148 lines
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148 lines
5.4 KiB
import json
import time
import os
import logging
from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, Queue as mpQueue
# For RabbitMQ
from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection
from kombu.messaging import Exchange, Queue, Consumer, Producer
import pyinotify
from pyinotify import WatchManager, Notifier, ProcessEvent
from api_clients import api_client
from airtimemetadata import AirtimeMetadata
class AirtimeNotifier(Notifier):
def __init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun=None, read_freq=0, threshold=0, timeout=None, airtime_config=None):
Notifier.__init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun, read_freq, threshold, timeout)
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
self.config = airtime_config
self.api_client = api_client.api_client_factory(self.config.cfg)
self.md_manager = AirtimeMetadata()
self.import_processes = {}
self.watched_folders = []
schedule_exchange = Exchange("airtime-media-monitor", "direct", durable=True, auto_delete=True)
schedule_queue = Queue("media-monitor", exchange=schedule_exchange, key="filesystem")
self.connection = BrokerConnection(self.config.cfg["rabbitmq_host"], self.config.cfg["rabbitmq_user"], self.config.cfg["rabbitmq_password"], "/")
channel = self.connection.channel()
consumer = Consumer(channel, schedule_queue)
def handle_message(self, body, message):
# ACK the message to take it off the queue
self.logger.info("Received md from RabbitMQ: " + body)
m = json.loads(message.body)
if m['event_type'] == "md_update":
self.logger.info("AIRTIME NOTIFIER md update event")
elif m['event_type'] == "new_watch":
self.logger.info("AIRTIME NOTIFIER add watched folder event " + m['directory'])
#start a new process to walk through this folder and add the files to Airtime.
p = Process(target=self.walk_newly_watched_directory, args=(m['directory'],))
self.import_processes[m['directory']] = p
#add this new folder to our list of watched folders
elif m['event_type'] == "remove_watch":
watched_directory = m['directory'].encode('utf-8')
mm = self.proc_fun()
wd = mm.wm.get_wd(watched_directory)
self.logger.info("Removing watch on: %s wd %s", watched_directory, wd)
mm.wm.rm_watch(wd, rec=True)
elif m['event_type'] == "change_stor":
storage_directory = self.config.storage_directory
new_storage_directory = m['directory'].encode('utf-8')
mm = self.proc_fun()
wd = mm.wm.get_wd(storage_directory)
self.logger.info("Removing watch on: %s wd %s", storage_directory, wd)
mm.wm.rm_watch(wd, rec=True)
mm.set_needed_file_permissions(new_storage_directory, True)
#move everything in old stor directory to the new stor directory.
old_storage_contents = os.listdir(storage_directory)
for item in old_storage_contents:
fp = "%s/%s" % (storage_directory, item)
nfp = "%s/%s" % (new_storage_directory, item)
self.logger.info("Moving %s to %s", fp, nfp)
mm.move_file(fp, nfp)
self.config.storage_directory = new_storage_directory
def update_airtime(self, d):
filepath = d['filepath']
mode = d['mode']
md = {}
md['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH'] = filepath
if 'data' in d:
file_md = d['data']
file_md = None
data = None
if (os.path.exists(filepath) and (mode == self.config.MODE_CREATE)):
if file_md is None:
mutagen = self.md_manager.get_md_from_file(filepath)
if d['is_recorded_show']:
self.api_client.update_media_metadata(md, mode, True)
self.api_client.update_media_metadata(md, mode)
elif (os.path.exists(filepath) and (mode == self.config.MODE_MODIFY)):
mutagen = self.md_manager.get_md_from_file(filepath)
self.api_client.update_media_metadata(md, mode)
elif (mode == self.config.MODE_MOVED):
md['MDATA_KEY_MD5'] = self.md_manager.get_md5(filepath)
self.api_client.update_media_metadata(md, mode)
elif (mode == self.config.MODE_DELETE):
self.api_client.update_media_metadata(md, mode)
def process_file_events(self, queue):
while True:
event = queue.get()
self.logger.info("received event %s", event);
def walk_newly_watched_directory(self, directory):
mm = self.proc_fun()
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(directory):
for filename in files:
full_filepath = path+"/"+filename
if mm.is_audio_file(full_filepath):
self.update_airtime({'filepath': full_filepath, 'mode': self.config.MODE_CREATE, 'is_recorded_show': False})