fI[li]\fP
.IP "ai-get-length, ao-get-length"
Returns the audio object length in seconds\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "ai-get-length-samples, ao-get-length-samples"
Returns the audio object length in samples\&. \fI[li]\fP
.IP "ai-get-format, ao-get-format"
Returns the audio format of the selected audio input/output as a
formatted string\&. See documentation for \&'-f\&' command-line option\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ai-list, ao-list"
Returns a list of all input/output objects\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "aio-register"
Prints a list of registered audio object types\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "aio-status"
Audio object status (index strings, position, length, etc)\&. \fI[s]\fP
Chain operators are used to process and analyze sample data\&.
They are attached to chains\&. If not otherwise stated,
currently selected chainsetup and chain are used\&. Also,
\&'chainop_id\&' and \&'param_id\&' are used to select chain operators
and their parameters\&. First valid value for these parameters
is 1\&.
.IP "cop-add \&'cop_format_string\&'"
Adds a new chain operator\&. In addition to normal chain operators,
this commmand can also be used to add effect presets and various
plugins\&. Note; it is not possible to add operators to multiple
chains at once\&. In other words only one chain should be selected
when issuing \&'cop-add\&'\&. See ecasound (1) man page for more info\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cop-describe"
Returns a Ecasound Option Syntax (EOS) compliant string
describing the chain operator\&. See the Ecasound User\&'s Guide
for more information about EOS\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.4\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "cop-remove"
Removes the selected chain operator\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cop-list"
Returns a list of all chain operators attached to the currently
selected chain\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "cop-select \&'param_id\&', cop-index-select \&'param_id\&', cop-iselect \&'param_id\&'"
Selects a chain operator\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cop-selected"
Returns the index number of currently selected chain operator\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "cop-set \&'chainop_id,param_id,value\&'"
Changes the value of a single chain operator parameter\&. Unlike other
chain operator commands, this can also be used during processing\&.
See also \&'cop-get\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "cop-get \&'chainop_id,param_id\&'"
Returns the current value of chain operator parameter identified by
\&'chainop_id\&' and \&'param_id\&'\&. This command is a shorthand for
\&'cop-select chainop_id ; copp-iselect param_id ; copp-get\&'\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "cop-status"
Returns info about chain operator status\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "copp-list"
Returns a list of selected chain operator\&'s parameters\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "copp-select \&'param_id\&', copp-index-select \&'param_id\&', copp-iselect \&'param_id\&'"
Selects a chain operator parameter\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "copp-selected"
Returns the index number of currently selected chain operator parameter\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "copp-set \&'value\&'"
Sets the selected parameter value to \&'value\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "copp-get"
Returns the selected parameter value\&. See also \&'cop-get\&'\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "cop-register"
Prints a list of registered chain operators\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "preset-register"
Prints a list of registered effect presets\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ladspa-register"
Prints a list of registered LADSPA plugins\&. \fI[s]\fP
Controllers are used to control individual chain operator parameters\&.
They are attached to chains\&. If not otherwise stated, currently
selected chainsetup and chains are used\&.
.IP "ctrl-add \&'copc_format_string\&'"
Adds a new controller and attach it to currently selected chain
operator\&. The argument syntax is either "-<id_string>:par1,\&.\&.\&.,parN"
or just "<id_string>:par1,\&.\&.\&.,parN"\&. If parameter itself contains
commas, the parameter should be enclosed in double-quotes\&.
See ecasound (1) man page for more info\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ctrl-describe"
Returns a Ecasound Option Syntax (EOS) compliant string
describing the controller\&. See the Ecasound User\&'s Guide
for more information about EOS\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.4\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ctrl-remove"
Removes the selected controller\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ctrl-list"
Returns a list of all controllers attached to the currently
selected chain\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "ctrl-select \&'param_id\&', ctrl-index-select \&'param_id\&', ctrl-iselect \&'param_id\&'"
Selects a controller\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ctrl-selected"
Returns the index number of currently selected controller\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "ctrl-status"
Returns info about controller status\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ctrl-register"
Prints a list of registered controllers\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "ctrl-get-target"
Returns the index number of the chain operator that is
connected to the selected controller\&. The returned index
refers to the currently selected chain (see \&'cop-list\&')\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "ctrlp-list"
Returns a list of all controller parameters\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.2\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "ctrlp-select"
Selects a controller parameter\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.2\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "ctrlp-selected"
Returns the index number of currently selected controller parameter\&. This command
was introduced in ecasound 2\&.4\&.2\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "ctrlp-get"
Returns the selected controller parameter value\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.2\&. \fI[f]\fP
.IP "ctrlp-set"
Sets the selected controller parameter value to \&'value\&'\&. This command was introduced in
ecasound 2\&.4\&.2\&. \fI[-]\fP
If Ecasound is compiled with support for JACK audio server,
the following set of commands is provided for controlling connections
between JACK ports\&.
