130 lines
4.1 KiB
130 lines
4.1 KiB
function setWatchedDirEvents() {
onSelect: function(path) {
onLoad: function() {
return $('#storageFolder').val();
width: 500,
height: 250,
position: ['center', 'center'],
//knownPaths: [{text:'Desktop', image:'desktop.png', path:'/home'}],
knownPaths: [],
imageUrl: 'img/icons/',
systemImageUrl: baseUrl+'css/img/',
handlerUrl: baseUrl+'Preference/server-browse/format/json',
title: $.i18n._('Choose Storage Folder'),
basePath: '',
requestMethod: 'POST',
onSelect: function(path) {
onLoad: function() {
return $('#watchedFolder').val();
width: 500,
height: 250,
position: ['center', 'center'],
//knownPaths: [{text:'Desktop', image:'desktop.png', path:'/home'}],
knownPaths: [],
imageUrl: 'img/icons/',
systemImageUrl: baseUrl+'css/img/',
handlerUrl: baseUrl+'Preference/server-browse/format/json',
title: $.i18n._('Choose Folder to Watch'),
basePath: '',
requestMethod: 'POST',
var url, chosen;
if(confirm(sprintf($.i18n._("Are you sure you want to change the storage folder?\nThis will remove the files from your %s library!"), PRODUCT_NAME))){
url = baseUrl+"Preference/change-stor-directory";
chosen = $('#storageFolder').val();
{format: "json", dir: chosen, element: "storageFolder"},
function(json) {
else {
var url, chosen;
url = baseUrl+"Preference/reload-watch-directory";
chosen = $('#watchedFolder').val();
{format: "json", dir: chosen, element: "watchedFolder"},
function(json) {
$("#watched-folder-section").append("<h2>"+$.i18n._("Manage Media Folders")+"</h2>");
var folder = $(this).prev().text();
$.get(baseUrl+"Preference/rescan-watch-directory", {format: "json", dir: folder});
if(confirm($.i18n._("Are you sure you want to remove the watched folder?"))){
var row = $(this).parent();
var folder = row.find('#folderPath').text();
url = baseUrl+"Preference/remove-watch-directory";
{format: "json", dir: folder},
function(json) {
$("#watched-folder-section").append("<h2>"+$.i18n._("Manage Media Folders")+"</h2>");
$(document).ready(function() {
content: {
text: $.i18n._("This path is currently not accessible.")
adjust: {
resize: true,
method: "flip flip"
at: "right center",
my: "left top",
viewport: $(window)
style: {
classes: "ui-tooltip-dark"
show: 'mouseover',
hide: 'mouseout'