.IP "jack-connect \&'src-port\&' \&'dest-port\&'"
Make a connection between the two ports given as parameters\&. This command
is similar to the \&'jack_connect\&' command line tool that is distributed
with JACK package\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "jack-disconnect \&'src-port\&' \&'dest-port\&'"
Disconnect the two ports given as parameters\&. This command is similar
to the \&'jack_disconnect\&' command line tool that is distributed
with JACK package\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "jack-list-connections"
Returns a list of all JACK ports and a list of connections
for each port\&. This command is similar to the \&'jack_lsp\&' command
line tool (e\&.g\&. \&'jack_lsp -c\&') that is distributed with JACK package\&. \fI[s]\fP
Internal commands are not directly aimed at normal use\&. They
are primarily meant for use in scripting and frontends\&.
.IP "int-cmd-list"
Returns a list of all registered interactive mode commands\&. \fI[S]\fP
.IP "int-log-history"
Returns recent log messages sent by libecasound modules\&. This
is a good tool for debugging ECI/EIAM scripts and applications\&. This
command was introduced in ecasound 2\&.4\&.0\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "int-output-mode-wellformed"
Select the well-format output format for log messages\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "int-set-float-to-string-precision"
Sets precision used in float to text conversions\&. Note that
this can be used to control the precision of float return values
for ECI commands\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "int-set-log-history-length"
Sets the log history length\&. Defaults to 0 items\&.
This command was introduced in ecasound 2\&.4\&.0\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "int-cmd-version-string"
Returns ecasound interactive mode parser version string\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "int-cmd-version-lib-current"
Returns ecasound interactive mode library interface version (libtool)\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "int-cmd-version-lib-revision"
Returns ecasound interactive mode library interface revision (libtool)\&. \fI[i]\fP
.IP "int-cmd-version-lib-age"
Returns ecasound interactive mode library interface age (libtool)\&. \fI[i]\fP
Object maps are central repositories for commonly used object types\&.
By querying the maps, applications can get a list of all registered
object types and their properties\&.
.IP "map-cop-list"
Prints a list of registered chain operators using
the format specified in section \fIOPERATOR DESCRIPTIONS\fP\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "map-preset-list"
Prints a list of registered effect presets using
the format specified in section \fIOPERATOR DESCRIPTIONS\fP\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "map-ladspa-list"
Prints a list of registered LADSPA plugins using
the format specified in section \fIOPERATOR DESCRIPTIONS\fP\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "map-ladspa-id-list"
Prints a list of registered LADSPA plugins using
the format specified in section \fIOPERATOR DESCRIPTIONS\fP\&.
Numerical LADPSA plugin identifiers are used\&. \fI[s]\fP
.IP "map-ctrl-list"
Prints a list of registered controllers using
the format specified in section \fIOPERATOR DESCRIPTIONS\fP\&. \fI[s]\fP
The following dump commands are not meant for normal use\&.
Their primary purpose is to provide an easy way to get
internal state information from libecasound\&. All dump
commands output a single line with syntax "key value"
to the selected output stream (defaults to stdout)\&.
.IP "dump-target \&'filename\&'"
Set target stream for dumping\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-status"
Dumps engine status - \&'running\&', \&'stopped\&', \&'finished\&' or \&'notready\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-position"
Dumps the global position\&. Printed in seconds using a floating-point
representation\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-length"
Dumps the overall processing length\&. Printed in seconds using a floating-point
representation\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-cs-status"
Dumps status string for the currently selected chainsetup - \&'connected\&',
\&'selected\&' or an empty string\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-c-selected"
Dumps the name of currently selected chain\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ai-selected"
Dumps label of currently selected audio input\&. If no input is
selected, dumps an empty string\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ai-position"
Dumps position of currently selected audio inputs\&. Printed in
seconds, using a floating-point representation\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ai-length"
Dumps length of currently selected audio input\&. Printed in seconds,
using a floating-point representation\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ai-open-state"
Dumps audio input state info\&. Either \&'open\&' or \&'closed\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ao-selected"
Dumps label of currently selected audio output\&. If no output is
selected, dumps an empty string\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ao-position"
Dumps position of currently selected audio outputs\&. Printed in
seconds, using a floating-point representation\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ao-length"
Dumps length of currently selected audio output\&. Printed in seconds,
using a floating-point representation\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-ao-open-state"
Dumps audio output state info\&. Either \&'open\&' or \&'closed\&'\&. \fI[-]\fP
.IP "dump-cop-value \&'chainop,param\&'"
Dumps chain operator parameter value\&. \&'chainop\&' and \&'param\&' are
operator and parameter index values (1\&.\&.\&.n)\&. \fI[-]\fP
The \fImap-xxx-list\fP commands return a string containing all registered
objects of the given type \fIxxx\fP\&. Each line of the output describes
one registered type\&. The used syntax is:
\fIparX_def\fP describes one object parameter\&. This definition
is present for all parameters of the described object type\&.
The used syntax is:
For exact descriptions of these fields, please see
the header file \fIecasound/libecasound/eca-operator\&.h\fP\&.
Use of following commands is deprecated\&. They still work in
current version of Ecasound, but will be dropped in
the future:
ai-wave-edit, ao-wave-edit
ecasound (1), ecatools (1), ecasoundrc (5)
Kai Vehmanen, <kvehmanen -at- eca -dot- cx <kvehmanen -at- eca -dot- cx>>